HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-12-27PLANNING BOARD MFRTING
December 27, 1962
A regular meeting; of the Lexington Planning
Board was held in the Board's office in the Town
Office Buildinv on Thursdaar, December 27, 1962 at
7:40 p.:n. Present were Clairman jrindle, members
Camnbell and Tabee, and Y, Snow, ?Planning Director.
The Board annroved the minutes of its meetings
of December 10 and 171 1962.
Annroved for - n-mPnt were the following bills
which had been presented: Samuel ''. Snow, car
allowance for December, 10.23 x'25.00, reimbursement
for 1960 census data, 1.75--��26.75; N. B. YcArdle,
office suppplies--7.55; A.S.^.0., inform^ti.on re -
Considered next were the following norm A
applications for determina-,ion of 1711annin7 Tioard
-62-9 submitted December 21, 1962 by R. L.
-T '71- s _for ToTs,,n of Lexington; nlan entitled
"Plan of Land in Lexinr;tor.., Mass.", Scale:
1" = 40', dated Dec. 8, 1962, Miller & Ny-
lander,-C.';.'s F- Surve-,rors.
#62-91, silbmitted December 27, 1962 by
Kingston homes, Inc., Emilio V. Spagnuolo,
Treasurer; plan entitled "'Plan of Land
Lexington, Vass,", owned by Kinr^ston Homes,
Inc., Scale: 1" = Lr0', dated Nov. 215 1962,
MacCarthy Iingineering Service, Inc., Natick.
Upon motion dilly made and seconded, it was
VOTED: that the Lexincton ?Planning Board determi.nes
that the nlans accompanyins 7orm A applica-
tions -'152_90 and "62-91 do not require approval
under the Subdivision Control Law, and that
said plans be so endorsed.
Distributed to each member of the Board were
copies of a letter, dated December 18, to the Chief
T:nr;ineer, State Department of Public Works, from
the Board of Selectmen requestinc that there be
provided at proposed interchanges a ramp leading
onto Route 2 from Spring Street and a ramp leading
off Route 2 onto 1.1altham Street. (See addendum;
see also minutes of the Selectmen's meeting of '
December 171 1962.)
The Board's attention was called to a copy
GLEN of a letter, dated. December 18, 1962 from Mr.
ESTATES Harold E. Stevens to the Lexi nFtOn Superintendent
of Public Works with reference to drain easements
in the Glen Estates subdivision. (See addendum.)
There was also received from Mr. Carroll,
OAK HILL Lexin7ton Superintendent of Public Works, a letter
ESTATES, dated December 26, 1962 in which he stated that
SEC. TWO the required work in the Oalt Hill states, Section
Two subdivision had been completed to his satis
W"qr OOD faction. Noting that there had been granted to the
ASSOCIATES, town previously the utilities installed in this
TNC. subdivision and that all other matters appeared to
be in order, upon motion duly made and seconded, it
was unanimnusly
71OTED: to return to subdivider, "Nnwood Associates,
Inc, bank book No. 1019 representing the
sum of `1,00C.00 in the savings account of
said subdivider in the Lexinnton Federal
Savings and Loan Association held as
security for the performance of the agree-
ment of 47nwood Associates, Inc., dated
January 1, 1960, to complete the work to be
performed by the subdivider as shown on the
subdivision plan entitled "Oak Hill 'states '
Section Two Lexington, Mass.", dated March
4, 1959.
Mr. John J. Carroll's letter of December 14
to the planning; Board was read. (See addendum.)
Mr. Snow reported that, after conferring with the
Town Counsel in regard to the matter, he had been
advised that it was in order to release the cer-
tified check which was being; held as securit-T for
the performance of the agreement referred to in Mr.
Carroll's letter. All matters appearing to be in
order, and upon motion being made and seconded, it
was unanimously
VOTED: to release as security for the performance
of the agreement of Todd Realty, Tnc.,
dated November 25, 1961, in reference to
the subdivision entitled '`Burnham Farms
Section Five Lexington, Mass." the certi-
fied check, dated September 151 1961, in
the amount of 9"2,000.00, drawn on Lexing-
ton Trust Company and certified by the
bank on November 27, 1961.
There was also received from Mr. Carroll,
OAK HILL Lexin7ton Superintendent of Public Works, a letter
ESTATES, dated December 26, 1962 in which he stated that
SEC. TWO the required work in the Oalt Hill states, Section
Two subdivision had been completed to his satis
W"qr OOD faction. Noting that there had been granted to the
ASSOCIATES, town previously the utilities installed in this
TNC. subdivision and that all other matters appeared to
be in order, upon motion duly made and seconded, it
was unanimnusly
71OTED: to return to subdivider, "Nnwood Associates,
Inc, bank book No. 1019 representing the
sum of `1,00C.00 in the savings account of
said subdivider in the Lexinnton Federal
Savings and Loan Association held as
security for the performance of the agree-
ment of 47nwood Associates, Inc., dated
January 1, 1960, to complete the work to be
performed by the subdivider as shown on the
subdivision plan entitled "Oak Hill 'states '
Section Two Lexington, Mass.", dated March
4, 1959.
' The most recent correspondence in regard
to Pond T'ealt�r Trust's subdivision, "Country
Club manor Section One," was reviewed, beginning
with this trust's request in the form of a
letter, dated December 6, 1962, to the Planning
Board tr?t it release from the orovisions of the
covenant executed bar the Trust in connection with
this subdivision certain lots therein. 'here was
then exhi.bi.ted an executed agreement and bond as
outlined in the Tnwn Counsel's letter of December
20 to the Planning Director. (See addendum.)
All matters appearing to be in order, upon
motion dulr m^de and seconded, it was unanimously
VOTED: to acceot the agreement executed by Pond
ealty Trust on December 14,1962 and the
security in the form of a bond for the ner-
formance of said agreement and to release
Lots 5, 6, 202 21, 222 23, 24, 25, 26 and
27 in the "Country Club Manor Section One
Lexin,;ton, Vass." subc.ivision from t're pro-
visions of the covenant executed by said
Trust on August 5, 1960 and recorded in
Middlesex South Re";stry of Deeds in Book
0710, Pare 237.
After so voting? the Board executed a nar-
tin-I rele^se of covenant. I�F-en the Town Counsel
met briefly with the Board later during the meet-
inm he tool the Chairmanls acknowledgement in
signinc the instrument. Mr. Legro said he would
forward, the executed instrument to 74r. Martin,
attorney* for said trust, for recording.
The "oard discussed with the mown Counsel,
Tir. illiam L. Pot+;er?s proposal for an amendment
to the Lexington Zoning* By-law to permit golf
courses onerated .for nrof',_t in R 1 districts (see
minutes of Planni.n * Board meeting of "november 19,
1962), TI -ere was then exhibited material for
which the Planning Bnarc_ had written (see minutes
of nlannin^ Board meeting of December 10) at the
suggestion of. '°`r. Potter, this material illu.stra-
tint what he hid in mind in the way of a commer-
cially onerated course. The material consisted of
a copy o£ the Falmouth Zon-n=- BT -law together with
a copy of the variance which the Falmouth Board of
Appeals had granted for such a golf course. This
material *.etas -i.ven to the Town Counsel to review.
' After the Town Counsel left the meeting the
Planning Board reviewed several prints proposing;
12-27-�2 -,�-
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 n.m., the next
formal meeting of the Board, being scheduled for I January 71 1963.
'Phomas S. Grindle,
Chari_ rman
December 18, 1962
Mr. r. Jr. NcCarthy,Chief Tngineer
State Department of Public Works
100 Nashua Street
Boston lL, Massachusetts
Dear Mr. P"cCarthy
On October 18, 1962 we wrote to Tou in regard to the
rronosed widening of Route 2 from ^oute 12.8 to a
point just west of i,!atertown Street. In that letter
the Town ^sired the Denartment of Public Works to make
the follow ng revisions to the plan referred to in the '
to show how the Tambascia nronerty on Concord Ave-
M.D. C .'!^.TEP._
nue anf 'slnt.t 5tr�et ml,- be subdivided before
and after the land ta1;3.n for the `.D.C. water
reservoir now located on slid property. Mr. anow
said that the nlans, dated December 18, 1962, and
prepared. by Everett M. Brooks Company of Newton-
ville, hact been brought to the office by t`r. Henry
E. Keenan who was engaged by the T.D.C. to make an
appraisal of land damages involved in the taking.
It was stated that T-ir. Keenan wanted the Planning
Board's informal opinion as to whether or not it
would approve any or all of said plans if they were
submitted formall-- to the Board. It was noted that
no plan as drawn complied with the Lexington Sub-
division Rules and regulations. It was decided sim-
-ply to inform 1"r. Keenan of this fact, nointing out
the number of ways each plan did not comnl-,r with the
regulations, and rendering no opinion.
The Board devoted the remainder of its meet-
inm to a discussion of various items to be included
in the summary retort it was preparing of a master
plan for the town.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 n.m., the next
formal meeting of the Board, being scheduled for I January 71 1963.
'Phomas S. Grindle,
Chari_ rman
December 18, 1962
Mr. r. Jr. NcCarthy,Chief Tngineer
State Department of Public Works
100 Nashua Street
Boston lL, Massachusetts
Dear Mr. P"cCarthy
On October 18, 1962 we wrote to Tou in regard to the
rronosed widening of Route 2 from ^oute 12.8 to a
point just west of i,!atertown Street. In that letter
the Town ^sired the Denartment of Public Works to make
the follow ng revisions to the plan referred to in the '
1. That the frontage road "A" which is shown as connect-
ing relocated Spring Street and .relocated Waltham Street,
be laid out as close as possible to Route 2.
2, That an additional ramp be provided in the southwest
quadrant of the 'Jaltham Street interchange which would
enable eastbound_ traffic on Poute 2 to turn into Waltham
^nd Lexi_n-ton at this inte.rchan;me instead of havinT to
use Concord Avenue as is provided for in the present
Both the Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board have
17TVe.n ftrthcr stud,,, to ^_is plan and feel that it is ex-
tremelrmrortant that another ramp be provided in the
southeast quadrant of the 3nr3_nF, Street interchange. This
ramb would allow traffic from Snring Street to have access
to Route 2 in an easterl-r direction.
':'e are rroposing the additional ramps at SprIng Street in
order to reduce the use of Concord Avenue as a connecting
service ro-d between Waltham Street and Spring Street,
The Town of LexinCton has been told from time to time by
the State Department of Public Uorks that t'nere would be
interchanges at both ?Waltham Street and Spring Street.
The Plan as now nronosed br the State Department of Public
.'ores is, in effect, for merel7 one large interchanr>e be-
tween these two streets. Full turning movements are not
provic'ed at either interchange; the total of all the turn-
ing movements is -provided by a combination of both semi-
'-de orotest vimorouslr the use of Concord Avenue, a resi-
dential street, to f czl9_tate the design of this inter-
change at the expense of Town of Lexington residents.
These ramps are the result of the combined meetings of both
the Board. of Selectmen and the Planning; Board and it is the
unanimous oninion of both boards that these requests must
be annroved by the State Department of Public ?^lorks. It is
our understandin^ tht-it wor?= has now started on the design
of Route 2 and it is nur feeling; that immediate attention
sborld he miven to tris n.roblem.
Since we have no rerly to our letter of October 18, 1062,
we have no '.n^wledg-e pis to what consideration has been given
our previous requests. "je would anoreciate the courtesy of
a prompt repl-,r or meeting.
1 Vcry truly yours,
ALIN G. ADAMS, Chairman
December 18, 1962
John J. Carroll, Superintendent of Public 'forks
Town Office Building
Lexington 73, MRssachusetts
Dear John: Re: Glen instates
We have now completed the acquisition by the Town of
additional drain easements in lots 27, 5A, llA, 7 and l0A
In the Glen estates subdivision.
The additional easement in lot 27 was granted by Daniel A.
Rosmarin et ux by instrument dated June 123 1062 and re-
corded on June 19, 1062 in Middlesex South District Deeds,
Book 10058, Page 3?, The elan showing; the additional drain
easement, which is referred to in the instrument, was re-
corded at the same time as nlan No. 792 of 1962, Book
10058, Page 33.
Subseo_uently the Town abandoned and released a portion of
the original drain easement by instrument executed by the
Board of Selectmen dated August 20, 1962 and recorded in
said Deeds on December 14P 1962 as instrument No. 312.
The additional drain easement in lot 7 was granted by Ali M.
Na.gvi et ux by instrument dated December 1a., 1962 and re-
corded in said Deeds on December 14, 1952 as instrument No, '
The grant of additional drain easement in lot 10A was by
Oscar Lowenschuss et ux by instrument dated December 11,
1962 and recorded in said Deeds on December 11�, 1962 as
instrument No. 314.
The plan showing the additional easements in said lots 5A,
llA, 7 and 10A is entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington -
Mass.", dated November 28, 1961, Everett TN. Brooks Co.,
Ci-vil 1-nr.1.neers, and was recorded with the instruments on
Pecember 11;, 1962 as nlan No, 1695 of 1962.
I enclose a conformed copy* of each of the foregoing grants
of easement, extent the additional easement in lot 27 as a
conformed copy Hereof was sent you with a copy of my
letter of June 10, 1062 to Mr. Snow. I also enclose a copy
of the abandonment of the portion of the old. easement in
lot 27 and three conies of the aforesaid plan dated 7ovem-
ber 28, 1961.
Sincerely yours,
HES:epk /s/ Harold E. Stevens
Encs, '
cc: Planning Board (With conformed
copy of each instrument enclosed
as above.)
Planning Board.
Town office 3uilding
Lexington 73, Massnchusetts
Re: 3urnhnm Farms, Section Five
December 14, 1962
Reference is mace to the instrument dated November 25, 1961
wherein the Todd Realty, Inc, obligated itself to recon-
struct and repair a certain portion of Burroughs Road if it
was determined to be necessary by the Sun erintendent of
Public Works at any time within one vear from the date of
the release by the Planning Board of the bond filed by the
subdivider coverin7 the subdivision.
Please be adviser'. that I have examined. this nortion of
Lurrour�as Road and can find no reason to require any recon-
struction or repair.
I would sug7est that 7r OU therefore release the sum of P2,000.
which Is beinc veld by the Town as security in connection
with this agreement.
Ve"Tr truly yours,
/s/ John J. C--irroll
Supt. of nurli.c 'Jocks
8- Town Ernri' neer
December 20k 1962
Samuel P. Snow,Planni_ng Director
Lexinton Planr.in >oard
Town Office Building;
Lexi.n.-ton 7? Mass.
Dear Sam: Re: Country Club Manor Section One
Pursuant to ,your letter dated December 7, 1962, i enclose the
follow-'nr; nstruments in reference to the above subdivision:
1. The executed ori.-inal and one conformed r.ony of an Agree-
ment dated December 1l, 1 C62 with the Town b-- the Trustees of
"ond Realt- Trust to install ane construct the wails and ser-
vices to serve lot s 5, 6, 20, 21, 22, 23, 211_, 25, 26 and 27,
including; the construction of the drain from ;Minn Road through
Hickory Street, Aumistus Road, Shaw Place, the drain easement
in lot 33 lot 12, and Garfield Street, and the connection of '
this drain with the existing drain in Reed Street, and to
complete the same by December 13, 1°63.
2. The original and one conformed cop;T of a bond securing
said agreement, dated December 111, 1962, by said Trustees,
as Princiral, and The Travelers Indemnity Compan-7p as
3. The original and one cony of an instrument entitled f1Par-
t1al 7elease of Covenant1p wh'ch I believe the rlanninr* Poard
is now in a -position to execute, releasing the lotd enumerated
above from the covenant of said Trustees dated August 51
1960 and recorded on August 8, 10,60 i.n Middlesex South Dis-
trict Deeds, Book 9710, Page 237.
When the ra.rtial release has been executed by the vlanning
Board, r lease conform the corn7 and return tl,e ori g nal to
me for forwarding; to Mr. Martin for recording.
9er7 trul�r 7*ours,
Isl Donald F. Legro
1 December 31, 1962
To the Citizens of Lexington:
The Planning Board herewith presents its report
for 1962 reflecting some of the major activities of the
board during the oast year.
While the nhs_rsical development of Lexinccton con-
tinues, it is at a slower pace. This is reflected in
the general downward trend in the number of residential
building permits issued since 1955. The trend toward a
reduced number of actual building starts is not re-
flected in any reduction in the number of new building
lots added through new subdivisions as indicated in the
following table.
Approved Definitive Subdivision Plans
Total No.
Year Number of Lots
82 1259
Tt thus appears that the downward trend in building
permits does not represent any reduction in future resi-
dential building activity but only a greater interval of
time between the laving out of new residential areas and
their actual construction.
A great amount of the Board's time has been allo-
cated to the performance of mvri_ad details of planning,
such as conferences with developers, meetinms with parties
interested in special zoning projects, public hearings,
and. joint meetings with the Board of Selectmen and other
public officials.
An important study began in 1961 for a complete re-
vision of the zoning regulations pertaining to limited com-
mercial areas and the rezoning of a large area of land ex-
' tending from Bedford Street to Wood Street and to a line
northeasterly of Bates Road, and from Route 128 to the Bed-
ford town line. This studv was completed, regulations
passed, and the land rezoned at the 1962 annual town meet-
Annual Report -2-
ing. The rezoning provides ultimately for the commercial
and industrial use of a large tract of land, 292 acres of
which are zoned for CM 1_use (light industry, research
laboratories and office buildings) and 45 acres of which
are zoned for CH 1 use (research laboratories, office
buildings, and hotels). The town has now zoned a total of
534 acres of land for special commercial or light industrial
The following land was acquired during the year for
playground and recreational purposes:
1. A parcel of land having an area of 10.02 acres
situated easterly of Robinson Road and abutting town land
acquired for playground and recreational purposes in 1960.
2. Several parcels of land totalling 8.85 acres,
situated northerly of Summer Street.. and abutting the town -
owned land Whipple Hill area most of which was acquired in
1959 for playground and recreational purposes.
3. A parcel of land containing 1.59 acres situated
near the peak of Whipple Hill.
4. A parcel of about five acres situated westerly of
Grove Street and abutting land given to the town for rec-
reational purposes, and called the Baskin playground. These
two parcels of land will be combined into and developed as
a unit.
Much of the Boards time has been given to the com-
pleti.on of sections of a long range plan for the physical
development of Lexington. Tt is hoped that this report will
be available for distribution not later than the 193 annual
town meeting. The report covers those subjects to which the
Board has given the most time and study over the nest few
Members of the Board express their appreciation to
all those who have assisted them during the year.