HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-11-18PLANNING BOARu MEETING ' November 18,1963 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office in the Town Office Building on Monday, November 18, 1963, at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Mabee, members Bryson, Greeley, and Meyer, and Mr. Snow, planning consultant. Mr. Harold E. Stevens met with the Board to discuss the plan which accompanied Form A application #63-56 and which the Board determined on August 26, 1963 did not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. (See minutes of Planning Board meeting of said date.) Mr. Stevens requested the Board's permission to have changed to a solid line the dashed line separating parcels A and B comprising the lot shown on said plan. The Board did not grant this permission. Mr. Stevens was informed that if this were done the lot shown on the plan would be subdivided into two lots one of which would not have any frontage as required under the Subdivision Control Law. After Mr. Stevens left the meeting the Board considered the following Form A applications for determination of plan- ning board jurisdiction: #63-68 (see minutes of Planning Board meeting of Novem- ber 4, 1963.) #63-69, submitted November 15, 1963 by William A. Myers; plan entitled "A Subdivision of Land Court Case No. 22262 Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 4013 dated Oct. 21, 1963, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #63-70, submitted November 15, 1963 by R. L. Higgins for Town of Lexington; plan entitled "Plan of Water and Sewer Easements off Hartwell Ave. & Westview St. Lexington, Mass.", Scale: In = 40'. dated Dec. 5, ;961, John J. Carroll, Town Engineer. #63-71, submitted November 15, 1963 by Richard D. Hamilton; plan entitled "Plan of Land Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 20 feet to an inch, dated Oct. 26, 1963, Joseph Selwyn, Civil Engineer. Upon motions duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A application #63-68 does require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the 11-18-63 -2- The Chairman reported that Mr. Louis J. Rose of 25 ROADSIDE Fairlawn Lane had requested a copy of the transcript of the STANDS public hearing held by the Planning Board on November 1l, 1963 - with reference to the proposal to amend the Lexington Zoning ROSE By-law as it concerned roadside stands. It was decided that as soon as the final draft of the transcript was available from the public stenographer, the Board would make a copy of this draft available to Mr. Rose at cost. Copies of a letter, dated October 31, 1963, and ad- dressed to the Planning Board were distributed to each member of the Board, the letter being from Mr. Francis T. Worrell of 183 Cedar Street and expressing concern about problems connected with a proposed shopping center understood to be located at the southeasterly corner of Worthen Road and I Bedford Street. plans accompanying Form A applications #63-69, #63-70, and 163-71 do not require approval under the Subdivi- sion Control Law, and that said plans be so endorsed. The Board approved for payment the following bills which BILLS had been presented: Samuel P. Snow, professional services for period Oct. 28 through Nov. 9, 1963--$280.00; Samuel P. Snow, preparation of revised Zoning By-law and map for reprinting, and arranging for reprinting (as authorized by Board on Aug. 12, 1963)--$180.00; Minute -man Publications, advertising --$20.22; Andrew T. Johnson, blueprints --$2.60. MINUTES Considered next and approved by the Board were the min- utes of its meeting of October 28, 1963. From 8:00 to 8:05 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Shirley PINEWOOD, of 169 Grove Street met with the Board to submit their appli- SEC. 1 cation for approval of the definitive subdivision plan entitled - "Pinewood Section One Lexington, Mass.", dated August 28, 1963, SHIRLEY and prepared by the firm of Miller & Nylander. It was noted that the plan was a subdivision of the Shirley property on Grove Street and consisted of an extension of Dewey Road from its present terminus across the Shirley property to Grove Otreet. The Board scheduled a public hearing on said applica- tion for December 9, 1963 at 8:00 p.m. in its office. BOARD OF Considered next were the notices of petitions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on November 26, 1963. It was APPEALS decided to take no action in regard to said petitions with the exception of that of the Richards Lumber Co., Inc. Members of the Planning Board were unanimous in their opinion that the Board should go on record as being opposed to the granting of the petition of the lumber company and dictated a letter addressed to the Board of Appeals expressing this opposition. (See addendum.) The Chairman reported that Mr. Louis J. Rose of 25 ROADSIDE Fairlawn Lane had requested a copy of the transcript of the STANDS public hearing held by the Planning Board on November 1l, 1963 - with reference to the proposal to amend the Lexington Zoning ROSE By-law as it concerned roadside stands. It was decided that as soon as the final draft of the transcript was available from the public stenographer, the Board would make a copy of this draft available to Mr. Rose at cost. Copies of a letter, dated October 31, 1963, and ad- dressed to the Planning Board were distributed to each member of the Board, the letter being from Mr. Francis T. Worrell of 183 Cedar Street and expressing concern about problems connected with a proposed shopping center understood to be located at the southeasterly corner of Worthen Road and I Bedford Street. 11-18-63 -3- From 8:30 to 8:50 p.m. the Corazzini brothers of 188 Blossom Street met with the Beard to obtain its opinion of their proposal that the northeasterly portion of their land be used for a nursing home. They presented an elevation drawing of a 100 -unit home to be erected in Wakefield as the type of building they would like to have on their land. The brothers were informed that the Lexington Zoning By- law makes no provision for such an institution and that this matter was one which properly should go before the Board of Appeals. The brothers said that they were aware of this but did not wish to discuss the matter with the Board of Appeals if the Planning Board had any objection to the proposal. Members of the Planning Board said that they thought the proposal was an interesting one, that they would take it under advisement, and if the Board decided it was one which would be in the best interests of the town, they would make suggestions to the brothers as to the best way the Planning Board believes the proposal could be put into effect. Messrs. Daniel F. Gleason of the Gleason Realty Trust, and John S. Sullivan, civil engineer, both of Arlington, met with the Board from 8:50 to 9:00 p.m. to obtain the Board's opinion of a preliminary subdivision plan of the Gustave E. ' Larson property situated on Oak Street in Lexington. Mr. Snow said that the plan, dated October, 1963, had been submitted to the Board only on November 13 and had immediately been forwarded to Mr. John J. Carroll, the Lexington Superintendent of Public Works and Town Engineer, for an opinion. Mr. Snow noted that a preliminary subdivision plan of this same property had been prepared by Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, of Belmont on May 12, 1961 and had been approved by the Planning Board on June 6 of that year. The opinion was expressed that this approved plan was in some ways superior to the October, 1963 plan. It was suggested to Messrs. Gleason and. Sullivan that they discuss both plans with Mr. Garroll, he having them in his possession for compari- son and study. The Board next discussed drafts of reports various mem- bers of the Board had prepared in regard to various zoning proposals heard by the Board at public hearings on November 4. Town Counsel Legro met with the Board also to discuss these pro- posals and answer questions in regard to the same as they were set forth in articles for the warrant for the special town meet- ing to be held -on November 25. Especially discussed were drafts of motions to be presented by the Planning Board under the var- ious articles on zoning. The Board adjourned its meeting at 11:15 p.m. Before PROPOSEi1 NURSING HOME CORAllINI PRELIMINARY PLAN LARSON REZONING PROPOSALS 11-18-63 -4- doing so, however, it scheduled its next regular meeting at , 7:00 p.m. on November 25 prior to said special town meeting. Irving H. Mabee, Chairman A11DENk1UM November 26, 1963 Board of Appeals Town Office Building Lexington, Mass. Re: Richard's Lumber Co. Gentlemen: At its regular meeting on November 18, the Lexington Planning Board considered the petition of Richard's Lumber Co., Inc. for permission to operate a retail specialty and building material business at 394 Lowell Street. At this meeting members of the Board voted unanimously to go on record as being opposed to the granting of said petition. ' The Board of Appeals may be interested to know that under the proposed U 1 regulations which the Planning Board is currently revising and which the Planning Board plans to present to the Annual Town Meeting in March for consideration, such businesses as that of the applicant would not be permitted in local busi- ness districts. Sincerely, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Irving H. Mabee, Chairman