HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-11-20PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' November 20, 1961 On Monday, November 20, 1961 at 7:30 p.m. the Lexington Planning Board held a regular meet- ing in its office in the Town Office Building. Present were Chairman Soule, members Grindle, Mabee and Meyer and Planning Director Snow. Considered first were the following Form A applications for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #61-67 (see minutes of November lj, 1961 Planring Board meeting.) 61-70, submitted November 17, 1961 by Mildred B. Gould by S. Pierson Gould, Atty.: plan entitled "Compiled Plan of Lotting in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 401, dated Nov. 161 lo61, Miller & Y,71ander, C.F.'s & Surveyors. ' It was reported that application #61-67 had not been withdrawn as it had been expected it would be. Thereupon, it was moved, seconded and unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A applica- tion #61-67 does require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was also unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board deter- mines that the plan accompanying Form A application #61-70 does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law and that said elan be so eneorsed. At 7:45 p.m. Mr. C. T. Morris of the Itek Corporation met with the Planning Board to discuss his request that the Board again consider the re- zoning for a Special commercial district the land bounded by State Routes 2 and 128, Spring Street and the Lexington -Waltham line with the exception of the lots fronting on westerly side of said street. Before Mr. Morris met with the Board Mr. Soule gave a report of the luncheon conference he and Mr. Snow had had with Mr. Morris on the pre - FORMS A C 3 DISTRICT REZONING PROPOSAL ITEK CORP. 11-20-61 -2 - vious Wednesday in regard to his rezoning request. Mr. Snow said that after said conference he had , mailed to Mr. Morris a copy of the Boards majority and minority report which had been filed at the special town meeting held on June 19s 1961. (See minutes of Planning Board meeting of said date.) Mr. Morris stated that the Itek Corporation held two options, one to buy up to 5 acres, and a second to buy up to 18 acres of the 33 -acre parcel owned by the Lexington Investment Trust. He said it was the desire of Itek Corporation to erect within two years on either of these sites a head- quarters building having a ground floor area of about 12,000 square feet to house a staff of 33 persons and to have a staff parking area of about 60 spaces with an additional 10 spaces for visi- tors. He exhibited study models of three prelim- inary schemes for the building which the firm of Fulmer and Bowers, architects of Princeton, New Jersey, had made. In commenting on the designs represented he said each one was planned with the thought in mind of doubling the size of the orig- inal building when this became necessary. Mr. Morris also commented on the Planning Board reports noted above, stating that the cor- poration wished to locate on the site it had se- lected because it was high ground and because of its particular and compatible location. He said that one of the factors which the corporation considered important in determining compatibility would be the potential neighbors. Before finally acquiring the site, he stated that the corporation would want assurance of just who and what was go- ing to occupy adjacent land. Mr. Morris said that this was one of the reasons Itek would be inter- ested in having only the land on the westerly side of the hill_(Puller's Hill) rezoned for the type of building and use such as the corporation has in mind, Spring Street being retained completely residential in character. Mr. Morris explained why he thought the site Itek Corporation was interested in should be re- zoned. He said he was seeking no commitment from the Board in regard to rezoning the area he had in mind other than one that the Board might be willing to restudy the matter once again. He stated that if the Board was willing to do so, the Itek Cornoration would be willing to expend further funds in develop- ' Ing the headquarters building project and in pr'o- viding a suitable solution to the problem of a 11-20-61 -3- second means of access to the area as discussed with ' the Board. He stated further that if the Board as a body was not in favor of reconsidering zoning he would like to know so he could immediately seek other possible sites. Mr. Morris was informed that the Board would take the matter under advisement and in- form him of its decision in the next few weeks. Where- upon Mr. Morris left the meeting, the time being 8:45 p.m. Considered next was the draft of a letter to Mr. Schweikart of Third Street with reference to the re- quest of the three residents of said street for a change in street name. (See minutes of ?Tanning Board meeting of October 9, 1961.) The Board approved said draft which was signed by the Chairman. (See addendum.) From 8:55 to 9:15 p.m. Town Counsel Stevens met with the Board. Mr. Stevens reported that earlier in the day the Attorney General had approved Articles 11 and 12 having to do with rezoning which were passed at the special townmeeting held on November 6, 1961. The Board then considered the written request ' dated November 16, 1961s of Stephen T. Russian, attorney representing The Whiter and The Greener Trusts, for a release from the provisions of the covenant filed in connection with "The Grove, Section One," definitive subdivision plan, certain lots shown on said plan. In connection with said request the Board's attention was called to a letter, dated Novem- ber 17, 1961, from Superintendent of Public Works John Carroll to the Planning Board setting forth his estimated cost of $122,000 to complete the required work to service the lots enumerated in Mr. Russian's letter. There was then exhibited an executed agree- ment and a bond relating to said specified lots and a grant to the Town of easements for public travel in corners of lots 31 and 32, the grant having been over- looked when an earlier one had been drafted. These instruments were executed on November 20, 1961 and found to be in order. Mr. Stevens then presented a proposed instrument entitled "Partial Release of Cove - pant" for the Board's consideration. All matters appearing to be in order, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board sign a par- tial release of covenant for required work re- ferred to in the covenant executed by William M. Glovsky, trustee of The Greener Trust and STREET NAME THIRD ST. REZONING THE GROVE SEC. i GREENER AND WH TP ER TRUSTS 11-20-61 The Whiter Trust, dated October 9, 1961s and ' release lots numbered 1 through 10, inclusive, 16 through 25, inclusive, 30 through 34, in- clusive and 36 through 39, inclusive, on the subdivision plan entitled "The Grove Section One Lexington, Mass,"', dated May 20, 19611 re- vised October 6, 1961s from the provisions as to sale and building specified in said covenant, and to accept in substitution therefor an agree- ment, dated November 20, 1961, and the surety company bond securing the same. In response to Mr.Snow's previous suggestion GREEN and the Planning Board's request of October 16, 1961 VALLEY (see minutes of Planning Board meeting of said date), SEC. 7 he presented to the Board a memorandum, dated November 20, 1961, and the draft of a letter of transmittal to BUSA the Board of Selectman regarding the sale of tax title lots on Circle Road and the construction of this road CIRCLE ROAD am a second means of access to Mr. Antonio Busa's pro - TAX TITLE posed subdivision entitled "Green Valley Section Seven" LOTS The draft was approved by the Board and signed by the Chairman. (See addendum.) After a discussion of other matters currently before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 , DOM. il"7 Obert E. Meyer, Clerk ADDENDUM November 20, 1961 Mr. Russell L. Schweickart 4 Third Street Lexington, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Schweikart: Y6ur letter of September 25, 1 961 which was addressed to the Board of Selectmen has been referred to the Planning Board for consideration. Please be advised that contrary to the assurance which you received from the developer of Battle View Park the changing of a street name approved by the Board of Sur- ' vey and recorded in the Registry of Deeds in 1914 is not 11-20-61 ' as simple a matter as it might first appear. For instance, the ?Tanning Board was able to eliminate the name Fifth Street when in 1956 it approved a new subdivision plan which was superimposed in part on Fifth Street creating Rumford Road as it Is today. Tn a similar manner It is expected that sometime in the future the name Third Street will be eliminated when Leonard Street is extended and relocated in part from Woburn to Young Street. When this takes place, however, is largely dependent upon the subdivider of the property now or formerly owned by Dunham and located southerly of Third Street. In regard to the proposed name suggested by you and the other residents on Third Street, the Board agrees that October Lane is a very romantic name. It has been the policy of the Board for several years, however, not to approve names such as drives, lanes, etc. unless such ways are in fact appropriate and describe these kinds of ways. This policy and the process of changing street names was discussed briefly by Mr. Snow, planning director, when Mrs. Schweikart telephoned the Planning Board office today. If, however, you have further questions, do not hesitate to communicate with Mr. Snow or the Planning Board again. Sincerely yours, ' LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Richard H. Soule, Chairman November 20, 1961 Board of Selectmen Town Office Building Lexington 73, Massachusetts Re: Sale of lots Circle 'Roams Dear Madam and Gentlemen: Mr. Antonio Busa wishes to extend his development by creating a new subdivision to be known as "Green Valley Section Seven," said section to include the land marked in pink on the attached print. The Planning Board has informed Mr. Busa that it will not approve the extension of a dead-end street longer than 500 feet until such tide as the proposed section of Circle Road as shown on his subdivision plan connects to a road which is ade- quately constructed to provide'reasonable access. To provide this access Mr. Busa has informed the Board that he is willing to construct Circle Road from the southerly boundary of his property to Hillcrest Avenue provided that there is sold to 11-2-61 -6- him all town -owned lots fronting on said Circle Road. It is , understood that on the basis of the recommendation set forth in Mr. Snow's memorandum of June 22, 19.9 to you that ,you have informed the Busa Realty Trust that insofar as you have been able to determine that it would not be in the best interest of the Town to dispose of this property. Circumstances have so changed since the writing of this memorandum by Mr. Snow that it now appears to be in the Town's best interests to sell said lots as suggested below. Attached herewith is a copy of Mr. Snow's memorandum of Novem- ber 20s 1961 to the Planning Board. The Board approves of the recommendations set forth in said memorandum and recommends to the Board of 'Selectmen that all town -owned lots on Circle Road be sold to Buss. Realty Trust providing (1) that it esecutes a written agreement prepared by the Town Counsel wherein said Trust agrees to complete Circle Road as set forth In its letter, dated May 22, 1961, to the Board of Selectmen, (2) that the Trust agrees to purchase said lots at a fair market value, and (3) that said lots be combined for building purposes into not more than seven house lots as recommended in Mr. 'Snow's memo- randum of November 20s 1961. Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD ' /s/ Richard H. Soule, Chairman Eno. 1