HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-01-15' PLANNING BOARD MEETING
January 15, 1962
A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning
Board was held in its office, Town Office Building,
on Monday, January 15s 1962 at 7:40 p.m. Present
were Chairman Soule, members Brysons Grindle, Mabee
and Me7er,and Planning Director Snow.
The Board approved for payment the following
bills which had been submitted: Charles', office
suplies--$1.35; L- M. Fosters Inc., office su plies-- BILLS
6.&7; Wallace B. Mitchell Co.s white prints -10.26;
A.S.P.O.s Zoning Digest --$15.00.
Considered next was the following Form A appli-
cation for determination of Planning Board jurisdic- FORMA
#62-2s submitted January 15s 1962 by Marlin E.
Whitney and Mildred E. Whitney; plan entitled
"A Compiled Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass. "s
Scale: 1" = 40's dated Jan. Its 1962s Miller
' & Nylanders C.E.'s & Surveyors.
Upon motion duly made and secondeds it was
VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines
that the plan accompanying application #62-2
does not require approval under the Subdivi-
sion Control Laws and that said plan be so
The attention of the Board was called to Mr.
Lloyd C. Goodrich's letter of January 11 to 'the GOODRICH
Manning Director and the latter's reply of January
15 with reference to Form A application #61-44 (see LAND FOR
minutes of September 5, 1961). It was decided to RECREATION
ask Mr. Goodrich to meet with the Board at its meet- PURPOSES
ing on January 22 to discuss his subdivision problem
and that of the possible acquisition by the Town for
public recreational purposes some of the land owned
by Mr. Goodrich and his brother and located adjacent
to the Whipple Hill recreation area, so-called.
Considered and approved by the Board was the PALLADINO
' draft of a letter to Mr. Harry J. Palladino of LAND FOR
Wellesley in regard to Form A #61-63 concerning RECREATION
which he and Mrs. Palladino had met with the Board
the previous week. (See addendum; see also minutes '
of Planning Board meeting of January 8, 1962.)
Considered also was a letter of January 12
LEXINGTON from the Lexington Office Center Trust requesting
OFFICE CENTER a further extension to and including January 30, 1962
TRUST of the time within uhich the Board must take final
action on said Trust's application for approval of the
MINUTEMAN Minuteman Research Park subdivision plan. Upon motion
RESEARCH PARK duly made and secondeds it was unanimously
VOTED: that pursuant to the written request from
the applicant the time of approval of the
definitive subdivision plan entitled
"Minuteman Research Park"s dated November
10s 19611 be and hereby is further extended
to and including January 30, 1962.
From 8:05 until 8:55 p.m. Town Counsel Stevens
Ti"-irtGNRS�l met with the Board to discuss with it several matters
which it had under consideration. He presented to
the Board an agreement executed by Mr. and Mrs.
William H. Sullivan on.January 15s 1962 in which they
assumed the obligations of Mr. and Mrs. Tillinghast
with reference to the Tillinghast Estates definitive
subdivision plan. All matters appearing to be in '
orders it was moved, seconded and unanimously
VOTED: to accept the agreement executed January 15.-
5,1962 by William H. and Mary G. Sullivans
and the deposit of Ten Thousand Dollars --
($10,000.00) --to secure the performance of
the same; and to release the performance
bonds dated November 27s 1961, and signed by
Robert 0. Tillinghast in the sum of Ten
Thousand Dollars--($10P000.00)--to secure
the performance by the subdividers, Robert 0.
and Ann R. Tillinghast, of their agreement
in the form of an application for approval
of a definitive plans Form Cs dated August
10s 19611 to complete the work to be per-
formed by said subdividers as shown on the
subdivision plan entitled "Tillinghast Es-
tates Lexington, Mass.".* and dated July 12,
. The Board discussed with Mr.Stevens the
BASKIN Board of Selectmen's memorandum of January 15 to
RECREATIONAL the Planning Board -with reference to the amount of
AREA money remaining in the Baskin playground account
and the request for a recommendation from the Plan- '
ning Board as to whether or not this money should be
released for other purposes. After discussing and
' considering the matter the Board dictated notes from
which Mr. Snow was asked to draft a letter to the
hoard of Selectmen setting forth the recommendation
that the funds remaining in said account be retained
and utilized to purchase additional land for expan-
sion of the playground area and for its development.
(See addendum.)
After Mr. Stevens left the meeting the Board
considered and approved the draft of a letter to Mr.
Harry G. Berglund of Lexington asking him to make a
formal written appraisal of the 10.02 -acre pareel,of
the Mary A. Hennessy land which the Board was recom-
mending be acquired for public recreational purposes.
(See addendum.) The Board asked Mr. Snow to draft
for the chairman's signature a letter to Mr. Wilbur
M. Jaquith, attorney for Mrs. Hennessy, informing him
that Mr. Berglund was to make said appraisal and that
the Board was presenting an article in the warrant
for the annual town meeting seeking authorization to
acquire said Hennessy parcel. (See addendum.)
The attention of the Board was called to a
petition which had been filed earlier in the day
with the Selectmen's office and which the Town
' Clerk had certified was signed by only 77 regis-
tered voters of the Town of Lexington. The Board
then considered and approved the draft of a letter
to Dr. Short,'owner of the land involved, Inform-
ing him of the procedure to be followed in peti-
tioning the Planning Board to hold a public hearing
on a rezoning proposal. (See addendum.)
At 7:30 rn.m. on January 10, 1962 the Lexing-
ton Planning Board and the Board of Selectmen held
an informal Joint meeting in regard to the letter,
dated December 1, 1961, from Chief Engineer McCarthy
of the Mass. Dept. of Public Works. See minutes of
Planning Board meeting of December 18, 1961.) Messrs.
John L. Gardner and Lester H. L. Olson of said de-
partment were also present. Messrs. Bryson, Grindle,
Soule and Snow represented the Planning Board at the
meeting and later gave to the other members of the
Planning Board a report of the discussion which was
After consideration of this report it was the
unanimous decision of the Planning Board that the
following recommendations be presented to the Board
of Selectmen:
' 1. That first consideration be given to the layout
and construction of Emerson Road along the loca-
tion of the trunk sewer from Massachusetts Ave-
nue to Peacock Farm Road and thence to an inter-
change in lieu of the preliminary proposal of the
Mass. Dept. of Public Works for any interchange
to connect to Watertown Street;
2. That a major intersection be designed for a con-
nection of Waltham Street to Route 2;
3. That a design providing for only a limited access
to Route 2 be made for Spring Street; or no con-
nection, with a service road to the Waltham Street -
Route 2 interchange; and
4. That in lieu of a direct connection of Worthen
Road to Route 2 that an alternate design for said
Worthen Road be prepared showing a connection of
said road to Pleasant Street, thence northeasterly
to Watertown Street and thence easterly connecting
to Emerson Road northerly of the Peacock Farm de-
With reference to recommendation four and its
relationship to recommendation one, Mr. Snow was
authorized to engage professional assistance to help
him in the preparation of road design and traffic
studies. Mr. Snow said he recommended Bruce E. '
Campbell & Associates, consulting engineers, of Bos-
ton and would arrange to have Mr. Campbell meet with
him to discuss the project.
Mr. Snow gave a report of the conference he
SCHOOL had had with Mr. Gordon Steele during the previous
SITES week in regard to school sites. Mr. Snow said that
he had informed Mr. Steele that he had not made to
date a recommendation to the Planning Board in re-
gard to sites Mr.Steele had discussed with said
Board at its meeting on December 18. Mr. Snow ex-
hibited one of several_ prints of property maps he
had made several years ago of general locations for
school sites. He said, however, that in discussing
these general locations with Mr. Steele he had been
informed that this was not what the School Sites
Committee wanted. Mr. Snow then called attention to
a letter, dated January 15, 1962, from Mrs. Morey of
the School Sites Committee requesting his assistance
in defining areas for school sites for the warrant.
Mr. Snow was authorized to render the assistance re-
The remainder of the meeting was devoted to I a discussion of a work program for the coming year.
The meeting adjourned 11:30 p.m.
Bert E.Meyer, C e k
Mr. Barry J. Palladino
29 Rice Street
Wellesley, Mass.
Dear Mr. Palladino:
January 10, 1962
Thank you for coming to the Planning Board meeting on January
8. The Board was pleased to be able to hear from you and to
discuss with you and Mrs. Palladino the situation with refer-
ence to your parcel of land in Lexintrton. After you left the
meeting, the Board, at the request of Attorney Milano of the
Boston & Maine Railroad„ gave further consideration to its
previous decision that the plan accompanying the application
he submitted did require approval under the Subdivision Con-
trol Law. A copy of the Board's letter of January 9, 1962 to
Mr. Milano is enclosed for your information.
The Board realizes that most laymen are not acquainted with the
Subdivision Control Law in this state and particularly that sec-
tion of the law having to do with plans which are desired to be
recorded in the Registry of Deeds and which are not thought to
require approval. Restating said section in simplified terms it
says that when subdividing land each parcel shown on a plan must
have the minimum frontage required under the zoning by-law on a
public street, a private street previously approved under said
law, or a way existing previous to the adoption of said law and
which in the o-ninion of the Planning Board has adequate width,
suitable grades, construction, etc. to provide municipal ser-
vices to it and to adequately serve it with vehicles. The par-
cel of land the Boston &Maine Railroad proposes to set off
from its right of way simply does not have the minimum front-
age of 125 feet required under the Lexington Zoning By-law.
Without this frontage the varcel of back land you own does not
meet the minimum requirements necessary to obtain a building
permit for a residence.
If you feel that this is an undue hardship, that you are unable
to use your land with only the existing private access over the
railroad tracks and that under these circumstances you wish to
sell the land, the Planning Board is authorized to obtain op-
tions for the Town to uurchase land such as ,yours. If you wish
the Board to do so, it will employ an appraiser not connected
with the Town to determine what, in his opinion, is the fair
market value of your property. If you find this price is
acceptable, the Board is prepared to negotiate such matters as
the price of an option, period of an option, and the date of
delivery of a deed. The Planning Board will then ask the Town
Counsel to prepare for and submit to you an option instrument.
In the meantime the Board is prepared also to recommend to the
Town the payment of the agreed price for the land and to place
in the warrant for the next town meeting an article to
see if the Town will authorize the Board of Selectmen to
acquire the land and to see if the Town will provide the
necessary funds therefor.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Richard F. Soule, Chairman
January 17,1962
Board of Selectmen
Town Office Building
Lexington 731 Mass.
Re: Baskin Playground
Dear Madam and Gentlemen:
In reply to your memorandum of January 15, it is the
Planning Board's opinion that the funds in the Baskin
playground account should not be released for other
purposes but should be utilized for the expansion and
development of said playground. In a separate memoran-
dum the Planning Board is setting forth the articles
It wishes to be placed in the warrant for the 14�62
annual town meeting. One of these articles is for the
purpose of acquiring the remaining parcels of land
bounded by the Town of Lexington land acquired for the
Baskin playground, Route 128, Grove Street, and the
rear and side property lines of lots fronting on Grove
Street and Warman Road. It is recommended that some of
the balance in the Baskin playground account be utilized
for this acquisition.
At the adjourned town meeting held on March 26, 19561,
authorization was granted under Article 33 to acquire
Mrs. Mrs. Baskin two parcels of land, one as a gift,
and the second, Lot 23 on Wyman Road, for the nominal
sum of $100. Under the same article the Town Meeting
accorded its appreciation of the generosity of Mrs.
Baskin and her late husband. As a further expression
of its appreciation the town meeting held on March 18,
1957 designated under article 45, the land acquired
from Mrs. Baskin for playground and recreation purposes
as the John W. Baskin Playground and appropriated the
sum of glO,OOO for the developing and improvement of
said land. It is the opinion of the Planning Board that
the town should carry out its proposed use of this land '
in good faith, and now that the taking for the relocation
of Route 128 has been made, should add to the remaining
playground, land and develop and improve the entire area
adjacent thereto as soon as possible.
Sincerely yours,
Is/ Richard H. Soule, Chairman
Mr. Wilbur M. Jaquith
Goodwin, Procter & Hoar,
84 State Street
Boston 9, Massachusetts
Re: Mary A. Hennessy Premises
Dear Mr. Jaquith:
January 16,1962
The Planning Board regrets that it has overlooked replying
to your letter of December 1 in regard to the Board's in-
terest in acquiring for the Town for recreational rurposes
Mrs. Hennessy's 10.02 -acre rarcel and the stable thereon.
This is to inform you that the Board has asked Mr. Harry G.
Berglund for his detailed independent appraisal of said par-
cel and stable so that the Board will be in a position to
discuss further with you and Mrs. Hennessy the acquisition
of her property. As soon as the Board has this material in
hand it will so notify you and arrange for a meeting for
said discussion. Indicating the Board's good faith in this
matter it has requested that there be placed in the warrant
for the annual town meeting in March an article to see if
the Town will. vote to acquire said parcel and to appropriate
money for the purchase therefor.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Richard H. Soule, Chairman
January 15, 1962
Mr. Harry G. Berglund
75 Prospect Hill Road
Lexingtoh 73 Mass.
' Dear Mr. Berglund:
The Planning Board is most appreciative of the opinion you
1-15-62 _a-
gave it through Mr. Snow of the fair market value of the '
10,02 -acre parcel of the Mary A. Hennessy property located
at the end of Robinson Road. The Board would now like to
have you, at your very earliest opportunity, prepare a
written appraisal of said parcel and the stable thereon and
bill the Board for the same. It is desired to have this
appraisal in detail with comparable sales so that the
appraisal may be used to negotiate at the earliest possible
date terms for the acouisition of this parcel by the town.
To assist you in this work Mr.Snow will furnish you with
such maps of the area involved as the Board has available.
It is understood that sometime in December Mr. Snow asked
you to make an informal appraisal of lot 1 of the Goodrich
pr&perty on Summer Street. It has since been decided to
have a more detailed appraisal made and to ask Mr.Reen-
stierna to make this while you undertake the Hennessy
appraisal. The Board trusts this arrangement will be agree-
able to you.
Sincerely pours,
/s/ Richard H. Soule, Chairman
January 15P 1962
Dr. Leonard V. Short
1433 Massachusetts Avenue
Lexington 73, Mass.
Dear Dr. Short:
The Planning Board is in receipt of a petition which it
is understood you left in the Selectmen's office today and
which was certified by the Town Clerk as having the signa-
tures of 77 registered voters of this town.
Should you wish to have the Planning Board hold a public
hearing on a petition to rezone your land on Waltham Street
it will be necessary first to submit to said Board a peti-
tion signed by not less than 100 registered voters. After
the petition has been certified by the Town Clerk to have
been signed by the proper number of registered voters, the
Planning Board will determine the number of owners of all
property deemed by said Board to be affected, the costs of
mailing notices to the same and other costs for conducting
a hearing. The Planning Board will then set the fee to be ,
paid for covering all costs. Upon payment of the fee by
1 -i5 -b2 -9-
you the Planning Board will then place a notice of said
hearing in the local newspaper and proceed with other
matters necessary in holding a public hearing.
Sincerely yours,
/a/ Richard H. Soule, Chairman
January 15.1962
Mr. Richard H. Soule, Chairman
Lexington Planning Board
Town Office Building
Lexington 73s Massachusetts
Dear Mr. Soule:
The School Sites Committee has decided, with the approval
of the School Committee, that the acquisition of four more
sites (including one for Junior High) should satisfy all
' future school needs.
These four sites rave been discussed from time to time -
land on Marrett Road at about Bacon Street (for Junior High) -
Meagherville land off Reed Street - Car rig land adjoining the
new Follen Hill park land - and an area off Laconia Street.
The Committee would appreciate assistance from Mr. Snow in
defining these areas for articles for the warrant, and to
enable us to approach the owners for options before the Town
RM : m
Very truly yours,
/s/ Ruth Morey