HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-12-09PLANNING BOARu MEETING ' December 9, 1963 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held on December 9, 1963 at 7:40 P.M. in its office in the Town Office Building. Present were Chairman Mabee, members Campbell, Greeley and Meyer, and Mr. Snow, planning consultant. Mr. P. Barbieri of 59 Wood Street met with the Board from 7:40 to 7:50 p.m. to discuss his proposal that the exist- REZONING ing C 1 district situated on part of his land on the northeast- PHOPOSAL erly side of Lowell Street, at the intersection of North - Street and the proposed location of Route 3, be extended and the BARBIERI remaining part of his land be rezoned as an A 1 district. Mr. Barbieri exhibited a print of his lot, it being numbered B 2 and comprising about 3.88 acres as shown on a plan entitled '"Plan of Land in Lexington and Woburn, Mass.", dated April 223 1959 and recorded in the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds in Book 9378, Page 132. The Board took Mr. Barbieri's proposal under consideration, informing him that it would give him the Board's opinion of the proposal as soon as possible. From 7:50 to 8:30 p.m. Mr. Harold E. Stevens met with the Board to discuss the rezoning proposals of two of his REZONING ' clients. The first proposal concerned that of rezoning from R 1 PROPOSAL to C 1 use the lot owned by Mark Moore, Jr. and situated at the northeasterly corner of the intersection of Larchmont Lane and MOORE Bedford Street. It was noted that this was the same proposal of Mr. Moore set forth under Article 71 of the warrant for the 1963 Annual Town Meeting but later withdrawn. Mr. Stevens was informed that the Board was not satis- fied with either the present C 1 regulations and uses which it was studying or the commercial use of the land presently zoned for C 1 use and situated adjacent to Mr. Moore's lot. Members of the Board were in unanimous agreement that they did not wish to see said lot rezoned for C 1 use but wished to see it remain as R 1 land. Mr. Stevens' second proposal concerned a lot at the northeasterly corner of the intersection of Concord Avenue and Waltham Street. Mr. Stevens said that his client, Mr. David J. Bagley, realtor of Waltham, was interested in having this lot rezoned for commercial use. Mr. Stevens asked the Board to study this lot by personal observance. He said that he would ask the members of the Board for the results of their observation and their recommendations as to the future use of this lot. It was suggested to the Board that he investigate the future of this lot in respect to the proposed land takings by the Commonwealth for the Waltham Street -Route 2 interchange and the future widening of Waltham Street. 12-9-63 -2- MINUTES The Board then considered and approved the minutes of , its meetings of November 4 and 18 and December 2, 1963. #63-74, submitted Dec. 53 1963 by Murray G. Dearborn; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass.", scale: 30 feet to an inch, dated May 14, 1963, C. J. Kitson, Lowell. #63-75, submitted Dec. 91 1963 by John W. Castoldi; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" _ 40', dated Dec. 8, 1963, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. Upon motions duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A application #63-74 does not require approval under the subdivision control law, and that said plan be so endorsed with the notation ' "because the sole purpose of this plan is to establish the common boundary between No. 14 and No. 16 as shown hereon." Mr. Mabee reported on his conference with the Selectmen 1964 BUDGET on December 7 in regard to the 1964 budget which the Planning Board had submitted for approval. Mr. Mabee reported that the Board of Selectmen had approved both the personal services and general expenses budget. He said that this was done with the understanding that the proper transfer of funds as authorized under Article 18 of the warrant for the Special Town Meeting held on November 25, 1963. He also said that the Selectmen had added $200.00 to the general expenses budget to pay for ad- vertising in the local newspaper zoning by-law amendments approved by the Attorney General. It is understood that pre- vious to 1964 this expense had been assumed by another town de- partment. Bills submitted for payment were next discussed. Having TRANSFER OF insufficient funds for payment of bills for the remainder of the E & u FUNDS fiscal year, Mr. Mabee met with Appropriations Committee and ob- tained its informal approval of a transfer of $1;000.00 from the town's Excess and Deficiency funds to the Planning Board's general expenses account upon receipt from the Board of a letter making this request. Upon Mr. Mabee's return to the Planning Board meeting such a letter was drafted. (See addendum.) There - BILLS upon, the Board approved for payment the following bills which had been submitted: H. B. McArdle, Inc., envelopes --$15.00; ' Foster's. Inc., office supplies -413.15; Minute -man Publications, advertising -43.67' Samuel P. Snow, professional services for period November 12 through December 2, 1963--$540.00. Considered next were the following Form A applications FORMS A for a determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #63-74, submitted Dec. 53 1963 by Murray G. Dearborn; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass.", scale: 30 feet to an inch, dated May 14, 1963, C. J. Kitson, Lowell. #63-75, submitted Dec. 91 1963 by John W. Castoldi; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" _ 40', dated Dec. 8, 1963, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. Upon motions duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A application #63-74 does not require approval under the subdivision control law, and that said plan be so endorsed with the notation ' "because the sole purpose of this plan is to establish the common boundary between No. 14 and No. 16 as shown hereon." 12-9-63 ' VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A application #63-75 does not require approval under the subdivision control law, and that said plan be so endorsed. Considered also was application of Harold.G. Larson for approval of a preliminary subdivision plan of the former property of the late Gustave E. Larson situated on the east- erly side of Oak Street. (See minutes of Planning Board meet- ing of November 18, 1963.) Upon motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED: that the preliminary subdivision plan entitled "Prelim inary Plan Oak Lane Subdivision Lexington -Mass.", dated October 1963 and prepared by John J. Sullivan, Civil Engineer of Arlington, which was submitted to the Board by Harold G. Larson on November 13, 1963, accom- panied by an application for tentative approval of preliminary plan, Form B. dated November 6, 1963, be and hereby is approved. Attention was called to a letter, dated December 3, 19633 from Mr. John W. Castoldi to the Planning Board request- ing a reduction of bond filed in respect to the work required to be completed in the third section of the Adams Estates de- velopment. (See addendum.)After reference to the Town En- gineer's letter of October 1, 1963 to the Planning Board indi- cating completion of certain work in this subdivision, (see addendum,) it was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED: the Lexington Planning Board determines that $2,000.00 is a sufficient amount of security to hold for perform- ance of the remaining work required to be done in the subdivision entitled "Adams Estates Section Three Lex- ington, Mass.", and shown on the definitive plan having the same name, dated December 20, 1961, revised April 305 1962, and therefore reduces from $10,000.00 to $23000.00 the amount of the bond held as security. Attention was also called to a letter, dated December 9, 1963, from Mr. James Taurasi to the Planning Board requesting a reduction of bond filed in respect to the work required to be completed in the first section of the Country Club Manor development. (See addendum.) After reference to the Town Engineer;s letter of December 6, 1963 to the Planning Board indicating completion of certain work in this subdivision, (see addendum,) it was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED: the Lexington Planning Board determines that $15,000.00 is a sufficient amount of security to hold for perform- ance of the remaining work required to be done in the subdivision entitled "Country Club Manor Section One Lexington, Mass.", and shown on the definitive plan hav- -3- LARSON PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN ADAMS ESTATES SEC. 3 CASTOLDI COUNTRY CLUB MANOR SEC. 1 POND REALTY 12-9-63 -4- ing the same name, dated February 23, 1960, and therefore ' reduces from $32,000.00 to $15,000.00 the amount of the bond held as security. Mr. Mabee reported that Mrs. Alan H. Greene of 25 Bridge PROPOSED Street had telephoned him informing him that she had noted quite VALLEYFIELD a number of parcels of land for sale in general vicinity of OR WOODHAVEN Grassland and Valleyfield Streets and inquiring if the town RECREATION might acquire some of these parcels for a playground. Mr. Mabee AREA exhibited a sketch prepared by Mrs. Greene showing where said parcels were located. After discussing the sketch and reviewing the Board's letter of April 12, 1963 to the Selectmen recommending acquisition of land for a playground on Valleyfield Street (see minutes of Planning Board meeting of April 8, 1963), Mr. Mabee was asked to telephone Mrs. Greene expressing the Planning Board's appreciation of her interest and informing her of the Board's proposal set forth in said letter. BONING - c 4 Distributed to each member of the Board were copies of DISTRICTS Mrs. Paul Riffin's letter of December 8, 1963 to the Planning Board with reference to the zoning amendments creating, at the ' T.M.M.A. Special Town Meeting held on November 25, 1963, a C 4 district and regulations in regard to the same. (See addendum.) Mr. Mr. Lyon gave a report of his conferences of December 7 PROPOSED with Mr. Snow and later with the Selectmen with reference to ADDITION TO the Planning Board's proposal that a portion of the William H. MUNICIPAL Lyon property numbered 55 Waltham Street be acquired as a new PARKING AREA entrance and addition to the Waltham-Muzzey Streets municipal _ parking area. (See minutes of Planning Boar d meeting of Decem- LYON ber 2, 1963.) Mr. Mabee said that the Selectmen approved the proposal and the suggestion that he and Mr. Snow negotiate for , the acquisition of the proposed parcel. Mr. Snow was asked to arrange for a conference with Mrs. Lyon to negotiate the acqui- sition. Mr. Meyer reported that Mr. George J. Elbaum, attorney PROPOSED representing Mrs. Florence Baldwin, had informed him that Mrs. RECREATION AREA Baldwin's case against the Commonwealth for damages for land SPRING ST. takings for the relocation of Route 2 had been settled and that - Mrs. Baldwin was now in a position to negotiate for the parcel BALDWIN of her land the Planning Board was recommending the town acquire for a public recreation area and open space. (See minutes of Planning Board meeting of January 29, 1963.) Mr. Meyer said that Mr. Elbaum inquired if the Planning Board was interested in engaging jointly with Mrs. Baldwin the services of Mr. T. H. Reenstierna of Arlington to appraise said parcel and to settle the fair market value of said pracel on this appraisal. The Board asked Mr. Meyer to inform Mr. Elbaum that the Planning Board did not wish to make such an arrangement suggesting that each party involved determine independently the fair market value of the land involved. BONING - c 4 Distributed to each member of the Board were copies of DISTRICTS Mrs. Paul Riffin's letter of December 8, 1963 to the Planning Board with reference to the zoning amendments creating, at the ' T.M.M.A. Special Town Meeting held on November 25, 1963, a C 4 district and regulations in regard to the same. (See addendum.) Mr. 1 12-9-63 Mabee noted that he had asked Mrs. Riffin to write this letter setting forth through the Executive Board of the Town Meeting Members Association the views of its Land Use Committee in re- gard to these zoning amendments. At 9:50 p.m., upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing, deliberating, or voting on a matter, which, if made public, might adversely affect the public interest of the Town, or the reputation of any person. After due consideration of various applications of can- didates for the position of Planning Director, the Board voted to adjourn its meeting, the time being 10:30 p.m. Prior to adjourning, the Board decided to hold its next meeting on December 18, 1963 and to devote the meeting to a conference with Mr. Henry W. Hardy of Needham in regard to the Board's proposals for amending the zoning by-law with re- spect to business districts. i wim -. ..- ADDENDA Appropriations Committee Town Office Building Lexington 73, Mass. Gentlemen: 9 December 1963 -5- EXECUTIVE SESSION PLANNING DIRECTOR As the Appropriations Committee is aware the Planning Board was not able to obtain the services of a Senior Planner during the last six months in 1963 and, as a result, will return to the Town at least $5000.00 of the appropriation for personal services. In the absence of a senior planner the services of a Planning Consultant were neces- sary. The Planning Board requests, therefore, an emergency appro- priation of $1000.00 for general expenses covering the balance of the fiscal year. cc' Board of Selectmen Very truly yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Irving H. Mabee, Chairman 12-9-63 Lexington Planning Board Town Office Building Lexington, Mass. Gentlemen: M 21 Normandy Road Auburndale, Mass. December 3, 1963 Reference is made to Mr. John J. Carroll's letter of October 4, 1963 to your board in regard to the work which has been completed as shown on the subdivision plan entitled nAdams Estates Section Three Lexington, Mass.«, dated December 20, 1961, revised April 30, 1962. The undersigned hereby requests that the Lexington Planning Board reduce from $10,000.00 to $25000.00 the deposit securing the performance of the agreement executed by me on August 8, 1963 in connection with said subdi- vision so that I may be able to withdraw $8,000.00 from account 014315 standing in my name in the Newton Waltham Bank & Trust Company. Yours very truly, /s/ John Castoldi October 4. 1963 Planning Board Town Office Building Lexington, Massachusetts Re: Adams Estates, Section 3 John W. Castoldi, Inc. Gentlemen: Reference is made to the subdivision plan entitled "Adams Estates, Sec- tion 3, Lexington, Mass.n, dated December 20, 1961, revised April 30, 1962. Mr. John W. Castoldi has requested me to advise you as to the bond that would be required to complete all of the work in the above subdivision. Please be advised that the work has progressed to the point where the amount of $10,000. referred to in my letter of June 20, 1963 may be re- duced to $2,000. Very truly yours, /s/ John J. Carroll Supt. of Public Works & Town Engineer JJC/ads cc: John W. Castoldi J 1 LJ 12-9-63 -7- December 9, 1963 Lexington Planning Board ' Town Office Building Lexington, Mass. Gentlemen: Reference is made to Mr. John J. Carroll's letter of December 6, 1963 to your Board in regard to the work which has been completed as shown on the subdivision plan entitled "Country Club Manor Section One Lex- ington, Mass.", dated February 23, 1960. The undersigned hereby requests that the Lexington Planning Board re- duce from $32,000.00 to $15,000.00 the bond securing the performance of the agreement executed by the Pond Realty Trust on December 1l, 1962 in connection with said subdivision. The undersigned further re- quests that the Board release all the lots in the subdivision not pre- viously released from the provisions of the covenant executed by said trust on August 5, 1960. Very truly yours, POND REALTY TRUST /s/ James Taurasi, Trustee December 6, 1963 Planning Board Town Office Building Lexington, Massachusetts Re: Country Club Manor, Section 1 Pond Realty Trust Gentlemen: Reference is made to the subdivision plan entitled "Country Club Manor, Section 1, Lexington, Mass.", dated February 23, 1960. Mr. Taurasi has requested me to advise you as to the bond that would be.requiredrto complete all of the work in the above subdivision. Please be advised that the work has progressed to the point where $15,000. will cover the work to be done installing utilities and streets to serve all the.lots in the subdivision. Very truly yours, /s/ John H: Carroll Supt. of Public Works & Town Engineer JJC/ads 12-9-63 10 6 Field Road Lexington, Massachusetts December 8, 1963 Mr. Irving Mabee, Chairman Lexington Planning Board Lexington, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Mabee: The Executive Board of the Town Meeting Members Association has requested that I restate for further consideration by the Planning Board those suggestions related to zoning which were offered at the November 25th Town Meeting. 1. A 1 Districts - An opinion was expressed that the change from 30' to 40' minimum for a front yard should be further increased in order to encourage more attractive apartments of higher quality than those which would be built under the present restrictions. 2. Roadside Stands a. Some Town Meeting Members believe that a permit for one year rather than for two years would make it possible to enforce this by-law with more accuracy than does the by-law as present- ly written. b. Since the word "primarily" appears in the first sentence of the ' new by-law a more enforceable, equally satisfactory law would result from the elimination of the portion of section 'if" which reads '?provided that the total dollar volume of annual sales of such products shall not exceed 50 per cent of the total dollar volume of annual sales of all products from such stand." 3. C 4 - Small office districts a. Size - We should have a specific realistic definition of the word "small": the district should comprise an area large enough to fulfill basic building and land requirements and small enough not to spread beyond the proportions of the C 3 district. An area of 2 or 3 acres would be the top limit for compatibility with residential areas. b. Height - The C 4 by-law contains no restriction on building height, unlike every other category in our zoning by-law. A maximum building height of 30 feet would conform with the standards for our other zones. The C 4 by-law should be amended to include restriction on the height of protuberances above the buildings such as penthouse machinery, for air conditioning, cooling towers, elevator equipment, ventilating stacks, television antennas, skylights, chimneys, etc. Forty feet from the ground is a suggested maximum. ' c. Green areas - The C 4 by-law now requires a 25' green strip along 12-9-63 ' the streets and highways which could consist primarily of grass; along the district boundaries the strip can consist of asphalt driveways and walks. Since the district boundaries will gener- ally be contiguous with R 1 zones and, in some cases, with town lines (which I feel to be equally important,) I suggest that the by-law be amended to read as follows: 1. j.l.b. A yard not less than 50 ft. in depth on each street, limited access highway and district boundary on which the lot abuts. Within such 50' from each street, highway, and dis- trict boundary shall be permitted only (1) screening by green area, etc. 2. An alternative suggestion would be an adaptation of the C 3 by-law: '?Within 25' of each street, highway, and district boundary only screening by green areas of grass, plants, shrubs, trees, and necessary ways of access.}? I fully realize that the C 4 districts will be subject to site control. However, interpretation of the words "suitable" and "substantial'f can vary with each member of the Board of Appeals and of the Planning Board. A by-law should spell out restrictions as clearly as possible in order to strengthen and reinforce the decisions of these boards who area in a literal sense, shaping the destiny of Lexington. ' I wish to thank you on behalf of the Town Meeting members for encourag- ing an exchange of ideas which will, hopefully, add a new dimension to your decisions regarding the best possible planning for Lexington. Sincerely, /s/ Natalie H. Riffin Mrs. Paul Riffin, Chairman Land Use Committee II 1