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December 11, 1961
On Monda7r, December 11, 1961 at 7:30 n.m. the
Lexi_nrrton Planning* Board held a regular meetinFr in
Its office i.n the Town Office Buildin7. Present
were Chairman Soule, members Bryson, Grindle, Mabee
and Meyer, Planninr* Director Snow, and the Secretary_,
Mrs. Macomber.
The Board annroved the minutes of its Novem- MTTTTTTES
ber 27, 1961 meeting,,.
Apnroved for nanment were the following bills
which had been
presented: Louise U. Macomber, extra BILLS
secretarial service for December h., 1961-- 5.00: L.M.
Foster, Tnc., office sunn_lies--f"4.35; Andrew T, John-
son, nrints--?9,10,
Considered next was the followinrr Form A appli-
cation for determination of Planning Board jurisdic- FOpM A
' #61-731 submitted on December 11, 1961, mora
Ford, attorney for the Pantheon Company;
entitled "Plan of Land to Lexi_nrlton, Mass.
dated Dec, 8, Y-61, Mi ller & 7ylaneer, C.E. Is
and Surveyors.
Unon motion duly made and seconded, it was
"70TFD: thn.t the Lexi nr^ton Planning Board determines
that plan accomnanvi-n7 Form A application #61-
73 does not require annroval under the Subdi-
vision Control Law and that said plan be so
Tn connection with said elan there was exhibited
an instrument prepared by the Town Counsel and executed
earlier in the day on behalf of the pavtheon Company,
wherein said companv rtrants to the Town an ontiorn to
purchase perpetual risrhts and easements to use for the
our-ose of nublic travel, and for all other nurroses
for which streets are now and hereafter may be commonly
used in Lexinr?ton, a strip of land situated on Shade
Street as shown on the plan, referred to above and
market "Easement for Public Travel."
The Board approved a letter which was signed by
the Crairman, said letter being dated December ll,
transmitting a conformed copy of said executed ,
option to the Board of Selectmen and recommending
that it exercise tre option that evening. Mr. Snow
reported that the Town Counsel had nrepared an Exer-
cise of Ontion instrument and h ad informed him that
he would deliver to the Selectmen before attending
the Planning Board meeting. Said letter and cony of
option was given to the Selectmen who in turn exer-
cised said option and gave a conformed copy of the
exercise to the Planning; Board. (See addendum.)
Read to the Board was a letter, dated Decem-
LONGFELLOW ber I1, 1961) from James E. Farmer asking for an
ESTATES extension of time within which the Board must act
SEC. 2 upon his subdivision plan. Upon motion dult made
and seconded it was unanimously
VOTED: that pursuant to the written request from
the applicant the time of approval of the
definitive subdivision elan entitled "Long-
fellow Estates Section Two Lexington, Mass.",
and dated Jan. 1961, be and hereby is ex-
tended to and including December 18, 1961.
CIRCLE ROAD Read to the Board also was a letter, dated
TAX TITLE December 6, 1961, from the Board of Selectmen
LOTS acknowledging the Planning_ Board's letter relative
to the disposition of tax title lots on Circle
GREEN VALLEv Road, approving the recommendations submitted by
SEC. 7 Mr. onow and stating that the Board of Selectmen
would have to arrive at a fair market price for
BUSA said lots and discuss the matter further with the
Town Counsel.
The Board reviewed next the correspondence
between Mr. Snow and attorneys for the trustees
WOODLARTD of the Woodland Bird Sanctuary in Lexington with
BIRD reference to the possible acquisition by the Town
SA NCTITARY of said sanctuary (see addenda). Mr. Snow was re-
quested to write to attorney Theodore Chase stat-
im, the Town through its -planning; board would like
the first opportunity to negotiate for the land if
the Trustees were considering; the sale of all or
amr Dart of the sanctuar,T. Mr. Snow was also
asked to have the Town Counsel find out what the
conditions of the trust were with reference to the
Notices of petitions to be r eard on December
BOAQD OF 12, 1961 by the Board of Appeals were read. It was
APPEALS decided to take no action on said neti.tions wits the ,
exception of that of Johnstone Fitz7erald. Mr. Snow
presented the draft of a letter whicr heh ad pre-
pared in regard to the Fitzgerald netition. The Board
annroved the letter which the Chairman signed. (See
There was exhibited to the Board a sketch of
a rronosed subdivision of hart of the Tillinghast
and former Conant land on Lincoln Street, said sub-
division showing an extension of Jean Road for a
distance of annroximatelTr 400 feet bevond theinter-
section of said way and Morgan Road. Mr. Snow re-
nortee that Mr. Tillinghast wished to obtain the
'Board's informal oni.nion in regard to said subdivi-
sion. Tt was decided that the 'Board would not approve
any extension of Jean Poad until such time as Morgan
Road hada second means of access to Massachusetts
Avenue. Mr. Snow was asked to so inform Mr. Tilling-
At 8:00 n.m. the Board held a public hearing
relative to the annlication of Lexington Office Cen-
+er Trust for annroval of a subdivision plan entitled
Minute Man Research Park in Lexington, Mass.', said
subdivision being bounded by Marrett Woad (State
Route 2A), the 7orthern Circumferential uirhway (Rte.
128), and lands of Antonio and Coneetta Venutti, City
Of Cambri6+-1e, 'Boston Edison ComrTanTr and the Lexington
''Votor Tnn, Inc. right nersons attended the hearing.
The Cl -airman onened the same by reading the notice of
the hearin€r, as it had teen sent to all owners of
-ronerty as shown on the subdivision elan, the same
notice having been nubli_shed in the TTovember 23, 1961
issue of the Lexi.nc^ton Minute -man. Cl -airman Joule
then exn_lained the nrocedure to be followed in conduct-
ing the reari.nr^ and called unon a representative of the
Trust to nresent the elan.
Mr. Paul P. Shepherd dial so, he being a repre-
sentative of the firm of Cabot, Cabot g, Forbes, of
which the Lexi_n7ton Office Center Trust was a subsi.di_-
arv. Mr. Shepherd pointed out that the subdivision
was composed to two lots,, one h avinP7 an area of 9.54
acres and the other 33.47 acres, both served by a nro-
nosed dead-end street 500 feet in length. He then
noted the location of the sewer manhole at the common
boundary of the smaller lot and the northwesterly ramp
of the 7oute 2A-128 interchange. Mr. Shenherd stated
that in connection with the widenin- of Route 128 a
sanitary sewer was to be constructed under Route 128 to
connect wi_t'- said manhole.
Mr. John J. Carroll, Lexinrrtnn Superintendent
of Public "forks, co -invented on the 10 -inch water main
shown in the nronosed roac, rointinr out that the
only water available in P,.arrett Ro^d to which a con- ,
nection could be made was 1!00 feet distant at the
Routes 2A-128 intercran�re, and that said dine was only
6" in size and entirely inadequate to serve the needs
of the subdivision. Mr. Carroll also said that 1-e dial
not know when the 12-1.nch water line would be construc-
ted in the nronosee relocation of Vassachusetts Avenue,
noti_n- in this case that the nearest a water line would
be to the rronosed subdivision street was 600 feet. Mr.
Shepherd said that he realized that water was not
nresenti,r available and that this was a matter that
C.C.g- F. would have to discuss wits the Board of Select-
Mr. Shepherd stated that C.C.F F. had access
for the subdivision from the State Department of Pub-
lic Works. FI said, however, that the Department was
consi.derinn making! a land taking along Marrett Road
for its relocation in connection with the nronosed
national park. Mr. Carroll commented that if the nro-
nosed taking was made the lack of sight distance along
the new right of way line would constitute a rroblem
which would have to be solved.. Tt was decided to dis-
cuss this matter with the Town Counsel.
Mr. Carroll stated that he had sent a letter,
L_s 1061, to the Planning Board setting
dated December
forth his views with reference to the subdivision plan
and a list of corrections which should be made to it.
He said that since this tate the rlan had been modified
so that for the most hart the corrections 'he required
had been included In the revised elan but that there
were others which still had to be made. He questioned
the design and location of the cul-de-sac on the pro -
nosed subdivision street stating that he believed the
street should be extended and the turnaround made per-
manent if a land takinr_; of about 100 feet was to be
made bir the State.
There beinp; no further comments or a_uestions the
hearir" was declared closed at 8:25 n.m. and the plan
taken underadvisement.
At this time Town Counsel Stevens came to the
M 1 - C 3
meeting and: introduced. Mr. Henry W. Wardy of Needham
who was to be the Boards counsel in regard to Its
draft of rezoninr^ rronosals for the area bounded by
Bedforc and Wood Streets, Route 12F, and the Bedford
town line. (See minutes of the Planning Board meeting
of October 2, 1061.)
Mr. 11 -Tardy stated that his work with ?!Tr. Stevens
and the Board depended unon what the Board wished to
le -i1-61
' do with the Boardls draft of September 21L, 1951 which
he said he 1 -.ad reviewed. ue wished to know whether
it .represented the final thinking of the Board in re-
rPard to the provisions contained therein or whether
the draft was the Poar.dts first attempt to express
what it had in mind.
Mr. Soule said that the Planning Director had
prepared the draft, that the Planning* Board had re-
viewed .t i_n detail, and that it had then been sub-
mitted to Mr. Stevens for further review. Tt was
pointed out that extent for a few minor details the
draft included all the material the Board would like
to have inclilded in its final rnresentation but that
counsel was needed in its arrangement and its con-
tent. Mr. Soule stated that since 1"r. Stevens could
not now devote the time necessary to assist the Board
in the r,renaration of a draft for consideration at a
public heari_nr, he had recommended that Mr. FTardy be
retained as counsel In this case. Mr. Soule also said
that the Poard would like to present the entire nro-
nosal at a heari_nr- to be held as soon as possible. He
stated that If it was found at the rearing that there
was too much opposition to the nronosal the Board
would wish to reconsider it and revise it for presen-
tation a;^1a.n.
Mr. Stevens innu,.red if it was the Board's
th.our^ht th-!t the number of restrictions in the draft
was -oint- to anneal to the nro-iert7 owners of the
area proposed for rezoninr}. Mr.Soule replied that
the Boars rad met informall-- with the owners of the
nropertT involved in an attempt to arrive at a draft
which would have the minimum obiecti_ons to it. Fe
said that most of these centered around the -problem
of sight control.
Mr. Hardy brieflTr reviewed what had been done
in rTeedram a number of -Tears aFo in the watt of rezon-
ing land for i_ndustr.ial use. Fe said that Cabot, Cabot
F-, Forbes, owners of the land involved, had included
sight and buil6in1 control restrictions in its deeds
when conve-
ying tracts within the rezoned area and that
F'eedham had. accented these restrictions in considering
the rezoning of said land. Mr. F?ard7 said that he did
not know whether such a method would be advisable in
Lexington but offered it for the Boards consideration.
"r. Soule indicated teat there were quite a number of
owners of land in the area which the Board was consider-
, ing rezoning and that while C.C.£- F. was the largest
owner of nronert-r the Board could not be sure that the
remaini.n7 owners would be favorable to including such
agreements in the sale of land. Mr. Stevens commented
that he thought that the draft as written by the
Planning Board placed too much burden on the Board
of Appeals. F.e�stated that he did not think there
was an,r problem of a legal nature in having; the
Board of Anpeals act as rrorosed. Ne said, however,
that the basic consideration was whether or not con-
trol over use was to be placed under restrctions
set forth in the by-law or controlled by the Board
of Appeals.
Tt was decided that Mr. Hardy and Tr. Snow
would prepare an outline of the items to be In-
cluded in the final draft, and that after the Board
approved the outline their would draft details of the
proposals to be considered under each item. It was
agreed tgat tie Board would meet with Mr. Hardy as
soon as possible after a draft outline had been pre-
nared. Thereupon Messrs. Harder and Stevens left the
meeting; at 9:00 p.m.
The Planning; Boardd then adjourned to meet with
the Selectmen. (For a record of the joint meeting
between the Planning* Board and the Board of Selectmen
see the minutes of the latter FoardIs meeting of
December 11, 1961.)
Board of Selectmen
Town Office Buildi_nn
Lexin^ton 73, r"_ass.
? - 0 �_L 7;,C� 0
R Bert F. Meyer,
December 11, 1961
P e: pantheon Co. Option
Dear T.ad.am and "entlemen:
Attached herewith is a conformed copy of an option
which the Planning Board has obtained to purchase
Perpetual rights and easements to use for the nur-
nose for which streets are commonll,r used in Lexinrrton
a stria of land situated on Shade Street as noted in
said instrument. The Planning Board recommends that
the Board of Selectmen exercise this option this even-
Sincerely 11rours,
Is/ Richard F. Soule, Chairman
November 271 1961
' Miss Virginia R. Aldrich
Attorney -at -Law
53 State Street
Boston 9, Massachusetts
Dear Miss Aldrich:
I am writing to you in behalf of the Lexington
Planning Board understanding that you are the
attorney for the trustees of the Woodland Bird
Sanctuary situated in this town.
The Board is interested in knowing if the trustees
would consider conveying this property to Lexington.
By powers granted to them each ,year by the Annual Town
Meeting the Planning Board undertakes to obtain options
and the Board of Selectmen to exercise said options to
acquire any land the Planning Board has recommended as
part of its master Plan for narks, recreation and oven
space for the town of Lexington. The Woodland Bird
Sanctuary and certain other oro-perties adjacent thereto
are -part of said elan, it being the recommendation that
this land be kept in perpetuity as much as possible in
Its Present state as a bird sanctuary. If the trustees
would be willing to have the Town acquire tbis land
either now or at some future date under this and similar
conditions, the Planning Board would be pleased to dis-
cuss this matter further.
The Board is 4nterested in receiving a renly from you
at your earliest convenience.
S i nc er e lv,
/s/ Samuel ". Snow,
Planning Director
November 28, 1961
Mrs. Bradford Williams
235 '4estfield Street
Needham, Massachusetts
Dear Mrs. Williams:
I enclose copv of a letter received from the Lexington
Planning Boprd relating to the possible transfer to the
town of the `.Toodland Bird Sanctuary. This nronosal would
seem to have certain very real advantages, and I should
suppose that you and your fellow trustees would want to
consider it Pretty carefully. If you want any advice as
to the legal ramifications involved, Please let me know.
I shallbe glad to renl-r to Mr. Snowrs letter in such ,
fashion as you may instruct, or you may wish to communi-
cate with him directly.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Theodore Chase
December 4-t •1961
Samuel P. Snow, Director
Planning; Board
Town of Lexington, Massachusetts
Dear Mr. Snow:
srour letter of November 27 relating to the t=loodland Bird
Sanctuary has been referred to the trustees, and they
have instructed me to say that they do not at the present
time wish to make a transfer to the Town of Lexina'-on as
suggested in your letter.
S1ncerel-1r yours,
/s/ Theodore Chase ,