HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-05-20PLAA77TNG BOARD MF.ETTn•G
Mar 20, 1963
The Lexinrrton planning Board. held a regular
meeting^ in its office in the Town Office Building
on Monda--, Mav 20, 1053 at 7:45 n,.m. Present were
Chairman "Mabee, members Greeley and Meyer, and Mr.
Snow, nlanni-np Director.
A group of residents from the Spring; Street
area met with the Board to discuss the present ROITTE
traffic situation on Srring Street and to make in-
quiries in regard to the future traffic with the SPRPTG ST.
relationship of the nronosed Route 2 -Sprints Street RFSTDENTS
interchanGe. These matters were discussed inform
all=.r. It was su-Tested to the noun, however, teat
theg return at a later date when representatives of
the Five ri.elds residential area and other -persons
in the vicinity of tl'is i.nterchanme could be -
res-ent to discuss the nrob lens involved.
Considered next were the notices of petitions
to be heard by the Board of Anpeals on June L. Of
these r_?r. Snow was asked to investigate further the
petitions of 'Paolo Puma and ',Tilliam A. Myers. From
notes dictated b-, the Board 'fr. Snow was asked to
draft a letter for the planning^ Board's considera-
tion at its next meetinre settin? forth the Board's
strenuous objection to the grantinm of the Jacob
"ice netiti.on.
hi-stri.buted to the Board were conies of "Tr.
Farvey '1, `?ew.'ent's letter of May 4 to ',Tr. Gray,
Executive Assistant, -board of Selectmen, seekinG nn
exnressi.on of oninion of the Board of Selectmen con-
cerni_nm the -possible rprantinc of an easement for
water, sewer, and driveway across the land of the
Diamond Junior Hifrb School to the rear of the Chiesa
nronerty for the purpose of erecting thereon a church.
There was exhibited a sltetch which accomnani_ed Mr.
'Tewg;ent's letter. Mr. Snow stated that the Board of
Selectmen at its meeting on May 13 voted to refer the
matter to the Planning* Board for an opinion. From
notes dictated bg the Board Mr. Snow was asked to
draft a letter for the "lanning Board's consideration
at its next meeting* settinr, forth the various reasons
for the Board's onnosition to such a rronosal.
' PTr. Snow ?ave a report of the conference which
he and the Town Counsel, Building Inspector,uperi.n-
tendent of public !°!orks and 79ecutive Assistant of the
Selectmen held on May 17 in regard to the issuance of ,
BTTILDTNG building hermits on unaccented_ streets in Lexington.
PERMTTS Mr. Snow reported that at the end of the conference it
was agreed that the Building ?nsnector would be sup-
olled by the Sunt. of T'ublic T�Torks three 11_sts of
streets: those accented as town ways, those private
ways known as Board of Survey streets, and those In -
eluding all other rrivate *.gays.
Mr. Snow said that he understood that as a
matter of rollc7 the Builds n� Tnsrector would ques-
tion the issuance of a buildin7 permit on any rrivate
way. Tn the case of Board_ of Survey streets he would
determine whether or not the street has actually been
constructed under the Board of Survey_. He said he
further understood that if there was any question in
regard to any rrivate way fulfilling the definition of
a street as set Forth in the zoning by-law that he
would probably* not issue a buileling permit but would
refer the anrlication to the Board of Appeals.
Considered also was a memorandum, dated May lh,
from the Executive Assistant to the Planning Board
statin; that the Board of Selectmen would like to know
specificall7 if the proposed "revamping" of the C 1 use
will be ready for presentation to a town meeting in
September. The Board then considered the draft of a
repl7T to this memorandum. The draft was a_rrroved by
the Board. (See addendum.)
Upon motion duly made and seconded It was voted
to go into Fxecutive Session for the rurnose of dis-
cussin7, deliberating., or voting on a matter which, if
made public, might adversely affect the public security*,
the fi_nanci.al interest of the Town, or the reputation of
any Terson.
After due consideration of an application for the
position of Senior planner, the Board voted. to resume its
open meeting.
From 9:30 to 10:00 r.m. Messrs. James A. Carrig,
James A. Carrig, Jr., Robert T -T. Carrig, and Wilbur C.
Nylander met with the Tioard to discuss the v"inute Man
SEC. h
High -Lands, Section h, definitive subdivision elan.
T?eviewed with the Carri.gs was the Town Counsel's letter
of May 17 to the Planning Director with reference to
said subdivision. (See addendum.) The Carrigs agreed
to have said definitive subdivision plan changed as sug-
Bested by the Town Counsel in his letter.
Also reviewed was a letter, dated May 20, from
.3 -
^fter 10:00 p.m. the Town Counsel and Sunt. of
public 'forks met wit' the Board to discuss further the
Tinut e Man High -Lands subdivision elan and the best
way in the interest of the town to take action on the
elan. It was agreed that the nlan should be modified as
drawn, then an -)roved as modified.
It was decided not to modiftr the 8" sewer shown
on the nlan for the reason that an easement for a 2LL"
trunk sewer within '^?orthen Foad as drawn had been taken
on April 22, 1963,that bids would be received on June 3,
and construction started on the sewer by the first of
July. It was further decided that i.f the =irrac Realtv
Trust still wished to construct an 8" sewer in 'Uortren
Road it could do so but would have to cors truct it to
one side and narallel to the 24" sewer.
The Board discussed *with. the Town Counsel the
netition, dated May Lt., 10 3., r.equestin� that an article
be placed in the warrant to ee If the town would accept
as mart o" the Lexi.nnton Zonin-r Bzr-law, Section 8 nf
Chanter 40° of the -' eneral Laws. The '''own Counsel
staged thrt this -petition had been called to his atten-
tion b-- the Board of Selectmen and. that he had »laced
SEC. 8
the Lexington Supt, of Public `°forks to the DTnnning
'hoard. The Carrigs would not agree to make the changes
indicated under items 1, 5, 6, and 7 but would agree to
chance items 2, 3, and ti set forth in said letter. (See
addendum.) in order to allow time for these changes
Nor. Robert W. Carrig typea a letter, dated Mav 20,
agreeing to a fu"ther extension of time within which
the Plannin" Board must act on the said definitive sub-
divi.sion Plan. (See addendum.) Thereunon, it was moved,
seconded, and unanimously
VOTID• that pursuant to the written request of the
anplicant, the time within which the Planning
7oard must take final action regardinrr the plan
entitled "Minute Tian u'gh-Lands Section
Lexinr-tor., Mass.", dated February 27, lc 3, be
and -hereby is further extended to and i^cluding
Mav 28, 1063.
After discussing the plan further it was agreed
to furnish the Carri-s with conies of the two letters
mentioned above to .facilitate making the necessary* changes
on the elan. Mr. ''ol-ert '?, Carrig stated that if the
board annroved the nlans as corrected he would return the
definitive plan of Sect'on I} whish was annroved by the
Board on May 16, 1062.
^fter 10:00 p.m. the Town Counsel and Sunt. of
public 'forks met wit' the Board to discuss further the
Tinut e Man High -Lands subdivision elan and the best
way in the interest of the town to take action on the
elan. It was agreed that the nlan should be modified as
drawn, then an -)roved as modified.
It was decided not to modiftr the 8" sewer shown
on the nlan for the reason that an easement for a 2LL"
trunk sewer within '^?orthen Foad as drawn had been taken
on April 22, 1963,that bids would be received on June 3,
and construction started on the sewer by the first of
July. It was further decided that i.f the =irrac Realtv
Trust still wished to construct an 8" sewer in 'Uortren
Road it could do so but would have to cors truct it to
one side and narallel to the 24" sewer.
The Board discussed *with. the Town Counsel the
netition, dated May Lt., 10 3., r.equestin� that an article
be placed in the warrant to ee If the town would accept
as mart o" the Lexi.nnton Zonin-r Bzr-law, Section 8 nf
Chanter 40° of the -' eneral Laws. The '''own Counsel
staged thrt this -petition had been called to his atten-
tion b-- the Board of Selectmen and. that he had »laced
SEC. 8
it in hi.s file for revision before insertion in the warrant
for a coming town meeti.np;. He informed the 3onrd that no
action on the part of the Planni.n€* Board was required with
reference to said petition.
The Board adjourned its meeting* at 11:19 n.m.
Irvin m H. Mabee,
May 21, 1963
To: Executive Assistant
Prom: Planning Board
Subject: "Revamping of C-1 Zone"
The Planning Board can give no specific reply to your inquiry
at this time. It is, however, making ever,r effort to have a
rezoning; pronosal read- for sometime in the fall. '
The reworking of the present Cl regulations Is a complex
problem with many manifestations.it is something w hi_ch
cannot be done without care and foresifrht. Tn the several work
sessions the Board has held to d^te in regard to the matter,
it i_s immediately evident that the regulations ire very in-
volved and may also involve the creation of two other types
of business districts. The Board plans to continue its work
on this over-all -problem and will keep 70u informed of the
progress it is making.
Mav 17, 1963
SaMuel P. anow,'Planninr- Director
Town Office Buildin7,
Lexi_n,-ton 73, Massachusetts
Dear Sam: Re: Minute Man u,},,-L^nds, pec. 1.1.
I enclose a conv of a covenant with respect to the a:^ove sub-
division prepared in accordance witr your request received
,Testerdav afternoon. Three conies -f the covenant have today
been mailed to James A. Carrie with. the request that two
copies be executed btT hoth trustees, the Harvard Trust Com- '
nantr as mortr^agee, and a major.itl, in interest of the bene-
ficiaries of the trust and returned to me b7 Monday afternoon.
Tn the preparation of this covenant I have had to assume
that the ownership an6 encumbrances are unchanged since
the covenant of May l", 11�C,2-becnuse the ti_minl* of -roar
reauest has not allowed time for examination of the
records. TP th-ls assumption is wronv, T believe the
matter can be corrected. in the anpenl neriod.
'rt seems to me that much less confusion will result if the
wordin7 "T,°odifi-cr t*on of "LITan Aanroved May 1.61 1"�-2fe is re-
moved from all sheets of the elan. T also note that on
some sheets this tate arrears as May 16, 1063 which is in-
More imnortant, however, all sheets of the Dian should
bear the comnlete date information: Februar=r 27, 1063, re-
vised tiTav 1lj., 10(-t3. As nnrts of one plan, all sheets
should be uniformly* dated. Also, each sheet of the plan
sh.oule. lie numbered as a nart of a total number of sheets
*•7hen the tctal has been determined.
Si ncerel7, -yours,
DL'L/b Is/ ronald E. Legro
enclosure as above - - - - - - - -
May 20, 1063
Planning 7oard
"'own Office n•uildi_n!
Lexi=ton 73, T`assachusetts
Re: Minute Man Hi rrhlands, Section Four
rTentlem.en :
`Pference Is made to the subcii.vi.sion known as "P•tinute Man
Hi,hlanes, Section Four.", dated February 27, 1063, revised
Ma -,r lli., contsini-n�-. 13 sheets. Tl^ese plans are a
modification of the subdivision elan annroved T?ate 16, 1062.
T have the following, comments to mske regar(finF- this defini-
tive nian:
1) On ".'orthen Road the nronosed 2h" sewer main to be installed
btr the Town '-as not been shown. Instead an n" main is
ah own .
2) On pleasant Street the existinr" 2!" trunk sewer is shown as
a 12" sewer.
3) The existinm 12" water main and nronosed taprinr* sleeve ,
and c -ate on "leasant Street are not shown on the Flan.
4) ',!ater main gate valves are not shown on all branches at
all intersections. ThetT must be incuded.
5) The upper end of the box culvert must be set at eleva-
tion 195.50. The c-lvert must be enlarged to 13' .x 7'.
6) No sidewalks are shown on the plan. These must be in -
eluded on at least one side of each street.
7) Tf Worthen Road is laid out as 50', the pavement width
should be 301. In other words, it should be constructed
to the standards of the Town of Tjexin�7ton Cross-section
No. 3.
Very truly v ours,
/s/ John J. Carroll,
Sunt, of 'Public Uorks
&- tD wn rn !7in a er
May 20, 1063
';exi.nr^ton P1ann, nr- Eoard
Town Office Building
Lexington 73,7"n�s.
T-1th rerard to the plan entitled "Modification of plan
Annroved May 16, 10,2 r?,nute Man .1?i -Lands, Section Four"
submitted to you T.Iarch 5, 1063 for ^oizr anrroval, it Is
hereby agreed that the Lexington Planninfr 7card may defer
taki.np ecti.on on this plan until MavT 28, 1 1-3.
/s/ pobert "T. Carrig
Girrac Realty Trust
17 Dunster Street
Cambridge, 1,1ass.