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April 22, 1963
The Lexington Planning Board held a regular
meeting in its office in the Town Office Building
on Monday, April 22, 1963 at 7:40 p.m. Present
were Chairman Mabee, members Campbell, Greeley and
Meyer, and Mr. Snow, PlanninR Director.
Considered and annroved for payment were the
followin7 bills which had been presented: Spauld- BILLS
ing Moss Co., draftinF, sunnlies--6.10.6K; Serve -all
Secretarial Service, secretarial service for public
hearings, March 141 lg63-498.50.
It was decided to refer a bill from the
Courier -Citizen Co. of Lowell for rarinting the
Planning Board's Summary Report to Mrs. Linda
Fernberger, who had edited the report, for an in-
dIcati on of what the correct amount of the bill
should be before the Board took action on the same.
Also considered were the following applica-
tions for determination of Planning Board juris-
463-28, submitted April 18, 1963 by Raytheon
Company, by G. Terzloff Jr.; plan entitled
"Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale:
1" = 40', dated April 17, 1963s Miller &
Nylander, C.7.1s & Surveyors.
#463-29, submitted April 18, 1963 by Spring
Street Trust by J. J. Hammond, Trustee; plan
entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.",
Scale: 1" = 40', dated Feb. 7, 1962, Miller
& Nglander, C.E.'s & Surveyors.
463-301 submitted Arril 18, 1963 by pobert
J. and Lillian T. Conley by Norman T. May;
plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington,
Mass.'-, Scale: 1" = 201, dated Dec. 13,
1962, Miller & Nylander, C.F.'s R- Survevors.
LTnon motions duly made and seconded, it was
VOTED: that the Lexington planning Board determines
that the clan accompanying application 16
28 does not require arnroval under the Sub-
division Control Law, and that said plan be
Mr. Snow reported that during the hast week
COLONTAL Mr. Gennaro Capaldi had met with him to discuss tr e
ACRES nroblem in regard to Lot 45 as shown on the Colonial
SEC. 3 Acres, Section 3 definitive subdivision plan, dated
March 20, 1950. having stated to Mr.Capaldi. teat
CAPALDT he would refer the matter to the Board for an In-
formal oninlon, Mr. Snow then related the following
i.nformat,on wrich Mr. Capaldi had given him.
On the original plan which Mr.Capaldi had
submitted to the Planning Board, Lot 45 had the
necessary frontage on a way and that with the ad-
justment of the plan in connection with the reloca-
tion of Worthen Road tl-is lot became a corner lot
having insufficient frontage on one street as- re-
quired by the zoning by-law although the lot had a
combined frontage of 125 feet on Worthen and Ken-
dall Roads. Because of this situation Mr. Capaldi
intended to seek a variance to erect a house on this
lot and asked if the Planning Board would be willing
to support such a variance.
After a review of the subdivision plan and a
discussion of the matter., it was decided to recommend
to the Board of Appeals that a variance from the
so endorsed with the notation that parcel
1 is to be added to and be combined with
Lot 1 as shown on the plan.
VOTED; that the Lexington Planning Board deter-
mines that the plans accompanying applica-
tions #63-29 and #63-30 do not require
anproval under the Subdivision Control Law,
and that said plans be so endorsed.
Mr. Snow referred the Board to its letter to
Mr. Busa (see minutes of ?Tanning Board meeting of
April 151 1963) statin; that it was necessary for
SEC. 8
Mr. Busa as subdivider to obtain from the Metropoli-
tan District Commission an easement to locate a
drain across the Commission's sewer easement in his
proposed Green Valley, Section Eight, subdivision.
Mr. Snow reported that Mr. Carroll, T�exington's
Supt, of Public Works, had been informed by the Com-
mission that it could not grant to Mr. Busa such an
easement but could grant it to the town. Mr. Snow
stated that Mr.Carroll was in the process of obtain-
ing this drainage easement and exhibited a letter,
dated April 18, to Mr.A. E. Sulesky, Chief Sewerage
Engineer of the Commission, requesting such an ease-
ment. (See addendum.)
Mr. Snow reported that during the hast week
COLONTAL Mr. Gennaro Capaldi had met with him to discuss tr e
ACRES nroblem in regard to Lot 45 as shown on the Colonial
SEC. 3 Acres, Section 3 definitive subdivision plan, dated
March 20, 1950. having stated to Mr.Capaldi. teat
CAPALDT he would refer the matter to the Board for an In-
formal oninlon, Mr. Snow then related the following
i.nformat,on wrich Mr. Capaldi had given him.
On the original plan which Mr.Capaldi had
submitted to the Planning Board, Lot 45 had the
necessary frontage on a way and that with the ad-
justment of the plan in connection with the reloca-
tion of Worthen Road tl-is lot became a corner lot
having insufficient frontage on one street as- re-
quired by the zoning by-law although the lot had a
combined frontage of 125 feet on Worthen and Ken-
dall Roads. Because of this situation Mr. Capaldi
intended to seek a variance to erect a house on this
lot and asked if the Planning Board would be willing
to support such a variance.
After a review of the subdivision plan and a
discussion of the matter., it was decided to recommend
to the Board of Appeals that a variance from the
frontage requirements be granted in this case. Mr.
Snow was asked to so inform Mr. Capaldi.
Mr. Snow also re -ported that Mr. Capaldi dis-
cussed with him the possible rezoning of a tract of
land between Route 2 and Wood Street for apartments
or industry and sought Mr. Snow's opinion of the
feasibility of these nronosals. The tract of land
involved comprises the former Louisa M. Brogna prop-
erty (see -parcel 26 on Assessors' Map 67) and lot 13
as shown on Land Court plan #6686X.
Mr. Snow informed the Board that he had told
"Jr. Capaldi that it had always been his recommends-
tI.on to the Board the area between ktood Street and
Foote 12F fro -i "°assachusetts Avenue to where the pro-
posed location of an access road from the intersec-
tion of '.food Street and Hartwell Avenue be retained
ns a residential area. Mr. Snow also told Mr.
Canaldi that it was his o-oinion that there was very
little likelihood that rezoning proposals such as Mr..
Capaldi was interested in would be considered favor-
ably by the Planni_nn Board but that he could come to
the Board's meeting any time to discuss these matters
' with the Board.
Mr. Snow said he also showed Mr. Capaldi a
print of the nreli.minary plan of the Bates Road sub-
division, dated January 30, 1950s and annroved by the
Planning Board, this plan showing the nercel now known
as L.C. Lot 13, as noted above, as a nroposed recrea-
tion area. (This parcel is also numbered 19 on
Assessors' Map 67.) Mr. Snow stated that he informed
Mr. Capaldi of the contents of the planning Board's
letter of July 231- 1956 in regard to a petition for a
variance to use this parcel for a single family dwell-
ing. (See addendum; see also minutes of Planning
Board meeting of July 16, 1956.)
The Board then discussed the possibility of ac-
quiring for playground and recreational purposes the
combined n^reels of land, Mr. Snow having reported
that Mr. Capaldi was willing to sell them to the town
for what he paid for them. The majority of the Board
thought that the land would make a good recreational
area for the neighborhood, Mr. Campbell not thinking
so. All agreed, however, to entertain a written offer
for t� e land from 'fir. Capaldi. Mr. Snow was asked to
so inform Mr. Can_aldi.
Mr. Mabee reported that the chairman of the
Appropriation and Capital 'Txpenditures Committees
requested an appointment with the Planning Board to
APpROPRTATION discuss the latter's recommendation set forth in
AVD CAPITAL the Board's summary report that in cooperation with
EXPENDITt?RES these committee's a study of the town's long-range
COMMITTEES financial plan be undertaken by a professional con-
sultant. An appointment was arranged for 9;00 p.m.
at the Board's next meeting on April 29.
Mesdames Sanborn C. Brown and John T. Harvell
SUMMARY and Mr. Leslie H. York of the Executive Committee of
REPORT the Town Meeting Members Association met with the
Board with reference to the suggestion that the Asso-
T.M.M.A. ciation schedule a series of meetings to discuss the
various proposals set forth in the Board's Summary
report. (See minutes of Planning Board meeting of
April 15, 1963.) Mrs. Harvell presented a draft of
a proposed letter to the Town Meeting Nembers
announcing these meetings. With some minor suggested
chen!;es the Board approved the draft. (See addendum.)
Mr. Snow distributed to the Board for its con -
PROPOSED sideration a draft of an article for the warrant of
HOTEL, some future town meeting to see if the Town would
DISTRICT vote to amend the Lexington Zoning By-law by creating
a hotel district and establishing regulations in re-
gard to the same. (See minutes of Planning Board
meeting of April 8, 1963.) The draft was taken under
With reference to the first item, it was the
Board's opinion that the town should not adont said
Section 8.',Nth reference to the second item the Board
decided it was not in favor of having any master plans
nrenared under the 701 program of the Housing and Nome
Finance Agenev but it might consider favorabl�r having
It was decided that each member of the Board
C 1 and C 2
would prepare suggestions for Uses and regulations
for revised local and general business districts. A
work session to consider the same was scheduled for
Saturdsv, May 11, 19h3 at 10:00 a.m.
Inquiry was made as to the status of the Tiaq-
den, Harding and Buchanan report to the Mass. Dept.
of Public Works in regard to the former's recommenda-
tions for the location of Route 3 throu?h Lexington.
Mr. Mabee was asked to have the Selectmen mage formal
inquiry in regard to the status of this report.
A letter, dated April 1 4, 1963., was received
from Mr. Alan ':fade In regard to the suggestion that
the Town adopt Section 8 of Chapter 40A of the General
L and also in regard to the Board's Summary Reort.
S 8
Sec.8 G.L.
With reference to the first item, it was the
Board's opinion that the town should not adont said
Section 8.',Nth reference to the second item the Board
decided it was not in favor of having any master plans
nrenared under the 701 program of the Housing and Nome
Finance Agenev but it might consider favorabl�r having
certain portions of a plan done, such as an economic
study, where proner use of citizens' committees for
depth and details was made. "ith s-oecific reference
to volunteers helnint* the ?Board in the solution of
various problems in connection with a master plan, the
Board indicated it wou.lO welcome assistance of members
of the Town 71eetln7 "I -embers Association and others in
effectuating the elan.
Mr. Mabee was asked to telephone Mr. Wade giv-
i.nP, hi.m the comments of the Board in regard to his
letter, (See addenda.)
The Board acjourned its meeting: at 9:30 n.m•
Josep -"1� Campbell,
April 29, 1963
John J. Carroll, Supt, p- Town L'ngineer
Department of Public 'Torks
Town Nall
Lexinmton, 1,1assachusetts
Dear Sir-
Your reauest i.n letter of ,April l�, 1063, for ner-
mi_ssion to install ane maintain a 12" surface drain across
the Metr.opolitan.3ewerar-re Easement in the vicinity of
Station 14+05 of Section P5, Mill Brook Valley Sewer, near
'lbemarle Avenue in Lexi.n.7ton, was apnroved by the rRetropol-
i.tan District Commission at its regilLar meeting; on April 25,
The 12" drain will have apnroximate17 2' of cover
and will cross the 33" P•'etrorolitnn reinforced concrete
sewer which. has annr.oxi.netely R' of cover at this location.
'7er7 truly yours,
Isl A. ". Sulesky
Director of Sewerage Division
' and. Chief Sewerasre Engineer
n 7S /r g
cc: Forrest
Dear Town Meeting* Member:
The Executive Committee of the Town Meeting Members Association
has agreed to schedule a series of meetings wits the Planning;
Board of Lexin�,ton for the nurpose of discussing the Board's
recently published ''Phase One Summary Penort.I'
These meetings, we believe, will offer Town Meeting Members an
excellent opportunity to look atthe whole range of nlanning
problems confronting Lexington and to develop a total view
which sbould be of great help in considering zoning and other
planning pronosals brouftht before the Town Meeting.
We have asked the Planning Board to discuss these nronosals
(and backgrounds) so t' -at town meeting; members will be aware
of their ramifications before expressing their opinions at
these meeti.nr;s.
There will be meetings on three successive Thursday evenings,
May 2, May 9 and T.`ev 16. All meetings will be held in Esta -
brook Hall, starting promntl-- at R:06 p.m. T},_e general agenda
is furnished by the Deport itself, of wrich vou, rave been given
a cony. The first evening- we will cover Chanters I, II, and
TII of the Report. The second evenlnrc we will cover Chanters
IV and ending wits Chanter VI. The third evening. will complete
remaining items.
From the Point of view of the Planninn Roard, these are not
on meetings." The Board wants and expects Town
Meeting members to come already informed, rendv to express
their opinions and prepared to caiscuss the merits of the
various proposals.
'-Te would like everyone to attend, so that the Town Meeting
will not be surnrised by whatever direction the Planning Board
takes in carrying forward the work so well begun in the Sum-
mary Report. The discussions scheduled will nre-suppose your
having studied the Summary Report, but will not necessarily be
limited to topics found in the "eport, if additional subjects
of equal importance and relevance present tremselves.
Sincerely yours,
(zTomer 7a7e6orn)
i July 23, 1956
Board of Anneals
Town Office Building
Lexington 733 Massachusetts ,
peference is made to the n etition of Malcolm J. Fastwood for
a variance of the Lexnr•ton ?oning By -Law to erect a single
family dwelling on a parcel of land on Bates Road, said parcel
not having the frontage required under said Bs * -Law.
The Plan-ing Board calls 1rour attention to the fact that the
above-mentioned parcel of land does not have the frontage re-
quired for a s�rgle family dwelling because It was not intended
that the o arcel be used for such a purpose. The records of
this Board show that said parcel of land was to be set aside
as a ne,ahborhood recreation area as shown on a nreiiminary
subdivision rLan prepared by Miller 8- NTvlander, dated Jan. 30,
1Q50 and approved by the Board. On this elan a way was pro-
vided from 'wood Street as a means of access into the area so
that the parcel of land could be used to the best advantage
and so that the snrina lust belOT-7 the then-oronosed Bates Road
would not be disturbed.
Tt will be noted on the o'efinitive plan annroved by the Plan-
ning Board on March 31, 10K2 that while the snrinp is now shown
and the parcel not designated specifically fdr recreation rur-
noses, the parcel was not riven a lot number and a war from
Bates Road was provided. The fact th^t the Land Court assigned
a number to the parcel in no wav alters the fact that it was to
be set aside for recreation purposes.
Tn consideration of the Information arove set forth, the Plan-
nin7 Board believes you will uneetstand why it is especially
interested in the petition of Mr. Tastwood. and w'shes to be
placed on record as strongl-r on -Posed to the grantin'-p of the
Respectfully submitted,
Is/ Donald D. Rathawa�r, Chairman
52t� Concord Avenue
Lexin.rton, Vass.
April 14, 10'3
rr. 7rvin7 'Tabee, Chairman
Town Planning Board
Lexi nmton,?"_ass.
Tear TTr. Vabee:
"s you ..nowp many of us livinrr it the Southwest corner of Lex-
, inaton have been concernO for some time about the continuing*
pressures to rezone large areas of the town. e, have been in-
volved in the latest zoning rronosals. The area at the junction
of the nronosed Doute _" Intersection with Doute 2 might be
There are two aspects of the rezoning; problem that we are
narticularly concerned with.
1. The state law limiting the renetition of zoning nronosals.
Is the pl^nning board 'ntending to place on the warrant
for the next To?an ','eeti.n�- an article to limit the number
of times a given rezoning nronosal can be bro�,..-ht in? If
you do not elan to bring in such an article, could, T know
,your reasons against it? I believe It might be in the
-public interest to have such an article on the warrants but
if there are vaii_e reasons against. it, I'd be delighted to
drop tl� e Idea.
2, Summary Den ort, ?Tanr of its would be willing and eager to
sun -Dort some of tr e imnlications in your excellent Summary
Denort, It seems to us the renort indicates your belief
in the need for a comprehensive plan for the town. Any
zoning changes then could be taken un in reference to such
a ,Teneral elan, and its economic, population, traffic and
other data. Do you plan to place on the next Town Warrant
an article authorizing such an overall plan, and oerhars
seeking federal funds for the necessary studies? Peacock
Farms, Burlington St, and other areas, as well as our own,
seem anxious to support such a nronosal. There appear to
be a good many volunteers including professional town
planners and architects, willin,,-, to lend some talent to
your man,'r problems, If ,you do not plan to put such an
article on the warrant, what would amour attitude be toward
a citizens article on this topic, backed by a citizens com-
mittee of town -wide nronortions?
I would be f*lad to bring two or three persons to a planning
Board meeting if you care to place these items on your agenda.
Is% Alan `Tale