HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-07-29PLANNING BOARD MEETING July 29, 1963 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office in the Town Office Building on Monday, July 29, 1963 at 8:00 p.m. Present were Chairman Mabee, members Bryson, Campbell, Greeley, and Meyer, and Mr. Snow, Planning Consultant. From 8:00 to 8:05 p.m. Mr. James Taurasi, a trustee of Pond Realty Trust, and Mr. William C. Nylander) civil engineer, met with POND REALTY the Board to present a plan entitled "Country Club Manor Proposed TRUST Section Two Lexington, Mass.", dated April 30, 1962, and to seek SEC. 2 the Board's informal opinion in regard to the same. Mr. Taurasi said that if the lot layout as shown on the above plan met with the WORTHEN ROAD Board's approval, he would like to have Mr. Nylander prepare a defin- itive subdivision plan for submission to the Board. The Board took the plan of proposed Section Two under advisement. Later on during the meeting the Board considered the above- named plan with reference to the location of Worthen Road as shown on the Planning Board's plan entitled "Proposed Location Worthen Road Mass. Ave. to Route 128," dated August 5, 1958, the latter be- ing a modification of the location of Worthen Road as shown on the Master Road Plan for Lexington of August 1957. The Proposed "Sec- tion Two" plan of Country Club Manor was particularly compared with the Board's plan entitled "Proposed Residential Subdivision from Garfield St. to Vaille Ave." dated August 10, 1958, said plan show- ing the proposed location of Worthen Road across lands of the Lex- ington Golf Club and the Pond Realty Trust. (For action on prelimi- nary subdivision plan of said trust, see minutes of Planning Board meeting of June 8, 1959.) After due consideration the Board decided to abandon the idea of Worthen Road as shown on the above-named plan, dated August 103 1958 and to so notify Messrs. Nylander and Taurasi. It was also de- cided to suggest to them that the "Proposed Section Two" plan be modified by extending Vaille Avenue using a right-of-way width of fifty feet so as to connect with Augustus Road. From 8:05 to 8:50 p.m. Mr. John A. Bellizia of the Pine Meadows Country Club and members of the School Sites Committee, Mrs. PINE MEADOWS George P. Morey, Mr. Charles T. Abbott, and Mr. Richard P. Harding, COUNTRY CLUB met with the Board to discuss Mr. Bellizia's renewed request to ac- quire from the town of Lexington a portion of the so-called Meagher- BELLIZIA ville subdivision as an addition to said country club. (See minutes of the Planning Board meeting of July 15, 1963•) Mr. Bellizia stated that the Mass. Dept. of Public Works had taken about 27 acres of the Pine Meadows' land for the widening and relocation of Route 128 and that he wished to replace this land by acquiring town -owned land for the development of an 18 -hole course, 7-29-63 -2- two new holes to be on the Pine Meadows land and seven new holes ' to be on the Meagherville land. He exhibited a marked print show- ing the land he wished to acquire and how the layout of the 18 -hole course he had in mind would look, the print being entitled "Plan of Pine Meadows Country Club and Part of Meagherville in Lexington, Mass.", dated Nov. 1960 and drawn at a scale of 1" = 2001. After Mr. Bellizia's presentation the School Sites Committee advanced the opinion that the authority to sell this town -owned land would have to be voted by a town meeting but that before such action was considered the meeting would no doubt seek the recommendation of those boards and committees particularly interested in the matter. It was suggested that the possibility of leasing the land also be considered. This matter was discussed but no decisions were reached in regard to it. Before he left the meeting Mr. Bellizia stated again he wished to acquire sufficient land to add seven more holes to the Pine Meadows golf course. He also said he would be willing to accept restrictions imposed by the town on the land he wished to acquire. After Mr. Bellizia left the meeting the Board discussed with PROPOSED the School Sites Committee the possibility of utilizing for an ele- MEAGHEHVILLE mentary school site and playground only part of the land the 1963 SCHOOL SITE annual town meeting authorized be acquired under Article 45 for ' school and recreation purposes. Members of the committee stated that they would study the idea and give the Board their recommenda- tions concerning this and related matters. They left the Planning Board meeting. at 8:50 p.m. Considered next was the application of July 8, 1963 and WORTM ROAD accompanying plans of Niles, Inc. to the Board of Appeals for a GARDEN APT. finding and determination that the site plans and building de - DISTRICT signs for a garden apartment district on Worthen Road constitute a desirable development in and will not be detrimental to the NIEES, INC. neighborhood. Mr. John J. Carroll's letter of July 29 to the Planning Board with reference to these site plans was read. (See addendum.) A review of the plans followed. Mr. Donald N. Grant, Chairman of the Historic Sites Com- mission met with the Board to observe this review for the reason that the Worthen Road garden apartment district was within the Battle Green Historic District. Mr. Grant said he was interested in noting the Board's general attitude in regard to the layout and the over-all aesthetic appearance of the project. After due consideration members of the Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend to the Board of Appeals that it take favorable action on the application of Niles, Inc. subject to certain modifications of the site plan. Mr. Snow was asked to 7-29-63 -3- incorporate these modifications in the draft of a letter for the chairman's signature, copies of said letter to be sent to the Historic Districts Commission, to Niles, Inc., and to the archi- tect who prepared the building and site plans. (See addendum.) Mr. Grant left the meeting at 10:00 p.m. The Board approved for payment a bill in the sum of $420.00 from Samuel P. Snow for professional services rendered to the Board for the period July 1 through July 20, 1963. The Board considered next the following Foran A applica- tions for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #63-46, submitted July 22, 1963 by Moore Realty Trust; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 40', dated July 18, 1963, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #63-47, submitted July 23, 1963 by Frederic K. and Marjorie S. Johnson; plan entitled "Plan to Accompany Agreement Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 401, dated June 27, 1963" Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #63-48, submitted July 295 1963 by George E. and Mary M. Davis; plan entitled "Land Court Case No. 6998, Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 201, dated July 11, 1963, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #63-49, submitted July 29, 1963 by Laboratory for Elec- tronics, Inc., by Neil G. Melone, Atty.; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Waltham and Lexington, Mass. to be con- veyed to Laboratory for Electronics, Inc., Scale: 100 ft. to the inch, Rowland H. Barnes & Co -Civil Engineers, 681 Main St., Waltham, Mass.", dated June 1963. #63-50, submitted for Parker S. Hallett by John T. Hession, Atty.; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 401, dated June 10, 1963, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plans accompanying Form A applications #63-46 to #63-50, inclusive, do not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plans be so endorsed. The Board decided to hold its next meeting at 8:00 p.m. on August 12, 1963. The Board then adjourned its meeting at 10:45 p.m. 7—ampbell,, Joseph A. CClerk BILL FORMS A 7-29-63 ADDENDA Planning Board Town Office Building Lexington 73, Massachusetts Gentlemen: July 29, 1963 Reference is made to Sam Snow's letter to me of July 22, 1963 concerning the proposed garden development on Worthen Road. I have reviewed the plans and have the following comments to make re- garding them: 1) The drainage system as shown on the plans is satisfactory. 2) There is no sanitary sewer in Worthen Road at the present time. How- ever, funds were appropriated this year to construct a temporary sewer service from the Boudreau property to Bedford Street. Recently Niles, Inc. and Raymond Boudreau have agreed to share in the cost of a perma- nent pumping station which will be constructed on Worthen Road at the common boundary line between the two properties and which will pump sewage out to Bedford Street. This pumping station will be a permanent installation and will serve the entire Worthen Road between Bedford St. and Mass. Avenue. At the present time a letter from Niles, Inc. stating their willingness to pay for this sewer pumping station has been re- ferred to the Town Counsel. I would recommend to the Planning Board that any report that they make to the Board of Appeals contain a recommendation that final approval of the plan be withheld until an agreement has been entered into between the Town and Niles, Inc. confirming the fact that this sewer pumping station will be built. 3. I would also recommend that the developer be required to construct a sidewalk as shown on his plans on Worthen Road in accordance with Town specifications and to the standard Town's cross-section. Very truly yours, /s/ John J. Carroll Supt. of Public Works & Town Engineer JJD/ccd Att: Plans --------------- July 3031963 Board of Appeals Town Office Building Lexington, Mass. 02173 Re: Battlegreen Apartments Gentlemen: 1 J 1 7-29-63 -5- In response to your letter of July 10, 1963 the Planning Board sub- mits herewith its final report and recommendations with reference to the application, dated July 8, 1963, of Niles, Inc. for a determina- tion under Section 5(g) of the Lexington Zoning By-law. The Planning Board recommends that the Board of Appeals take favor- able action on this application under the following conditions: 1. That the apartment buildings parallel to the side - easterly and westerly - lot lines be moved five feet toward the center of the lot so that these buildings are forty feet from the buildings approximately parallel to the rear lot line, and that the service road and parking areas be moved correspondingly five feet toward the center of the lot also to provide for a planting area along the side lot lines; 2. That a service walk of sufficient width and construction be located southerly of the central apartment building and between the easterly and westerly portions of the service road to provide access to said building for moving vans and other service vehicles; 3. That the developer be required to construct a sidewalk, as shown on said developer's site plan, on Worthen Road in accordance with Town specifications and to the Town's standard cross-section; and 4. That final approval of the plan be withheld until an agreement has been entered into between the Town and Niles, Inc. confirming the fact a permanent sewer pumping station will be built in Worthen Road by Niles, Inc. in order to comply with the Zoning By-law re- quirement under Section 5(g) 1. that "the buildings shall connect with a sanitary sewer.}' In regard to this last condition which the Planning Board recommends, your attention is called to the fact that there is no sanitary sewer in Worthen Road at the present time. However, funds were appropriated by the Town this year to construct a temporary sewer service from the Rayco Realty Trust property to Bedford Street. It is understood that recently Niles, Inc. and said trust have agreed to share in the cost of a permanent pumping station which will be constructed on Worthen Road at the common boundary line between the two properties and which will pump sewage out to Bedford Street. It is further understood that this pumping installation will be a permanent installation and will serve the entire portion of Worthen Road between Bedford Street and Massachusetts Avenue. The Planning Board also understands that at the present time a letter from Niles, Inc. stating their willingness to pay for this sewer pumping station has been referred to the Town Counsel. A copy of the corporation's application and two sets of plans accom- panying this application are returned herewith. The sets of plans are marked to illustrate the Planning Board's recommendations. 7-29-63 -6- The Planning Board is taking the liberty of forwarding copies of this letter to Niles, Inc., for Cole, architect, and the Historic Districts Commission for their informa- tion. Sincerely, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Irving H. Mabee, Chairman Ll 1 1