HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-11-04PLANNING BOARD MEETING November 4, 1963 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office in the Town Office Building on Monday, Nov- ember 4, 1963 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Mabee, members Bryson, Campbell, Greeley, and Meyer. Mr. Snow, plan- ning consultant, was present from 8:45 p.m. until the end of the meeting. The Board first held a general discussion in regard to obtaining the services of senior planner for the planning board staff. Not having found a satisfactory candidate within the salary schedule for this position, it was decided to advertise in "ASPO Jobs in Planning" and the Boston Globe for the higher position of planning director. The Board also discussed this matter with Town Counsel Legro when he came to the meeting. He was asked to draft an article for the warrant for the coming special town meeting seeking an appropriation to be used for the services of a plan- ning director for the period from January 1, 1964 through March 31, 1964 since the position had not been filled during the last half of 1963. From 8:10 to 8:25 p.m. Mr. Donald Jenkins, Jr. of Lex- ington and Mr. Peter Kramer, Jr. of Winchester met with the Board requesting advice as to how to proceed to have lots 5, 6, and 7 in the subdivision entitled "Crestview at Winchester Lex- ington, Mass.", dated April 18, 1963, released from the provi- sions of the covenant entered into in this case. (See minutes of Planning.Board meeting of November 11, 1962.) Mr. Kramer informed the Board that Peter Kramer-& Sons, Inc. was now the developer of this subdivision and that Mr. Jenkins would build the houses on said lots.- He said building permits could not be obtained for these lots because of exist- ing covenants and the confusion in regard to the proposed Lex- ington -Winchester town line change through the subdivision. Messrs. Kramer and Jenkins were informed that the Board understood that as yet a bill had not been filed in the Legis- lature to establish the proposed town line change. They were also informed that upon their request and upon the previous release of Lots 5, 6, and 7 from the provisions of the covenant entered into with Wincjester in this case the Lexington Planning Board would also release said lots from the provisions of the covenant it also holds in the case. Attention was also called to the fact that in the case of lots 5, 6, and -7 variances would have to be obtained from the Lexington Board of Appeals before building permits could be obtained -because these lots have neither the minimum frontage nor the minimum area required by the Lexington Zoning By-law. PLANNING DIRECTOR CRESTVIEW MURPHY KRAMER 11/4/63 -2- From 8:25 to 8:45 p.m. the Board met in executive session UTIVE with the Town Counsel in regard to certain aspects of drafting SESSION articles in which the Planning Board was interested in the warrant for the coming special town meeting. From 8:45 to 9:00 p.m. the Corazzini brothers of 188 PROPOSEII Blossom Street met with the Board to obtain its opinion of their ZONING CHANGE' proposal that the northeasterly portion of their land be zoned for garden apartment use. Members of the Board were unanimous in CORAZZINI informing them that the Board would be opposed to this proposed change of zoning from the existing single family district in which the said land is located. MINUTES Considered next and approved by the Board were the minutes of its meetings of October 14 and 21, 1963. The Board next approved for payment the following bills BILLS which had been presented: Andrew T. Johnson, drafting supplies -- $1.50; Minute -man Publications, Inc., advertising for public hear- ings --$54.52. Considered next was the notice of the hearing to be held HISTORIC by the Historic Districts Commission on November 6, 1963. It DISTRICTS was decided to take no action in regard to the application for a COMMISSION certificate of appropriateness to be heard on said date. Considered also was the following Form A application for , FORM A a determination of planning board jurisdiction: ##63-68A, submitted on November 4, 1963 by Norman T. May, attorney for Rolla and Alice Tyron; plan en- titled "A Subdivision of Land Court Case No. 19700 Lexington, Mass.", dated Oct. 15, 1963, Scale: 1" _ 40t, Albert A. Miller, Wilber C. Nylander, Civil Engineers & Surveyors, Lexington, Mass. It was noted that this plan was the same one which accom- panied Form A application ##63-68 except that there had been added to the plan the following notation: "Note: Lots numbered 26 and 27 shown here are not legal building lots in accordance with the Zoning By-law of the Town of Lexington." Accompanying the new application, ##63-68A, dated November 1, 1963, was a letter, dated November 4, 1963, from Mr. May to the Planning Board. The Board took the application and accompanying letter under consideration deciding, before taking any action in regard to the same, to refer it to or discuss it with the Town Counsel. Attention was called to a letter, dated October 29, from the Board of Selectmen to the Planning Board in regard to another letter, dated October 21, 1963, from Mr. Jack L. Mitchell, 16 Peachtree Road, to the Board of Selectmen concerning the property ' at 334 Woburn Street. In response to the Selectmen's request for an opinion in regard to the matters Mr. Mitchell discussed in his letter, the Planning Board viewed the construction and site plans 11/4/63 -3- filed in the town's building department with the application for ' a building permit in this case. After consideration of these plans the Planning Board drafted a letter to the Board of Select- men setting forth some of the respects in which the Planning Board believed the layout of said property fails to conform to the letter and spirit of the Zoning By-law. (See addendum.) The Board next approved the following budget for the year 1964 for submission to the Appropriations Committee: General Expenses Clerical $100.00 Office supplies and library 340.00 Equipment 50.00 Car allowance 360.00 Consulting and professional services 53000.00 Advertising 250.00 Printing and reproducing 700.00 Maps and blueprinting 100.00 Dues and services 100.00 $7,000.00 Personal Services Planning Director 105500.00 Senior Clerk -Stenographer 21138.28 ' $12,638.28 The Board also approved for submission to the Capital Expenditures Committee a capital expenditure budget of $75,000.00 per year for 1964 through 1969. The Board placed the following statement on the budget: "The amount of $75,000 suggested is a total for land acquisition. If the Conservation Commission article in the warrant for the special town meeting in November is acted upon favorably the Planning Board anticipates this sum would be divided between the Plan- ning Board and the Conservation Commission." The Board next discussed the proposed amendments to the zoning by-law to be heard on November 14. After this dis- cussion the board adjourned its meeting at 10:05 p.m., scheduling their next regular meeting of the Board for November 18, at 7:30 p.m. Joseph A. Campbell Clerk 1964 PLANNING BOARD BUDGET CAPITAL EXPENDITURES BUIIGET 11/4/63 -4- November 6, 1963 Board of Selectmen ' Town Office Building Lexington, Mass. - 02173 Gentlemen: In response to your letter of October 29, the Planning Board viewed the plot plan and construction drawings of the property numbered 334 Woburn Street at its meeting on November 4. A_set of these plans was.borrowed from the Building Inspectorts office for this purpose. .After this view a.nd.examination_of the zoning regulations pertaining to local business districts, the Planning Board believes that the layout as shown on the plot plan pre- pared by Mr. George D. Reynolds, Jr..is not -in conformity with either the letter or spirit of the Zoning By-law, notably Sec. 8(b)l.b. The follow ig are some of the respects in which the Planning Board believes the layout fails to conform.to_the.regu- lations: 1. The width of parking spaces numbered 10 to 17 is not adequate. Such spaces must be ten feet in width. 2. A driveway of only ten.feet in width cannot,be considered to provide "unimpeded access" to the dozen or more alleged parking spaces to the rear of the building. ' 3• The major pedestrian access to the store front cannot be considered to be safe of "unobstructed" if it is also used as the only driveway to the rear and side parking spaces, especially if such driveway.is of minimum or sub- standard width. 4. It appears that the only access -to loading,areas is through space designated for parking or access to parking. Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Irving H. Mabee, Chairman 11