HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-07-23PLANNING BOARD MEETING
July 23, 1962
On Monday, July 231 1962 the Lexington Plan-
ning Board held a regular meeting in its office in
the Town Office Building at 7:1t5 p.m. Present were
Chairman Grindle, Members Campbell, Mabee and Meyer,
and Mr. Snow, planning Director.
The Board annroved the minutes of its meeting MINUTES
Of July 9, 1962.
The Board approved for payment the following
bills: Henry F. Keenan, appraisal services -4350.00: BILLS
Wesley J. Ewell, drafting; services through July 20,
i962 -4115 -50 -
The Board also confirmed the action of the
Planning Director in arnroving for payment since the
last meeting of the Board an order for $3.00 for a
land use report and map from the Greater Boston Econ-
omic Study Committee.
' From 8:00 to 10:00 n.m. Town Counsel Stevens
met with the Board to confer on several matters cur- CARRIAGE
rently before it. The first concerned the Carriage GROVE
Grove Estates definitive subdivision plan which the ESTATES
Board endorsed. The elan was to be held until the -
Town Engineer could check its construction details WOOD
to see that all met with his approval before the plan
was placed on record.
In connection with the endorsement of said
plan Mr. Snow gave to Mr. Stevens for recording prior
to the recording of the definitive plan a deed which
he had been holding in escrow in which Walter S. and
Dorothy Harrington conveyed to Reginald A. Wood, the
subdivider, parcel A, to be nart of the Carriage
Grove Estates subdivision, said deed, dated June 18,
19622 and said parcel shown on the plan to accompany
the deed. (See plan accompanying; Form A application
In connection with this endorsement Mr. Snow
also gave to the Town Counsel the original of an in-
strument executed July 23,1962, in which r4r, and Mrs,
Reginald A. ?Mood granted to the town easements in the
Carriage Grove :states subdivision, said instrument
to be recorded with the plan.
The second_ matter discussed was the written re-
quest, dated Julir 13, Ic)-2, of the Whiter and Greener
Trusts for obtaining release of lots 11 to 15, in -
THE GROVE clusive, in "The Grove Section One" subdivision from
SEC. 1 the provisions of the existing covenant and the sub-
stitution of a surety company bond as a performance
GREENER AND guarantee for the completion of work on White Ter-
WH?TER race. Mr. Snow exhibited an agreement and bond in
TRUSTS the sum of X17,000 recommended by the Town Fhgineer,
said instrument having been executed on July 20, 1962.
Mr. Stevens rnresented for execution a nronosed instru-
ment entitled "Partial Release of Covenant." All
matters anpearing to be In order, on motion duly made
and seconded, i.t was unanimously
VOTED: that the Lexin7ton Planning Board sign a par-
tial release of covenant for required work
referred to in the covenant executed by William
M. Glovsky, Trustee of the Greener Trust and
the Whiter Trust, dated October 9, 1961s and
release lots numbered 11 through 15, inclusive,
on the subdivision pian entitled"The Grove
Section One Lexinr-ton, Mass.", dated May 20,
1961, revised October 6, 19613 from the provi-
sions as to sale and building specified in said
covenant, and to accept in substitution there-
herefor an agreement, dated July 20, 1962, and a
surety company bond securing the same.
After adopting said vote the Board executed
the instrument. The Town Counsel then obtained the
Chairman's acknowledgement of his free act and deed
and that of the Planning Board stating that he would
deliver the executed instrument to representatives of
said Trust.
While Mr. Stevens conferred with Mr. James A.
MERSON ROAD Carrig and sons relative to easements in the Minute
- Man High -Lands Section 4 subdivision, Mr. Chester A.
LIDBERG Lidberg met with the Board at its request to discuss
the possibility of the Town acquiring a portion of
his land for the future location of Emerson Road, said
portion being known as Lot B on a plan prepared by the
Town Engineer. (See minutes of Planning Board meeting
of June 18, 1962.) The Board offered Mr. Lidberg
$6,000.00 for said lot, he being informed that the
Hoard would recommend to the Town Meeting an appropria-
tion of this amount for the lot.
Mr. Lidberg said be would give the lot to the
town for nothing if it would construct a section of
.Emerson Poad over his land. When he asked when this
might be done, he was informed that the Board did not
know, the timing of such construction depending to
some extent on circumstances such as how soon the land
now owned by Mr. Castoldi was developed for residential
' Taken under consideration were the following
Form A applications for determination of Planning FORMS A
Board jurisdiction:
¢#62-48, submitted July 122 1962 by A. B.
Sziklas, Agent for Temple Emunah; plan en-
titled "Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass.",
reale: 1 In. = 100 ft., dated July 11, 19621
Everett M. Brooks Co., Newtonville, Civil
'ng'rs .
462-49, submitted July 16, 1962 by Louis
L'rancis Di_Giovanni for Alexander Palladinoi
plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington,
Mass.", Scale: 1 in. = 20 ft., dated Feb. 8s
19621 Fred. A. Joyce, Surveyor, Belmont.
X62-50, submitted July 16, 1962 by Tdilliam
H. Ryan; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lex-
ington, MaS9.t1.9 Scale: 1" = 60', dated July
11, 1962. Albert A. Miller, efilbur C. Ny-
lander, Civil ^ngineers & Surveyors, Lexing-
ton, Mass.
#462-51, submitted July 19, 1962 by Paul J.
McCormack, attorney, for James E. Barrett,
Jr.; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexing-
purposes. Since the Board could not commit the town
on a date when said section of Emerson Road might be
constructed, Mr. Lidberg took the Board's offer under
Mr. James A.Carrig and sons then met with the
Board to request that the Board endorse the Minute
Man High -Lands Section 4 definitive subdivision clan.
It was stated that the pian as most recently revised
SEC. 4
by Mr. N41ander had only 'heen left that day with the
Town Engineer for checking and that while the latter
had not completed his work he had already found a
number of construction details which either had been
omitted or were not satisfactory. Since the Alan
could be revised completely to the satisfaction of
the Town Engineer by the following evenin, it was
agreed that a majority of the Board would meet in-
formally for the purpose of endorsing the definitive
plan. Mr. Stevens said that he would be present at
this time also with an instrument entitled "State-
ment of Conditions," for members of the Board to
sign, said instrument to be filed in the Land Court
with reference to said Minute Man High -Lands defini-
tive subdivision Alan.
' Taken under consideration were the following
Form A applications for determination of Planning FORMS A
Board jurisdiction:
¢#62-48, submitted July 122 1962 by A. B.
Sziklas, Agent for Temple Emunah; plan en-
titled "Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass.",
reale: 1 In. = 100 ft., dated July 11, 19621
Everett M. Brooks Co., Newtonville, Civil
'ng'rs .
462-49, submitted July 16, 1962 by Louis
L'rancis Di_Giovanni for Alexander Palladinoi
plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington,
Mass.", Scale: 1 in. = 20 ft., dated Feb. 8s
19621 Fred. A. Joyce, Surveyor, Belmont.
X62-50, submitted July 16, 1962 by Tdilliam
H. Ryan; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lex-
ington, MaS9.t1.9 Scale: 1" = 60', dated July
11, 1962. Albert A. Miller, efilbur C. Ny-
lander, Civil ^ngineers & Surveyors, Lexing-
ton, Mass.
#462-51, submitted July 19, 1962 by Paul J.
McCormack, attorney, for James E. Barrett,
Jr.; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexing-
7-23-62 -4-
ton, Mass.", dated July 12, 1960, Scale: l" =
30', Albert A. Miller and Wilbur C. Nylander, '
C.E.'s & Surveyors, Lexington, Mass.
#62-52, submitted July 20, 1962 by Carole A.
Sullivan; plan entitled Plan of Land in Lex-
ington, Mass.", dated July 14, 1962s Scale
= 501, Albert A. Miller & 11Tilbur C. Nylander
C.E.'s e, Surveyors, Lexington, Mass.
A group of people representing Temple Emunah
Temple met with the Board in regard to application #62-48.
Emunah Mr. Gerald Stechlar, president of the Temple, and
Mr. Max W. Rosenthal, Attorney, served as spokesmen
for the group, explaining the Temple's position upon
being informed before the meeting that the plan filed
with said application might constitute a subdivision
and might not be signed by the Board. Town Counsel
atevens stated that under the Lexington Zoning By-law
the Temple did not have frontage on a public way,
namely Route 2 (the Cambridge -Concord Highway), be-
cause frontage implied rights which had been taken
away when ?route 2 was laid. out as a limited access
when it was stated that the Board could en-
dorse the plan with a notation that the lot did not ,
meet the frontage requirements of said by-law, Mr.
Stechlar pointed out that a bank would not grant the
Temple a mortgage for construction of the Temple's
edifice. Explained to the group was the necessity of
the Temple obtaining a variance to erect a building
on a parcel of land which did not have said frontage
requirements. The group was informed that the Plan-
ning Board recognized the hardship involved in the
Temple's case and would support its petition for a
It was decided to take no action on applica-
tion #62-51 pending submission of further evicence
in regard to this case.
Upon motions duly made and seconded, it was
VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines
that the elan accompanying Form A application
#62-48 does not require approval under the
Subdivision Control Law, and that said plan
be so endorsed with the notation that the lot
does not comply with the frontage requirements
of the Lexington Zoning By-law.
' VOTED: that the action of three members of the Board
be validated in determining on July 161, 1962
that the plan accompanying Form A application
#62-LL9 does not require approval under the 'Sub-
division Control Law and that said Dian be so
VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines
that the plans accompanying Form A applications
162-50 and #62-52 do not require approval under
the Subdivision Control Law and that said plans
be so endorsed.
Read to the Board was a letter, dated July 3,
1962s from the Board of Fire Commissioners to the
Chairman of the Board of Selectmen requesting that
subdividers be required to irstall in their develop-
ment wires, cables, boxes, and pedestals for fire
alarms. (See addendun.) Mr. Snow stated that unon
receipt of a copy of said letter he had requested the
Fire Chief to furnish him wltr detailed information
as to what other municipalities require subdividers
to make such installations, and as to just how this
was done either under subdivision regulations or un-
der by-laws or ordinances. He said that the Chief
agreed to obtain what information he could on the
The Board's attention was called to a copy of
a letter, dated July 16, 19623 from the Town Counsel
to Attorney Robert L. Halfyard indicating; that an
executed grant of easement from Alfred Camarano to
the Town of Lexington had been received and recorded
(see addendum), said easement granting rights to use
Considered next were notices of the petitions
to be heard by the Board of Anpeals on July 31, 1962. BOARD OF
It was decided to take no action in regard to said APPEALS
petitions with the exception of that of the Carrig
Realty* Trust. The Planning Bonrd decided that in or-
der to avoid a repetition of a situation similar to
that of the Ehlers case on Waltham Street and Wachu-
setts Drive that the Board of Appeals be requested that
if in its judgment it decided to grant a variance in
this case, such a variance be granted with a restriction
that a- no future date could lot 9 be subdivided so that
there could be a house fronting on Concord Avenue in
this locus as well as one fronting on Chadbourne Road.
Mr. Snow was asked to brepare for the Chairman's sig-
nature a letter to the Board of Appeals setting forth
the Planning Board's nosition it this case. (See adden-
Read to the Board was a letter, dated July 3,
1962s from the Board of Fire Commissioners to the
Chairman of the Board of Selectmen requesting that
subdividers be required to irstall in their develop-
ment wires, cables, boxes, and pedestals for fire
alarms. (See addendun.) Mr. Snow stated that unon
receipt of a copy of said letter he had requested the
Fire Chief to furnish him wltr detailed information
as to what other municipalities require subdividers
to make such installations, and as to just how this
was done either under subdivision regulations or un-
der by-laws or ordinances. He said that the Chief
agreed to obtain what information he could on the
The Board's attention was called to a copy of
a letter, dated July 16, 19623 from the Town Counsel
to Attorney Robert L. Halfyard indicating; that an
executed grant of easement from Alfred Camarano to
the Town of Lexington had been received and recorded
(see addendum), said easement granting rights to use
for street purposes a portion of lot 8 on 'V nter
Street. Mr. Snow said'that upon receipt of two more '
easements, these being in lots 7 and 93 it would then
be in order to lay out Winter Street from Pangeway
westerly to a permanent turnaround located adjacent
to said lots.
The Board adjourned its meeting at 10:15 p.m.
Thomas 9.`Grindle, '
Attention was also called to a copy of a
letter, dated July 13, 1962, from the Town Counsel
to the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, stating
that there had now been acquired from Mary A.
Hennessy a parcel of land containing an area of
10.02 acres with a stable thereon situated easterly_
of Robinson Road and abutting on land acquired by
the Town in 1960 for playe?round and recreational
purposes. (See addendum. ) In connection with said
acquisition it was noted that (1) there had been ob-
tained a release and discharge by Mrs. Hennessy of
the right to use Mountain Road to Robinson Road, (2)
there had been granted by the Town to Mrs. Hennessy
a 40 -foot right of way from her h.11 acre lot on
Turning Mill Road,and (3) there had been obtained an
agreement b etween the Town and Mrs. Hennessy relat-
ing to the use of the stable for a period of five
The Board next discussed a letter, dated July
171 1962, from the Board of Selectmen to the Planning
Board recommending that some action be taken to amend
the zoning by-law to permit retail liquor stores in
areas other than C 2 districts. The matter was taken
under advisement
Distributed to members of the Planning Board
and the Board of Selectmen were conies of the final
report, dated July 9, 1962, of Abbott Engineering,
Inc., setting forth recommendations for locations of
and tdorthen roads with connections to Route 2,
Mr. Snow said that be had also given a copy of said
report to Mr. Carroll, Lexington's Superintendent of
Public Works. It was decided to arranme a joint meet-
ing with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the report
with Mr. Carroll, Mr. Snow, and representatives of
said corporation in order to determine a course of
action with reference to the proposed laying: out of
Emerson Road.
The Board adjourned its meeting at 10:15 p.m.
Thomas 9.`Grindle, '
7-23-62 -7-
July 26, 1962
Board of Appeals
Town Office Building
Lexington 731 Mass.
Reference is made to the July 12 notice of the Carrig
Realty Trust petition for a variance in regard to lot 9
numbered 130 Concord Avenue.
The Planning Board requests that if the Board of Appeals
in its judgment decides to grant a variance in this case
that it do by placing a restriction on lot 9 so that at
no future date can spid lot be subdivided to that the
original lot in effect would have two houses on it, one
fronting on Concord Avenue and the other facing Chadbourne
/s/ Thomas S. Gr;ndle,
P O.Box 150
Lexington, Nass.
Mr. Alan '. Adams, Chairman July 3,1962
Board of Selectmen
Town Office Building
Lexinf�ton 73, Massachusetts
Dear Mr. Adams:
The Board of Fire Commissioners would like to recommend that
on new developments and new roads that are being constructed
by contractors and development corporations, that our By -
Laws be changed to include Fire Alarm (wires, cables, boxes
and pedestals) the same as water and sewer.
A number of Towns are now requesting, this as part of the de-
velopment. Xe feel that the Town could save a considerable
amount of money plus the fact that all new areas would be
covered by fire protection. The way it is now, we cannot in-
clude all of the new locations each year with the amount of
our scheduled Tearly expenditures.
We would like to have -�-ou give this serious consideration and.
if possible incorporate it in the next Town Meeting.
Very truly ,yours, '
Is/ William P. Fitzgerald
July 16, 1962
Robert L. Hatfyard, Fsq.
Messrs. Richardson, Wolcott, Tyler and Fassett
75 State Street
Boston, Massachusetts
rear Mr. Halfyard: Re: 120 Winter Street, Lexington
Your letter of Jultr 13, -1.962 enclosing the executed
grant of easement from Alfred Camarano to the Town of
Lexington was received this morning and this afternoon
I recorded the instrument in Middlesex South District
Pegistry of Deeds as instrument Pio. 355. 'At the same
time I recorded the nlan referred to therein as plan
No. 975 of 1962.
I enclose for your file a conformed co -PIT of the grant
of easement together with a copy of the elan.
Sincerely ,yours, '
HES :eAk
2 encs.
cc - Lexington Planning Board
July 13, 1962
Alan G. Adams, Chairman
Board of Selectmen
Town Office Building
Lexin?ton 73, Massachusetts
Dear Mr. Adams: Re: Acquisition of Hennessy Land
This is to advise You that I have now completed the
transaction in which the Town acquired from Mary A.
Hennessy a parcel of land, containing an area of 10.01
acres, with a stable thereon, situated easterly of Rob-
inson Road and abutting on land acquired by the Town in
1960 for nlayground and recreational purposes. This
acquisition was authorized under Article 39 of the War-
rant for the 1962 Annual Town Meeting.
As you will recall, the land was taken by order adopted '
by the Board of Selectmen on June 25, 1962, recorded
in Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds on June
25, 1962s recorded in Middlesex South District Registry
of Deeds on June 27, 1962, Book 10065, Pat -e 405. A re-
cently drawn survey plan that shows tbisl and was re-
ferred to in the order and was recorded at the same time
as plan No. 882 of 194:2.
This morning T recorded a confirmatory deed and
release of damages from Mary A. Hennessy dated July 9,
1962 and an instrument dated July 9, 1962 executed by
Mary P. Hennessy releasing and discharging to the Town
the right that was appurtenant to her adjoining 4.11
acre parcel to use Mountain Roar' from that parcel to
Robinson Road. The deed was recorded as instrument No.
4 and the release of the right to use Mountain Road was
recorded as instrument No. 6.
At the same time I delivered to Mrs. Hennessy's
attorney and he recorded the instrument dated July 9,
1962 executed on behalf of the Town by the Board of Se-
lectmen which granted to Mary A. Hennessy as appurtenant
to said 4.11 acre parcel a right of way over a forty -foot
strip of Town owned land extending from the westerly
boundary of said 4.11 acre parcel to Turning Mill Road.
This was recorded as instrument No. 7.
' I enclose for the Board's file a conformed copy of
the agreement between the Town and Mrs. Hennessy dated
July 9, 1962 covering the payment by the Town on January
10, 1963 of the balance of $17,850 of the agreed price of
'`25,500, nayment of X7,650 having been made today. The
agreement also gives Mrs. Hennessy the right to use for a
period of five vears from July 9, 1962 the living quarters
now maintained by her for a caretaker in the stable that
is situated on the land the Town acquired, all subject to
the terms set forth in the agreement. T an delivering the
Town's original of that agreement to the Town Clerk.
-,Te adjusted taxes at the time of the passing and on
behalf of the Board of Selectmen, T an requesting the Board
of Assessors to abate the balance of the l9`2 taxes, inas-
much as under the terms of the deed the Town agreed to
assume and pay these taxes. v
/s/ Harold E. Stevens
HES: epk
cc - Superintendent of Public :forks
Planning; Board