HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-10-16PLA^TnIIT,Tn BOAnP T_ 77,TTYG October 16, 1961 At 7:30 n.m. on Monday, October 16, 1961, the Planning Board held a regular meeting in its office in the Town Office Building. Present were Chai.rmon °:oule, members Bryson, Grindle, Mabee and Me7er. . The Board approved the minutes of its meet- MINUTES ing of .Sentember 11, 1961. The Board annroved for na77ment the following bills which had been nresented: Minute -man Publica- 13TLLS tions, Inc., advertising-- 28.17: Frederiak A. Peterson R• non, masonite Panel --A 9.00; Colonial Sun -017 Co., office sunnli.es--6,16.00; H. B. McArdle, office sunnlies--`3.85. Considered next were the follo*,Tine? Form A annlications for determination of Planning Board Jurisdiction: 161-60, submitted October 5, 1961 by Anne M, Shanahan; elan entitled "Plan of Lots in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 301, dated June 14, 19 1, Miller & `Tylander, C.E.'s p Su.rvetrors. #61-612 submitted October 10, 1961 fnr 'Tilliam Hetherington by Donald E. Legro; plan entitl-d "PIan of Land in Lexinp,ton, Mass.'', Scale: 1" _ !10', dated June 23, 19611 i°T` ller f Nylander, C.T'. 1 s & Surveyors. Upon motion dull- made and seconded, it was unanimousl-r VOTED: that the T,exington Planning Board deter- mines that the plans accompanying Form a anplicat'ons 1461-60 and #61-61 do not re- quire apnroval under the Subdivision Con- trol Law, and that ssid nlans be so endorsed. FORMS A Attention was called to a letter, dated October 10, 1961, in reply to the Plann4nj7 Board's CAPPOLL LOT letter of October 2, 1961 (see minutes of the Plan- FOR PZTBLIC ning Board meeti_nr� of October 2) rRlative to the RECREATION acquisition of Lot 15, Bloclr 13 in the Meagher- PUPPOSES ville subdivision. In the letter from the Select- men the Planning Poard was informed that the Board 10-16-61 -2- of Selectmen voted at its meeting on October 9 to exercise the option which the Planning Board had , obtained on behalf of tI-e Town from Miss Helen E. Carroll. Mr. Soule read a letter he had received COMMUNITY from Mr. Mark Moore, Jr. inviting members of the GROWTH Board and. the Planning Director to attend as his CONFFRENTCE guests the Community Growth Conference sponsored br the Home Builders Association of Massachusetts. Mr. Soule was asked to thank Mr. Moore for his invitation and to inform him that no member of the Board or Mr. Snow could attend the conference having previous engagements on the day of the conference, October 31$ or not being; able to be away from work. Mr. Snow called attention to the notice which M.F.P.B. had been received of the fall meeting of the Massa- MFET T_^?G chusetts Federation of Planning Boards to be held on November 4s 1961. Exhibited to the Board was the completely CARY ACRES corrected definitive plan of the Cary Acres Sec - SEC. 3 tion Three subdivision together with prints on - cloth for filing. The Board endorsed the original CARY REALTY and conies requesting that '.-Ir. Snow give them to TRZTST ' the Town Counsel for filing in the Land Registra- tion Office at such time as he received from the Cary; Realtor Trust a pronerly executed grant of easements in said subdivision to the Town of Lex- ington. Considered next was the annlication of Mr. TTLLINGHAST and Mrs. Tillinghast for approval of a subdivision SUBDIVISION of tre nronerty numbered 17 Adams Street. A letter, dated. October 13, 1961, from the Board of Health to the Planning Board was noted, said letter setting forth Board of Health approval of the definitive plan. Referring to a letter, dated September 25s 19611 from the Lexington Superintend- ent of Public Works to the Ilanning Board in regard to said subdivision, it was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED: that the untitled definitive subdivision plan, dated June 12, 1961, prenared by Albert A. Miller and Wilbur C. Nylander, civil engineers and survevors, Lexington, Mass., which was submitted to the Board by Robert O. and Anne R. Tillinghast on August 21, 10612 accompanied by an application for approval of definitive elan, Form C, dated , August 103 1961, be and hereby is disanproved 10-16-61 for the following reasons: 1. that the applicant has not submitted a performance guarantee in accordance with the T exi nr°ton Subdivision Rules and Regulations; 2. that the pro -nosed road lacks detail in regard to the walls and driveway of the ?,lhittemore house and the center line profile of said road from station 0+00 to 1+50 arrears to be steeper on the plan than existirg conditions on the ground; (as drawn the-)ro£ile does not conform to the Lexin?ton Subdivision Rules and Regulations) and 3. that sewer, sewer easements and catch basin details need to be revised. In regard to nronosed rezoning of the former Rinaldo land at the southwesterly quadrant of State Routes 2A and 126,TTr. Snow requested that the Board desimnate all the nroperty deemed to b e affected by the proposal so that he mir*ht have a list of owners compiled for the rurnose of mailing a copy of the notice of the hearing regarding said Proposal as it was advertised in the October 12 Issue of the Lexington Minute -man. in addition to all abutting property owners, it was decided that those on the southwesterly side of Marrett Road Ps far as Massachusetts Avenue should be notified as well as all those in the area bounded by Marrett Road, Massachusetts Avenue and Route 126. In connection with the conference the Board held with Yr. Antonio Busa and son relative to the proposed Green Vallev Section Seven subdivision (see minutes of September 11, 1061 Planning Board meeting), Mr. Snow exhibited a sketch he had pre- pared of the Circle Road la7out and lotting as shown on L. C. plan No. 6607, the relationship of Circle ?oad to existing streets in the neighbor- hood and the ownership of lots on Circle `?oac. Mr. Snow then gave a renort of findings in regard to values of lots on said road, suggesting that the Planning Board recommend to the Selectmen that all town -owned lots on Circle Road be sold to Mr. Busa providing (1) that he agree to complete the con- struction of said road to town snecifications, (2) that he agree to purchase said lots at a fair market value and (3) that said lots be combined for building nurnoses into not more than seven PROPOSED C 3 DISTRICT RIMALDO C. C. ?- F. GREEN VALLEY SEC. 7 BUSA CIRCLE ROAD TAX TITLE LOTS !o-16-61 house lots. Mr. Snow was asked to nrenare for the ' Planning Board's consideration a draft of a letter to the Board of Selectmen setting forth a complete set of recommendations in regard to this case. Mr. Mabee suggested that attempts be made on GR''AT an individual and informal basis to discuss with MEADOWS representatives in Arlington the possible acquisi- tion by Lexin7ton of the Great Meadows. Mr. Tiabee was asked to discuss this matter with individuals of the Lexington Board of Selectmen and if they approved of such action to make arrangements wherein he and Mr. Snow could discuss with Arlington eiti- zens interested in the Great Meadows exploratory talks, first of all about ways and means of preserv- Ing the Meadows as a natural area. From 5:h5 to 9:20 n.m. Town Counsel Stevens BOARD OF net with the Board. First discussed was the Plan - APPEALS ning Board's letter of October 10 to the Board of Appeals and Mr. Ni_ckerson's reply of October 13, 1961 in regard to a joint discussion of problems concerning subdivision Control Law jurisdiction and variances. At the same time the Board discussed correspondence of said dates in regard to the Sanger netiti_on heard b -,r the Board of Appeals on October 10. (See minutes of Planning Board meeting of October 9, 101-A.) It was decided that in order to avoid any further confusion of the matters involved that arrangements be race for a joint meeting of both boards at a time the Town Counsel could be present. Discussed also with Mr.Stevens was the EMEPSON apblication of Mr. Martin, Trustee, for a determina- GARDET•S tion by the Board of Anpeals under Section 5 (a) APARTM717S of the Zoning By-law in regard to the Emerson Gar- dens apartments to be located nn Prierson load at Manle Street. ',Then It was pointed out that neither the Emerson Gardens Sectior One definitive sub- division creating T_�nerson Road was not ready for recording and that all land within Lot 17 on said elan, the garden apartment district, had not as yet been acquired by the applicant, the Town Counsel stated that without this acquisition the use of the site might not constitute a desirable develonment in the neighborhood. He also said that the Planning Board's report to the Board of Appeals might recommend favorable action on the application contingent upon the recording of the definitive subdivision plan and. the acquisition by the applicant of all the land in the apartment district. ' From 9:20 p.m, to the end of the meeting the Planning ?hoard met with Chairman Donald P. moves, 10-16-51 Mrs. r chard '', Souza and A'r. Royer L. LonrleR of the Capital rxnenditures Committee to review cast esti- mates of canital outlays concerning which the Plan- ni.ng Board had direct Interest. The only recommenda- tion the roard made for a change in previous estimates was that "5",000 ner gear be set aside for the next five ?-ears for the acquisition and development of lands for recreational nu rnoses. The Committee was informed also that the Board was of the opinion that 150,000 rer rear be set aside for the next five years for the acquisition of land for street nurnoses and comrensat- ing developers for partial construction costs of sec- tions of-7-nerso- and 'Torti,en Rrads. The i7joard adjourned its meetinrn at 10:45 r,m, Robert E. Mever, Clerk 1 1 CAPITAL EXPENTDI- TURES C OYMTT TEE