HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-02-20PLANT?TNG BOARD M=TNG
February 20, 1962
A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning
Board was held on Tuesday, February 20, 1962 in
its office, Town Office building, at 7:45 n.m.
Present were Chairman Soule, members Bryson, Mabee
and Meyer, and. Planning Director Snow.
The first matter taken under consideration
was the acquisition of the 10.02 -acre parcel of
Mary A. Hennessy lend situated at the end of Robin-
son Road. (See minutes of Planning Board meeting
of Februar7T 12.) The appraisals of Messrs. Tlerg-
land and Giroux were reviewed. From 8.00 to 9:15
p.m. Mrs. Hennessy and her attorney, Mr. Jaquith,
met with the Board to di.scuss these appraisals, par-
ticularly the examples of comparable properties
listed by each assessor. At the conclusion of the
session arrangements were made for a conference in
the Pl.^_nning Board office on Sunday afternoon, Feb-
ruart* 25, at which time Messrs. Jaquith, Mabee, Snow
and Soule would be present to discuss -property values
and the -matter of acquisition further.
Considered next and approved by the Board for
payment were the following bills which had been pre-
sented: T. H. Reenstierna, professional service --
%00.00; Minute -man Publications, Inc., advertising--
�'132.30. From 1961 Carry-over of general expenses:
Jack P. Gensemer, professional services for period
ending February 13, 1962--X315-00-
Attention was called to Mr. R. M. Coduil-
lette's letter of February 13 to the Plannin- Board WALTHAM ST.
with reference to a petition which he had filed with A 1 PTSTRICT
the Town Clerk for a public hearing on a proposal to REZONTNTG
return the Waltham Street garden apartment district PROPOSAL
to single family residential use. Exhibited was said
petition certified by the Town Clerk onFebruery 14
as having 85 names and residences of registered
voters. A.letter for the Chairman's signature was
then drafted in reply to Mr. Coquillette's letter.
(See addendum.)
Tn connection with the public hearing to be
held on March 8 in regard to its proposals to amend C 31 CH 1
the Zoning By-law, the Board determined the areas it AND CM 1
' believed to be narticula.rly affected by said amend- REZONTNG
ments. All properties 3n the following areas were PROPOSALS
designated. by the Board to be affected: C 3 and M 1
2-20-62 -�-
districts; land bounded northerly by 74estview Street,
northwesterly by Bedford town line, southerly by
Mood Street and southeAsterly by F?artwell Avenue;
land bounded northeasterly by Bedford Street, north-
westerly by Hartwell Avenue, southwesterly by M 1 dis-
trict line and southeasterly by Route 12R: and all
lots fronting on northeasterly side of Bedford. Street
from Route 128 to Winter Street.
Mr.. Snow reported that Mr. John Christoforo,
COUNTRYSIDE representing the Irving Carriers, wished to know if
INC. RFZON- the Planning Board proposes to place an article in
ING Pt'OPOSAL the warrant for the next town meeting with reference
to the rezoning proposal heard at the public hearing
on November 15, 1961. Mr. Snow was authorized to
write to Mr. Christoforo informing; him that the Board
would place said article in the town meeting warrant
with the understanding that the Planning T?oard was not
to present the article but that Mr. Currier was to
have some town meeting member -present it. (See adden-
The attention of the Board was calledd to the
BUDGFT Board of Selectmen's letter of Feb. 16, 1962 in re-
gard to the Selectmen's a-p-proval of the Planning
Board budget for the coming year. (See addendum.)
The Board adjourned its meeting at 10:00 n.m.
Robert E. Meyer,
February 21, 1962
Mr. R. M. Coquillette
335 Waltram street
Lexington 73, Massachrsetts
Dear Mr. Coau;llette:
P.eference is made to yoirr letter of Februartr 13 to the
T'lanni ng '3oard.
The Town Cler]ir certified on February 11, that the heti--
tion of January 31, 1062 contained 85 names and resi-
dences of registered voters of the Town of Lexi_-gton
whereas at least 100 certified names are required.
Fven if this petition had had enough signatures, it was ,
received too late to advertise in the Lexington Mnute-
man for a -public hearing_ to b e veld earlier than March
2-20-52 -3-
/s/ Richnrd H. Soule, Chairman
February * , 19(-2
Mr.John Christoforo
Hale gc Dorr
60 State Street
Boston, Mass.
Dear Mr. Christoforo:
This letter will confirm my +-elenhone conversation with
you on February 21 in wri.cr T informed you that the Plan-
ning Board at i.ts meeting on February 20 agreed that it
would p lace an article in the warrant for the next town
meeting after the `^'arch annual meeting, to see if the town
will rezone the remaining portion of the Countryside, Inc.
property from R_ 1 to C 1 use. Tn placing this article in
the warrant it is understood that the Pl^nning Board will
not present the article at the town meeting, but that Mr.
N. Trvi ng Currier will have to have some town me etins*, mem-
ber do so or ask for nermission for you to appear on the
floor and sneali in behalf of the nronosed amendment.
Yours very truly,
/s/ Samuel '0. Snow, Planning Director
It i.s the Planning Board's oninion that the land in ques-
tion was properly zoned for garden apartment use at the
Snecial Town Meeting held on September 15, 1058. For this
reason the Bo^rd has no intention of initiating anv action
on its own to hold a nublie rearing on the oro-oosed amend-
ment. One way such a herring can be held is to rave filed
with the Planning Board a petition signed by tre required
number of registered Lexington voters requestlne the Board
to hold said rearing. The exact wording of the rroposed
amendment on wr,cb it is desired that the Board hold a pub-
lic hearing should be set forth in the petition. At the
time that you file such a neti.tion wits the Planninv Board
,you should also forward to the Board a check for $50 made
out to the order of the Town of Lexington to pay for the
expenses which must be incurred in advertising the hearing,
mailing certified notices to all property owners deemed by
the Plannin" roard to be affected by the proposed amendment,
and for expenses in connection with holding the hearing it-
self. At the next town meeting after the said public hear-
ing the Board will see that an article is rlaced In the
warrant for said meeting to see if the town will vote to
amend the zoning by-law as nronosed in the petition. At
said town meeting the Planning Board will submit a final re-
port with its recommendations in regard to said nronosal.
Yours Very truly,
/s/ Richnrd H. Soule, Chairman
February * , 19(-2
Mr.John Christoforo
Hale gc Dorr
60 State Street
Boston, Mass.
Dear Mr. Christoforo:
This letter will confirm my +-elenhone conversation with
you on February 21 in wri.cr T informed you that the Plan-
ning Board at i.ts meeting on February 20 agreed that it
would p lace an article in the warrant for the next town
meeting after the `^'arch annual meeting, to see if the town
will rezone the remaining portion of the Countryside, Inc.
property from R_ 1 to C 1 use. Tn placing this article in
the warrant it is understood that the Pl^nning Board will
not present the article at the town meeting, but that Mr.
N. Trvi ng Currier will have to have some town me etins*, mem-
ber do so or ask for nermission for you to appear on the
floor and sneali in behalf of the nronosed amendment.
Yours very truly,
/s/ Samuel '0. Snow, Planning Director
February 16, 1962
Mr. Ricrard F. Soule, Ch_a{rman
Lexin"ton Planning Boa -d
Town Office Building
Lexint,rton 73, Massachusetts
Dear Mr. Soule:
In regard to the 196? budgets, please be advised that the
Board of Selectmen has annroved, and will recommend to the
Annual Town P.Teeting, a salary increase of $4.00 per week,
effective April 1, 1962, for all full-time emnlovees and
an increase of A2.00 per week, effective April 1, 1962, for
all part-time emnlovees.
The Board will also seek authorization from the Town Meeting_;
to retain consultant services for the preparation of lob
classification and nay schedules for all positions in the
Town service. It is exA_ected that this report will estab-
lish a nay schedule for all positions that will be satisfac-
tory and equitable to all.
The following ac -tion was taken on the budgets under your
planning Board Personal Services
Requested to-'35,(Np Approved 99,291.80
Secretary 3.+393.00 Approved 3,549.80
Requested 51800.00 Approved 5,800.n0
Very truly yours,
/s/ 7azel J. Murray
Executive Clerk, Selectmen