HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-09-24PLANr1ING BOARD MEETING
' September 24, 1962
A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning
Board was held in its office in the Town Office
Building on Mondavy Sentember 2Li, 1962 at 7:40 n.m.
'resent were Chairman Grindle, members Bryson,
Campbell, PN?abee and Meyer, and Mr,Snow, Planning
Considered first and apnroved by the Board
were the minutes of the Planning Board's meeting
of Sentember 17, 1962.
The Board approved for na-�rment the follow-
ing bills which had' been presented Baird & Bart-
lett Co., sunolies-414.11; Samuel P. Snow, car
allowance for month of Sentember, 1962---'.20.00.
From 7:45 to 8:00 n.m. Mr. Donald N.
Sleeper, Jr., attorney for Kingston Homes, Inc.,
met with the Board witl^ reference to the cornora-
tion's request that the Planning* Board release
certain lots from the rrovisions of a covenant
' executed by the corporation in return for agree-
ment and bond securing the same. Pxhi_bited was
the original of an instrument, dated August 31,
19621 wherein Kingston Homes, Inc., the sub-
divider, agreed to construct the ways and services
to serve the lots enumerated therein and to com-
plete the same by august 31., 1963s together with a
surety bond executed by Kingston homes, Inc, as
principal and The Hanover Insurance Companv as
surety, dated Aur-ust 31, 1962, securing the per-
formance of said agreement.
All matters annearing to be in order, upon
motion duly made, and seconded, it was unani-
mou sly
VOTED: that the Lexinf*ton Planning Board sign a
partial release of covenant for required
work referred to in the covenant executed
by Kingston Homes, Inc., Fnilio V. Spag-
nuola, Treasurer, dated July 2, 1962s and
release from said covenant Lots 1 through
6 and 30, 31, 32 and 41 shown on the sub-
division olan entitled "'Ingleside'
Subdi-vision of Land in Lexinr-ton, Mass.", dated
June 23, )961, revised October 30, 196l,
from the provisions as to sale and build-
ing specified in said covenant and to
accept in substitution therefor an anree- I ment and surety company bond securing the
The Board then executed an instrument en-
titled "Partial Release of Covenant." Mr. Sleeper
took Mr. Mabee's acknowledgement in regard to the
same. After conforming copies were made the origi-
nal of the instrument was given to Mr. Sleeper for
recording in the Registry of Deeds.
From 8:00 until 8:30 p.m. Mr. Stephen T.
GREEN VALLEY Russian, attorney for Mr. Antonio Busa, met with
SEC. 7 the Board to discuss the latter's application for
approval of the Green Vallev, Section Seven defini-
BUSA tive subdivision -olan. Mr. Russian asked why it was
suggested that Mr. Busa request the Planning Board
to extend the time within which the Board must take
final action on said an-olication.
It was pointed out that the Board did not wish
to disapprove the application but would be placed in
a position to do so for the following reasons: (a)
Circle Road in the subdivision would be further than
500 feet from the nearest means of access, namely the
intersection of Anthony and Lillian Roads; (b) the '
subdivision has no recognized second means of access;
(c) an executed instrument has not been obtained from
the Town of Arlington to cast surface water from the
subdivision onto the Great Meadows; (d) no perform-
ance guarantee has been filed in connection with the
In summary, Mr. Russian said that he would ob-
tain an executed instrument In which the town of
Arlington grants Mr. Busa the right to cast surface
water on Great Meadows and that Mr. Busa could assign
his right to tr e town of Lexington. He also said
that to fulfill another one of the Planning Board's
conditions he would obtain from the Busa Realty Trust
an instrument guaranteeing the construction of Circle
Road as shown on Land Cou-t plan No. 6807 providing
the town of Lexington sold to said trust the town -
owned lots fronting on Circle Road as shown on said
After the discussion with Mr. Russian and at
the written request of the anplicant, it was moved,
and seconded, and unanimously
VOTED: to extend to and including October 8, 1962 the ,
time with;n which the Lexington Planning Board
must take final action on anolication for
n/ -z4-62
approval of the definitive subdivision plan
entitled '"Green Valley Section Seven Lex-
ington, Mass.", dated Julv 6, 1962.
Mr. C. T. Morris' letter of September 18 to
the Plann`ng Board was read with reference to the
location of a proposed build,ng on Itek Corporation
land. on Maguire Road. (See addendum; see also min-
utes of the planning Board meeting of September 10,
1962. ) It was decided to meet with Mr. Morris and
the Itek corporate counsel at 9:00 n.m. at the
Board's next regular meeting on October 1.
Mr. Snow next called the Board's attention
to Mrs. John B. Rawls' letter of September 18 and
his ren_ly. (See addenda with reference to the Lex-
ington League of TIomen Voters local stud�r Item.)
From 9:10 to 9:30 p.m. Mr. Donald 1. Legro,
the new Town Counsel for Lexington, met with the
Board. With reference to the written request of
the _Everson Gardens Realtv Corporation Mr. Legro
was F;iven an executed agreement, dated September
24, 1962, and a bond executed by The Aetna Casualty
& Surety Cnmpanv. The bond was not correct or in
droner form, Mr. Legro said he would hold any
' nartial release of covenant instrument in connec-
tion with this subdivision until such time as he
had in hand a bond satisfactory to him as to form.
mhereunon it was moved, seconded, and unanimously
'TOTED: that the Lexin-ton Rlanni ng Board sign a
partial release of covenant for required
work referred to in the covenant executed
by Emerson Gardens Realty Corporation,
Philip Longo, President, dated Sentemb er
21, 1961, and release from said covenant
Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and rart of Lot 17 on the
subdivi.si.on plan entitled "Emerson Gardens
Section One Lexin-^ton, Mass.", dated Sep-
tember 12, 1960, revised September 15, 1961:,
from the provisions as to sale and building
specified in said covenant and to accept in
substitution therefor an agreement, dated
September 24, 1962, and a surety company
bond securing the same.
The Board then executed an instrument en-
titled "Partial Release of Covenant," Mr. Legro
takin7 Mr. Mabee's acknowledgment of the latter's
free will and deed. All the originals of the
agreement, bond and partial release of covenant
were given to Mr. _Legro to hold until a new bond
was substituted for the one submitted.
Discussed next with lir. Legro was the
LIQUOR Selectmen's letter of September 18 to the Planning '
STORES Board with reference to a possible amendment to
the zoning by-law in regard to liquor stores. (See
Indenend ent of any decision which the Plan-
ning Board mi.ght make in regard to the Selectmen's
inquiry, Mr. Legro was asked whether or not it
would be valid if the zoning by-law nrovided that
liquor stores be located in local business dis-
tricts subject to permission from the Board of
Appeals. Mr. Legro said he would s tud.T the matter.
Mr. Snow was asked to send him conies of corres-
pondence between the Selectmen and the Planning
Board in reference to this nroposai.
Attention of the Board was called to a letter, ,
dated Sentember 243 from the Board of Appeals trans-
mitting an an -plication and. plans for a finding and
Mr. Snow reported that he had written Mr.
J. J. Murphy of Arlington a letter offering him
`2000.00 for the five -acre parcel situated between
Grove Street and Baskin playground. Pyr. Snow said
that he had received a telephone call from Mr.
Murphy in which the latter said that the Planning
Board's offer was unacceptable and that he wanted
`3000.00 for this parcel. Tn vi.ew of the fact
that the parcel had been appraised as having a fair
market value of `A2200.00 (see minutes of Planning '
Board meeting; of September 4, 1962), Mr. Legro was
asked whether it was advisable from a legal cost
standpoint to take the land by eminent domain or to
seek a settlement at a higher price than the Plan-
ning Board's offer. ,after a discussion of the
problems involved, Mr. Snow was authorized to offer
Mr. Murphy 4,�2500.00 for the parcel, and to inform
him if this was not satisfactory to him that the
Board would recommend to the next town meeting that
the parcel be taken by eminent domain.
Mr. Snow exhibited a plan showing land under-
stood to be owned by Anthony M. Rossetti, compris-
in,", about 19.5 acres and situated in Lexington ad-
jacent to the ?hiiprle Hill area. As part of the
loq--range nlanwof recreation and open spaces for
Lexington, Mr. Snow recommended the acquisition of
the Rossetti land as an addition to the 4hi-prle
Hill area. The Board approved the draft of a
letter to Mr. Possetti inquiring; if he wouldd be
interested in sellin* hi.s land to the town for
recreational purposes. (See addendum.)
Attention of the Board was called to a letter, ,
dated Sentember 243 from the Board of Appeals trans-
mitting an an -plication and. plans for a finding and
Q -P4-62 -5-
determination regarding the Kennecott Copper Cor- BOARD OF
noration's proposed Ledgemont laboratory addition. APPEALS
' Mr. Snow was asked to examine these plans and make -
a recommendation regarding them for consideration KENNECOTT
by the Board. COPPER CORP.
Attention of the Board was also called to
the proposed sale by i -1r. William H. Lyon of certain
lots he owned fronting on Waltham Street and situ- MUNICIPAL
ated opposite Vine Brook Road. It was noted that PARKING
during the winter of 1962 Mr. Soule had negotiated LOT
unsuccessfully to acquire lots 1 and 2 and those
portions of lots 3 and 4 located northwesterly of
an extension of the rear lot line of Manhattan
Builders, Inc, as an addition to and a better en-
trance for the 'Jaltham Street municipal parking
On a marked print of a plan which he had pre-
pared and which was dated January 251 1961, Mr. Snow
pointed out the boundaries of the parcel it was de-
sired to acquire and the existing entrance to the
parking area between the properties of said corpora-
tion and Anthon17 Bevilaqua it was desired to exchange
with Mr. 7;''ron in connection with the acquisition of
part of the latter's parcel. Mr. Snow said he under-
stood from Mr. Soule that he had given Mr. Lyon a
marked copy of the plan. Mr. Grindle was asked to
discuss the matter with Mr. Lyon asking about his
willingness to sell and how much he wanted for the
portion of lane the Planning Boars thought should be
Distributed to the Board was a letter from CAPITAL
the Capital Expenditures Committee together with a EXP7,1DITL'RES
form to be filled out for the capital expenditures COMMITTEE
budget for the period 1963-1967 inclusive.
There being no further business to discuss
the Planning Board adjourned its meeting at 9:40
Arthur E. Bry son. , Jr.
Mr. Thomas S. Grindle
Town of Lexington, Massachusetts
Planning Roard
Dear Mr. Grindle:
This will acknowledge receipt of
wherein you reiterate the opinion
withstanding the hardship problem
22 August.
September 18, 1962
,your letter of 11 September
of the Planning Boart not -
presented in my letter of
T_nasmuch as I may be instructed shortly to proceed wits this
construction and In view of my stront, desire to avoid the
substantial added cost which redesign of the building would
force us to incur, I would appreciate an opportunity to meet
with the Board along with our Corporate Counsel for a dis-
cussion of the legal aspects involved herein.
Perhaps It would be desirable from ,your point of view of
,your Town Counsel were also present for such a discussion.
I expect to be out of this area next week but could be avail-
able any day during the week of the 30th at the convenience
of other parties concerned.
1fould you please advise me whether or not such a conference
can be arranged?
/s/ C. T. Morris
Sept . 18, 1902
Dear. Mr. Snow:
T'd very much like to have a chan(7e to discuss our new
local study item (League of Women Voters) with lou before
getting* my committee together and orrani_zing the work. The
rat),er too all-inclusive wording of the item is "Land Use -
To studir and take appropriate action on the growth problems
of LexinE7ton - Included topics, Land zoning, conservation
of oven spaces, balance in land use, relationships among
governmental agencies concerned, special economic and
political problems or' 1^nd. use in a rapidly expandi.nf- suburb."
This covers just about everything the League could dream up
about Land Use; Plans will have to remain somewhat flexible
until T see how many able and willing workers show up to
gather information.
9-24-62 -7-
I also roped you might be able to tell me where existing
studies of the effects of zoning can be found. T know
many articles have been written about what new families
cost a town, what new industry does to a town, etc.; but I
don't know where these studies are.
We very much hope that you'll find our project useful, and
that ,you'll give us some of your time and exneri_ence as
youv'e so graciously done in the past.
/s / Margaret Rawls
Sentember 20, 1962
Mrs. John B. Rawls
9 'linthron Road
Lexington 73, Yassachusetts
Dear Mrs. T'awls :
I have read your letter of September 19 and have had copies
I did have a meeting; of very able Leaguers who are also
Town Meeting members, to see what direction they thought
this study could most profitably take. .Some of their
suggestions which appealed most to me were 1) A study of
open land remaining in Lexington and of possible uses for
it, within the larger picture of what we want Lexington to
become. 2) A more comprehensive study of a specific area
(we chose both sides of Route 2 from Spring St. to 128.-
eventhough much is already C 3) and the effect on the
Town's economic and social balance of zoning it for in-
dustry, resicence, recreation, or simply keeping it green.
3) A further look into the term (!Master Plan,' what our
planners and those of Towns which have adopted one mean by
it, and whether there are popular misconceptions about its
Any of these studies would necessitate a survey of our
existing zoning and assessing laws, of new experiments in
zoning, and of legal limitations on the rower of planning
Most of my steering committee will stay with the wtudy in
some capacitjr, thous all are too busy to do very much (it
includes Ruth Morey, Mildred Marek, Ann Fisher, Lois Brown,
Natalir T?i.ffin, and Mrs. Meyer). You can be of infinite
help to me, who have only lived here two ,years, If you
would give some thought to our proposed project and let me
know if there is some area where you feel we could do a
more valuable study.
I also roped you might be able to tell me where existing
studies of the effects of zoning can be found. T know
many articles have been written about what new families
cost a town, what new industry does to a town, etc.; but I
don't know where these studies are.
We very much hope that you'll find our project useful, and
that ,you'll give us some of your time and exneri_ence as
youv'e so graciously done in the past.
/s / Margaret Rawls
Sentember 20, 1962
Mrs. John B. Rawls
9 'linthron Road
Lexington 73, Yassachusetts
Dear Mrs. T'awls :
I have read your letter of September 19 and have had copies
9-24-62 -8-
and sent to the Planning Board members for the reason '
that I have been requested by the Planning Board to give my
whole time outside of two days administrative work each
week to the completion of a comprehensive report. Enclosed
herewith is a memorandum, dated June 6, 1962, in regard to
this matter. T suggest, therefore, that you get in touch
with Mr. Grindle, Chairman of the Planning Board, and dis-
cuss with him any questions you may have in regard to the
League's land use studies.
/s% Samuel P. Snow
Planning Director
September 18, 1962
Lexi nrcton Planning " oard
Town Office Building;
Lexington 73, Massachusetts
Thank you for your letter of September 17 with reference to '
location of liquor stores in the future.
Ve would like to know whether or not the Planning Board
would consider an amendment to the Zoning By-law which
would give rower to the Board of Appeals to grant special
permission for the location of liquor stores in local
business districts.
Very truly ,yours,
Is/ Alan G. Adams, Chairman
September 25, 1962
Mr. Anthony M. Rossetti,
42 Heath Street
_�:verett 49, Mass.
Dear Mr. Rossetti:
The Lexington '_Tanning hoard would like to discuss with
-,ou the r ossi.bility Of the Town acquiring for uublic recrea-
tional nurnoses land which it is understood you own in Lex- '
inPton.and which is situated next to the Winchester town
line. If ,you are willing to sell this land to Lexinrrton the
9-24-62 -9-
Board would like to discuss with you such matters as pur-
chase and option prices and dates of exercising the option
and delivery of deed. If this apnears agreeable to ,you
and a mutual agreement can be made on these matters, the
Board is nrenared to recommend to the next annual town meet-
ing favorable action for acquisition of 70Ur land and the
annronriation of funds therefor.
The Board would appreciate receiving a reply from .you at
your earliest convenience. If 1rou desire to do so you may
telephone the Planning Board office, VO 2-0500, and arrange
for an annointment to meet wits the Planning; Board to dis-
cuss these matters. The Board holds regular meetings in
its office in the Town Office Building every Monday evening.
Sincerely yours,
Is/ Thomas S. Grindle,