HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-10-02PLANNING BOARD MF,'FTING ' October 2, 1961 On Monday, October 2, 1961 at 7:30 p.m. the Lexington Planning Board held a regular meeting in Its office in the Town Office Building. Present were Chairman Soule, members Grindle, Mabee and Meyer, and Planning Bisector Snow. The Board approved the minutes of its Sep- tember 5 and 9, 1961 Planning Board meetings. Considered next were the following Form A applications for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #61-52, submitted Sept. 27, 1961 by Alfred J. Medaglia, Atty. for Francesco Trano; Alan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 40's dated Sept. 5, 1961, Miller & Nylanders C.E.'s & Surveyors. #61-53, submitted September 27, 1961 for Marion B. Steeves, by Richard H. Lee, Attv. plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, ' Mass.`', Scale: l" = 20's dated Aug. 18, 1961, R. S. Slayter, Reg. Land Surveyor. #61-54s submitted October 2, 1961 by Oscar W. Carlson; plan of land entitled it of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 401, dated Sept. 28, 1961, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #61-55, submitted October 2, 1961 by Turn- ing Mill Associates, Inc., Eugene C. Roberts III, Pres.; plan entitled "Plan of Revised Lots Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 401, dated Sept. 28, 1961, Miller & Nylander,C.E.'s & Surveyors. It was decided to withhold action on appli- cation #61-54 until the plan accompanying the same could be discussed with the Town Counsel. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board deter- mines that the plans ' accompanying Form A apolications #61-52, #61-53 and 01-55 do not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plans be so en- dorsed. MINUTES FORMS A 10-2-61 -2- C 1 1 Mr. Snow reported that there was noWIn hand MARRETT a grant to the Town of easements in the Marrett Gar - GARDENS dens, Section Two subdivision, said instrument hav- SEC. 2 ing been executed by Mr, and Mrs. Grigor on October - 2, 1961. All matters appearing to be in order, the GRIGOR Board endorsed the definitive plan of said subdivi- sion. Mr. Snow was requested to give the original and duplicate prints on cloth of said plan to the Town Counsel for registering and recording together with the original and duplicate of said grant. Mr. Snow also reported that there had been re - EMERSON ceived from the Fherson Gardens Realty Corp. an exe- GARD'ENS cuted covenant, dated September 21, 19612 as security SEC. 1 for the_nerformance of the obligations of the sub- divider in the 7merson Gardens, Section One subdivi- EMERSON sion. All matters appearing to be In order, upon HARDENS motion duly made, and seconded, it was unanimously REALTY CrRP. VOTED: that the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Emerson Gardens Section One Lexington, Mass.tt, dated September 12, 19602 revised September 15, 1961s which was submitted to the Board by 7merson Gardens Realty Corporation on August 7, 1961 accompanied by an application for approval of definitive plan, Form C, dated August 4, 1861, be and hereby is approved. The attention of the Board was called to the LAND FOR Town Counsel's letter of September 29, 1961 to the PUBLIC Planning Director with reference to the option exe- RECREATION cuted September 28, 1961 on behalf of the Town from PURPOSES Miss Helen F. Carroll to purchase Lot 15 in Block - 13 of the so-called Meagherville subdivision. The CARROLL Board approved the draft of a letter to the Board of Selectmen requesting it to exercise the option on or before October 2L, 1961. (See addendum.) With reference to the Planning Board's in- HENNESSY terest in h aving the Town acquire for public re- creational purposes the Mary A.Hennessy land at the end of Robinson Road, there was read to the oard a letter, dated September 151 1961, from the Chairman of the Town Recreation Committee to the Planning Director recommending that every effort be made to acquire said land. (See addendum.) Mr. Snow presented for the Board's consideration the draft of a letter addressed to Mr. Jaquith, attor- C 1 1 10-2-61 ney for Mrs. Hennessy, setting forth the Board's ' proposal for acquiring her land. (See minutes of Planning Board meeting of September 9s 1961.) The Board annroved the draft which was signed by the Chairman. (See addendum.) Consideration was given to a memorandum, dated Sentember 19, 19611 from the Board of Select- men stating that the Director of Civil Defense had requested that all Town Departments prepare a com nrehensive and detailed plan of what each depart- ment and the individuals in each department would take upon receipt of a Civil Defense Attack Warn- ing_. There was anoroved a draft of a reply in which it was stated that it was the Planning Board's opinion that because of the particular nroblems In- volved the Director of Civil Defense and his staff should nrepare such a plan and that the Board would be willing to cooperate in any way in the prepara- tion of said plan. The Board's attention was called to a letter of September 27, 1961 from Mr. John Christoforo, attorney for Countryside, Inc., enclosing a fee for a public hearing to be held relative to the petition of said corporation for rezoning addi- tional ddi- tonal land of the corporation from single family residential use to local business use. (See min- utes of September 1.R3 1g61 Planning Board meet- ing.) Mr. Snow was asked to prepare for the Town Counsel's annroval an advertisement for such a hearing which the Board scheduled for November 15, 1961. The attention of the Board was also called to notices of hearings to be held by the Historic Districts Commission on nctober 3, 1961. It was decided to take no action on the applications for certificates of appropriateness to be considered on said date. The attention of the Board was likewise called to a letter, dated September 18, 1961s from the Executive Director of the State Mass Transportation Commission to 11'a70rs and Chairmen of Boards of Selectmen in the Greater Boston Region asking that a committee of three repre- sentatives from each commun;ty be created to assist the Commission in undertaking a compre- hensive survey of all plans for transportation, ' land use, economic development and related matters in said region. It was noted that one representa- tive of the local committee would be the chairman or a member of the Planning Board. -3- CIVIL DEFENSE COUNTRYSIDE REZONING PROPOSAL HISTORIC DISTP?CTS COMMISSION STATE MASS TRANSPORTA- TION COMMISSION 10-2-61 -4- Town Counsel Stevens met with the Board ' M 1 - C 3 from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. to discuss its proposed DISTRICTS amendments to the Zoning By-law with particular REZONTNG reference to the proposed expansion of the exist- PFOPOSAL Ing M 1 district. Mr. Stevens informed the Board of his opinion of the nroposals stating that he believed they needed substantial revisions before beim considered at a public hearing. He recom- mended that the Board retain the services of a former Town Counsel to study the nroposals in more detail and assist the Board in preparing a revised draft of the same for the reason that he, Mr. Stevens, could not devote time to the matters be- cause of other pressing town work in which he was engaged. The Board authorized Mr. Stevens to ob- tain the services of a lawyer to assist the Board. Mr. Stevens next discussed with the Board PROPOSED a proposed amendment he had drafted with the ZONING assistance of Mr. Snow with reference to nermit- AMENDMENT ting fall -out or blast shelters to be constructed - within front, side and rear yards of lots. The FALL-OTJT Board approved the draft to be included in the SHELTERS warrant for the next special town meeting. After Mr. Stevens left the meeting the Board , CAPY REALTY considered a letter of September 22, 1961 from the TRTTST Cary Realty Trust submitting for approval the name - ''Anthony Robert Road" for the nronosed way in the CARY ACRES Cary Acres Section Three subdivision. The Board SEC. 3 also considered and approved the draft of a reply to said trust setting forth the Board's reasons for disapproving said name and suggesting the name PhInney Road. (See addendum.) Prior to meeting with the Board of Select- STREE7.' men the Planning Board considered next a letter, ACCEPTANCFS dated September 271 1961s from the Executive Clerk of the Board of Selectmen giving notice of a publie hearing to be held on October 11 to consider for presentation at the next special town meeting the following streets: Without betterments - Worthen Road from Waltham Street a distance of 100 feet northerly on the westerly side; Worthen Road. from Cambridge -Concord Highway (Route 2) a distance of 275 feet, more or less, northerly; Station Way from Edison Way to municipal parking area a distance of 78 feet, more or less, northerly. Under Better- ment Act - Summit Road from near Pinewood Street, a stance of 700 feet, more or less, southerly to Fern Street; Buckman Drive from existing Buckman Drive a distance of 235 feet, more or less, southerly to More- 10-2-61 ' land Avenue. The Planning Board considered also a letter and an accompanying sketch from the State De- partment of Public �-Iorks to the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, said letter being dated September 15, 1961 and havinrr reference to the Town's proposal to construct a portion of Worthen Road. to Route 2. The Planning Board then attended the meeting of the Board of Selectmen with Mr. Stevens to discuss said letters and zoning matters. At said joint meeting the Selectmen were told that it was the Planning Board's opinion that the Selectmen should hold a special town meeting for all the various articles proposed with the exception of the zoning amendments which the Planning Board was considering for an expanded M 1 - C 3 district west- erly of Route 128. Mrs. Morey then read a letter, dated October 2, 1961, from Cabot, Cabot and Forbes to both the Board of Selectmen and Planning Board re- questing that an article be placed in the warrant to rezone the so-called Rinaldo land to C 3 use. It was agreed to do this. -5- WORTHEN ROAD PR OP OSED C 3 DISTRICT REZONrTG R INALDO C.C.& F. With reference to the proposed street layouts set forth above, the Planning Board agreed to have WORTHEN representatives present at the hearing to be held by ROAD the Board of Selectmen on October 11. With reference to the State Department of Public Works proposal for Worthen Road and a con- nection to State Route 2 as set forth in the letter of September 11�2 1961 as noted above, Mr. Soule re- ported that the Tlanning Board was not in favor of all the elan as presented. It was agreed that Mr. Carroll and Mr. Snow together with the chairmen of both the Board of Selectmen and Planning Board arrange to meet with representatives of the State Department of Public ',forks to discuss the matter further. The Planning Board returned to its meeting at 11:20 p.m. (For further details concerning the joint meeting of said boards, see minutes of the October 2, 1961 meeting of the Board of Selectmen.) The Board discussed further the problems of PROPOSED C 3 zoning and subdivision control ih connection with DISTRICT development of the former Rinaldo property owned by REZONING Lexington Office Center Trust, a subsidiary of Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Co. It was decided that the Chairman RINALDO should write to said company asking_ if its repre- - sentatives still wished to proceed with the zoning C.C.& F. of said Pinaldo property in spite of the problems 10-2-61 -6- of having only one means of access to it over a dead-end street no longer than five hundred feet. (See addendum.) The Board adjourned Its meeting at 11:45 o.m. Robert E. Meyer, Clerk ADDENDUM October 2, 1961 Board of Selectmen Town Office Building Lexington 73, Massa Dear Madam and ('gentlemen: Attached herewith is a copy of an option which has been obtained on behalf of the Town from Miss Helen E. Carroll to acquire Lot 15 in Block 13 of the so-called Meagher - Ville property. As will be noted, the option price is Al and the p-urchase price tlOO. The Board recommends th#t the lot be acquired as oart of the parcel to be used for future playground and recrea- tional purposes and requests the Board of Selectmen to exercise the option on or before October 24, 1961. Tt is understood from the Town Counsel that the title to the property is so confused that he proposes to recommend that the propertbe taken by eminent domain and the anreed price of hOO be paid thereafter in return for a confirmatory deed from Miss Carroll with a release of all damages from the taking. Tt is understood further that the amount to be paid for the lot is too small to justify the time and effort that would be spent in trying to straighten out the title in any other way. Sincerely ,yours, LEXTN sTOTT PLANNTY(7, BOAPD F.ne. /s/ Richard H. Soule, Chairman 1 1 1 10-2-61 -7- September lc�, 1961 Mr. Samuel P. Snow Planning Director Town Office Building Lexington 73, Massachusetts Dear Sam: In reply to your letter of June 27, the Recreation Committee recommends that the Town acquire the ten -acre parcel of Hennessy land for playground nurposes. As you realize, there is very little land in this section of Town for such purposes. The Estabrook School grounds are only large enough for one softball diamond; we have a great demand for baseball diamonds --both junior and senior. The land and hillside below so-called Mounta;n Road and the paint Mine area should be kept in their natural wooded condition for winter sports and for a limited amount of camping and pic- nicking use in summer. After viewing the Hennessy parcel now in pasture, it appears that with very little Prading and work it could be made readily available for ball fields, tennis courts, and other recreational facilities. A parking area could be located on ' this land just opposite the school grounds to serve the play- ground and the proposed winter sports area. The stable, which we understand is available for sale, could be moved away from the Hennessy residence and easily converted to a temporary headquarters for a recreation staff and for an arts and crafts program during the summer, for housing play- ground and maintenance equipment, and for a warming shelter for winter snorts. The Committee understands from you that there is a possi- bility that arrangements can be ma.de now to acquire at a later date the remainder of the Hennessy property consist- ing of a four -acre parcel and residence. in arrangement like this would ensure the acquisition of the additional land needed to complete the major Grove Street -Turning Mill Road recreational area providing additional playground space and a permanent building for some of the activities men- tioned above. From a long-range standpoint we are inter- ested in your suggestion that after Mrs. Hennessy is no longer interested in her residence, it could be utilized as a headquarters for a trailside museum to serve a ,year -around nature educational program for children and adults. 1:41th these points in mind, the Recreation Committee recom- mends that every effort be made to acquire now the ten -acre parcel of Hennessy land and to make arrangements to acquire in the future the remaining four -acre parcel and residence. Sincerely yours, /sl Richard S. Sparrow, Chairman 10-2-61 10 October 2, 1961 ' Mr. Wilbur M. Jaquith Goodwin, Proctor R- Roar, 84 State Street Boston 9, ^4ass. Re: Hennessy Land Dear :^li lbur : After meeting with ,you and Mrs. Hennessy on July 10 the Planning Board has had an independent appraisal made of the 10.02 -acre parcel of Mrs. Mary A. Hennessy land including the stable, costs o£ developing the parcel, moving the stable, and related matters. The Board has been informed that as of September 51 1961 the fair market value of said parcel is `61500 per acre, and of the stable x'1200 if it has to be moved or 13000 if it does not have to be moved. If Mrs. Hennessy would be willing to sell said parcel to the Town and to sell the stable also with the stipulation that the stable be left where it is and with the further stipulation that the Town would agree not to use the stable for a -period of years, the Board makes Mrs. Hennessy an offer of 1,18,000 for the 10.02 -acre parcel and the stable situated thereon. ' The Board is still interested in entering into some sort of an agreement now to acquire at a later date the 4.11 -acre lot and Hennessy residence for future public recreational purposes. The Board bas not had anv indication as vet as to whether or not Mrs. Hennessy would be interested in sell- ing her lot and residence to the Town after she is no longer interested in it and for this reason has not employed anyone to make an independent appraisal of said lot and residence. The Board would very much like to hear from you in regard to its offer and to discuss further the matter of acquisition of the Hennessy premises. `_Tours very truly, LF7TN sT()"' PLAN NTNG BOARD /s/ Richard H. Soule, Chairman October 2, 1961 Mr. Joseph T'. Spinelli, , 25 Moulton Street Cambridge 383 Mess. Dear Mr. Spinelli: 10-2-61 -a- In reply to vour letter of September 22, 1961 the Planning Board is very' much in sympathy with ,your suggestion of naming the new street in the Cary Acres Section 3 subdivi- sion "Anthony Robert Road." However, it is the policy of the Board not to approve any new street name which dupli- cates an existing street name. As nerhap's you know, there Is already in existence in Lexinfton an 4nthon7 Road. There are also several street names beginning with the nreface "Rob" such as Robbins Road, Robbins Avenue and ?obinson Road. It has also been the policy of the Board insofar as nos -sable to name streets after residents and events connected with the early settling of Lexinfton and the early Revolu- tionary period. Such a person was Elias Phinney, one of the best-known men in town around the year 1787 and who lived on Shade Street at what was known as Kelsey Ranch. Unless there are very serious objections to the name the 'Manning Board intends to name the new street in your sub- division "Phinney poad.' "ours very trul', LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Richard H. Soule, Chairman October 3, 1061 Cabot, Cabot F- Forbes, 60 State Street Boston, Mass. Attn: Mr. Daniel "heeler Dear Mr. ',Jheeler: At its joint meeting last night the Boar d of Selectmen anO nlannin7 Board decided to proceed with the nronosed rezoning of the so-called "Rinaldo" prorerty on Marrett Road, Lexinr*ton. 'fe want to call to your attention again the problems of locating a second access to the nroperty and the fact that the nrorerty will have to be developed under the Subdivision Control Law which allows a one -access road of onl7T 500 feet in from the street. If ,you ?re willing to halTe us rroceed with the nronosed re- zoning with the above, limitations in mind, would you kindly write to the Planning Board stating ,your willingness of attempting to develop the land under these restrictions. Yours ver? truly, LEX7N TTO7 PLANTING T30APD Is/ Richard N. Soule, Chairman