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January 8, 1962
On Monday, January 8, 1962 at 7:45 p.m. the
Lexington Planning Roard held a regular meeting in
Its office in the Town Office Building. Present
were Chairman Soule, members Bryson, Grindle,
Mabee and Meyer, and Planning Director Snow.
Considered first and approved by the Board
were the minutes of its January 2, 1962 Planning
Board meeting.
Approved for payment was a bill for $3.00
from Graphic Reproductions, Inc., for white prints.
The attention of the Board was called to
notices of public hearings to be held by the Lex -
in ton Historic Districts Commission on January 9,
1992. It was decided to take no action on the
applications for certificates of appropriateness
to be considered at said hearings.
Taken under consideration was a letter
dated January 5, 1962, from the Lexington Office
Center Trust requesting that the time within which
the Planning Board must act on the application for
approval of the Minuteman Research Park definitive
subdivision plan be extended to January 16. Upon
motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously
VOTED: that pursuant to the written request from
the applicant the time of approval of the
definitive subdivision plan entitled "Min-
uteman Research Park," dated November 10,
1961, be and hereby is extended to and in-
cluding January 16, 1962.
There was exhibited a covenant executed on
December 27, 1961 by Mr. and Mrs. James E. Farmer
In connection with the Longfellow Estates, Section
Two subdivision plan. Mr. Snow reported that this
instrument had been delivered to the Planning Board
office earlier in the day. (Later on during the
meeting said instrument was given to the Town
Counsel to record at the same time said plan was
recorded.) All matters appearing to be in order,
upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unan-
1T3Q 1W
After questioning Messrs.,Livadas and Spanoa
In regard to various aspects of their proposal, they
were informed that it would be considered and that
the Board would notify them of its opinion. Later
on during the meeting the Board did consider the pro-
posal and decided to inform the gentlemen that it'was
the general policy of the Board not to favor the use
of land easterly of Route 128 for other than resi-
dential purposes. It was also decided to advise them
that the Board was not in favor of rezoning said Busa
land for the reason that the particular neighborhood
in which it was located was essentially residential
In character and it was desired to keep it this way.
(See addendum.)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Palladino of 29 Rice
FORM A Street, Wellesley met with the Board from 8.•10 to
8:30 p.m. with reference to the plan which aceom-
B&M RR- panied Form A application x#61-63 submitted by the '
PALLADINO Boston and Maine Railroad. Mr. Palladino stated that
in 1954 he had purchased back land the only access to
VOTED: that the definitive subdivision plan entitled
"Longfellow Estates, Section Two Lexington, ,
Mass.% dated January, 19611, which was sub-
mitted to the Board by James E. Farmer on Octo-
ber 19, 1961, accompanied by an application for
approval of definitive plan Form C, dated
October 16, 19611 be and hereby is approved.
subject to the condition that no building or
structure shall be built or placed upon any
lot without consent by the Lexington Board of
From 8:00 to 8:05 p.m. Mr. George K. Livadas
A 1
of North Tewksbury and Mr. James Spanos of Lowell,
met with the Board to obtain its informal opinion
in regard to rezoning a portion of the Busa land
on Lincoln Street for the purpose of locating a
motel on said portion of land. The gentlemen presented
a set of prints comprised of a plot plan, a partial
floor plan and a perspective, all prepared by L.O.
Geoffrion, architect, said plans being entitled "Pro-
posal Paul Revere Motor Inn,e and dated December 19,
1961. Mr, Livades said it was desired to build a 60 -
unit motel building first and later on to expand the
hotel with four more buildings to house 112 additional
units. As noted on the plot plan and perspective, it '
was intended that the proposed lot for the motel would
front on Lincoln Street, would have its main entrance
from Marrett Street by means of a paved drive, and
would have a minor entrance on Lincoln Street.
After questioning Messrs.,Livadas and Spanoa
In regard to various aspects of their proposal, they
were informed that it would be considered and that
the Board would notify them of its opinion. Later
on during the meeting the Board did consider the pro-
posal and decided to inform the gentlemen that it'was
the general policy of the Board not to favor the use
of land easterly of Route 128 for other than resi-
dential purposes. It was also decided to advise them
that the Board was not in favor of rezoning said Busa
land for the reason that the particular neighborhood
in which it was located was essentially residential
In character and it was desired to keep it this way.
(See addendum.)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Palladino of 29 Rice
FORM A Street, Wellesley met with the Board from 8.•10 to
8:30 p.m. with reference to the plan which aceom-
B&M RR- panied Form A application x#61-63 submitted by the '
PALLADINO Boston and Maine Railroad. Mr. Palladino stated that
in 1954 he had purchased back land the only access to
#62 -lo submitted on January 8, 1962 by
William F. Maloney; plan entitled "Plan of
Land in Lexington -Mass:", scale: 1 inch =
100 feet, January 8, 1962s Everett M. Brooks
Co., civil engineers, Newtonville, Mass.
Mr. Stevens indicated that he believed the
Board could determine that the plan did not require
approval but he also noted trhat he thought to be
' serious errors on the plan with reference to the
location of sewer easements on the tract being sub-
divided. He requested that he be given the plan to
1-8-62 -3-
which was over a right of way across the B & M
tracts. He said it was his intention of utiliz-
ing this land for the purpose of erecting thereon
of access shown on the plan. Mr. Palladino
stated that he had entered into an agreement with
the railroad wherein for relinquishing his ri is
over the crossing the railroad would pay him 113000
convey to him the parcel of land shown on said
Mr. and Mrs. Palladino were informed that an
attdrney for the railroad had requested thalfthe
Board give the matter of its previous action fur-
ther consideration. (See minutes of Planning Board
meeting of January 2, 1962.) They were informed
hy the plan constituted a subdivision and also why
the Board considered the proposed new access more
than the private crossing now in existence.
Other possible means of access were discussed but no
immediate solution was found to this problem. Mr.
Mrs. Palladino were informed that the Board
would consider the matter further and notify them of
the Board's decision.
Later on during the meeting the Board, at the
request of Attorney Milano of the Boston and Maine
Railroad, gave further consideration to its previous
action and confirmed its determination that the plan
accompanying Form A #61-63 does require approval
under the Subdivision Control Law (see addendum) .
Mr. Snow was asked to draft for the Board's consid-
eration at its next meeting a letter explaining to
Mr. Palladino the Board's position in regard to the
From 8:30 to 9:40 p.m. Town Counsel Stevens
met with the Board to discuss several ?natters before FORM A
it. Considered first waz the following Form A -
application for determination of Planning Board MALOM
jurisdiction -
#62 -lo submitted on January 8, 1962 by
William F. Maloney; plan entitled "Plan of
Land in Lexington -Mass:", scale: 1 inch =
100 feet, January 8, 1962s Everett M. Brooks
Co., civil engineers, Newtonville, Mass.
Mr. Stevens indicated that he believed the
Board could determine that the plan did not require
approval but he also noted trhat he thought to be
' serious errors on the plan with reference to the
location of sewer easements on the tract being sub-
divided. He requested that he be given the plan to
check after it was endorsed. Thereupon, it was moved,
seconded and unanimously ,
VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines
that the plan accompanying Form A application
#62-1 does not require approval under the Sub-
divtsion Control Law and that said plan be so
In connection with the Minuteman Research Park
BOARD OF definitive subdivision plan, the Board discussed with
APPEALS Mr. Stevens the petition of Cabot, Cabot and Forbes
Company to be heard by the Board of Appeals on January
C.C.& F. 9. Mr. Stevens informed the Planning Board that the
Board of Appeals could grant a variance prior to the
proposed taking of land by the State Department of
Public Works within said subdivision but that no var-
iance would be needed after the taking. Mr. Snow was
asked to so inform the Board of Appeals.
Most of the remaining time Mr. Stevens met
McCORMACR & with the -Board wss devoted to reviewing in detail
BRUN LAND matters with reference to the McCormack and Brun vs
FOR PUBLIC Town of Lexington case for land damages being tried
RECREATION in Middlesex Superior Court in East Cambridge in con
PURPOSES neetion with the taking by the Town of land for public '
recreational purposes.
Mr. Snow reported that the Board of Selectmen
WORTHEN ROAD had scheduled an informal meeting with Mr. Lester
AND Olson of the Mass. Department of Public Works to dis-
ROUTE 2 cuss said departments plans for Lexington connec-
tions to State Route 2, particularly in regard to the
proposed extention of Worthen Road. Mr. Snow said
that he and the Planning Board had been asked to at-
tend the meeting and to review with the Selectmen his
proposals for connections to Route 2.
The -Board's attention was called to Mr. Henry
W. Hardy's letter of January 5 to the Planning Direc-
tor submitting a revised draft of said date of a sug-
gested text of Lexington Zoning By-law sections relate.
ing to C 3 and proposed CH 1 and CM 1 districts.
Copies of this text were distributed to members of the
Board for study. Mr. Snow was asked to arrange for a
Planning Board conference with Mr. Hardy to discuss
said text on February 13.
The remainder of the meeting was devoted to
a discussion of the various matters currently before
the Board. Mr. Snow was authorized to write a letter ,
to Mr. T. H. Reenstierna of Arlington requesting him
to give the Board an opinion of the fair market value
of lot 1 of the Goodrich land it was desired to
acquire as an addition to the so-called Whipple
Hill recreation area. Mr. Snow was asked to
draft for the Board's consideration at its next
meeting a letter requesting Mr. Harry G. Berg -
lung of Lexington to make a formal written
appraisal of the 10.02 narcel of Mary A. Hennessy
land it was desired to acquire as an addition to
the Grove Street -Turning Mill Road recreation area,
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Mr. George K. Livadas,
722 Trull Street
No. Tewksbury: Mass.
Mr. James SDanos
16 Talbot Street
Lowell, Mass.
January 131 1962
After you met with the Planning Board on January 8, 1962,
consideration was given to your proposal for rezoning a
portion of the Busa land on Lincoln Street, Lexington for
the purpose of erecting on said portion a motel. Please be
advised that the Board is not in favor of rezoning said
Busa land for the reason that the particular neighborhood
in which it would be located is essentially residential in
character and it is desired to keep it this way.
Sincerely yours,
fs/ Richard H. Soule, Chairman
' cc: Katherine B. Kearney
January 9, 1962
Mr. James F. Milano, Attorney
Boston & Maine Railroad
Boston 14, Massachusetts
Dear Mr. Milano:
As requested in your letter of November 17, 1961 the Lex-
ington Planning Board has given further consideration to
your application for determination of Planning Board juris-
diction with reference to the plan entitled "Land in Lex-
ington, Mass. Boston & Maine Railroad to Harry J. and 'Era
T. Palladino," said plan having been signed by J. F. Kerwin,
Asst. Chief Engineer, and dated March, 1961. The Board has
confirmed its determination that the plan accompanying said
application does require approval under the Subdivision Con-
trol Law for the reason that every lot within the tract
subdivided does not have the minimum frontage required under
the Lexington Zoning B7 -law.
Very truly yours,
/s/ Richard H. Soule* Chairman
cc: Mr. Harry J. Palladino '
29 Rice Street
Wellesley, Mass.