HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-11-27PL.AN71YG BOARD MEETITTG
November 27, 1961
On Monday, November 27, 1961 at 7:40 p.m.
the Lexington Planning Board held a regular meet-
ing in its office in the Town Office Building.
Present were Chairman Soule, Members Grirdle, Brvson
and Meyer, and the Board's secretary, Mrs. Macomber.
Annroved for payment were the following bills
which had been presented: Minute -man Publications,
ad.vert3sinn--"4.90; Samuel P. Snow, car allowance for
November --20.00: Boston Law Book Co., Book and sub-
scrintion to future service --X25.00; Charles M. Evans
?- Associates, nrofessio^al services --A1,500; H. B.
McArdle, office sunnlies--118.60; T. Fr. peenstierna,
appraisal service --125.00.
From 7:h5 to 8:00 n.m. Mr. Donald L. Legro,
attorney, of 1842 Massachusetts Avenue, met with the
Board. He stated that he represented the Douglass
brothers who wish to erect a funeral home upon a
portion of the Ladd lot numbered 2001 Massachusetts
Avenue and located between Massachusetts Avenue and
Tlorthen Road.. Mr. Lercro also stated that the
Douglass brothers had an agreement to purchase the
Lade house and lot nronosing to subdivide the lot
laterally into two new lots, Lot A fronting on
Worthen Road and Lot B retaining the Ladd house and
fronting; on Massachusetts Avenue. Ile said it was
the intention of the Pouglass brothers to retition
the Board of Anneals for a variance to erect a funeral
home on Lot A, but before doing so was seeking the
Planning* Board's attitude towards such a nronosal.
Mr. Legro said he was well aware of the zoning
nroblems which involved funeral homes, that they
neither fitted into residential districts nor obviously
Into commercial districts where they create snecial
traffic nroblems and do not take into consideration
the Feelings of those being served. He said there
were no adeauate provisions for the location of such
homes but believed that; the rear of the Ladd lot was
a suitable answer to the location problem in Lexing-
ton. He pointed out that this lot was bounded on one
side by land owned by the LexinF�ton Home for tYe Aged
and on tre other site by St. 7riaid's church. He
stated that if the Douglass brothers were allowed to
use Lot A for the erection of a funeral home, there
would be, adequate room on said lot for narki.np_; facil-
ities so that processions would not have to form on
11-27-61 -2-
Worthen Poad. He said the Douglass brothers would be
w~lli.ngr to separate the lot with a screen alantins.
Mr. Lego was asked if he rad tal',ed with
owners of abutting nronerties. He said that he pro -
nosed to do so but wished to obtain the Planning
Board's reaction first.
Mr. Soule informed Mr. Lef-ro that Mr. Snow
had recommended that each member of the Board read
the ASPO information report on funeral homes and that
after this had been done the Board would discuss the
matter and notify Tir. Lego of its opinion on the pro-
f#61-72, submitted. November 24, 1961 b}* Vi_ano
Pronerties, Inc., by A. F. Viano; plan en-
titled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.",
Scale: l" = 401, dated Nov. 22, 1961, Miller
& Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors.
Upon motions duly made and seconded, it was
VOTED: that the Lexin�-ton Planning Board determines
that the plan accompanying Form A #61-71 does
Mr. August Schumacher of 11.8 Wood Street met
with the Board next to obtain an informal opinion in
regard to the plan he exhibited showing a subdivision
of his nroperty. Noting* that the nronosed subdivision
had only one means of access to it, Mr. Schumacher was
informed that the Board would not approve the plan un-
less there was provided a second means of access to
said subdivision. Several suggestions were made as to
where he might locate a road for this purpose. Mr.
Schumacher was also informed that the streets in the
subdivision had to have a right of way 50 feet in width
and that no dead-end street longer than 500 feet in
length would be approved. Mr. Schumacher kept his
subdivision plan to studv it further, leavinrr the meet-
ing at 8:25 p.m.
The Board then took under consideration the
following Form A applications for determination of
Planning Board jurisdiction:
X61-71, submitted November 24, 1961 by Louise
M. Brogna; plan entitled "Plan of Land In.
Lexinrrton Mass.", Scale: 1'T = 401, dated Nov.
15, 1961, Miller �� Nyland.er, C.E.'s & Survey-
f#61-72, submitted. November 24, 1961 b}* Vi_ano
Pronerties, Inc., by A. F. Viano; plan en-
titled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.",
Scale: l" = 401, dated Nov. 22, 1961, Miller
& Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors.
Upon motions duly made and seconded, it was
VOTED: that the Lexin�-ton Planning Board determines
that the plan accompanying Form A #61-71 does
11-27-61 -3-
not require apnroval under the Subdivision
Control Law and that said plan be so endorsed
with the added notation that the Q.2 acre
parcel does not have the frontage required
under the Lexinrnton Zoning By-law.
VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines
that the plan accompanying; Form A application
#61-72 does not require approval under the
Subdivision Control Law, and that said plan
be so endorsed.
From 8:30 to 8:115 p.m. Mr. Antonio Busa met
Considered next were the notices of petitions
to be heard by the Board of !appeals on Yovember 28. BOARD OF
It was decided to take no action on the neti_tons to APPEALS
be heard.
Town Counsel Stevens met with the Donrd from
9:05 to 9:25 p.m.
Considered first with Mr. Stevens was the
with the Board to discuss with it his subdivision
plan to be entitled "Green Vallev, Section Seven"
SEC. 7
(see minutes of the Planning Board meetings of Sep-
tember 11 and October 16, 1961). He requested that
the Bard annrove Scheme Two of the two studies
which Mr. Snow had prepared for the Board on August
31, 1961. Mr. Busa said that he objected to Scheme
One because it rad one less lot in it than Scheme
Two and because It was more difficult to la -7 a sewer
on a curved street. He said he had to raise the
grade of the existing ground to lay a sewer, needing
about 2,000 cubic yards of �r.avel for fill. He also
said he needed the extra lot shown on Scheme Two plan
to help pay for the cost of the sewer installation.
The Board took Mr. Busa's request under consideration.
Read to the Board was a letter, dated November
24, 1961, from Kingston Homes, Inc. requesting a fur-
ther extension of time within which the Board must
act on said corroration's subdivision plan. Upon
motion dul,r made and seconded, it was unanimously
VOTED: that pursuant to the written request from
the applicant the time of approval of the
definitive subdivision plan entitled "Sub-
division of Land in Lexington,Mass.", dated
June 231 1961s and prepared by MacCarthy
Engineering Service, TTatick, Mass., be and
hereby is further extended to and including
December 4, 1961.
Considered next were the notices of petitions
to be heard by the Board of !appeals on Yovember 28. BOARD OF
It was decided to take no action on the neti_tons to APPEALS
be heard.
Town Counsel Stevens met with the Donrd from
9:05 to 9:25 p.m.
Considered first with Mr. Stevens was the
draft of a letter, dated November 27, 1961, ad-
SHADF: dressed to Mr. Paul F. Hannah, General Counsel for '
STREET the Raytheon Comnany, referring to the plan accom-
OPTION pa raring Form A application !!61-67 and informing
him that said plan had not been endorsed for the
reason that the lots shown on the plan did not
front on a way, there beinC7 an intervening strip
of land between the northeasterly lines of the lots
and the southwesterlv side line of Shade Street as
marked on the plan. In said draft it was stated
that before the Raytheon Comnanv conveyed the title
to this strip of land to a prospective buyer, Lex-
ington would greatly appreciate receiving; a grant
of perpetual rights and easements to use said strip
of land for the purnose of public travel and for
all other purposes for which streets are now or
hereafter may be commonly used in Lexington. The
draft of the letter was approved by the Board. Mr.
Stevens suggested that Mr. Soule deliver the letter
personally to Mr. Hannah and discuss it with him.
Mr. Soule agreed to do this.
VOTED: to accept the agreement executed November 25,
1961 by Todd Realty, Inc. and the denosit of
$2,000 to secure the performance of the same;
and to release the performance bond, dated
June 271 1960s filed by Todd Realty, Inc.,
Mark Moore Jr., President, as Principal, and
Mr. Stevens called the Board's attention to
his letter of November 27 to the Planning Director
in regard to the Burnham Farms, Section 5 subdivi-
sion enclosing (1) the original of an instrument,
dated November 25, 1061, wherein Todd P.ealty, Inc.
obligates itself to reconstruct and repair the r_br-
SEC. 5
tion of Burroughs Road situated between Station 12 +
75 and the intersection of Thoreau Road if such is
determined to be necessary by the Supt. of Public
Works at any time within one year from the date of
the release by the Planning Board of the bond filed
by the subdivider covering this subdivision; (2) a
check in the amount of 2,000, the check being
drawn on Lexington Trust Companr, dated September
15, 10612 and certified by the bank on November 27,
1961; and (3) a grant of utilities to the Town in this
subdivision executed by Todd Realty, Inc. under date
of Yovember 27, 1061. (See minutes of 7ovember 13,
1961 llanninr* Board Meetinf-.) Mr. Stevens stated
that as far as he knew it was now in order for the
Board of release the surety bond securing_ the obli-
gations of the subdivider in relation to the Burnham
Farms, Section Five subdivisions whereupon it was
moved, seconded, and unanimously
VOTED: to accept the agreement executed November 25,
1961 by Todd Realty, Inc. and the denosit of
$2,000 to secure the performance of the same;
and to release the performance bond, dated
June 271 1960s filed by Todd Realty, Inc.,
Mark Moore Jr., President, as Principal, and
' Continental Casualtv Compan7T as Surety, in
the sum of Eighty Thousand and 00100
(4t?0,000.00) dollars to secure the perform-
ance by the subdivider of its agreement it the
form of an application for apnroval of a defini-
tive plan, Form C, dated May 251 1960, to com-
plete the work to be performed by the subdivider
as shown on the subdivision plan entitled "Burn-
ham Farms Section Five Lexington, Mass.", and
dated April 27, 1960.
There was exhibited an executed performance bond
in the sum of ?10,000 which had been filed in connec-
tion with the Till,nghast Estates subdivision. Mr.
Stevens approved the bone as to form. All matters
appearing to be in order, upon motion duly made, and
seconded, It was unanimously
Mr. Stevens reported that he had received
grants of easements from Emerson Gardens Realty Cor-
noration and Lex -wood PoultrZT Farms, Inc. These being
in hand, the Board endorsed the TNerson Gardens, Sec-
tion One definitive subdivision nlan which Rr. Stevens
took with him for recording in the Registry of Deeds.
After Mr. Stevens left the meeting there was
read a copy of a letter from the Building Inspector
to the Board of Selectmen, said letter being dated
November 15, 1961, in regard to recommending a policy*
for the enforcement of rules regarding the sale of
produce at roadside stands. The matter was taken un-
der consideration and the letter placed on file.
VOTED: that the October 16, 1961 vote of the Lexing-
ton Planning Board disapproving the untitled
def.n'tive subdivision plan, dated July 12,
1961, prepared by Albert A. Miller and Wilbur
C. Nylander, civil engineers and surveyors,
Lexin�ton, r'ass., which was submitted to the
Board by pobert 0. and Anne P. Tillinghast, be
and hereby is rescinded.
VOTED: that the definitive subdivision plan entitled
"Tillinghast Estates in Lexington, Plass.",
dated Julv 12, 1961, revised November 15, 1961,
be and hereby Is approved subject to the fol-
lowinc* condition: that the provisions of the
rules and regulations of the Board are hereby
waived In this instance onlv to the following
extent, that the subdivider be not required to
provide a leveling area on TIM Place at its
approach to the intersection of Merriam Street.
Mr. Stevens reported that he had received
grants of easements from Emerson Gardens Realty Cor-
noration and Lex -wood PoultrZT Farms, Inc. These being
in hand, the Board endorsed the TNerson Gardens, Sec-
tion One definitive subdivision nlan which Rr. Stevens
took with him for recording in the Registry of Deeds.
After Mr. Stevens left the meeting there was
read a copy of a letter from the Building Inspector
to the Board of Selectmen, said letter being dated
November 15, 1961, in regard to recommending a policy*
for the enforcement of rules regarding the sale of
produce at roadside stands. The matter was taken un-
der consideration and the letter placed on file.
Considered next was Mrs. Morey's letter of ,
WORTHEN RD. November 2h. to the Plann ng* Board asking that it
COWTECTION be rrenared to comment in detail on a letter dated
TO RTE. 2 Tdovember 13, 1961 from 'he Board of Selectmen to
Mr. McCarth7r, Chief Engineer of the Massachusetts
Department of Public Works with reference to the
proposed connection of Worthen Road to Route 2.
Copies of said letter to Mr. McCarthy were distrib-
uted to members of the Board. (See addendum.)
Read was Col. Holcombe's letter of October
THE GROVE 29 to the Planning Board in regard to his sugges-
SEC. 1 tion for improving the intersection of Burlington
Street and the nronosed access to The Grove, Sec
HOLCOMBE tion One subdivision of the Greener and ?whiter
Trusts. Read also to the Board and approved by it
was the draft of a recommended reply to Col. Hol-
combe's letter. (See addendum.)
p Bert E. Meyer, '
Also read was Mrs. Morey's letter of Novem-
ber 21, 1961 to the Planning Board and the draft of
a recommended reply in regard to the estimated
future nossible norulation of Lexin7ton. Said draft
was approved by the Planning Board. (See addendum.)
Considered also was the Itek Corporation
rezoning proposal which was discussed by Mr. C. T.
Morris of said cornoration with the Planning Board
at its meeting on .November 20. It was the concensus
that the Board would give further consideration to
a rezoning nronosal for all the Roberts Brothers
land (1) if the line of the proposed commercial dis-
trict stopned at the ridge separating Spring Street
from Route 128; (2) if there were adequate site con-
trols incorporated in the zoning by-law, and (3) if
there were two suitable means of access to the area
to be rezoned. In regard to the location of one
means of access it was thought that this might be in
the form of a public way located on the Clevite Cor-
poration land in Waltham, said way being located be-
tween the Clevite Cornoration building, Route 128,
and Trapelo Road. Mr. Soule was asked to convey this
information to Mr. Morris.
The Board adjourned its meeting at 10:30 p.m.,
p Bert E. Meyer, '
INovember 13s 1861
Mr.'_'.,T.TIcCsrth,r, Cl: ief T7ngi neer
Massachusetts Denartment of Public Works
100 TT .a Street
3oston, T°?assachusetts
Dear Mr. licCarthy:
Deference is mace to the meeting held on Tuesday, October 31,
1961 at your office concerning the connection of Worthen Road
to Route 2. Attending Tiere Messrs. McCarthy, Cox, Hue and
Olson, of the Department of Public Works, and Mrs. Morey and
Messrs. Soule, Carroll, Snow and Staples of Lexin"ton.
At, this meeting; the plan of Foute 2 and the interchange nro-
nosed by the Derartment of Public Works, shown on a elan
accompanying; a letter from ',',Ir. rreorge C. Toumpouras dated
September 15, 1961, were discussed, The followinP7 is the re-
nort made by us to the Lexinc-ton Board of Selectmen and the
Planning 'hoard.
1. Tt was r^enerall�r agreed that the location of the new inter-
change proposed by the Derartment of Public Works was an
acceptable solution to the nroblem.
2. Derartment of Public '.+7orks officials agreed that the entire
cost of this interchanIrre would be borne by State -Federal funds.
3. The Derartment of Public Works officials sup--gested that the
connecting; road from the south side of the interchange to Wal -
them Street near the Waltham line would be handled in the fol-
lowing manner:
A. The State Department of Public Works would do all of the
engineering to make the lavout and the State would construct
the road, with all costs of construction borne by the Common-
wealth of TTassachusetts.
B. The Town would he asked to make the land takings for this
road and to assume the entire cost of an,,, land damages.
4. The De-)artment of Public Works officials stated that the
layout, land acquisition and construction of Worthen Rond from
Tarrett Roy d to the northerl-r end of the rronosed interchange
would be Lexin7ton's responsibility.
5. The Derartment of Public Storks officials stated that if the
Worthen Road interchange was constructed as nronosed, it would
mean that a parallel overpass would be constructed at Waltham
Street. The cost of this bridge would be entirely borne by the
11-27-61 -8-
Commonwealth. Connection between Route 2 and Waltham ,
Street would be eliminated, and there would be no need for
relocation of Waltham Street as nrorosed in earlier plans.
6. Tt was stated by the Department of Public Works offs-
vials that if the Town of Lexington accented the location
of the !-'ortken Road interchange as shown on the elan re-
ferred to above the State Department of Public Works would
immediately grant access at this location for the construc-
tion of Worthen Road, even if, in the interim, Route 2 has
been made limited access (the understanding being that when
Route 2 is actually constructed the interchange will be
built with a connection to Worthen Road.)
7. Tt wns suggested by Town officials that Worthen Road
from Bedford Street to Route 2 could
be designated by the
Bureau of Public Roads as a Federal
aid secondary highway.
The State officials agreed that this
could be done. How-
ever, they said that if it were done
that the present
.Route 4 and 225, and Waltram Street,
since they run anproxi-
mately parallel to Worthen Road, would
then nrobably be
eliminated from the secondary Federal
Road system and would
be made ineli^ible for Federal aid.
They also stated that
since the requests for this tvpe of
Federal aid far exceeded
the funds available that the chances
were poor that the Igor -
then Road project would be approved
as eligible in the near
future. They suggested considering
Chapter 90 funds for
h_s rondo
The Planning Board and the Poard of Selectmen are continu-
ing study of our project, May I hear from you if lou ques-
tion the accuracy of any of`"the above memoranda.
Very truly yours,
/s/ Ruth Morey, Chairman
PM:m (Mrs. George P. Morey)
November 271 1961
Theodore G. Holcombe
Colonel, A11 S - Fetired
145 Burlington Street
Lexin-ton 73oMassachusetts
Dear Colonel Holcombe:
Thank you for your letter of October 20 and for your sug-
gestions in regard to the present situation at the intersec-
tion of Burlington Street and Angier Road. The latter is the
name which was selected for the way entering Burlington
Street from "The Grove" subdivision. (As you no doubt know,
Angier was one of the very early residents of Lexinfrton who
lived on what is now known as Burlin7ton Street and who was
killed at Fort Ticonderoga.)
IfThe Grove" subdivision nlan'was anproved after it was modi-
fied to meet Lexinc^ton's Subdivision Rules and Regulations
and requirements of the Town Engineer and Superintendent of
Public Jorks. It is believed that existing conditions at
the above-named intersection will be greatly improved with
the gradinrc and the installation of a drain.. If, after this
is done, it is found conditions at the intersection still
need improving, reco-nendati.ons will be made with a view of
correcting problems. In the meantime a copy of your letter
is bein_n forwarded to the Superintendent of Public Works, Mr.
John J. Carroll, with the request that the situation be exam-
ined by the Town's Traffic Committee.
/sl Richard. H. Soule, Chairman
' November 27, 1961
Mrs. -nth 1110re7, Chairman
Board of Selectmen
Town of Le7in7ton, Massachusetts
Dear. Mrs. Morey:
In reply to 70ur letter of Yovember 21 to the Planning Board
wits reference to porulation estimates, Mr. Snow has informed
the Board that in making; his nroiections he took into consid-
eration, among other matters, the total acreage of land which
he either estimated would be or recommended should be utilized
for roads, schools, nla7r7rounds, and oven space, commerce, in-
dustry and government. The Toard understands that he included
all the projects which nou mentioned in .your letter. It Is
understood further that ?4r. Snow knows of no factor ?t the
moment which would cause him to revise his estimate that c5O,000
persons will eventuall7r reside in this town. Fe does believe,
however, that his latest ronulation study of June, 1959 needs
revision i^ other ways. among the studies he believes are
needed are those of the latest variables in rate of growth and
development to determine if 1984 is still the -rear when he be-
lieves the Town will be so occunled.
If you or other members of the Board of Selectmen would like to
discuss Mr. Snowts population studies, the Plannin' Board '
would be aareeable to b_oleln,7 a joint meeting for this nvr-
/s/ Richard 'T. Soule, Crai_rman