HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-02-251 1 1 PLANT?ING BOARD MEETiNG February 25, 1963 The Lexington Planning Board held a regular meeting in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, February 2K, 1963 at 7:45 p.m. Present were Chairman Grinele, members Campbell, Mabee and Meyer, and 'r, Snow, Planning Director. The Board approved for payment the following bills which had been presented: Samuel P. Snow, car BiLLS allowance for February, 1063--120.00; Minute -man Publications, Tnc., advertising --"53.92. The attention of the Board was called to a copv of a letter, dated February 20, 1963 from Mr. H. T;. Stevens to the Board of Selectmen relative to certain parcels of land acquired as additions to the prospective scho,nl site on Waltham Street and Winthrop Road. (See addendum.) The attention of the Board was also called to a letter, dated February* 19, 1963, from the Chairman of the Board of Appeals to the planning Board informing it that the Itek Corporation had brought suit aaai_nst the Board of Anneals as a re- sult of the latter's denial of said Corporation's petition of January 8. A copy of the Bill of Com- plaint, Equity ''243bl, which was filed in the Middlesex Superior Court in this case accompanied the letter from the Board of Appeals. A letter, dated February 20, 1963, was also received from the Boar,? of Rpneals transmitting an application and site plan from the A.mnolo Construc- tion and T'nr-ineerinP, Corporation for a finding and determination under Sec. ^ (h) of the Zoning By-law. This material was given to Mr. Snow to rrenare a recommendation for consideration bv- the planning Board. The ?'lanning Board next determined what_prop- erties were deemed to be affected by certain pro - nosed amendments to the Zoning B -v -law concerning which it had scheduled public hearinvs on March 7. In regard to golf courses as a proposed use in one family dwelling districts, It was decided- to send notices of the hearing to T"7r. William L. Potter who desired to construct a golf course on his pronerty on Walnut Street, to the Lexington Golf Club, and to Mr..Belli.zia of the pine Meadows Golf Club. WALTHAM ST - WTvTHROP RD SCHOOL STTF BOARD OF APPEALS TTEK AMPOLO ZONING PROPOSALS -2- In regard to the hearings with reference to permit retail liquor stores and multiple dwelling units in local business districts, it was decided to send notices to all owners of nronerty in said local business districts, Read to the Board was a notice of a hearing FTSTORIC to be held on March 12 by the Historic Districts DISTRICT Commission '✓n regard to the annlication of John F. COMMTSSION MacNeil for a Certificate of Appropriateness for an addi.ti.on to an office building In Depot Square. Tt was decided to take no action in regard to this aprl.cation. From 8:30 - 9:00 r.m. Ruth (Mrs. ITeorge P.) FORM A Morey and her attorney, Wilbur M. Jaquith, and Mark Moore, Jr., builder, met with the Board to di.scuss MOREY Mrs, Morey's Form A application, X63-16, for en- dorsement of a elan laving out lots on her property abutting North Hancock Street and Blake Road, Concerning the last naragraph of the Town Counsel's letter of February 15 to the planning Board, Mr. Jaquith made the following statements: A title examination of Mrs. Morey's nronerty re- vealed that Blake Road is shown on a plan entitled "Lexington Building Trust Lexington, Mass,", dated January L;., 1926 and is recorded with Middlesex (South District) Regi.str7 of Deeds on Jul,r 11t, 1926 as Plan No. 868. Subsequentl7-, in 1931, the Lex- ington Trust Company through mortgage foreclosure, acquired all the then remaining nroperty of the Lex- ingtor Building, Trust in the so-called Manor area including the Trust's title to Blake Road. 'A pre- liminary examination indicates that title to that nart of Blake Road. between Nowers Road and Burling- ton urling-ton Street, except the area comprising the westerly half of the street abutting* the 'dagner nroperty, Still remains in the Lexington Trust Co. Discussions with the bank's officials indicate that the bank will be willing to convey this title to Mr. Moore, to Mrs. Morey, to the Town of. Lexington, or to anv one or more of these people depending* on the Town Counsel's preference, Conveyance will be made as soon as the title examination is comnleted and a deed can be drawn, a matter of about two weeks, Mr. Jam i_th con- cluded by stating that the title to Mrs. MoreV's nronerty carries with It the .ri.ght to use all of that part of Blake Road abutting her nronerty "for all purposes for which streets are commonly used in said Lexington ." Mr, Moore said that if the Board endorsed Mrs. Moretrls plan he would, at no expense to the town, 1 11 2-2c:-�)3 -3- , ' install water and sewer and nave Blake Road to drive- ! -!ay snecifi_cations in front of the two lots frontingg, on this road as shown on the nlan. Mr. Jaquith recommended that Mrs. Morey with- draw her annlication to give the Plannin7 Board Further time to make a decision in regard to it. This she did. The Board then took the matter under advisement. From 9:00 to 9:15 n.m. Mr. Stephen T. pussan, attorney, and Mr. Leslie H. York, real estate agent, RFZOW7TG met with the Board to show the Board what it was pro- PROPOSAL nosed to rresent at the public hearing scheduled for - March 7 in the way of a nronosal to rezone a portion SHORT of Dr. Leonard V. Short's and adiacent pronerty at the Lexington-74altham line as a local business district. Mr. Russian stated that the nronosal included all of Dr. Short's prorer.ty less thpt required for one resi- dential lot along; the northerly boundary of the prop- erty. He said t'^nt Dr. Short had abandoned the idea of a r;arden apartment district on his land because he had been informed that it would be. from five to ten vears before a nubli_c sewer would be available for an ana.rtment development in this section of the town. Mr. ' Russian also said that Wnitham would not give nermi.s- si.on to connect to its sewer on !^Taltham Street for the reason that it was inadequate for a development of about seventy apartment units. Mr. Russian said that Dr. Short noir nronosed to build a 2-112 stor7T office building on the nronertys with three floors facing nialtham Street, each floor having an area of 16,000 square feet. He stated that six reonle i_nclud4n7 Dr. Short had or7anized the Dowder Mill "ealty Trust to erect such a building. Members of the planning Board next met with the Annropriations Committee to discuss the Board's Gen- eral '"xnenses burget for 1963. After returning to its own meeting," the Board �- spent the remainder of its meeting working on various details of its summary r e ort. The meetin,n_, adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Thomas S. Gr;ndle, 'Chairman 2-26-63 ADrFIJD71M Alan G. Adams, Chairman Board of Selectmen Town Office Building Lexington 73, Massachusetts -4- February 20, 1963 Dear Mr. Adams: Rp: Prosnecti_ve School Site on Waltham Street and "Ji_nthron Road You will recall that by vote adopted under Article 39 of the Warrant for the 1960 Annual Town 'ieeting the Select- men were authorized to acquire for school, playground, recreational purposes and other nublic nurnoses, a narcel of land on 11inthron Road situated between lots 223 and 225 and a second narcel consisting; of a narrow strIn of land. bounding upon the present center line of the sovth branch of Vine Brook and extendin7 from `..4inthron Road to the present center line of the north branch of Vine Brook. The first parcel was acquired in October 1960, as re- ported by me to the Board by Letter dated October 6, 1960. We have been delayed in acquiring the second narcel while Miller and. Nvlender have been preparing a plan satis- factory to the Land Court, as hart of the land In that nar- cel is registered land, and this regvi-red survey work in the field. Tn any event, this is to advise you that we have now acquired title to this narcel by deed from the trustees of Lexington Estates Trust. The deed was registered yester- day morning; in Middlesex South Land. Registrar District as document 3$9338 and was recorded in Middlesex South District Registry Deeds as instrument No. 69. The nlan was recorded at the same time as plan 7o 217 of 1963 and was filed in the Land Court as elan No. 94.69'. cc Supt, of Public Works (with conformed cony of deed) Planning Board (with conformed cop77, of deed) Roland B. 7reele7, Chairman School Sites Committee Board of Assessors Chief of Police Sincerely yours, Isl Harold E. Stevens 1 1 1