HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-12-04' PLAY'TING BOARD MEETI77G December 41 1961 On Monday, December 4, 1961 at 7:45 p.m, the Lexington Planning Board held a regular meeting in Its office in the Town Office Building*. Present were Chairman Soule, Members Grindle, Bryson, Mabee and Meyer, and the secretary, Mrs. °lacomber. The Board apnroved for payment a bill which had been presented by Louise M. Macomber for extra secretarial service for 7ov. 27, 1961- 45.00. Considered were the following Form A appli- cations for determination of planning Board juris- diction: #61-74, submitted November 28, 1961 by Francis M. Byrnes; elan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexin7ton, Mass.", Scale: l" = 601, dated Nov. 16, 1961, Miller & Nylander, C.F,'s F- Surveyors. #',1-75, submitted November 28, 1961 by Win- throp W. Harrington; plan entitled "plan of Land in Lexington, Massachusetts,'! Scale: I" = 20', dated June 9, 19611 Joseph W. Moore, Inc. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexinrcton Planning Board determines that the glans accompan71nq. Form A applica- tions #61-74 and #61-75 do not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plans be so endorsed. Mr. Soule resorted that he h26 delivered to and discussed with Tir. Hannah, attorney for the paytheon Company, the Planning; Board's letter of November 27, 1961 i.n regard to Form A apnlication -f�61-73. (See minutes of the Yovember 271 1961 Plan- ning Board meeting*.) Mr. Soule reported that al- though it would cost 1"27theon some monev to do so, renresentatives of said comnan7 had agreed to grant to the Town the strip of land desired for the future widening of Shade Street, Mr. Soule also reported that he had been informed that as soon as the grant of easements nstruments had been prepared and exe- cuted it would he sent to the Town Counsel. BILL FOAMS A SHADT STREET OPTION -2- 12-4-61 Peceived was a Board of Appeals letter of , EME?SON December 1 to the Planning Board and the draft of GAPDENS APT. a recommended reply in regard to the building and BTTILDTTTCTS site plans of the nronosedEmerson Gardens garden AND SITE anartment development on Tfanle Street. The Plan- PLAT\TS ninth T)oard approved said draft which was signed by the Chairman. (See addendum.) Considered next was the an -plication of King - KINGSTON ston Homes for annroval of i=ts definitive subdivi- HOMFS sion plan. Mr. ronald N. Sleener, Jr., attorne`r for Kingston Homes, Inc. and Mr. Emilio Spagnuola 1I7GLFSIDF' of said corporation presented an executed covenant which the Town Counsr-1 had -prepared. All matters appearing, to be in order, it was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED: that the definitive subdivision elan entitled "'Ingleside' Subdivision of Land in Lexing- ton Mass.", dated June 23, 1961, revised October 30, 1961, whicr was submitted to the Planning Board by Kingston Homes, Inc. on September 19, 1961, accompanied by an apnli- cation for approval of definitive elan, Form Cl dated Sept. 18, 1961, be and hereby is annroved subject to the condition that no , building or structure shall be built or placed upon lots 1 to 10 inclusive, 16 to 19 inclu- sive, and 28, 42, L3, and lei without prior consent of the Lexington Board of T?ealth. Prior to the Planning Board meetinir Mr. and Kelley Mrs. James A. Kellev of 20 Maple Street came to the office to discuss a problem in connection with the subdivision referred to above. Mr. Kellev stated that in connection with nronosed action on the sub- division nidn he had filed an anneal wits the Town Clerk that afternoon. (TTnon receipt of the anneal tre Town Clerk hac delivered It to the Planning Board office. It was determined that the anneal had no validi.t7.) Pair. Kelley said he had two cesspools located adiacent to his residence and did not want a road built over them. Ne said he considered tie pro - nosed subdi-vision road too wide for the location. Mr. Kellev was told teat the width of roads it subdi- visions was set forth in the Town's suldivision rules and regulations ane that the matter of the cesspools should be discussed with renresentativea of Kingston Homes, Inc. which owned the land. on which the cess- pools were located. (`,]hen Nessrs. Sleener and Spag- nuola came to the meeting* they and the Kellevs held ' a conference it regard to Mr. Kelley's objections to the nlan.) 1 C 12-4-'`1 The application of ToOd pealttir, Inc. for anproval of the "Bowser's Saddle Club Estates Sec- tion One" definitive elan, dated September 28, 1961, was deemed to be submitted. The date for a public h earin� on said ann lication was scheduled for Jan- uary 2p 1962 at 8:00 o.m. Town Counsel Stevens met with the Board from 8:40 to 8:50 n.m. to discuss several matters of a routine nature. The attnetion of the Board was called to a notice of public hearing to be held by the Lexington Historic Districts Commission on December 7, 1961. It was decided to take no action on the application for certificate of ann.ropriateness to be considered at said hearing. 11r. Soule reported that during* the previous week he had net with 'r. Morris of the Itek Corpora- tion and had informed him that in connection with the lane- he was interested in havinrf rezoned the Planning; Board would consider as a second means of access to said land a road located across the Celvite Cornorati_on nr.onerty on the route 128 side of the cornoration's bn ldinry, and would permit a cul-de-sac 500 feet in length from the rond having two means of access. i,`r. 3oule also renorted teat M". Norris had informed him teat he would discuss the matter with rPnresentati_ves of the Clevite Cor- poration. -3- pead to the Board was a letter, dated Decem- ber 4, 1961, .from Superintendent of Public Works John Carroll setting forth his reasons whir he did not believe the Planning; Board should apnrove the Mirn;te Than research Park definitive subdivision plan. It was decided to notif,r the Lexin�ton Office Cen- ter Trust, a subsidiary of Cabot, Cabot & Forbes, of Mr. Carroll's letter in order that they* ml!vbt have an onportunity to revise the subdivision_ plan before the public hearing in regard to the same. (See adden- dum.) Also read to the Board was a letter from Mr. Wilbur Januith, attorney for Marnr A. Hennessy, said letter being* dated December 1, 1961s and set- ting forth an annraisal which Mr. T'rnest Giroux had maee of the Hennessy rronertsr which it was de- sired t''= e town acquire f'or ni,blic recreational nur- poses. (See addendum. See also Planning_ Roard minutes of October 9, 1961.) ., B0SbdER SADDLE CLUB ESTATES TODD REALTY HISTORIC DISTPTCTS COTOITSSIOrr REZOr T"TG PROPOSAL ITFK MINUTE MAN RESEARCH PARK LEK.OFFICE CE"?TFR TRUST OPTIO"T HENPITESSY 12-L-61 Considered next and adopted by the Board was the following buds -et for 1962: General 17u renses Clerical Assistance 100.00 Sup -dies (Drafting & Office) 250.00 Equipment 550.00 Travel 375.00 Consulting Services 3,825.00 Advertisinrr 150.00 Printing__ 200.00 Librar7 €� Misc . 100.00 Maps 8- Blueprinting 200.00 Dues 50.00 5,800.00 Personal Services Planner 90100.00 Secretary 31380.00 1 Options ' 1,500.00 The meeting was adjourned ^t 10:00 p.m. TT�b ert E. Meyer, Clerk ADDE'TDT'M December 4, 1961 Planning Board Lexington, Massachusetts pe: Minute -Man Research Park Gentlemen: Reference is made to the Yinute-Man Pesearch Park definitive sub-div;sion plan dated November 10, 1961, ' which has been submitted to the Plann-ng Board. The following accertances and annrovals are given to 12-4-61 ' this sub -division: 1) Acceptance is given to the location and grades of existing streets. -'here are no existing water mains, sewer mains or storm drainage facilities within tris sub -division. 2) T can not give approval to the pronosed locations, sizes and grades of tre streets, easements, water mains, sewers and storm drains for the following rea- sons: a. "?o sewer is shoian on this plan. -s- b. There are no rro-posed grater mains srown on this plan. c. The drainage shown does not meet wi.t', my annroval. The two catch basins at station 2 plus 50 should be connected into the drainage line at station 5 plus 0. There are no head walls at the end of the drain at the brook. d. The hill on the right side of the proposed road, as you come out onto Marrett Road should be removed for a distance of 300 or 400 feet along Route 12e. This ' will provide sight distance. e. The cul-de-sac does not meet the standard require- ments of the sub -division rules and regulations. I do not feel that it is necessary to do into anv mora de- tail at this time. Tn my opinion, the sub -division should not be approved by the Planning Board, as it is -proposed. T can not give you an estimate of cost, on the various Items of work necessary to oro-)erly complete this sub -divi- sion, since most of these items sre not shown on the plan. Tf you have a mr further auestions it regard to my letter, please feel free to rive me a call. Sincerely ,yours, /s/ John T. Carroll Superintendent of Public 'Torks and Town Engineer JJC /I TB 1 12-L-61 M December 5, 1961 Board of A -peals ' Town Office Building Lexincton 733 Mass. "e: Emerson Gardens Garden apartment building and site clans Gentlemen: In rep1T* to your letter of December 1, 1961 the Planning Board herewith submits its final report and recommenda- tions with reference to the T'Tovember 27,1961 application of Edward T. Martin, trustee, for a determination under Section 5 (g) of the Lexington Zoning By-law. Since receipt of your letter of October 27 the Emerson Gardens Section One definitive subdivision plan, dated September 12, 1960, revised Sentember 15, 1961, has been approved by the Planning Board and recorded in the Middle- sex South District Penistry of Deeds as Plan No. 1726 of 1061. Lot 17 as shown on said plan comprises the A 1 - Garden apartment district concerning which application for a d eterminati.on is being; made. Also since receipt of your letter of October 27 a set of clot, 7radinn, building loca- tion and utilio ty plans have been revised tconform to the said definitive subdivision elan and to conform with the ' recommendations of the Planning Director and the Superin- tendent of Public 14orks. Two sets of marked nri.nts of these revised nri_nts comrrising the site plan are attached herewith. These prints are enumerated as follows; the brints being dated January 27, 1961 and revised November 19, 1961; X-1, Plot Plan; X-2, ^Trading Plan, X -2A., Grading; Plan, X-3, Building location plan; IT -1, Utility plan. It is recommended that this set of nrints be arproved (1) subject to the condition that a 5 -foot wide bituminous sidewalk be constructed entirely w.ithi.n the Emerson 'load right of wav as marked on said. nrInts in accordance with the recorded Emerson Gardens definitive subdivision plan and (2) subject to the 1. inderstand.i_ng that the plot plan is only for pictorial rurnoses and that the site plan is to be developed in accordance with sheets X-2, X-3, and U-1, revised November 17, 1961. It is recommended that the set of prints consisting of Sheets A-1 to A-32, inclusive, undated, and submitted with Mr. Martin's application of October LL., 1961, be a -proved also. The Planninn Board recommends that the Board of Anneals take favorable action on the application of Edword T. Martin, trustee, submitted November 27, 1961. Sine -rely, LFXIN IT07 PLA1,7TI*TG BO.A'?D E'nc. Isl "icharc N. Soule, Chairman 1 1 1 12-4-61 December 1, 1961 Mr, ?'ichard F. joule, Chairman Lexin-ton ?'lanni_ng Board Town Hall Lexington 73, Massachusetts Fe: Mary A. Hennessy Premises Mountain Road, Lexi.n.r..ton Dear Dick: -7- This will confirm my telephone conversation with Sam Snow on Yovember 2L.th regardi.n� the appraisal T have had made by Ernest Giroux of A`_rs. Hennessy's 10.02 acre parcel and the stable thereon. The appraisal has been made followinc? receipt of the T'lanni.n? Boardts letter of nctober 21 1961, containing- an offer for the property as specified therein. This offer has been discussed with Mrs. Hennessy and the indenendent appraisal has been made because we felt the Board's offer was low in relation to current real estate values `n Lexington. The following* is a summary of the appraisal fipires con- tained in Mr. rirouxts apnraisal: Land - $27,000.00 stable - 1_[,500.00 Fencing - ,353. 8 Total el 5 3. Tn view of the substantial differences in figures between our appraisal and your offer, 7 su7 est that the Board re- view this matter to see whether it wants to increase its offer or to consider alternative nronositions. Yrs. Hennessy and T will be willing to discuss further with you the acquisition of all or hart of this rrorerty as soon as the Board has reconsidered its nroposal. W -7J : Lig s cc: 'irs, Martr A. Hennessy Vert/ truly,* yours, Isl Wilber M. Jaquith