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February 271 1962
The Lexington Planning Board held a public
hearing on February 27, 1962 at 8:00 p.m. in
Estabrook Hall, Cary Memorial Building, on peti-
tion of more than 100 registered voters of the
town of Lexi^*ton to consider a proposal to amend
the Lexington Zoning By-law by changing certain
land from an R 1 - One family dwelling district
to a C 3 - Snecial commercial d�strict. Because
of a conflict in schedule in wh ch the Lexington
Field and Garden Club was holding a meeting at the
same time in the same hall, Mr. Soule read the
first paragraph of the notice of said public hear-
ing and then adjourned the hearing to Cary Hall.
Present were Chairman Soule, members Bryson and
Meyer. The number of persons attending the hear-
ing was estimated at apnroximately 100.
Chairman Soule continued the hearing by
reading the entire notice of the same as it had
been sent to all property owners deemed to be
affected and as it was published in the February
1 and 8, 1962 issues of the Lexington Minute -man.
A complete stenographic record of the hearing,
consisting of 70 pages, was taken and prepared
for the Planning Board by Barbara Ellen Bell,
Executive Secretary to Mr. C. T. Morris of Itek
Corpor--tion, and is incorporated in and made a
part of the minutes of this meeting and the per-
manent records of the Planning Board.
The hearing adjourned at 10:40 p.m.
Obert E. Meyer, `\
Clerk a
R 1 to
Februgm y 27, 1962.
From 11:00 to 11:30 n.m. on February 27, 1962
the Lexington Planning Board held a special meeting in
its office in the Town Office Building to consider the
rezoning pronosal which had just been heard at a public
hearing in Cary Nall. Present were Chairman Soule,
members Bryson Viand Meyer, and Planning r.rector Snow.
On a vote of 2 to 11 Messrs. Meyer and Soule
stated that they were in favor of said rezoning pro-
nosal as presented, Mr. Brvson being opposed. Mr. Soule
stated that he would draft a report for presentation at
the Tlarch annual town meeting. It was understood that
Mr. BrTrson would also nren_ are a report for the same nur-
Mr. Mever gave a renort of his conference with Mr.
Campbell of Bruce Campbell & Associates on February 27 EIMERSOF
with reference to Mr. Blumenthal's letter of February 20 ?SND
to Mr. Snow. (See minutes of Dlanninr '3oard meeting of WORTTTEN'
February 26.) Mr. Snow reported that earlier In the day ROADS
' representatives of the State Dent, of Public T•Torks had
informed Mrs. More -\r, chairman of the Board of Selectmen,
that further studies of the Lexington access to Route 2
at 'Tatertown Street had been discontinued mending receipt
of a final report from TTavden, Harding & Buchanan, consult -
Ing engineers, completing studies for the location of
Route 3 between 'mute 123 Pnd the mroposed Tnner Telt
Route, so-called.
Tn view of Mr. Mever's statement that Yr. Campbell
had originally been involved in recommending; the location`
of Route 3 through the mresent peacock Farms subdivision
and also in view of Campbell & IAssociates having served
as consultants to the Peacock Farms Associ^ti-on regarding
the -possible location of Pnerson Road through said sub-
division, it was thought advisable to seek another con-
sulting; engineering; firm to assist the planning Board in
studies for tre best solution to the location of 7or.then
and Pherson roads connecting to each other and then to
Route 2. In the meantime Tor. Snow was asked to telephone
Mr. Campbell informing him of the decision of the State
Dent. of Public 'Forks, and also to look into the possibility
of engaging the services of another engineering firm which
might be able to -ive a more objective annroPch to the
problems involved.
bert F. 1`ie7er,
-a '� \� oil
MR. SOULSs Noow, if we will all take sesta we will come to
order here, please. May I have your attention, plesse. bumnAlth
as this Public Hearing was called for HstabroA Hall, let the re-
cord show that the Notice of the Public Hearing was read at 800
o'elock in Esterbrook Hall and immediately adjourned to Cary
Memorial Hall and was witnessed by Mr. Fos and Mr. York.
For the conveniawa of those who diad not hoar the notice of
the meeting downstairs, I will rani its
"Notice is hereby given that on petition
Of more than 100 registered voters of the Town
of Lexington a Public Hearing will be held by
the Lexington Planning Board on Tuesday.
February 27, 1962, at 8s00 p.m., in Istabrook
Hall, Cary Memorial Building to consider e
proposal to amend the Lexington Zoning Bye-law
by changing certain lased from an R l - One
family dwelling district to a C 3 - Special
commercial district by adding at the end of
Section 4 (h) C 3, Special commercial dis-
tricts, the following now paragraphs
Beginning at a point on the westerly
line of Spring Street at the common boundary
of Lexington and Waltham, thence westerly
along such boundary of Lexington and Waltham
to the easterly line of the Northern Circ%mr
ferantial Highway (Route 128); thence Dortherly
along the easterly line of the Northern
Circumferential Highway (Route 128) to the
intersection of the easterly lisle of the
Northern Cricumferential Highway (Route 128)
and the southeasterly lino of Route 2 - Variate
128 Interchange, so-called; thence northeasterly
and easterly, by tam lines, aloft the southeasterly
and easterly by two lines, alo* the south-
easterly and southerly lines of said Inter-
Cho 0, to a point an the camera boundary of
said Interchange and laird of Tax4ngton Invest-
meat Trust, such point being fifty fest
southwesterly from the northeasterly corner
of said lased of Loxia*ton In estawat Trust;
thence southerastekly and southwesterly, by
two lines, both being parallel to.and.fifty
feet westerly from the northeasterly and
southeasterly boundaries of said land of
Lexington investment Trust, to a point
seventy-four feet, most* or less, from the
comma boundary of Lsxiton and Waltham
(such northeasterly and southeasterly
boundaries being bounded by lead now or'foraerly
of Chester and Isabells Lawanitea, Benjamin A.
and Ann L. Greeae,''Brancis A. and Thelms P',
Gallagher, Michael J. and Helen M. Lyoth,
Robert C. and Patricia D. Snodgrass, Dominick°
and Catherine Morley. Warren W. and Elisabeth
D. Bar, mad William, and tilesn Cawles)i thenss
easterly in a line parallel to aid seventy feet.
northerly from the comma boundary of Lexington
and Waltham, seven hundred thirteen feet, Mose
or 1*ss, to the westerly line of Spring Street;
thence by the westerly line of Spring Streit,
seventy-four feet, more or lass, to the point
of beginning at the boundary of Lexington and
MR. So1LEu The reason for conducting a Public Hearing is to
enable the Planning Board to prepare a report for the Animal Tout
Meeting. This is shown on the Warrant of the Annual Town Meeting
and will be voted upon at that tins. Any refereneea-to this propo-
sition should be brought up tonight for the edification of the
Planning Board.
This petition is brought by more than 100 registered voters in
the Town and will be presented is part by the Itek Corporation,
represented by Mr. Morris.
I might ask first that thare be no smmtirg in the hall.
is a Fine Law. Secondly, when you sta?A to speak, will you please
identify yourself by giving your name and address. I may stop yoo
right there, if the stenographer does raft get your,asna and address,
sad ask you to repeat it.
At this time I have a telegram that las some bearing as this,
It is a telegram: to ere ae Chairman of the planning Hoard. This is
from Charles H. MacArthur, represomtting Countrywide officers
Corporation of Now York, and I will let it be read into the record
without comment t
"This is to advise you that Countrywide offiters
Corporation has concluded arrangements with Cabot,
Cabot & Forbes for C 3 maned property on Routes 2 adjacent
to the Kennecott and Raytheon property for the purpose
of construction of our new office building previously
contemplated for the un-tamed properirty at the junction
of Routes 2 and 128. Sigardt Charles H. MacArthur,
Countrywide Officers Corporations 135 Park A+vsnase,
New York, N. Y,"
Now, at this time, the signers of the petition, represented by
Mr. Morris, will present this. I suggest that any questions you have
be directed to the petitioner for this public hearing, represented
by Mr. Morris. Go ahead, Mr. Norris.
MR. C. T. MORRIS - ITU CORAD ATION. I old like to speak
to you good citizens of Lexingtou tonight as three different peoples
actuallyt number One, as a oramsplately objective individual with a
background Including membership cad chairmanship of a Town P1808499s,
Board, membership and chaireauship of a Town Board of Appeals,
livered to your Tear Collector s aleck for something in the vicinity
of $83,000, representing a single year's tax on a complex of build -
Lugs not yet complete and which when completes of course, will de-
liver checks proportionately larger. Thirdly, I would like to speak
to you as a representative of a company which wishes to present to
You a specific plan for its development, which can or cannot include
Lexiagtout as Lexington wishes.
Before I would speak as any of those three persouss however, I
would cement that the telegram which we heard read was listened to.
by as with a great deal of interest, so it was by all of you; how-
ever, it should be known that the location mentioned and the people
mentioned are in no way whateverassociatedwith the problem we are
here to discuss this evening.
Now, Person Nmsber One: An objective person who claims to have
some knowledge in matters of seeing and eomm anity growth, who has
always been dedicated to a principal that a community grow* in balance
or it does not balance and it grows in chaos; and,, if it grows, we
remember one thing: You don't stop growth, you, guide it, and untostrsined
growth is cancer, sued this kills.
Secondly, I think in matters of seeing it is always of paramount
Importance that our zone boundaries and our soots eharacteristies be
such that they permit a harmonious blending of adjacent some, residential
VS. cossnsreial vs. aanufacturiug, With that right stir est ratsbl�ee,
eacb in the right place -- round pegs in round holes, square page
In square onus. I think that we can only achieve s degree of balanced
growth when our zoning intelligently takes this into consideration
and when it proviAss a basis upon which emb square inch, square foot,
each acre of land in our Town is developed in such a way that frena a
total picture of eamwaity growth it does not Conflict with the lands
of a neighbor and it generates its shares its fair shares of the
dollars that are required to provide the cosaeunity service which we
su►at provide and which we want to provides the education which we
should provide and want to provide for our children and, at the sane
time, avoids for each of us individually seonamic strangulation. It
behooves the Township officials, therefore, in pursuing matters of
zoning, to provide for a pattern of cooing where so one citizen with
a home, which represents the met substantial Lwastmient he has made
or will make, is forced to look across the street at the smokestack
of a factory. By the same tokens it should protect that, person who
builds a factory from scwsbody putting a hot dog stand on his Front
lawn. Vase are all fundamental considerations of z alms and,
therefore, if we have a situation where ®ed, who has bean proved a
better Engineer than most of us, provides certain natural geographic
boundariess such as the ridge of a hill or the side of a lake or
sooe thing that is an easily identifiable geographical characteristics
than we should take advantage of this great Bnginear and establish
the boundaries of our some pattern to that we do really,In fact,
take advantage of these natural bosndar%s, always, baerever, pro-
viding for a proper screening of one wane from ashes.
End my comments as an objective person. Now i as completely
As a representative of one of the larger taxpayers io Lazingtoa,,
I would say we are in Lexington not because anyone in this roam or
anyone in this Town put a gun to our head and said, "Come to Lexington."
We are here because we like Lexington. We chose Lexington. We he"
built in Lexington. We hops we have built to the pride of Lexington.
We know we have built to our own pride and to our oro satisfaction.
There are relatively few individual taxpayers in your good tonus, I
would assume, who paid more than $83,000 for a single year's tax.
But, that is as it should be. However, we ora concerned. We dont
mind paying $83,000 in 1961, and, if we build the bola=* of our
complex, which would at least double that, we won't mind paying
$160,000, or we don't mind paying, perhaps, $200,000 as a single
year's tax; however, we would object strenuously if at sometime in
the future we found ourselves paying a great deal more than that
because other lands in our Toes ware not bearing their fair share
of the burden. We would be less than happy if certain loads lay
fallow, generating no revenue, while we and others like wF who he"
not left our land fallow and who have devalopeed ratablef, vrhich we
hope area prideful to the community are forced, ac; au added penalty
or burden, to pay more tax than we might otherwise have hW to pay
because this nand lay fallow. We would be much happier and we think
you would be mush happier if we know that we wore pointed in a
direction where the maximum possible 4mmlopment of all of the land
of our Towyn ware carried out in a barmogtdw pattern that would
not violate the principles of good scot"$ tUtiidnot violate
the character that we want to retain in your good Towns but, most
of all. that we are able to provide cam Laity services. provide
schools, provide education, provide all of the cultures that make
living in this or any other town worth our while and worth the while
Wf of our families, without waking up ane 4*7 *ud finding out that it
is so good that we am no longer afford to enjoy it because we are
economically strangled.
End, Part Two.
Part Three: I acme to you to discuss a specific proposal which
involves only in Part Itek, I an authorized to speak only for Itak;
I will speak only for Itek, Other people may speak for themselveat
and they should. My remarks are limited entirely to one of yaws
neighbors, Itsk Corporation.
My individual responsibility at Itak is to acquire for the
Corporation all of the land and physical facilities they "qut"o
wherever they may be sequined asound the world. In the most normal
discharge of this duty we live a little bit of a hectic existance.
at one time building buildings on the kind of s schedule that ve
built on Maguire Road last year when we broke ground an the 18th, of
April and owved troops and equipment into that building -- 175,000
square feet of it -- the beginning of October.
Roaevor, the schedule isn't always that hocttc, and it shouldn't
be, obviously. There ought to be time to breathe ance to a while so
that we, at the same time, have a responsibility for longer range
planning. Among the items prominent in my longer range planning at
the moment is the locatiop, design and eaeastruction, when they will
give sae the money, of a Corporate Haadgnarters building. ' The build -
tog that we propose would be a highl7 sophisticated building, as
it should be, to project what we call 'Us image" of the Corporation.
It will not be a largo building. it tease not be. The Corporate Stuff
is consistent of a limited swnber of people. However, the location
of a Corporate Headquarters is the worldwide address of the Corporation.
we would like it to be Lexington, However, Just me We were not forced
to move into LedU*ton with a guy► at our heads, we have no desire, no
thought, no consideration of shooting our Corporate Headquarters into
Lexington. Rather, was want it to be wanted or we don't want it here.
In making our plans for our ultimate Corporate home. I have
looked around this area a great deal since I first came here in 1958
and I have found a location which I thought suited what we would hope
to have for a Corporate boas. I investigated into its owswership, its
zoning. Among other things, I found that nothing is new in the world
and I don't home all of the gaol judgement in the world, became other
your Tom Fathers and been slant down. Being oannL*w by nature, I
inquired Why it was shot down and 2 vast admit that, had I been a
Toon Father, I think i would he" abek It deur mcaatly the same nrsy
for exactly the same reason, because orae of the fundamental principles
of coning that is inescapable is that the sone boundary that comes
to one side of the street will arose the street just as surely as
a child chasing a ball. It just happens that way. I,oaediately it
occurred to me that a far more desirable and a far sore natural '
sone boundary would be the top of the hill we call Maller's Sill and
leave the present boundaries essentially untouehsd., as we will sea.
I saw and negotiated for a portion of this land with the clear under-
standing that you Can only intelligently act on such a thing if your
act an the whole, rather than it part.
I had several very interesting sad informatilra discussions with
your Planning Board and I mould warm to publieally compliment these
people as your most dutiful and dedicated represesatatives for the
good of this ec+am unity. We had many dtscusaions. The thing is sat,
obviously, without sans problems because of a limited access situation
that we will see brought about by a taking for an interabasage at
Rouute 128 and 2. There could be sown problem of the "cess into the
area and, therefore, intelligently, we must give special consideration
to this special problem. However, the members of the Planulae& Board
were Completely stveere and represented completely the best interests
of our Town and during scar several diocussiow ales of the p r -'Me s
that arose was the possibility that we might %ve wheat you would
call from a sowing point of view soutowhat limited acts Into this
area, and good planning certainly calls for more than ogee road
into or out of any area, whether it be a residential area or whether
it be a crcial or industrial area. We proposed that this could
be readily solved in one of three we": Ogee, which is completely
undesirable, would be to plat a loop road, as you will see like this
on the slides in a mgmout, which would bri."'a rood with a very sharp de-
file through a residential area servj* a commercial area, and I think
this is very poor planning. Two, would be to put a double road with
a parkway between, what we have come to call our dual -type parkway
roads` into the area serving the total piece in questicet, so that
there could be a aria -way road in and a one-way road out with a
parkway in between and in any omergomy any road could be used for
the other direction. The third possibility would be to cut a branch
road from this parcel into the lands of Clevite Corporation, which
would tis into Clevite `s private road asci parking lot, so that egress
and ingress would be granted via that road. We lovestigated all of
those and, as a matter of fact,, have,o in a preliminary way, negotiated
with Clevite, who have indicated complete willingwas to permit a
tie-in to their area to meet this requirement.
Having done that, and having had further diseussiows with the
Planning Hoard, it occurred to as and to them that there might be
certain very minor but honorable, completely honorable, differences
themselves. I think this is me of the mat healthy things I bum
encountered yet, beemasa whe , a thin is +art and dried it m sma it
is all black or A te, but vbss'five peeple so completely dedicated
to the good of the community and .se bawledgeabla in the community
they represent can themselves iced areas of agzroswunt and other
areas of disagreement, this In indicated as a situation that WwW
merits further and special soosidot^ation. That being that case, ear
considered it proper to bring it to the judgement of a greater body,
the public and the town meeting members, and ve and the members of
your planning Board, I am sure, and other people interested in it,
are in com+plate/& me subject, And that is that the will of the
majority should be served and that the will of the majority will be
served and that we know the majority will hold uppernost in their
minds in judgement what to good for Lemimgtom, what is right
rally for each: taxpayer for the Toon of Lexingtans VUt will pro,
Vida us the name of giving the people of Ilton the best possible
community services the bast possible ednncatiop for car ahildrous the
best possible culture to all of aur people, but, on togms which Will
permit us all to afford to remain here to enjoy all this.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have up bore, and I will leave up hers
for your perusal, three small models which represent three types
of architectural approach that we ars presently considering, if I
probably tot cad up vi"th ons of tette tberite. It wt11 probably be a
blending of the three or somethift that he pLdwd,up in, orbit'Lent
vack, Howover, 1 bring theta maiels bsrt to you to tou"ta to 7"
in a general way the fact that we are considering Isere a building
not large in rise -- perhaps 12,000 to 13,000 sq, ft., iaitially+
and expandable to another 12,000 to 15gWO sq. ft., with a service
corridor in this center (indicating model) and end up with thia,
the shape of a umber eight. Initially, there will be perbaps
thirty people; ultimately; there win be sixty or seventy people.
The cost of the first step of the project i:'+ approximately $300,00.
The second section, whoa and if dote, and if we could beat his amidwre
down in the larger volvae (indieatift the architest), wsyto $WOOOO
for that part.
Neon, as to the area in questions and are will show this in a
larger slide in just a moment, we cant up Routs 128 from the south
and all the way from Bout* 128 T would acpact that ve get completely
accustomed to seeing lands developed for commercials asmofaeturiag
and research projects. As we cross Trapalo Bored In Walthsa►, we see
an extremely attractive building whish was build within the past two
years by the Clevite Corporation whichy by the ways contributes very
handsomely to the economics of Walthay and than we drive by an island
that is nothing. It is fallow. It is producing tax, but not very
much. Then. we cross Route 2 and we come upon anotbw ermtramely
attractive building Molt quite fly by s►ythe" aws 1 an $i,an
to understands contributing even one bandaemely to yaw t,Oad than
we are at the moment. I an Impressed by the fact that We uslani
as it presently appears and as it in presently zoned could esoestl.aae
to remain fallow. Thews we go one to the 1lurUNtOM and 00 itulesiagtons
and see mors of this type and more of this. in ewh can oontrIbutift
handsomely to the community.
NMI at one tufa In the past$ this total am god buck to
Spring Street (Indicating can chart) was considered for a wsan tar
commercial purposes and I said awhile ago I would bon Voted against
rits and I believe me would haves beaeaus* I thins: any moft boundary
that comes to this side of the street will amass the, street and will
go on dorm to ;joint Arlington. We proposed, Instaad, that if Me etoetld
take the ridge of the hill avA eswate now boundaries In such a way
that persons coming u Route 2 would continue as they do todayt
look upon the slopes leading to Pillar's 11tH end awe Only a glen
of residential development and nothing more. on the other hands
people coming up Route 128 would look up upon fuller's Kill and sate
a camtsercial complex and no mors. Than is neo way for a Penson aat
128 looking at your rosidentlel. ayr" and there to no way 4f s penes
coming up Routs 2 lookiag.over the bill to a 000m4rc141 developments
especially slate we have provided a 501 barrier that would be screened.
Hows let's awe the first slide. gaw„ "at you see here is exactly
what I bad in my hand a moment no. for purposes of orisntatioa,
lb a
the" if 8�te ins
the isttaaashalrp trite WAS! 2s bprxn Sts
the neve ltaytheou buildigt, the ldacatUa Of Clevite, prope ty bomd"T
to consideratient aid the Proposed $O' buffer strip,
"foto, in eaaehar*e for a takiof this Lad or this ids,
a strip 70' gide was given to the pt*"4dt Owners of this laid frm
whom we hold option and it is our proposal that a vaad, as 7m arm
see au this medal, could be put in bare (tatdiaatU%)„ a doublo-
parkrmy rosd, laadisW Out OR OPTING Statist aright at the Walthm ling,
right at the line 001010$ in hon, to Servs this aaroa of five acres,
which we hold ,wader option, and the additiosui ad1as"t area of an
additioeeal 13 acres which we also hold wader option and the balance
Of some fiftem acres about which others will asd should speak. Also,
we plan to provide an off -shoot read from here Sato the property of
Clevite Corparat1An4 who, in a good and neighborly ways has fadicated
its agraeoreat to such a road tying into their not, so we will hair*
not only the two roadways in and out, but a thisrd and foaarth represent -
fag the two tigress roads out of tins Clevite lased.
Let's sea the net slide, plea", Won, this is an artist's coo -
ceptioo of what alae would $ass 0041ft Up Route 128. It is such better
done one am that I will lsave there for your inspettiate later, nrwevear,
this indicates the location of Clevite and the proposed location of an
Itak building. We did not put aWthiag In here (ind eatfug), Uwamme
if I bought the land I would do coo thin with it and if goseom also
bought the land he would do something sise with it, but in comformity
with the sone requiromsats of C 3. at mlly, we have aaethar doaolopment,
�+Pa the sarsened planning and, could not am beyend to the present
residential osmplex; likewise. a parsons cOLU4 up Rams 2 would lock
up as they approach and would continue to see only what they aur sae,
which is a residential complex with so visible recepition. of the
commercial sons proposed can the other side.
Next elides please. This is an enlarged blow-up of the thugs•
dimensional model we have bare, again ohow nR Route US& the proposal
groups of buildings, the proposed doubled and roads as I haw mentioned
to you, auu4 the screened ' plaaffiag that would ropseseft the aana
I hays mode a point of the fast tUt in order for ssuntM to be
good and right and contribute to than bast balanced tr+nelh of the
community we must be satisfiad, that the zones will not overlap.
In order to psora that I had this model placed on a gable and
right at grads level I had a camera *hoot first one side and then
the other side so that we could demonstrate in a elide here avaatly
what a person would see from sitber side of the hill.
Let's sea the next slide. Nows this is representative of what
a person would ses coning up Rom 20 which is ou this sideo, as you
orient yourself. These smell blocks represent rss14e4t loeatLOM*
41 They are not correctly in ucalust obviously, but as you were up to
Routs 2 you contimm to No axestly the stewtaaar you am sass 00 I
residential areas mid screamed plgmaifte tion my# If use pout tie
building exactly as Use Dt"wo hes, tasdiaated on that model, a" "a
moaner of am building, but, obviouslyp this coald be shifted asrscwad
and av" that one corner could be eliminated from vicar.
News let's - ,1 to the otter sitds sad be an tvA" 12R 99A lo*
up the hill. Rare, se we ems up frost the aogW4 we could as* em
the proposed location of ftllar's Bill and we seuld Iemk up sodA
at Rtes eters on the actual bowidaries at the top of the bill, etre
seretmued plamniag and whatever deveiepawats t6dw place 'bare, and
at no tame be able on this to be able to look bsyand the hill to x
residential +oacups" on the Other side.
Bwr, this proposals Nish say propotal that to hr'o%lkt before
my SSP of peoples offers tsertain advent*&" and certain dial ea.
This will Alga" oaaur. There will alwayo be an objection to aw
proposal that to ever="*, = thea* this is the sex it should ba*
we want all par$"& to participate sod it is obvLms we won't all
*gree 611 the time of everythim. ,Ammon the major abjectlows tbat
we can expect to hear is that it would violate the present evarlem
of this area. l think we com aBanu that an tbo basis of this OPps'a+eah
of bove darias that ae offer to you far yang consideration this
objection would not be valid; becam"s there would not be visual
aonfllet between the trot►, i thb& you would hear abjection that it
would Samersta traffic. This is Wood valid. VAithi that wa sr
asyaae else would propose four the us of thio lend, Amther It be
residential, whetber it be this type or the isdrtstrtal typ* Or
s f"• w
o l+i'
1Wi �,,�s p�,
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fortunately, as the case my bo, to sheaolss"Al Ovemes bruw
certain problem sods at t1aws certain haswAs with thsw6 As
I have *aid, pw#U see kewan qday a slip to hatbewwo but we
all still go as bathboo became it seem the the
die ew 6 '. _ r -cit, of **we% ovally, they Ob jestiew Rate
people rdw vmld just rather met see anything of this tlrpa Is yon
e<crrae"Oo I respect. their point of Viers a thwagh I doett agree
With it. There is traffic am theta will be* I think ha
has Aboat 2*00 putt t places MA tea► axe aerttalaaly sountift
trUflte. Clevite has about 1,000 places sad I disk %heal► are
geneeratisg ts!sifia. Eat., the raeteartwaete thlslg, and I qct ager
as my do 6w lire +era► tw the reowat f is the so rwAab of that ick ft*
Saw tkomosh. t^W*Itm and gra►` of th iar taw$ p to vaubsou I
this this is sanothing we eeomet lose eight ot. 'ldeia Is s Wethirer
of Which we sbould be etoussatlr arrraa<re.
*me there we *arfit" 4l0600also ;so Rhin type of idw"16106 '
men UW we have just sketethad sew a9 drew tsar at YONNO as semi►
sltdos. TbAk first oat is that as me looked at this I shade
It on be ssid f*jxI'y that it repwosefts 10 vielatlaae of the Precast
development pattern in that mfr pas "Widawkw west TONSIM
residential. It is abssrved only as rresldestial aced it kms its
appearanaa at a residential developrerelts virile 40 the r Bidet o
k7l ,
the d*walepmaft the pattom of dave all. up Milt deco is
maiaataiaied with the eateataramttieat of *owwt'atal . ad , of Ibpo
buildings. X thilk it will be *WA that 04 9190 of tbo but as a
actin bwAsdatg wmld provide a eewVIOte visual 0994ft-' a
ova sianle island not presently *"ad is keapim with tbo Paan*"
can be ago to bw4mo rev eaaa p>idat U* AW is toe day* sand
days aid thfwar is not me to be Oveglooked• low'
potential of mta than 415o,,wb "U be sw"**A bm 1* tom of
what vhe kora+ abv4 what vs vOKU' PrOPOSO to eta "d other ""to
who will speak fes: t lv" * to de at eitbo" would do daaR
the event we did at did toot pieek U este 900001 OPUAO of atUVto"
as livabeV Fivaa i Matt to VOW #sat 'thia ea$ staSIS
am by SwOW&SAAS that amh ta: could "Vvids the ftasda to
awortias ♦ major pwttoaa of the beaded issaa Iddah YOU wu east eats
skier for saehool CoUtrWtfau. am we the SOMMAI
table of mogoisstion of debt abligatiow thane aro "Its" po e
fact"$ and these of yva knowledtesbla t -. i acs $we ant
Of you on* because you be" this Vary amath to YOU "44 " will MAW
that a arts of appwmivxtely OLJOOOOC# by the teotmal OWOSSO twAe
of tvogty yds at six per t4sto %vrAU be safftoisot to SONCtidte a
mon"S of asly $ls a idiatt l�iaallye we thu** sed
I = Seim its speak as all thm of the a" 2 baht tev"A to Yea as
to*Uht. We "proseats a svbstaa*14 stop toward prepoVs b*1001000
coetmmity growth, tho right a oil Oke right butIAU%O to ShO
right locations and "sty agoars foot of INW 66843ratins Its fou
share of the check.
Ladies and gentlemsa, thank your for your time. It you hays OW
questions, I will answer them.
MR. SOULws I would like to ask Me or two t*d uical gvesti004
for the record for the Planning Board regarding the utility setevicos
to the area„ surer and water. Moan do your engineers ptdpo" to
answer the sewer and water requirements?
MR. MORRISt This Swfoives or would tavclve the need of a
separate and detailed angineering study vhichs quit* frankly; I
would not vindorteko theoxpof until I had a clear tadiaativa
of vhether or not we are to go ahead with this project. buts there
are certain fundamentals that represent perfectly safe assvaeptiOut
one is that there is water !.a the area. Two is that there is
sewerage in the area. Three Is that the sawarege problem cian be
solvod in one of three ways, and we will study al.". threat (i) The
extension of existing trucks within your bounds (2) Megottatian of
a reciprocal agrogment with walthen .for ureter and saver WAD the
area,, and (3) until oxide or the other of the two is move ec _ ly
feasible, to go septic, in whLCh Case we would uatnr+ally be regvirsd
to, end as good city would .veat too west orerY of
health and sanitary requirewmatts. ktswavews I couldn't justify an
so expavditurs for that kind of std wiOvAt ata IVASO&WO of
or not we were to go ahead .
r sa»
MR, FUN QALLUMM - Spring Street.
This Sentlenean just seated there is sewrage and rastetst suitable
in tate area. mould he go ftsrtbm Into that, plena".
k4H i
. MQ�Z4 s Yes, sir. Tlsae is s ixsaak wear +reroas lbaute
which is am being built into the 9mmmoott aomp2m is design and we
could shoot sewer lines across Haute Z, tie into that truck and #o
into your existing sever in Lmlfttoa. The Weltham trunk aamaa up
Spring Street and services the Clevite plaint and it Is scot ieopr"10
that, as massy towns do, a reciprocal arrassgement could be affected
with Waltham where we could sawn in that diresttion tato the Walthsat
trunk. Again, I maust say that this requires spacial study,
MR. SOtU: Seootsdly, I would like to ask for tha Board what
is the intention of this proposal as rugar4s lack of frontage on
au accepted street for this property,
MR, MORRIS: We would pr e: as we usssst, obviously, and
would want to, the construction of a roadway, nes I iadiaated an
these slides, which would coma up Spring Street and tome into
the area. Now, whether that read upon construction were to be
dedicated to the Tows and accepted is year public read net, then
meeting all the requirements of public road fromtage, or whether
It would remain a private roast a" buxdamin the tascpayers for
maintenance, snow reowval, ate., is a decision; we would be happy
to leave to Lexington, We would do ,it. eithstt wey, at yaw -wiah,
and as you wished.
Mk. Ste: lhirdlys fa! the Mortis vat would be POW ODIU-
tics on a wubdivision control lar► regasdiag a street net- *00104
more than 3041 lata a property?
MA. MQUISt Me. Soule$ I think that is one of 00 sheet ftwww
mental Lawns before us. I think that if vet axe to maks the
decision to provide for Merly greMW and all erns of the TWO
dewioped to their maxima a acrd generative their fair sheer of the
reverse needed there mast be caaes that are c=WI4* *d eve special
case problems and because of a happening that is bated the control
of anybody in this room or anybody to this Tom the traattsral vary
to have done that has been denied by the taking for lioute 128.
Therefore, I think l axiagton has a very f 400140SIO make.
Thele will consider this special probls®r not of their 0*129 and Oct
of anyone's making here and will provide nthia the total actions
they take for a special consideration of this individual problem or
they will decide to hold rightly to that rule and suggost that this
land stay fallow. I think this is a very fU=UAOM al "*Wle of
economics vs. special consideration.
Mt. SOMS: 'Thank yoss lir. Morris. There will now be ate oppor-
tunity for comments and questions by the public. I ask You again
to give your name and dress for the reecacrl.
MA. 8IP'H'Iltt
since yon have given us a talk an behalf of three people,
perhaps I can ask questions in threes. I v+oold like to ask$ also
that you p try to give us an a mower devoid of adjectives ctiveas ret
h8ft gottOX4 1i "fallow" land. I thSA It,Ls pretty, and; fallow.
That is beaida tree,, point. My questions ate, aftisas. As a plamer,
I would like to ash mer a =Joe tm*ay*r ds the **am f
Town development, I'd also like to ask �►
Mg. WaW: DO you want NO to SONNISTr that DOW or doyou Want
to ask all three first?
ML XMIN= I'll ask all elas04 Smandly, you speak as a
eeajor taxpayer On swe 480,000' peat year let our sammmity. I would
like to know if ya+ze; have seen any study that you could refer as to
which show that industry doers eontrUmto sdsteatially to tax r°alietf
to the community. Now* I am acini tal&iag about this yon; I sed
talking about over a long pe rtod, of time, taking Lmo eonsidersUaa
the various ptoblies which arise as a resultofbringing industry in.
I aa;ant saying they don't 404txibuts at all because Andtry Ades.
But, does it contribute substantially? I would like to know if
there are any studies you Can refer we to which would confirm that.
Mil. M€RRISa You ban given me a mouthfull. I Will try to
answer. I think your first 4uoatioee was whether a substantial tax
payer should make the rules for how we de mlop out lead. No, I
don't think any ess taxpayer should; however, I think mV cue tax.
payer who doesn't participate is those plans is doing hiseself and
his community a disservice,
Now, aumbor two I thick you asked whether or uok X could
refer your tasepayers to azr studios that would L dionts -• sad I
apoloigixo for the use of the word "!allow" wet vncabulM is net
sus of my long shits -- whether industry really doss omtttrubte neer
M a major share of all these thus, srboele and such. I think
that the answer to this is 0"d not seely is many studies, and I see
not in a position to refer you to ant's but I think they are available
in your Tax Office arA in the Tax Office of any aammadtyl but, asaessIng,
as 1 do, that you in Lexington apply the sass: yardstick of assessment
and rate. it would seam to follow that a person who builds a bouse
will have to pay so nuch tau and a person who builds a 'building trill,
generally, pay so such tax. This is a kind of a fundamental thing.
You also said that they bring a lot of problems, They certainly do.
You also said that you know they contributed some. They certainly
do. Everything, however, brings problems. No canter abat kind of
growth we hava, we have problems,
Now,, factories don't have children, but I am In favour of
children and I an the happiest grandfather in the world and I think
that what I would like to provide is a basis to give my grandchild
the best advantages of education, culture and development. Nows
wban you bring in business or cosmoscial development you bring
problem of traffic and some of the other things whish are lore to
stay. We know that this is part of the pattern; on the other had,
toif we brim in residential development, we brimg certain eacoeania
problem, and overly commmity wants and accepts both.
lie had a good example of this at hove. We wars on a kink to
some years of what we called "bala"ad grakth" and mqU that is
where I developed may adjective whicA agitstee you; Butt, it worked
out in a wry interesting manner, We set up a xonlug pattern to
provide for maxlAm dsvelopasnt of revown wharo"r we emW in the
Teem without violating good z principals or the character of
our COMMinity. We were happy with the result. we ro-soned, we do-
valoped,we think, very attractive ratables. For three years in
succession we increased cassumity services by somethtAW in the
order of a quarter -of -a -million dollars, and, we read the we
rate and I pay less tax today on mit hoose than I paid in 1953. That
is one study you might like to refer to.
MR. RIFFIN: 9 Field Road:
I refer to this gentleman's question aril also a figure you used
of approximately $1.50,000 tax, which would amortize a $2,0000000
expenditure by the Town such as a school, R would gather from this
that the indications are that Its& and other developers would boar
all the expanse of extending eenrsr, : %ter in vUA$ tag reeds to take
care of this particular area.
ASR. XORRI9t Yea. I think it to fUMtaa=t&l
that any daval'ormout
of this land should be at the expense of the people who are developing
same, quite obviously.
MR. RIFFIN: 9 Field needs
I don't: mean the newer and the water to reeds. I manse the
sewar where it now exists by Raytheon ani K eunseott.
Z 'Dte extemives tosaw Wordso
MR. RIFFINz - 9 Yield :
Widening of roadesit traftie reguirse its eu,
MR. WOU: Vo wan't do that immediately, Ue is Slee osronaal
first starr
MR. RIFFIN: 9 Field Reeds
This is'`geeitoa. faterestifto
PCZ. MORM s I think us find that TOW saver tsrooke Ift"
extsasded by ove seem or anothers by direst awme of tb o dawloptz ;
or by or at the eaPesase of the Qasssaitys at which tine you pay a
bettslratlnt or book -up charges which ve did up at Maguire Read, so,
I think we picked up our share of the tab. I remember it was a
five -digit check.
MR. RIFFINs 9 Field load:
It would be nice to sem,: that appear ire the record.
MR. MRRRIS s It is in the recosrd.
MR. COLAS; Mr. Morris, my assn is Mr. Gales. I an a resident'
of Greenfields Naw Rampshire. I have Dees a, resi+daat of 14SUStosa
for fifteen years. ;I'd like to asks Mr. Morriss a coaple of
questions. 'fon wade a statment that I wrote down hers because I
wanted to get the accent wordiest to regards to the ou blood.
Lug in of the surroundings. You said that`: residential ares, should
not serve a commercial area. Now, would you be kind enough to
show m Slide No. 2s lir. Morris.
(The slide eras show.)
Nowo the people ou Us aro net to be do Nwle who as+o
soft to oppose this load or'oppoms paw ltcro"l• UO Pavia on
118 are Sol" to be driving by to variow plates. sero people tbst
would Opposo this taking are restdows,of the am* swd z dont
think that you have a picture of your ag" from Spring Street shop.
LOS the top of it.
Mkt. Mout I an a strwKax is tbia area ad 0*34" it is OW
normal pattern to answer throw gwatiau at owes bat I.will try.
MR, COLBSt I think before we aro through we will be well
acgaaiated with +each other.
Mil. mot=s :int.
HL C.OL98i (Wisatins slid* an projector) That is the sws,,
liar, would you be kind song% to ober me where the Volthow » Lexf ton
Line is.
HR. MDR=: Yes$ it is the eud of the model. This is the
Tome LIM*
M. COLU: Are the paople in this raps faueilias with the ;
area is question? You are, air, of the opinion that the stone wall
is the Waltham - Lsai"ton Lias,
MR. HDRUS s There is a 501 spread there.
MR. COLM That happens to be my lssd.
MR. MORRIss That 30' strip is represented by a groen bamadary
behind it.
as a w said, "Now, Mr. Colas, we on going to tabu# your Iuod. ^ I
said, 'That is fin, but ... if you ams going to take my lams! It is
only fait that you so to the 'Planning Board 'a m find out what the
best thing to do with the right of way would ba, whether you should
take it near the wall of Waltham or agar ay house." I told thM
that I thought the planning Board aught to wale a survey of this and
casae up with proper ideas and proper thinking, because say thinking
has always been that that property should be sorted as C 3. I al-
ways thought it was good for Laxi"ton to have it soned as C 3,'
providing it didn't hurt anyone. So I told the =w from the, state
to go down to the Planning Board. That is the last I heard of themm.
They wont to the Planning Board. I happen to know who they talked
with. Tustead of giving me a 50' right of waylo as they had betoken,
they were told by the planning Board that 70' would be mote in
keeping with the ideals and they procaadsd to take 7019 leaving
s 40' landlock piece on one side of me. 8o, when you say that
one is going down the Waltham lino what you are actually, saying
is someane is going down in the Biddle of my'property an both $idea,
shote I ova both sides now and still pay taxes. Now, you propose
to leave the tether side residential so that you would have two lanes
of traffic going in there. As a result, there is absolutely,swthif
I can do with my land.
Now,I believe in progress. I think you either to forward or
you go backward. You don't stand still. I as not a resident of
Lexidgtoa, but I MIS very happy baro. I enjoy" ',my fiftoft 'yewo
here very much sed I still think a;great deal of the people ws,
at Spring Street. I was the first me to go down there. I bought
the place from Mr. Dempsey end I enjoyed asay years all by myself,_
in my solitude. However, prog=ass cam along. Than Mr. Groom and
Mr. Gallagher all cam down.
Many proposals have been, madetto ahaego the sans ever gime a
company made a call on no some years aga and averybody had ideas to
got that ,land. I did not stand is the way of progress and I will not
stand in the ray of progress as long as these people aren't hurt. I
don't like to hurt people and I an sura you dida't intend to and what
is good for all at one should be good for all. I don't want to get
hurt. I don't want the man across the street to get hurt. xe has
a nice home, Mr. Groom spent a tromandow amount of money. These
people don't want to;get hurt.
Now, when Mr. Kinney and Mr. May Cane to see me they said to
met 'W. Coles, what do you think?" I told them to so and see the
neighbors. I knew what I thought, but I wanted to get the approval
of the neighborhood on this re•sonU% question. I wouldn't stand
in the way. I told theca I Wouldn't stand in their way.
The thing that amazed me here was that you went &loss with
your presentation but there was not one word mentioned about my
land and I pay nearly 6100 on ,just that laud there. Now, if you
don't want to hurt anyone I suggest you give this a little considera-
tion. Think about who is going to be hurt and who is going to benefit
sad thea, after the group Setsallthe foul;e, aired SW thlok yet
are -right, I will yield; however, I will yiald _ever if tyre
people contest it and do feel as thb they are ;aigg to get
hurt. • libw,are there OW "Sitions you vaht to ask site?
MR. PrbURMt On the three queettons you asked etas did you
decide to answer them cc do yen wast me to asover thou?' Perhaps
they are withdrawn.
UK. CORS: Please answer them, if yen aan.
Mk. M=S t One of tires took issue with cry o" of the taro
"harssonious blooding of souing". I think a ivadagentai principle
in soning is that where you can provide by save" planning or sane
go feature with a boutdary an betwotwo different sones
that will permit the development of *&4,of the tiro independent
of the other and without changing the characteristics of the other'
you do so. In other words$ so that you sammet physically see the
other in either may, This represests to see a good, logical boundary,
that 3s, who" nobody can sae the other.
1R. COLSS: Lot me return yews rrnaxk. I bad the pleasure of
going over with Mr. Adarea, the Waltham Plmwdn board, and several
persons from Clevite what they were Sol% to do., it use wonderful.
There was a very conviaaiaS geatleaxn there sod he played the earls
doors so and he said, Itentlemea, unless ve lw" a green 110t on
this by such and such a data we will have to withdraw. i` ,There were
people who said that this gran couldn't do anythtft They said it
would all be wonderful, and we yielded. Hover, there wan one Was
we forsots lights. Wky, if you so Omw'gP gRYe dt OfthtYM
think; you aft at ROOSre` Death. '11hy, I b!t you Ow top' of°that hill
in lit' up bigger thaws any. Christmas treat vont ever sax.
MR. Mks: Hither hest, at we could do what:Mythem did,
vhiah sopreseots as intelligent appromih to the some problem.
MR. COLM I'think if your ,job is to secan land end if the
job were data wall amid right said base touched that I would
� i west'
have beep Contacted to see such reaCtioo that I Might have.
ME. MORRISs I want to answer your question umber Two. I think
I expressed �elf as being oppesed to a situation wiWre a person
sitting on his trout porch --
Hit. COLESt (Interrupting) go. I said "conflicts, with a
MR. MDRRIRt That is what I aa referring to, a conflict with
a neighbor where a some boundary comes to ass aide of the street
and those on one side of the street sit on their porch and they
have to bava the distinct displeasure of looking into the building
across the street, That is what I mean by "conflicts."
MR. COLISs You, said something about a smokestack.
MR. Mount A Am -residential building, let us say. I am
sorry to say that your third question has slipped my mind.
MR. COIAV I've forgottea its too. xawovsr, I vrote it awn.
You said no person should go through a residential area and violate
one that is purely commaarcial.
No page numbered 32.
MR, td W$o 3that I said,, an! if I hexa moo ted YQW
Planning Board in discussions ve had I didn't arm la, to that
we did investigate various routes of bringing a road tree kare and
providing for a second access out to Spring Street and one of than
would have brought us to a parallel road ee along the grout of
Clevite out to Trapelo Road, which was economically unsowd.-
Another was to attempt to acquire a corridor of land down through
the present residential area and put a roast in here to provide a
loop. Your Planning Board, hoverer, voiced an objection to this
and I couldn't help but agree with thus completely that it would not
be a good solution because the area you would have to out for a
road going down such a stoop elope would be extrwoly unattractive
and my distant U*resaioa of the attitude of the Planning Board
is that it would violate a rule, in the Town to ha" a road to
go right through a residential area designed only to service a
cassoercial or industrial sone,
1R. COLES: Mir. Morris, I an sorry, I neglected to tell you that
I also ovn the land right across the street. I own twice as mcah
over there as I do on your aids. I own that land in Voltham and
it ismy intention to see nice residential homes there. I this
that if you go doom there you will find that the hags that are
there ars not homes that cost $10*000,at $130000.
MR. MORRIS: I observed that.
MR. COLES: The gentleman ,theft liras across the street from
that would be hurt very badly. Those houses wouldn't be, worth
much either as far as the residents of the Town are concerned.
MR. GALIAMMR - 131 Spm Stawts
We have heard Mr. Morris tell w lure of a scall part of the
land to be re-aesnd. Is there anymm who could tell its what would
be dome with the it, tai tg part of that area and how many, buildings
and holo sway people will be working in that vicinity?
MR. KIMNY: My name is Charles Kinney. I lie in Modtield,
Massachusetts, Bard as a ember of the real estate 'fixe of C. W.
Whittier. Nov, iia. Morris has referred to the gsaeral "peat& of
this area. I won't go into that again,. He has described the opera-
tion and the pians that Itek would haw for this area and, to partly
answer your question, sir, I belie" Mr. Monis stated that he would
intend the Corporate Headquarters to be here (indicating) and he
has a further option an the balance of this property and this
property would be frau here over to here (indicating) that he may
or the Corporation may or may not make use of in the future.
This psOparty ,f"n 17 I en ixrLiCAtift OW to
the corner casuists of appraod sm"ly fifteen, oases of IeAW. Ian
speaking of and for the group who holds a purchase 'a"Im on that
fiftom acres which my real *stat* filar would repsejsoat,if as article
should pass, as real estate representative and as agent for them.
This group,, if I may just toll. you a little bit about who
they are, consists of a Mr. Tregalis,`formerly of Brookline, now
living in teem York, who is involved is real estate developments. It
consists, also, of Mir. Willis Mayer of Now York, who lives in Oster gay,
I believe, and who is an officer and director of a substaintial old
line real estate development company In New York in the Forest Hills
area and also runs a'construction firm or is an officer of that
firm. Two other members of the group are a Mr. Roberts of Wellesley
In the insurance business is Bosto% and W. Henry Nelson, also of
Wellesley. This group proposes that, should this article pas;,
it Would construct what you have aeon an the slides and is shown
here on the sketch and on the model: a tNo-stony officebuilding
of a first-class nature in every way that would contain apprcaimately
1000000 sq. ft, of space.
Now, air, you asked me how many people that might covUla.
Yardsticks are somewhat daagerouss but, thought through my experiences
we find that in an office building you will have between six and
seven persons per 1,000 sq. ft. of space and, following this formula,
that would indicate that 600 to 700 people would be approximately
the overall employment of such an office building. Now, when I use
"- I
My firm has bow established in Boston for a groat may years
and we are active in commercial and iaftsterial real ostats. We
also do a rather substantial management business* mostly in the City
of Boston, which ancompasses, I thinks its seventeen offices. We
run forty -odd buildings as agent for others, I think we !rave a
feeling of the market for space of this nature. We rear,, for
Instances buildings like the United Shoe Buildings Shaweaut Bank
and Merchants Bank.
I have bean active and my firm has been active vary much in
Route 128 developments. We were the agents for the John
Building, bringing it down to offices -type spaces and for the small
John Hancock Building in Waltham at the winter Street Intorchange.
That is a smallbuilding occupied is a small part by the John
Hancock Company. We also represented an organisation an Muto 128
which has just recently completed the so-called ash Pond Office
Building, which is really an Alewife Brook Parkways or, rather, it
is close to Dewey and Almy, as you would tura right at the and of
&auto 2, 1 t that we b . r hope dw t, we ban, the fooliNg
for ubat dw moviatt is, the destree +A do musds for spm of OU
nature, and it is >q! personal opinion and that of Styr f1m that tbare
is a very strong demand for high grade •• or what 'I mould call
"top grade" ... office space of this type. It is my opinion that
this area is well adopted to this type of usage and gas, well support
buildings of this nature. It is the opinion of this group that
from a developers' point of view or an occupant such atm perhaps
the Raytheon Company or Itsk, which Mr. Morris reprsseatts, that
this location is a very excellent one for business. It is on the
crossroads of ompor two of Massachusetts' finest highway systs".
It is a very desirable location, a very prominent site, and it is in:
an established area is this vein, lying batweeat not only on the
generalised basis of 128, but lying specifically between the Clevite
property, Raytheon property and, am, the !Kennecott property, who,
I understand, are going to build this spring on the other side of
Route 2.
1 think that from the Tom's point of view that this is also
a good locations for industry. It represents, as tor. Morris has
brought out, what we consider to be the natural dewtlopolat of this
piece of laud, beim on Roche 1280 screened by natural* boundary from
the balance of land lying to the east, which is residential.
we realise, again from the Tom's point of vicar and the people
living to the area, that a project of this nature and of this #caps
will generate traffic with the sial or in
the office butldiwgs and i believe Mr. Nw rim says fftu 30 to,
Possibly someday„ 60 or 70 people In hie area. That will generate
traffic. Thera is no quotation shout it.
Nnva we usually feels in a situation of this Astwee there
will probably be at least two eut+onobil" per three peaplee, psrbsps
two thirds of the number of people in the area would have cars,
something of that nature. This is traffic. It is see of the things
that tows slang with devslopmeeut. This we do fault In this pavtiou-
lar location the eseeuat of traffic Mould naturally go on spring Street.
Thera is eco other way about it. It voulid vdaimit e, from a Town point
of views triffic on its other highways, boasuse, I behaves mat of
the traffic would pool off at Route 128 or 2.
This proposed building of 100,040 sq. ft. of space is designed:
by Aar. Raymond Bowers of Fulmer & lowasre, the organ nation which
Itak engaged to develop preliminary plans of the entire frost section
on 128 and which we hope will be a harucaLous domlopm ent. no cost
of the bull4itag is estimated to be between 2k to 2k trillion dollars.
It is designed strictly as first-class opaaa, air condition". We
would propose it be fully seerviead for tenants, By savviest T swan
with the normal services which, would otherwise be graatsd to similar
major office buildings within a city. There would be a ca oteria
to supply the general, everyday Imacheson eeedo, also, ample yaerkiag
to take care of the automobiles that would be there. The building
The building is designed, as you can see, in two fundamental
units. It is very possible, not probable„ when the comatruction
would start it might wall start on OW of these units with All of
the utility area •- time air conditioning, the usabinery and utility
aspects -- built into that to handle the overall caVler, and if
that were the ease, we would expect to start the construction of
the second unit upon completion of the first.
is designed so that the space is ro"Ily divisible for various sised
office spaces, canglag from the 2,010 sq* ft, vary as Up*
It is hard to say what we Woald expeiat tenamolwwise The build•
Ing is designed to handle either am, two or try to thirty
Wi would anticipate, and checked the market an this, to mute of a
corporate nature, tuts Who are looking for a corporate besd-
quarters but who are of a smaller nature than Raytheon or Itek,
but would only coma to this 'location for the sake of the l+ocillties
this building would offer and because of its location. tin also
expect and have talked to a great many people is the way of regional
or district offices of small and large corpotations, prinoaipallY
in their sales wing or their sales arm. It also can handle very
easily smeller organisations needing lesser amounts of spate.
Fran a timing point of view, if this article would pass, we
would hope that we might possibly be under construction in'.tche fall,
but, more probably, nett spring.
The building is designed, as you can see, in two fundamental
units. It is very possible, not probable„ when the comatruction
would start it might wall start on OW of these units with All of
the utility area •- time air conditioning, the usabinery and utility
aspects -- built into that to handle the overall caVler, and if
that were the ease, we would expect to start the construction of
the second unit upon completion of the first.
I think 2s4ght say in sameasy Oat4 vv „IAt: this baiu»
lag to fit the needs of various siaebd tuts in largo to shall
amounts and offering to all services and facilities vbUh would
be found in an is -town Boston building, a centa-cors buildinso
having the advantages of a great many people who would rather bo
not of the city, out of the tomgestioe„ and be► in an area W►re
parking is easy and there is mo problem for acoassability of auto-
mobiles. It is our belief and feeling that this would be proper
land use and productive to the Town. We, working along with Itak
and the same engixusers and anldtects, would endeavor to design
this building,to operate it and to run it as a credit to the
If there are any specific questions on the building, Mr. Bowers
is here and I am sure he would be glad to answer them. If there
are any questions that I can answer, I will try to do so.
MR. CODS: May I ask one question?
MR. KUM: Yes, air.
AR. CODS: Do you propose to filter all your employees out
this same right of way?
MR. KINNEY: 'fes, sir.
MR. CODS: Do you feel 70' will be adequate?
M&. KINSMY% We do, sir. we also have desigTAd to show on
this model and on the other plans that within the 70' way Gere
would be two road beds, divided about eighteen or twenty -foot
in breadth.
MR. SOMAI The purpose 0 fiat TWU 1649ft is to bazar Mut
information els to *ame befewe tie mostla "d the Plamilms Bond
takes it under consideration. We twee oto oppoxtoalty to make a
comment on a proposition.
MA. COhESt I Vubdratw my 40ss>ri046
IR. rox - 187 spring stroatt I'd like to ask if there is
not a connection between the wire that you lead earlier and this
development, at an I CoMfasid?
Mx. KM=t I believe I a answer that gwation, air. The
countrywide officers Corporation from rhos the vise uas iIMAA tonight
had been the petitioner a year ago in a similar wxdag petittoa.
At that time I represented that organization and I talked with you
at eine point in that regard. I emz no longer with that organisation
and am representing this group that I refer to tonight.
Mk. Mt We area foarbn to In having another dedicated tr0WI
Mt. BRYSON: I direct my question at Mr. Morris M ft. 91=147.
As a freshman member of the Planalog Boaxds there is still * lot
as a laymen I have to learn about language, but there is amt thing
that Camas to my mind in consideration of this proposals end I have
by no means made up my iniad yet. The question YOU brought up earlier
of balanced planning for the Town, VbIsh of course is out' Job• and
one ve area vitally concern" with.
Many of yon know that a waek from Thucaday there will be a
bearing an a major re -toning proposal for the area out Bear Itek on
ire Rom and Hartwell des gxtsWW* true _udftvd all th
down to stood Street. if this proposed rsrsoai;ag ale is passed
by the Tom Vmotiot„ there sill be a tMAMOdOW mew area I* this
Town available for commsxeial development of an offIce-TOSSATO park
nature with manufacturing to part of it and motel usage to
part permissible by the Board of Appeals.
Now, I don't know the exact area of this Ueda but I have seem
a layout that the planning Director has made of a possible usage of
this area and my impression is that it has twenty to thirty sites
in it for industrial development. toy question that I an thinking
over axed I would ask you to consider In balanced pleasing for the
Town is; Is that perhaps enough cosmarcial developmaut for a Town
the size of Lot o ton.
Now, wee_have another group of problems related to this in mpr
misted. Bane 3 is going to be built. Route 2 is going to by built
quite swam, it appears, and widened and made limited aeras, ton
is going to bacon n a Town bounded an three sides by limited access
freeways. Now, I feel we ought to keep the areas sonaed for caieexcial
development as far away from the Center of this trieepgle, if you
like, as possible.
we have another related issue beets, too, in my opiaio o snld
that is the laxed that the Tana Meeting ra•soned last year for Cabot
Cabot & Forbes across from Howard JobAsems on Beate 2 It to our
understanding that not all of this has been sold fear usage. This
is anotbar potential site for offices, it is teased C 3. go' I
fuel that the Um halo a p$" del of C 3 land aw"lable„ parUos-
larly if this proposal goes tbrough that will two #*Vw rd at the Aoblia
Hearing a week from Thuxodayt
I have am ants related question and issue. I kaww this to a
ls%tlty comment, haarvsr, the problem of traffic is eta that bias
bothered see greatly in connection with the development of this *M*
The traffic generated by the people at Aaytbom sakes its very u -
pleasant for the people on Spring Street. The plans are uOte tt"s
for an interchange on Route 2 and Spring Street, As you know, we
have a limited say in this. The Department of Public Works more or
less tells us what: will be done. They do listen to what ws recomwed
somaticees. However, you have probably son the sine of the intorw
chaaige the State is building and me selectman commented that the
Town may soon becane onelarge interchange.
Now, if we put in the dwelopmeat, like the one proposed herr*
it seems to me we have to have a sizeable int*nhaege on Spring
Street. Actually, it would have to be a tremendous taterchame.
If it isn't, the traffic problem will.be so hemendous, with the
traffic coming down Spring Street, that there will be absolately
nowhere to go. You can go dawn Spring Street to Msrrrit Rued, vhich
would make it very unpleasant for the people on Spring Streatt +r
you can go to Trapelo Road past Clevite onto 128. One othm solution
which we have talked about: is to go over bete 2 and then have -*a
access road paralleling Route to the Waltham Stmt Route 2 is e.
Certainly me important factor is tete total ratio of land in .armee
category as opposed to land in am aaewther eategocyo sw4evers I
think evert with snore faaree, or, I home with sore tonal I use the
expresaion, "the right thief in the night place." Certainly this
Is a major element of balance.
I am quite sure there is samabvdy in this roam Ao will
disagree with ra, but I will say it anyhow and raw,the rink. It
doesn"t sem to aw that a location looking right down the gun of
128 is exactly the location for a residence, an individual residence,
It a residential development, I think that the land in that area,
if for no other reason than by virtue of the valves that has been
generated or inflated, would ask* it grohiiitive, if not Uvessiblas
for a single residential use here. I also think va vill agree that
if we took the first 100 people we seat Awn mere leave this bell4ing
tonight, a vast majority of thea would not consider this location,
or any other location facing on 128 directly in the middle of two
commercial buildings and immediately adjacent to a major Inter-
change to be an ideal residential location.
I think your second question dealt with traffic, and it is a
good one. If we did find this person -- I don't think we will --
who would be interested in a major Misidential kind of'devolopment,
we would also find traffic would be generated, because where there
are people we find traffic. The only difference is that in'a
residential area there might be less total traffic at any given time.
Over a period of time the traffic might be greater because it is
eight or twenty-four hours a day, depending on the character of
the individual.
I think your third question dealt with the location of inter-
changes about which I would not be to bold as to consent. I have
no knowledge and certainly no information on what is proposed. You
may have much more information and knowledge than I do. Howwr, I
think this, again, is a matter in the hands of the Commonwealth
Department of Public works who, the latest I heard as of this naorn-
ing, still had the plan under consideration. I don't know how mach
affect the re -coning or the not re -zoning of this thirty-three acres
of land will have on their plan. Are those the three questions?
nAs &VUAdar ..any a r.naerrupr roc ,lush a sowmcr 14e4J" =a
gentlemen, the process" 'of democratic governeent an long A" Yindir#,
also, the seats are very hard._ We went to Neve everybody heard to-
night. I plead for brevity. We will stay here es loi* rte you want.
However, a lot of folks want to got home. May I suggest we staad
up, stretch, sit dorm and be brief.
(There was a shorn recess.)
MR. GALLIGHSRt I was directly interested in what the State
might propose because they wore going to take our home and also
some land to this roadway. They got to the point of even measarl",
etc. Last .week I called to see if I could get any Information.
As a matter of fact, this interchange might not came about for five
years. I don't see how that can possibly make a difference in this,,
re -zoning.
MR. SOULS: Any further questions?
MR. RIFFIN: 47 Concord Avenues I'd like to 'ask a question
of Mr. Morris. when you multiplied or added up there, you said you
were planning a building to cost $40.00 per sq. ft. Is that correct?
MR. MORRIS: Total project, bite one, about half -a -million
dollars. The total project would be about 15,000 sq. ft. Soo you
are in the ballpark. This also includes related developments, landscaping, etc.
MR. RIFFIN: 47 Concord Avenues As a resident of Concord,
Avenue I would like to state that I an opposed to this development
at this time. I believe that the questions which have been brenght
up by Mr. ,Bryse s, particularly In a"ard to what - is gelft t
on Route 2 and the widening nerd` toll tragi* pattern in that ansa
are substantial mough to delay this developme t.
I m not one to sap that the C: 3 developwseet will stop #4 the
brow of the hill. I think there will be considerable pressor# to
roman over the hill and continue right as dove as long as there
is a piece of vacant land. As soon as the Town starts doing this,
anybody that lives next to a broken piece of lard won't be pro-
tected at all. Every place of vacant land in sight will be up to
C 3 development.
I am also quite confident it won't lay; fallow snuck loiter.
It is valuable land. It is going to be developed. I think we can
afford as a Town to wait until such time -as we have the ,answers
to what is going to happen, whether it be developed for residential
or C 3 construction. We should have those answers.
The last part that I an particularly interested in, and I am
rather surprised that I have heard nobody from the historical
societies in this Town who are concerned with this sort of thing,
is what is going to happen to the old Parker Homestead. It
happens to be rather beautiful and representatives of Colonial
construction. I am sure if it were anywhere sear the Battle Green
everyone would be up in arms. I thiok the Tom should take steps
to make sure that it is protected and that its surroundings be
protected, if naeoseary, under the Federal xomsl*e Aet of 1'i is
money is provided to buy lead of this oaturo and to,prateat it.
I think this should be done. ,This is sneh an absolutely maMiaar
example of Colonial construction aad it has becasw mowA=hadv*,od by
the new developments and this re»soulag. I thick we should think
seriously about this.
MR. SOMX: Would you care to coeewtat on this, Mr. Morris?
MR. MORRIS: Yes. You didn't ask a question, but you did safe
a statement in three parts. Nov, Number Onet I think it would be
very unfair and unreasonable of any individual or anybody, private
or public, to adversely judge a petition before you tonight oa
the basis of what somebody may petition for at somuatisee is the
future. If any individual petition cannot be judged and stand or
fall on its own merits and not on what somebody el.e may say tomorrow
or the next week or the next year, I think this is lose than fair
Number Two: You said this will happen and that the pressures
are on to let it happen. Well,'ladies and gontlsoett, I can only say
that if it will happen, is there great demerit is not permitting
it to happen to involve a Company which has demonstrated to your
satisfaction, I hope, their integrity, the character of their
people, the character of their buildinge, the cleanliness, of the
buildings they built and their willingtwmss and promptaess io Pay-
Ing their tax obligation?
hill that you would ask for I think is net only right, but I would
support. Thank you very,seeeh.
MRS. FOX: I belie" that I an interested not nearly se aeoh
is the cleanliness and architecture of your building, since I sat
not exposed to it I happen to lire is the Parker Moue, thaft-
fore, I am interested In it. The paint is traffic. Too ban
tiptoed over this. You said there is traffic and you have to saw
poet it. The thing I m Interested in is what are you going to do
when you gat to the acrd? There are two ways to go. YOU can't go
up Spring Street. Why, I almeat kept my children hoses from school
this morning because of the traffic conditions and the slippery
conditions. There is hardly room for two ears there and they etre
lined up to the Clavite Building. -What is going to happen whoa
they get six or seven -hundred people, plus the evatodians and
construction people and other things they have? I suppose that
is the Town's problem, once they get their oleo clean little
building up.
MR. DEWURY - 44 Maple Streets I have two questional
I recall last year in the discussions with the to-sonift officials
on this particular piece of property that a Geodetic Survey HOP
showed on contour lines a steep grade at the point where you are i
T .
proposing to build your buiuiatg Sprr VORIA 't this require a
large amount of bolldo$ing ales; the top of the bill JS ender to
satisfy your arehitectural reopiro entsi Now, Mr. Harris, woald
you like to answer this question first, and then I wmld like to
clear up this question on Mr. Coles' land.
MR. MORRIS: On this or any ower sight you design your
building to the site conditions or the conditiome,you find or
encounter. There is no particular trick of designing a building
to sot into a hillside with a fairly minimus amount of constructions
I think the worse thing that could happen would be to buy a beauti-
ful hill and chop it down. I don't want to chop it down. I want
to use it as it is and it would be the aurchitect, who gets a fee
to figure those thing out, who would have to solve this problem
for us.
MR. DELOURY: I think my main point was simply that I would
hate to see the hill chapped all to pieces.
MR. MORRISt It won't happen.
MR. DELOURY. The other remark has to do with Mr. Coles'
property. leather thew have Mr. Coles tell us, I think I will pro-
pose what is the case and if I an wrong I can be corrected. This
Article on the Warrant says that the zoning boundary is ;to rune
along the Lexington - Waltham 'Line from Spring Street to the
junction with the Route 128 Circumferential Higbay, which is this
diagonal line in the lower right of the diagram up there `isdivatiug)•-
Clow, there is talk or a 70 -_ strip 11 1 read tMIS rsggt ner+s wo
which is 70' away from that lige.
MR, MDRaISt Actually, thera is pea erorlop ire the propsorty Unex
I thine we might demonstrate these clearly this way. This prooery
we aim talking abor=t, in fact, does go aptly to ripe Tows %An*
but the 70' strip that is proposed and cam is " a result of e
taking is actually sat back 40' from the Tom Lino and this piropoMy`
line at this point from leers out to Spring Street (indicatiag)Is ,
that a fair representation?
MR. COLBSt I think you case class, but I will continue that
a little. Wow, have you seas the suss mall at all and do you; knew
the property generally?
MR. COLtSt In 1953 &a act of the legislature was passed to
make a straight line of the boundary between Waltham, and LaaciMtoea.
They dram a straight line across and its saws "sea Lsxi@gtoa row and
in sons cases they lost. That is why is the original dead of the
laud I did own that. Mr. and Mrs. Fox had property at that ars&
that was finally decreed as Waltham property through this act.
so, the 70' line is on the Waltham - Lexington Line, as it is
today, but it is 40' on the Lexington soil, as it eras in 1950.
I have now a 40' -strip access to Waltham.
I think, correct tee if I an wrong, that this
land is somehow or other land taken, by the State " an a¢caes to
compensate for an access swallowed up is this *"tar section.
MR. Colas`v1sub evabus thla Proposal to be wd+e, m
settlement has been made, but that is of ass eons. bwo.
MR. GRB> M: I have just about as much to say as W. 'Morris
and Mr* rox have to say. I will take the liberty of taming as
long as am* of my'coharta, hoping that I'Won't talringe'too mush,
We hardly know where to begin, 'because we be" had a problem
since the first day ve moved out hems, sadI m speaking, I think,
with the acquiesce=* of Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Coles and the
rest of this uOve niers who have moved out here after us.
Nov, we go from the point of purchasing our property„ which is
predicated on the Torn stating -. and when I say "the Toga statim$",
I mass that I approach" the 3st!$inaering Department and was told by
then that I now never fear that there would never be any industriali-
sation, any re-soning, of that area, This was stated on direct
questioning by me to them. I was questioned particularly by the
two people from whom I bought two sections of property, consolidating
them into one piece. They wanted to kWW why I'+ranted so mueb laud.
I told theta I hoped to have enough leg room to tuna around. They
didn't quite believe that, but that to what I dial and bwe maintained'
so far. since then- there have boa Brous efforts to re -soave or
put into operation something around that ares.
Nae, that has been aggravating and has aggra"ted every one
of us. Mr, Fox, for example. has **me foto something hers that he
was not arse" ofa _So fat, we an still friendly eeleigaioga. we
still get along well. we don't seem to anus with sack-otheer,
but, still, we don't know where to go. Asad, I an sitting in lb e
peculiar spot of being able to so awyWWO. Fortunately& that
property is paid for; the two$ antes paid. Unless you went to t
so and Make over. the property,,:thea yo _will here none -.property
earn". However, I can give it away or i can sell it. 1 don't'
care which. I as that disgusted. We are isolated Nee are in
the corner. We are called, as sosreas so nicely put it a fear
months back, "an island". We are left aloha, yet, we must fight
to keep from beim pashsd an ,to a reservation. Like the AeasrUsu
Indian: Push thew back. That is what they say. /1nd, also,
they say they will take the portion they can got for nothing,
IVa must bents this lamd s " they say. _ Na cwt have this 128
intersection." "There is no other lard available." "All of 128
is forever more game." "there is only 4etre .diaeemd loft." Ne
have to he" this." Thea they say, "Let's see if we seen got it
Zoned." "if we can gat it :oneds`we'11 try to ugme the whole
Prior to attempting that I was approsthed by the Itsk
Corporation's Mr. Morvis. as "Ids "no yeeu want to sell your
property?" and I said, "Sure I will sell it, for $250,,000.1'
Now, he newer commented at all. Hr. Nay and Mr. Morris sat in
cwt liviy stem and discussed all of this 'pith as emus tbaa W.,'X t'is'
asked very nicely sad very courteously if I would grist bast a tw
of tray across spy property, is front of my property. got I said
"vn vbst basta," and he said. "Well, we will build'a road wad put
In the lights end facilities mad allow you ,access to It." moi;
didn't say, "Can we give you $50.000 for it or can we give you
$10*000 for it." leo. "Just lot us do you the Isvour of puttisri
in the road and than. you +eau develop the rest of the property," to
what they said.
Now, Mr. Morris sills.understand and recall that I said,
'Ur. _Dorris. if you ars Soing to put up a plant of three or font«
atillion dollars, if you can't afford to buy my property outright.
for $250.000 you better not put up your plant; you csn't afford
Lt-" But, that sounds facetious. We are getting embroiled An,
this, getting upset.
Following all of this nothing also developed, of course.
But, cams the project across the hill,, of leseiag aeross the hill.
So, they Used up Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Linehas - leo$ that is
not right. I don't know just who it was. Dot, certainly
Mr. Morris was in on it and the Roberts Brothers. And they
signed thea up for a stipulated pride,, dependent upon voisixg.'
But, they couldn't gat it zoned. All that was cancelled out.
I a:a vealthys, it is becomes I atm bullheaded.
I ask a queatioa tonight of Mfr. Kingston. Mr. Kingston rsg�ressnta
the Five Fields. He stood upon this stags aapd he vary, very straggly
showed us that it only meant a swings of $8.00 to the 'average _tax-
payer to put this last June deal through. SO$ who the hall needs
to worry about $8.00? Nobody. Tonight I asked Mr. Kingston whist
his opinion was and he said, "I have no Ob,jection." I asked him
why. He said I 'Oh, it is over the hill. cant see It.,,
He is running for Selectman, so there is some politics here. And,
believe me, I don't like it a damn bit.
Now, I ask Mr. Kingston and I'd like to ask you pleople: Is
there a law in the Twm of I.euc ngton or the State of Massacbm"tts
that makes it absolutely Impossible for you to refuse integration,
either religious, color or creed? I ask you that and them I leave
it to you to punish me, because there is this an thin,&, and I'd
like everybody in this Town to know it: that when I cam to sell
my property I am going to sell its wd if it goes to a Chinaman;.,
an Indian or a colored Coug"sasa, if it goes to anybody, it is
going. I am not going to stand by and watch this this transpire.
Thank you very much.
MR. NOWUI I would 111Wt ft .nrhs Just me Wit. =i I
an sure Mr. Grow vouldwant ms to WIN its on tva, very SUM
pointe. I think the asaowd should ftflest that I have a different
if eren trecollection from Mr. greens. Number Anes At no time bdoo I aver
began is your homes with Mr. May proposing the *oustructiaa of an
access rag into this land*
Mh. CRUM: Not to propose but to sok if it could be dant.
Mit.MORRIS: I didn't discuss it with you.
Number Two: Our first m►etinl, a very plessant seting So the
early part of 19600 was when you sane to my office to Walthaae.
MR. GREENS: At your request.
MR. MORRIS: At yaw request. Asad, you proposed a lease
purchase arrargeaeut.
MR. GRSSNBt Yes, after you proposed it to nee.
MR. GREEN: You offered mo $129500 a year.
MR. MORRIS: The $12,500 vas yaw figure.
MR. GRUNSt You are lying.
MR. MORRIS: I have a different recollection from youm
o i
s s
He. GREENS: Your rec 11eet set fink ,
MR. DOYLE - SI Spring Streets',We have had meetings on
the same subject of soniag from time to time,. Nos', like
Mr. Coles, I live in Lexington, and I like LeXUgtoo sed'I think'
of my neighbours as leui>tgteesfa s vho allot t ton' awe these
fellows conn in here and tell you how -mweh tboy line liezingto n
and that they are boneficial to the 'faun became tboy ars golft
to pay so musk for r res$@ ' into the Tanta of Moet. Move I
am egaanat hurting anyone. As ffir. Coles said that if one T461 -
dent in TAxt gtoo,, no matter vheOw he livers as my street or
not or Wither he lives on the other side of Lexinton, if his
welfare is going is be aacr ficod on the altar of esoeneeretalt+r14
I an against it.
Tow, this is maybe a selfish motive that I ram gots to
speak of sows this part about traffic. Anyone who lives on
spring street and trys to cross eta Woodhaven am to spring stat
either has to wait for a courteous driver or risk his neck to
cross over there on the other side. uow, as for than people on
the other sides of spring Street at the intersection of Route 2
well, I could imagine what they have to contend with. Are they
going to be hurt? Why, we mod a three-way>higbway down Spring
Street. What is the Planning Bond going to do about this, wait
until only one car can to down at a One.
I $ay this: Lt"s put industry to the proper place where
it can function properly without sacrificing any Individual
residential section.
MR* IMINs I'd like to sap that the.Zoning By-laws ars
promises to the people of they Town of Lexingtoa`that they will
be protected from spot -zoning and from the vhiass of private
enterprise. Naw, there are thirty-three acres involved here,
MR.-sOUM This to a little btt like vhuak so" taw 00
chicken cc they on. The state will not aertt maRil 00 Tom deft*
MS. M$YUS - plaanin Boudi 1 have 000 comment bwot To
put any article on the Anneal .Town. Mooting, +sa 100 citins" Of
the Tom can have the rle ndug Boatd'hare A pablis arwt n an
that article relating to a sdoniag matter. Is this any the how-
ing is held becauee the siguetwes of 100 citizens, have 'appeared
on a petition for a hearing. Tha PlAnaft ,:lasted- has ao fright to
push it forward or hold it bade. We canseot Leave it oat.
MR. GALLBGAZRa It is ver sad, I thicde, said it surprises
me, that the Town has no access to vbat the State plans to do
on this matter in order to doteralm ,just what will happen.
MR. SOUI.R: It is amusing. I agree with yen.
MRS. WILMA= - 20 Barbeety Roadt I an a Tom Meeting
Member and I an sure there are a lot of people here who are rpt,
and I will have to steed up at that time, so I might as wall stand
up now. It is amazing, you say, that the State is waiting for
the Town of Lexington to act on this to decide aboat an interoebange.
I think that is what you said, if I taterpret it cOMOtly.
MR. SOMXj I was being a bit facetious. hot Me Clarify
it to this degree. The State is airs of this Article beigi net
the Warrant of the Towel Me"Ing. They will plan thein highVOM
their intersections, their road cousections'to the eexisting saQing
which has taken place at the time those plans are made. The
plxa for Route 2 is not <sesplatsd at this poo t. Thefts" bw a
very real interest In wether or not this area to sow" as �+
If it is not soaad, they will awake connections to what is e3datlarg
at the tiara the plan is made. If it is sonsd, they will mdse
connection to what to anticipadt*d, what traffic is anticipstsd mad
will be generated by the near sonict. So, I was being very brief
and facetious to state that, actually.
MRS. MLIMM: Could I ask another qu estioni with the pressures
exerted, wham c" we talk to if, we strongly feel ebw4t this issue
the way we do before the Taws Meeting.
MR. SOULS: Talk to what point
MRS. WiLLIAMS: To the point of the Route 2 interchange.
MR. SQULS: Mrs. Ruth Morey, Chairman of the Board of Select"M
has been In constant touch with the Department of Public Works.
COMM (!dame and address inaudible) There are consultants
who are at work onto this thing right ;tea. They are at present
designing the interchanges for Route 2. They are playing around'
with different designs for Spring Street$ as tM.ck.:said earlier„;
and whatber there might be a parallel road going up to Waltham
Street and an overpass at Spring Street or whether there will be
au interchange has not been decided. The consultants have to
masse a preliminary report within s few wets to the Department
of Public Works.
Nows a Preliminary t is not bind . Thave is Olveys
p '
further study after the preliminary report, Nov.%im the 9000
sultents make a recormaendatiev as the basks of their preliminary
reports is the time to really pin dawn this vatter. Howevers they
have net come: up with anything concrete to show us asrything to
talk abet on the Spring Street issue at this partioul r tinw.
You know that the plan has been or war for sasstUW to says
Spring Street about 200 ft. towwAs Boston with an Overpass and
then straightening out the road. I guess we will have even more
of an island if that happens.
Ant.. BiFFIN: we listen, wmally, in thews hearings for about
an•hour-and-a-half to two hours to the proponents sad we get some
emotional feelings ,and we get very few statements of the overall
Town thinking in a proposed change of this type. Now, about two
Years ,ago we hM' a rather serious problem is our acoa, we th ht,
of re -zoning for a big shopping centar'in the corner of Route 2
and 128. It was such a big relief vbm that was defeated that we
snuck in a conmereial or industrial cvoo without a bit of trouble.
Then we had an idea that this beagttiful spot on top of Fuller's
Hill might be considered to be taiaext as Town property to be lett
fallow and be a Town park like it is in the other side of atop.
Oh. I could go on and on. But, than a consideration of the re-
zoning of the whole corner was defeated. Now, we euro back with
the hope, perhaps, that people will feel that ,this is only half
as bad. In tut, we don't evet ase it, mast of us; therefosn vs
should be willing to accept tris mob leaner t.
Of course, you erre brluglt up the polut that 14". ,Morey
makes and, that is we put a feeder asst aleng 'Route 2 dow to
Waltham Street that would make as ideal area for re seting taar<
commercial or industrial aM thea when we talk about it again w~
go tight up on the Lexington Liao and we have this open area and
then we go on the other side cad we have Raytheon and go tnta
Burlington sad an up. Khat about Te -seam the land betreea
Raytheon all the way along the inside of. 128 up to the next tam
Use? Why do we limit ourselves on the other side?
We, presumbly* have a Tenn Planning Board which has for am
of its objectives overall Town planning ass your listened to all
these proposals .- and I know any tern people ces,make a proposal »�
and it some to me that -- and I as goiwg to criticise the human
frailties of the Planning Board -• that the Planning board seem
to side too often with these spot re-zoul" proposals.
MR. SOUTA; Arty further questions or consents?
Mt. CHARLES CRUTHgRS - 15 Woodcliff Roads I don't have any
questions but I have a fee thoughts on the subject of re•samin-
It sense to me that last year everybody decided that it was a
lovely hill; in fact, it was better looking to the auto= than
the buildings on 128. 1 intend to agree with it, I also fedi
it would be a good idea to leave it alone end possibly put a
ski tow on it. I figured out what it would be and it is cheaper
if anybody l ka as who to is the oloetcadas business kaams
anything it is that it is getting Utghatr to build seat =we people
ars in it wary day and for all we know► can yaaars frost am Itek sway
So broke. Baytb*oa has been around troy 1930= Itok bam't. 1!
they vent, tat Rockefeller buildI* 14wdegtoa aodt -•
t+dL NORM% Ho you thick Mr. Rockefeller mill be area d.
MR. 8f?MA$ if you have a mew point to brIft to the tete"IMS,
vs, old like to how its ear: It YOU base s nav ;idras. WS will stay
as long as you have points to bring up. I' asks hWAWW& for bxer'ity.
It grows late.
MRS. SbMMt when, the Ylazideg Board doc$dao to approve it or
nag I hope they will take tato cousideratio a that tbs tax gate
for la xington matt year to satisatad at 9$0.00 per $19000.
lL TMI Attu serioMs dell a the C rx!eiai 1
committee of the "Me to to on "Cord that it f"U that
this zoning change would be tier best use for this plot a of Used.
MR. DELOURY - 99 Sprieg Streets X hexene lived in
on the son street for twenty years. i sea say that as far aeT
am concerned you can take woodhavea and leave it out, It *arse
and it is hen and it will always be hove, lbw„ we followed *10"
with the Raytheon Building. okay. ibtr T would"Uike to''ksnev
haw may of the people bene tonight representing different 00GU U
are dependent upon this business that weasts to OOM to
There are a good many of thsm that work either on 128 or the
Concord Turnpike or at 7.tak or Raytheon az any Of the mumbor of
plants along 128.
Nowa it seems to so that everything that ,hes happened on
Spring Street for the last ton or twelve years has eamoormed a
United group located at the corner of Spring Street sad the
Concord Turnpike. X m wandering if this is just a case of
whether or not they are holding out for the highest bidder:
MR, wt3rMN - 31 Turning trill And r 2 would Uk4b to speak
In opposition to this proposal. i do not lilts the presentation
we have been given this evening. Z dislike the imferdwo tbat`
the building is going to pay for the schools, without additiaml
toots to the Teases for sotvic0s. Ytek is e' mix= portion of ths
or gut in by the Torn to make it all possible.
MR. MORRIS: I have/made thetcom ant. To re tit ld ji,e to clutter
the record.
tom. GALLSOHM I will bane to take this floosr. I have "No-
thing to say about the gre:sp in the cornier of Routs 2 asd 1280
since I happen to be ase of Char. Perhaps the Plamod Board asd
the Board of Selectsm know sue better thea my person is Lae too#
I have fooght constantly for the betterranrt of Route 2. I have
had nothis to gain. At me tine tbsy proposed a a wsery dom
there. I fought that and I think we defeated it, iii► -tried to
keep Route 2,as we know it, a nice clean road with no billboards
on it. When the shopping tatter thing case up, I organized and
we defeated the shopping center. auw! the people of L xIntom sheuld
be well satisfied with that.
bear, I had soothing to &On by tbat Wataosvm# 1160 we
have this thing coming sleek hers. It is true that t Asa
when the vbolo piece of property was takaa for a priae that I
would be willing to accept if the Tara we villing to do this.
That is averyona, not one per#=, But, I would like to poigt
out that I haw been practically the custodian of that coos.
Why, on traffic I was the first one to cater out and "k to
have three studies to have traffic lights an that earner. it
was not until ler. idaydea was killed that we craze able to get the
traffic lights there.
When Clevite .opened up the traffic got so heavy, I called the
Chief of <Police at 8200 o'clock one Worning and I said, `,Chief,
what are we going to do hara7" Va cannot gat the ahildton
vitt to the school bus." He Raid, "I have been sitting have for
three days and I don't know what to do about it." "this is
something the Stag has to work oast."
This was before Raytheon opened their building. ,Sues they
have opmued up I would say we have had a 50% increase in traffic*
So, this group comes alom and saps they have 600 office pearple,
which will increase the traff Leo and Itek is going to here 60
mora. of coarse, this does not include the thirteen acres they
have option on which will increase the traffic nave.
Now, the only thing to do that is feasible would be to have
the PLmming Board go before the Tessa Meatift cad tall tines about
7:: p
the _traffia sitmatiaa hers and the +047 tim that Mythic oft.0
decided an this is whose the BtaM hue a fail plan of actum4ly *Aft
can be doses an that **caerj 4hethst It would be fossibls or 1felt:
for the Town to re -song shoaidn't be 4"1/ad uatil this is dans.
But, to go ahoaA and do it now would be a crime. It wmW bt a
sin to further the case of traffic. If this Tom danidee to
re -sacs this siren, they are dofgg the Matas thing they can do to
the people is this vicinity, pet only the people living there,
but the people travelliag an that #treat.
I hope the Planning Board takes a stroa stand at tim Tawe
Meeting on this matter.
MR. COLBS; I would like to address the of the PlamwUS
Board on my right here -• Mr. Brysoaa I believe -- who spoke about
the parallel line of Route 2. May I go on the record that if the
Laxiaaton Planning Board cams up with samathig concrete that is
acceptable to the people of Five Fields and 00 peopts on ay
street, that I think, if I wore called upon, I'd be &led to gide
a right of way to the flown.
MR. FOX: We have had a lot of talk this night and a lot of
insinuations Sad even one am spookin as three. I would like to,
state my position on thiwa. I would like to tell the P1saaAing
Board what I would like tbm to do. ftrbapo they don't have the
power to do it, but I would like to go oa regard as saying that
I vould b* vi l.liaa . to go aloft frith thatoweit tM Wft Tat e
Town Gaverameat vould like to do to ressrds to a total solutilm
to this. In other words, I wont vbat is good for the Tom* I sss
definitely opposed to this spot ssoning. It is broaght up only
by pressure groups. We hear all kinds of stories, and,..pertmOlys,
I don't care too such to bear thsm6 I an interested in the tom
folk$ frankly.
If the planning .Board can present plans, rather than heat
petitions, if they can do that. I vould be willing to go &long
vith whatever they ewe up with as best for the Town.
Mk. So=: There apparently being net further questions or
caments I will bring this hearing to a close and the Planning
Board will brintg its report in at the Tma Heating. Lett the
record show that the time is 10:40 and there were ninety-three
people here tonight.
(The hearing was adjourned.