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April 8, 1063
The Lexington Planning; Board held. a regular
meeti_nn in its office-i_n the Town Office Buildinrr
on Mondav, April 8, 1063 at 7:40 n.m- Present
were Chairman T'abee.9 members Campbell,- Greeley, and
Hever, and Mr. Snow, Dl.^Inning Director.
The Board annroved the minutes of its meet-
ings of March 11, lop ^nd April 1, 1063.
In 'connection with the annroval of the min-
utes of April 1, 1?63 the Poard considered further
its decision in ret-ard to acq-ui.rinFr, lots on Valley-
field Street to be combined with To7n-owned nron-
ert-,T for the nurnose of creating, an unified. narcel
of lane for a future nla,r�round for the Joodhaven
res_dential area. Mr. Snow was asked to nrenare
for the Chairman's signature a letter to the Board
of Selectmen confirming* the Planning., Board's recom-
mendat.i_on for the exchan,e of a norti_on of the
Valleyfield Realt7r Trust land between the 'Far
development and the proposed lateral of the `food -
haven trunk sewer for an. equal area of land which
is now nart of lot 65 of the Farmrl rst, Section 43
subdivision. Tn the letter to ti -e Selectmen,Mr.
Snow was also asked to include the PI:^.nnint? Board's
-eco-emendation that tl,.e Selectmen acau'.re lots to
u3, inclusive, in said Farmrurst suti-di_vi.s,.on t:o con-
rlete the area necessar-- for the rrorosed Woodhaven
rlaysrround, (See addendum.)
L.^ 7D FOR
Considered next and anp.roved for nn•-ment bzr
the P'o.rd were t'le follow;nm Dills which had been BILLS
presented: rreder=ck J. ^eterso", for han7ing coT)7-
-in- machi.ne--1,9.75; Andrew T. Johnson Co., Tnc.,
draft,.n� sunrlies -^nd nri_ntinf-- -"'7.R4.
Also considered wore the following applica-
tions for determination of Planning Bonrd inris-
di_cti on:
"63-211.9 Goulc, rrevi.ously listed
63-25, submitted Anri 1 4, 1 063 by Anrs. Peter
J. `.'allis; plan entitled Plan of Land In
Lexinr*ton, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 140', dated
Au?. 25, 11)62, Miller R- Nvlander, C.E.'s 8:
u- _63 -2-
l`63-26, submitted Anril 8, 1963 by Robert
E. Valeri; nlan entitled "A Plan of Land '
in Lexi_n7ton P Arli nrrto --Mass. ", Scale:
1" = 301, dated Oct. 15, 10,'.25 John J.
Sullivan, Surveyor.
x#63-27, submitted Anri.l 8, 1963 by Robert
E. Valeri; plan entitled "731an of Land in
ton - Arlington Piassachusetts,'',
Scale: 1" = 301, dated Oct. 1962, John J.
Sullivan, Survezror.
It was decided to withhold action on the
plans ,accompanying applications :x`63-25, ?�63-26
and #63-27 pending the obtaining' of further In-
formation in rer*ard to the proposals set forth in
these plans
Unon motion duly made and seconded, it was
VOTED: that the Lexington 'Planning; Board determines
that the elan accompanyinr* application #63-
2[1 does require .apnroval under the Subdi.vi -
si.on Control.Law.
At 8:00 p.m. the Lexington planring Board '
GSEFTT held a pub l.i.c hearing relative to the annlication
VALLEY of Anton,o Busa for approval of a definitive sub
SFC. 8 division nlan to be known as "!'seen .Valley Section
Tight Le rinTto-, -Mass." Mr. "usa was the only
BUSA person present at the searing.
The Chairman read the notice of said bear-
ing as had. been .sent to all property owners deemed
to have been affected and as it had been published
in the T arch 21, 1963 issue of the Lexington Min-
ute -man. He then called upon the suhdivieer to
nresent his -plan. Mr. Busa pointed out that the
exhibited plan was amore or less self-explanatory,
it consisting of a dead -enc' street anproxi_mate17
463 feet i,n lenFth on wb ich.. seven lots fronted.
The attention of the Board was called to a
letter, dated 7`"arch 11, 1963, in regard to.,this
subdivision from 1'r. Carroll, Lexington Supt, of
Public `.,Forks, stati.n,:� that he approved the oronosed
location, sizes and grades of streets, easements,
water mains, sewer mains, ane storm drains shown on
the r'efi_nitive subdi_vi_son plan w tr the exception
teat the drain mist be reinforced concrete ,in the '
4-P-63 -3-
Crain easement from Albemarle Avenue to a "rook easterly
of this nronosed. sur04?9_sion street. Tt was notes. that
this easement ,.,as loc^,ted in hart over the Y.D.C. sewer
easement. the quest -on was raised as to whether or not
n Kusa has' the ri mht to locate a drain crossin!; 0. -Ver
the ',..D.C. sewer easement.. T,7 r. Busa renli.ed that be,
understood the Mi.D.C; would have no objection to such
crossi_n7. Mr. Snow was asked to refer this matter
both to T?r. Carroll and to t.re Town Counsel for an
There beinr� no other questions in rer-ard to
the sul"divi_sion nlan tLF Crai_rman d.ecl^:res the e�ri_nP,
closed, t'je time bei n- 8:10 n.m.
From 8:10 to 8 : ?5 the 'Tann' nr Po^ rd met ,,Ylt'"
the Board of Selectmen for the nurrose.of meeting T,Tr.
Gray, the new Executive Assistant of tre Board. of
Selectmen. The Crai.rman presented each individual wi..th.
a corsT of a memorandum from the Selectmen to "2.r. rr. a"r,
listinm certain duties of the Executive Assistant and
exnlainin7 that the Board of.Selectmen honsd to estab-
lish a liaison with the elected officials.over whom the
Board of c•electmen bas no control. (For details of the
conference with i;he Board of Selectmen see the minutes
' of the Selectmen's meeting^ of Arri_l 8, 1963.)
From 8:35 to 0:00 p.m. Attornetir Stenhen T.
Russian, representin7 the Lucks., Fenny Trust, met with
the Planni.n? Board to discuss the nronosed development
of this trust's land located on the westerly sidle of
Grove Street. T'r. '3us si.an referred the r3oard to a
letter, dated IT arch 3, 195Q and addressed to T,?r. Harmon
S. B. '4hi.te of ATewtor, notifying-, �lr. ':'hi.te of the Plan-
nl= Board_"decision in regard to the preliminary subd.i_-
vision plan of the Trust's _land whicr was etsarnroved
on March 2, 1059. Mr. R,issi.an noted narticularly the
raragranh in the letter which stated that the Planning;
Board. would ma'. F a strC-7 of the entire residential area
i_n the vicinity o' tre Luck".., Penny Trust land and that
asssoon ns this work was complated the Board would dis-
cuss the studs, r,;+r r;Tr. ",A-Ite. Tyr. Russian stated that
to his kno��,Ied--e nothing further had been done in re-
tard to this nrorosal. Ne asked the snecific status of
Mr. Russian was informed of a conference which
the Board held with "?r. Kobrick and. Mr. ?shite, of the
stucies "r. Snow made as a result of these conferences,
and subdequent events which took Mace after these-
' studieswere made. Mr. Russian was shown some of tre
studies which were discussed in a-e,neral wa?r. Fe was
In regard. to the above decision it was decided
to send Mr, jhi.rley a letter enolosing a conn of Mr.
Carroll's letter of April 8,.and informing Pig. Shirley
that the Board could see no reason whir he should not
proceed with the preparation of a definitive subdivi-
sion plan tali ng into -consideration torr, Carroll's I
letter. TTr. Snow was asked to draft such a letter for
the Chairman's si_gnature. (See addendum.)
also shown the ma.r1_;ed copies of -gyri nts of the rrelim-
i_nar- subdivision which '-had. been submitted and acted
upon as noted above.. At the conclusion of tre confer-
ence it eras arrreed to send Mr. Russian a letter set-
t_i_n7 forth the major points discussed in the confer-
ence with him. (See addendum.)
Considered next were the notices of hearings to
be heard by the Historic Districts Commission on Anril
10. Tt was decided to take no action on the annlica-
tions to be heard on said date.
Considered also were the notices of heari.nr?s to
pinr.nl OF
be held by the Board of Anneals on April 9, 1963. It
was decked to take no action on the petitions to be
heard on this date with the excepti-on of that of King-
ston Homes, Inc. in connection with a conference which
the Board held with representatives of the Kingston
Homes on March ll, 1963 (see minutes of Planning; Board
meeting of said date), there was nresen.ted for the
Board's consideration a draft of a letter to the Board
of Appeals statim; the PlanninP Board's oositi_on in re-
gard to the Kingston zTomes retition. This letter was
aprroved by the Board and signed by the Chairman. (See
Likewise considered, was the application of Mr.
and Mrs, Gerald D. Shirley for approval of a prelimi-
nary subdivision -plan of their land numbered 169 Grove
Street. The plan was discussed in some detail in con-
vection-wi.th a letter, dated Ar,ril 8, 1963, to the
Planning Board from Mr. Carroll, Lexinrrton Supt, of
Public ?-:corks, After due consideration i_t was moved,
seconded, and unanimously
VOTED: that the -preliminary subdivision olan entitled
"Preliminary Plan of Lots in Lexinmton, Mass.",
dated March 9, 1963, whiTch was submitted to
the Board on March 131 19631 be and hereby is
disapproved for the reason that there is no
nroposed system of storm drainage shown, on the
In regard. to the above decision it was decided
to send Mr, jhi.rley a letter enolosing a conn of Mr.
Carroll's letter of April 8,.and informing Pig. Shirley
that the Board could see no reason whir he should not
proceed with the preparation of a definitive subdivi-
sion plan tali ng into -consideration torr, Carroll's I
letter. TTr. Snow was asked to draft such a letter for
the Chairman's si_gnature. (See addendum.)
' A letter, dated Anri.l 2, was received from
the Board of Selectmen transmittin!; a con�r of a
letter, dated March 23, 1063, from Narry J.
Palladino of Tjellesley Hills, Mass. expressing an
interest in selling; to Lexin�^ton a parcel of land
situated easteriz- of the 3oston F,; Maine Railroad
tracks, and bounded in part by the so-called Great
Meadows land owned by the town of Arlington. In
its letter the Selectmen requested that the Plan-
ning hoard make a _recommendation in regard to the
possible acquisition of the Palladino land.
Tyr. Snow exhibited a marked print showing
the boundary line of the Great Meadows area which
he had previously recommended be acquired and
utilized as a so-called natural science park. He
stated that although the print had no date and
title, i.t had been macre in Sentember, 1060 when he
prenared plans for such a nark.
The Board eiscussed the relationshi_n of the
Palladino parcel to adjacent rri_vately- and niiblic-
17,-o.nrne0 nronerties and possible means of access to
this narcel, After t.? -)e discussion i.t was decided to
recommend the acquis tion of the Palladino land for
nubli_c nla-rTround and recreational n»rposes. Mr.
;now was as' -ed to draft for the chairman's signature
a letter to the Selectmen setting forth information
in re-rard to tre Palladino parcel and recommenda-
tions In re?ard to its acouisition (see addendum).
The :�)lannin7 Board met with the Board of Se-
lectmen in re7ard to a conference which the latter
had held earlier in the evening with representa-
tives of Cabot, Cabot R,: Forbes in reegardd. to a pos-
sible change in the desi'rn of the northeasterly
quadrant of the '_?oute 2-Snring Street interchange.
(For information in regard to the discussion which
was held wit'- the Selectmen, see the minutes of
their meeti n,�r of Anri l B.) At this meeting* the
Plannin7 Board reaffirmed the nosi.tion it had taken
nreviousl,r in a letter, dated March 21, 1063, which
the',o-rd of Selectmen had sent to the Chief Engi-
neer of the plass. Lent, of public "Torks.
Tn this letter the denartment was notified
the Bo -rd of Selectmen hac unanimously voted to
reaffirm its acceptance of the department's desicrn
of the northeasterly quadrant of tl^e Roi to 2-Snrin7
`)treat intercbanr-e as referred to in the Select
' men's letter nf October I_q, 19'2 to the Crief Enmi-
neer. ' 7 e letter also confirmed the "lanr.ing
SP"T_1?G ST.
C.C. F.
Board's agreement that the Board work' noti_fv the '
derartment upon receipt of any an -plication for a
"finding and determination by the hoard of Apneals"
in connection wi tb anv site, plan which may be filed
for a barcel of land in the vi.ci.nity of this north-
easterly quadrant of said interchange.
`?'he rema reer of t'ne Plannin'r Board meeting
ZONING was devoted to a discussion of the, rewrttinr- of
BY-LAW sections of the zoning by-law having; to do with
ex*sting A 1 and C 1 districts. 'Tr. Snow was asked
to draft for the Board's consideration proposed
amendments separating the remilations and uses of,
existing A 1 districts into two new districts, one
having only garden apartment, and the other hotels
and their accessory uses.
The Board. also discussed in some detai_1 the
uses which should be permitted in local business
districts. Particularl7,,, discussed was the need_ of
separating these uses into two different categories
and districts and nrovidinm regulations in regard
to tie same.
The meet!.nF adioi.lrned at 10:10 n.m. '
Jos enh A. Campbell
C l.erk
Anril 122.19'3
Board of Selectmen
Town Office F3uild4nFc
Lexi_n�,ton T� n'ass.
gentlemen :
This letter w1_11. confirm Mr. Snow's conversation with
Thr. Carroll in_forminrr hi_m that the T'lanning Board.
annroves of the rronosed exchanrre of a portion of the
Vallevfield "ealt- Trust land between the Farmhurst
subdivision and the nronosed lateral of the Woodhaven
trunk sewer for an equal area of land which 1s now
part of lot 65 of the 72rmhurst, Section 4 subdivision. '
On the attached print assembled from Assessors' maps
4-q-63 -7-
17 ane 21, is shown the pronosed exchanf-e of land, now
understood to comprise about 51,600 square feet instead,
of the 50,000 shown on the elan.
Tn addition to the exchange of lane' noted above, the
Planning Board recommends that the Selectmen acquire for
nla7—round and recreational nurnoses parcel 3K as shown
on Assessors' man 17, the Selectmen doing so under the
author.i.t• granted them under Article 27 of the 1963 ann-
ual town meetinF,. 741th the acquisition of this parcel
the Town will then have assembled into one area about 7.5
acres of lend for the development of a playground for the
Woodhaven residential area.
Parcel 35 consists of lots 59, 60 and 61 as shown on the
Farmhurst, Section IL subdivision plan, dated Jan. 1918 and
prepared by C. H. Gannett, C.P. The nlan is recorded in
the N:iddlesex South District Rep-stry of Deeds in Book 361,
Page 2(,. The lots ^re owned by Antonio and Carmella Man-
fredi, 617 Concord Avenue, In Lexington, were appraised by
Cole, Layer, Trumble Co. as having a fair market value of
900.00 on January 1, 1962 and assessed on the same date
by the Lexington Board of Assessors for 800.00. These
values are for the sum of all three lots.
' Sincerel-,r,
Enc. /s/ Trvin7 F..Mabee, Chairman
April 9, 10/63
?fir. Stephen T. Russian
1776 Massachusetts Avenue
Lexin-ton 73, "ass .
Fear Mr. Fussian:
This will confirm the maior points which the Board discussed
with you at .ts meeting last nir-ht in regard to the pronosed
subdivision of Lucky Penn -7 Trust land situated on Grove
Street. The Board greatly appreciates --our consideration in
waiting until after the annual town meeting to discuss this
mf)tter as requested in your letter of January 23rd.
With specific reference to the first paragraph in vour letter
the Board agreed, after a conference with. Mr. Kobrick and Mr.
7Jh1te on Sentember 2.8j, 1959, to have Mr. Snow make some studies
indic,:ting how the Trust's land could be developed with accept-
able Frades and h or.izontal alignment of roads as well as with
-n,-63 -3-
acceptable accesses to the subdi-vision. Mr. Snow discussed '
these studies with Yr. j^ihite on November 4 end again on
' ovember 244 1959. some of these studies were shown to you
last nifTht along with marked conies of prints of the Trust's
preliminary subdi.visi-on elan which had been acted upon on
March 2, 1959.
On the basis of the conference with Tarr. `1hite, the Lucky
Penny Trust acquired title on January 20, 1060 to Lot 5 on
Grove Street, at a point orrosite Gould Road, as a second
means of access to the rronosed subdivision and to carry out
some of these studies. However, the Board was surprised to
note that Ben Franklin Homes built a house on this lot, Lucky_
Penny Trust convevin7 house and lot to Mr. Jankovitz on Octo-
ber 18, 1961 rather than using the lot as a means of develop-
inF; the subdivision.
To the Board's knowledge this is where the subdivision pro-
posal stands to date. If ,you have any pronosals'to offer in
regard to the development o" the Trust's land, tb:e Board will
be rleased to review them at vou-r request.
Fours veru truly,
bs/ T_rvinr7 H. Mabee, Chairman
-oril P, 1963
Boa r. d of Anneals
Town Office Building*
Lexington 73, Mass.
Reference is made to the petition of Kin-ston Homes to be
heard. on April 9, 1963.
The Planning Board does not wish to take a position in favor
of or in opposition to this petition. This Board requests
however, that should the Board of Appeals c^rant the Kingston
Homes neti_tion it do so on the condition that any residence
erected on lot 1 B be connected to the sewer to be constructed
in Ingleside Road and that an easement for such sewer con-
nection across lot l A be Pranted to the owner of lot l B.
LT YTAjnT( °? pr,A:T?1,77 OARD
/s/ Irving P. Mabee, Chairman
' April 12, 1963
Mr. Gerald D. Shirley
160, Grove Street
Lexin?ton 731 Mass.
Dear Mr. Shirley:
Attached herewith is a cory of a vote of the Plannin7, 7oard's
action in refTard to your nreli_minary subdivision plan, dated
Anri_1 8, 1P63. Also attached, herewith is a copy of a letter
from Tir. C^.rroll, Lexin-ton Sunerintendent of Public '=]orks,
wit's reference to tris elan.
Since tree appears to be no problem whi& cannot be easily
solved in connection with the development of srour lana on
.rove Street, the Planni.n�- Board recommends that you proceed,
should y.ou so desire, with havinP a definitive subdivision
elan nrenared for submission to the Board, the nlan incerpor-
ati.ng those recommendations made by. t -1r. Carroll.
A cony of this letter is '^ei_n7' sent to the firm of Miller 8;
Nylander tonether with a copy of Mr. Carroll's letter.
Sincerely yovrs,
Is/ Irving H. Mabee, Chairman
cc: Supt, of Public 'dorks
Town Clerk
Miller g. PTylander
April 1?, 1963
Board of Selectmen
Town nffi.ceTuildinrr
T,exi rr,ton 73 , T•t' ss .
Tn reply to lour letter of April 2, the "1annin7 Board.
.recommends that the Town acquire for nlavground and recrea-
tional nur.noses the land of Harry T. and Iva T. Palladi.no
0esi_rnate6'as parcel 8h on Assessors' map 30. This parcel
is also s'_rosrn on the attached_ print *.•Thick has no date and
title but t-fnich was drafted under Mr. Snow's supervision in
September, ICISO when he prepared plans for a natural science
park he reco-mended be created utilizing the privately- and
nublicly-owned lands knoTin as the Sreat Meadows.
Likewise shown on the nrirt and colored it green is the loca-
ti.on of a parcel of land or about 1.3 acres in area, owned by
the Town of Lexinnton, and designated as parcel 83 on '
Assessors' mar 30. This pt+rcel together with that owned
noia b7 Mr. and Mrs. Palladino was formerl'T known as the
T'letcher rronerty access to which was obtained from
Massachusetts Avenue over the rronertzr numbered 1000-1011
Massachusetts Avenue.
^lso attached hr"ewith for 7 -our information is an excerpt
frog: the minutes of the Planning^ 7nard meetin7 of Januarlr
8, 1°',2 i.n regard to the Palladino n"rcel and also a cop,
of a letter, dated Januarlr 10, 1(`:2, to Mr. and Mrs.
Palladino indicati_nr` the Planni_nr, Board's interest in ac-
quirin-; this parcel for this Town.
records indicate that Mr. and Mrs. Palladino acquired this
parcel or. June 9, lc54 by deed for the sum of "3500. The
deed is recorded in the Micdlesex South District Registry
of Deeds on June 16, 1015), in Book 8271, ra7,e 51!-9. repre-
sentatives of Cole, Lazier, Trumble Company annraised the
parcel as havi.n ; elfht acres and as havi= a value of
+3,2.00.00 as of January 1, 10'3. The Board of Assessors
set a value as of the spme date for this parcel as having
a valuation of �2,900.n0.
31 ncere1--2
LT7TT_7GTnI`i PL�,nT'ITrTrr ,n,04nD I
/s/ Trvin7 H. Mabee, Chairman
Enc : 3