HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-11-13PLP_T'"1TYG BOARD ",rF??TT_YG November 13s 1961 On Monday, Yovember 13, 1961 at 7:30 n.m., the Lexington Planning Board held a regular meet- ing in its office in the Town Office Building. Present were Chairman Soule, members Grindle, Mabee and. ?'ever, and Planning Director Snow. The Board approved the minutes of its October 9, 16, 23, 30, november 2 and 6, 1961 meetings. Also an_nroved for navment was a bill pre- sented by L. i,'. Foster, Inc. in the amount of -3,21 for office supplies. Considered next were the following Form A annlications for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: x`61-65, submitted 'November 6, 1961 by William G. Potter, Agent for Murray W. ' Potter; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lex- ington, Mass.", Scale: 1 in = 50 ft., dated July 20, 1956, Fred A. Joyce, Sur- vevor. 1161-662 submitted November es 1961 by Stephen T. pussian, Atty. for Harry Blum and Trene K. Blum; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexi.naton, Mass."s Scale: 1 inch = 20 feet, dated Oct. 23, 1961, Miller & Nylander, C.r.'s 8- Surveyors. #61-67, submitted November 6, 1961 by Raytheon Compan7r, ^'ora Ford, Att?r. ; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass." Scale: 1" = 1�01, dated Nov. 3, 1961, Miller 0i?�rlane.er, r.E.Is 8• Surveyors. #61-6P, submitted November 10, 1961 by Alfred Murray; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass. owned by Evehrn K. Murray, Scale: 1 in = 40 ft, dated Oct., 19613 A. J. Canon -Surveyor R, C -.E. 1161-69, submitted ?November 10, 1961 by 'ay - mond DeVincent; plan enti.tled "Plan Showing Subdivision of Land in Lexin7ton, lass.", Scale: 1 in = 11.0 ft., dated Oct. 1961, Row- land H. Barnes 8- Co., C.F.Is. MINUTES BILL roAms A 11-13-61 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED that the Lexinle*ton Planning* Board determines tr).at the plans accompanying Form A applica- tions #61-65, #61-66, #61-68 and #61-69 do not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plans be so en- dorsed. With regard to application #61-67, it was decided to hold this until it corld be discussed with the Town Counsel. At 8:00 n.m. a public hearing was held .rela- LONGFFLLOW tive to the apn1leation of James F. Farmer for ap- ESTATFS proval of a subdivision to be known as "Longfellow SFC. 2 Estates Section Two Lexington, Mass.", said subdivi- sion consisting. of an extension of ',T-ltti.er Road. for FARMER a distance of arnroximately 800 feet and an exten- sion of Longfellow Road for a distance of anproxi- mately 500 feet. Twel•re persons attended the hear- ing. -2- The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the notice of the same as it had been sent to all owners of property abutting on the nroposed subdi.- , vision and as It had been advertised in the October 26, 1061 issue of the Lexn-f,ton Minute -man. He then explained the nrocedure in conducting the hear - Ing and called unon the subdivider to present his plan. Mr. Farmer stated that he had bought the land formerly owned by Nathan Di_bock of Chelsea and in doing so obtained the Longfellow Estates subdivision plan which he understood had been approved in pre- 1.1.minary form by the Planning Board. (See minutes of Planning Board meeting of November 262 1956.) It was his intention now to proceed with the second section of thed evelopment as shown on the subdi.visi_on plan. He further stated that he was not a house builder so did not intend to erect houses on the twelve lots shown. Mr. Farmer said it was not even his intention to sell the lots until such time as the town sewer was constructed. Mr. Charles E. Parks of 10 Hawthorne Road de- scribed the drainage conditions in the rear of his lot and asked about the drain easement in lot 9 shown on the plan. Mr. Farmer said he was well aware ' of the existing drain problems and pointed out on said plan where a 12 -inch drain pine was to be located 11-13-61 ' to correct the situation. Mr. John T. I'arvell of 131 Burlington Street asked where Lonrrfellow Poad as shown on the plan was planned to go. Mr. Farmer said that his present plans were for the continuation of Longfellow Road as a short dead-end street behind lots 15 and 16. tZr. Stanley J. Solomon of 1 'dhittier Road asked 7-7r, Farmer about blasting of existing ledge from lot 12. Mr. Farmer said he thought the ledge was soft enour-h so that he honed there would be no need of blastinn. He said that if it was necessary to blast every caution would be taken to protect ad- jacent properties, Yrs. Diehard S. Beal of 130 Bur- lington Street asked how much ledge would have to be cut off the lot. Mr. Farmer said he thour^ht that the cut would average three feet in order to bring the lot level with Uhi_ttier Road. Mr. Solomon also asked about details of sewer construction. Mr. Farmer explained that he proposed to construct a dry sewer which was to terminate at a sewer manhole located at the intersection of Haw- thorne and Longfellow Roads. He said that this ' location had been approved by the Superintendent of Public Works. Mr. Farmer said that he understood a lateral to the Town's trunk line sewer to Burling- ton Street would terminate at said intersection. There being no further questions or comments, the Chairman said the definitive subdivision plans would be taken under advisement and declared the hearing closed at 8:30 o.m. At this time Town Counsel Stevens met with the Board which discussed with him the plan accom- panying Form A anplication -461-67. He recommended that the Roard take immediatd steps to obtain an option to acquire frog the Pavtheon Company for the widening of Shade Street the land between the south- westerly side line of said street and the side line as shown on said plan. Read to the Board and discussed with Mr. Stevens was a letter, dated November 13, 1961, from Stephen T. Russ{an to the Planning Board relative to the request of the Greener and Nhiter Trusts to release certain lots in The Grove Section One subdi- vision from provisions of the covenant fit ed as a performance guarantee in connection with said subdi- vision. It was decided to invite Mr. Russian to the next meeting of the Board to discuss the requests of -3- SHADE STREET OPTION RAYTHEON THE GROVF GREFT;EP AND WH TT1? TRUSTS 11-13-61 said trusts in view of the fact that the lots re- quested to be released would leave a continuous pave- ment approximately 1680 feet in length without a guarantee for the nrovision of a second means of access to the subdivision. At 9:15 n.Tn. Mr.Stevens left the meeting and Yr. Edward A. Fritz, Jr. of 1960 Vassachusetts Avenue Lexington, met with the Board. Mr. Fritz, representing the Lexingtor Golf Club LEXINGTON said he had requested an appointment with the Board GOLF CLUB with the view of obtaining from it a recommendation in regard to the parcel of town -owned land located at the intersection of Hill and Cedar Streets, the parcel being also located adjacent to the club's golf course. He said he believed that any nossibili.ty of obtaining from the Board of Selectmen an option to purchase said parcel might be enhanced by a favorable recommendation from the Planning Board. Mr. Fritz also said it was the hope of the officers of the club to obtain an option to buy over a period of years un- less the proposal for the extension of 'dorthen Road across golf club land was vague enough so the club need not concern itself with purchasing town land to replace such golf course land as might be taken for ' the road. He added that it had been estimated that it would cost 120,000 to A30,000 to develop for golf course use the -parcel of town -owned land the club was interested in. A brief review was held of previous discus- sions which had. been held between Mr. Snow or the Plan- ning Board and renresentatives of the Lexington Golf Club. (See minutes of Planning Board meetings of October 31 and November 14P1960.) After the review it was agreed that the Board would take the matter under advisement and inform Mr. Fritz of the Board's view in regard to making a recommendation in regard to the club obtaining an option to acquire the above- described town -owned land. Mr. Fritz left the meeting at 9:40 p.m. at which time Mr. Harvey W. Newgent, real estate broker, and Mr. Joseph R. Corish of Arlington appeared be- fore the Board. Mr. Corish informed the Board that he was the prospective buyer of the lots shown on the plan accomnanving Form A application X61-67. He said that he had found that there was a strip of land owned by the Raytheon Company between the front lot lines shown on said plan and the existing edge of 11-13-61 Shade Street. He -sked the Board not to endorse the plan stating that he would request that plan be corrected. The Board took the matter under ad- visement. Considered next were notices of public hear- ings to be held by the Historic Districts Commis- sion on November 15, 1961. It was decided to take no action on the anpl.ications for certificates of appropriateness to be considered at that time ex- tent to ask a member of the Commission in connection with the Anderson annlication to request that "fir. Anderson take out of his office window the green neon real estate sign. Read to the Board was a letter, dated Novem- ber 10, 1961, from Mr.Donald ?'. Sleeper, Jr., attornev for Kingston Homes, Inc., requesting that the time within which the Board should act on said corporation's annlication for approval of its Manle Street subdivision be extended to allow addi.- ti.onal time for nlan revision and for arrangements for a performance guarantee. Unon motion being duly made and seconded, it was unanimnusly -5- HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION KINGSTON HOMES, INC. SLTBDTVISION PLAN EMERSON GARDENS GARDEN APARTMENTS VOTED: that pursuant to the written request of ' the anplicant the time of annroval of the definitive subdivision plan entitled `Sub- division of Land in Lexinvton, 111ass.t°, dated June 23, 1961, and prepared by Mac- Cartry Lngineering Service, Natick, "lass. be and hereby is extended to and including November 27, 1961. Also read to the Board was a letter, dated November 91 1961, from Mr. Edward T. Martin, attorney for Emerson Gardens Realty Corporation, relative to the site plans for the pronosed Ener - son "ardens garden apartment d evelonment. Mr. Snow reported that he hae referred the site plan to Ts. John J. Carroll, Superintendent of Public ?.forks, for review and that the latter had re- quested that a number of changes be made in the utility section of the plan. Mr.Snow said that he had also requested that the various sheets com- pris;ng the garden apartment district site plan be revised to conform with the Emerson Gardens Sec- tion One definitive subdivision -olan, which had been revised Sentember 15, 1961. He reAorted that ' he understood Mr. Cole was not in the process of .revising said site elan. Mr. Soule reported that on the afternoon of -5- HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION KINGSTON HOMES, INC. SLTBDTVISION PLAN EMERSON GARDENS GARDEN APARTMENTS 11-13-61 -6- ADDEhDLrM November 8, 1961 Planning Board Lexington, Massachusetts Gentlemen: Re: Burnham Farms, Section Five Deference is made to the above subdivision plan dated , April 27, 1960. Please be advised that the work in the above subdivision November 11, 10,61 he had visited Mr. E. Lester Good- GOODRICH LAND rich of 16 Summer Street with the view of explaining ' FOR PUBLIC to him why the xylan he had submitted with Form A RECREATION application #61-Wi required approval under the sub - PURPOSES division control law and also of asking him if he would be interested in selling to Lex_inr-ton for pub- lic recreational purposes a rear portion of his land adjacent to that the Town owned for such use. Mr. Soule said that Mr. Goodrich indicated willingness to sell some of said land provided he could obtain a fair market »rice for his land and could have that nortion which he wanted to retain nroperly protected by a fence. Mr.Soule reported that Mr. Goodrich said he would be willing to meet with the Planning Board to discuss the matter. It was decided that be- fore asking: Mr. Goodrich to do so that the Board ob- tain from Mr. Berglund an opinion as to the fair market value of the rear acreage of the Goodrich land. Attention was called next to Superintendent BURNHAM FARMS of Public ?Works John Carroll's letter of November 8, SEC. 5 1961 to the Planning Board giving evidence that the - required work in the Burnham Farms, Section Five sub - TODD REALTY division had been completed to his satisfaction with the exception of a section of bituminous concrete pavement. It was noted that a co-oy of Mr. Carroll's ' letter had been sent to the Town Counsel in order that he might prepare an agreement as described in said letter (see addendum). After a general discussion of other current matters before the Board, it adjourned its meeting at 10:1!_5 p.m. nobertE, Metier Clerk ADDEhDLrM November 8, 1961 Planning Board Lexington, Massachusetts Gentlemen: Re: Burnham Farms, Section Five Deference is made to the above subdivision plan dated , April 27, 1960. Please be advised that the work in the above subdivision 11-13-61 Me ' has been completed to my satisfaction wits between the exception Station 12 + 75 of the bituminous concrete having on Burroughs Road and the intersection of Thoreau Road. As you may remember, in my letters to you of May 1'" and 16, 1061 to the Todd Realty, Tnc., conies of which were sent to ,you, this pavement was done without the approval of this department. Tt was subsequently agreed that Todd Realty, Inc, would withhold "2,000.00 from their payment to the contractor for this work and would nost this check wits the Town as security for any repaving that I mi_pht feel should be done within a period of one year fr-m the date of the bond re- lease. The check, mace out to the Town of Lexinr-ton, was sent to me anc I turned it over to Harold Stevens so that he could draw the necessary agreement. Very truly ,yours, /sl John J. Carroll, Supt. of Public ?forks JJC/ccd Town Engineer cc: H.7'.Stevens 1