HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-09-05PLANNING BOARD MEETING
September 51 1961
A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning
Board was held in the office of the Board, Town Office
Building, on Tuesdays September 51 19612 at 7:35 p.m.
Present were Chairman Soule, members Bryson, Grindle,
Mabee and Meyers and Planning Director Snow.
The Board approved the minutes of its August
21s 1961 meeting.
Approved also by the Board was the payment of
the following bills: Century Paper Co.s Inc.,
drafting supplies --$4.85; Minute -man Publications,
Inc., advertising -.$4.90; Graphic Reproductions,
Inc., white prints -6.17; Samuel P. Snow, car allow-
ance for Augusts 1961--$20.00; H. B. McArdle, office
supplies --13.20. **See page 9.
Notices for hearings to be held by the Histor-
ic Districts Commission on September 7, 1961 were
considered. It was decided to take no action in re-
gard to the applications to be heard.
Considered also were notices of petitions to
be heard by the Board of Appeals on September 5 and
19, 1961. It was decided to take no action in re-
gard to said petitions.
A letter of September 5, 1961 to the Plan-
ning Board from Mr. Adam Grigor was reads said
letter requesting that there be extended to and in-
cluding September 11, 1961 the time within which
the Board must take final action on his application
for approval of the Marrett Gardens, Sec. 2 defini-
tive subdivision plan in order to give him addition-
al time to complete bonding arrangements with the
Town Counsel. Upon motion duly made, and seconded,
it was unanimously
VOTED: that pursuant to the written request of the
applicant the time of approval of the defini-
tive subdivision plan entitled Marrett
Gardens, Section Two Lexingtons Mass."s
dated May 12, 1961, be and hereby is extended
to and including September 11s 1961.
' At 8:05 p.m. the Board held a public hearing
relative to the application for arproval of a sub -
SM. 2
division of the property of Emerson Gardens Realty
EMERSON Corporation to be known as "Emerson Gardens Section '
GARDENS One Lexington, Mass.", situated southeasterly of
SEC. 1 Maple Street and bounded in part by said street,
land now or formerly of the Town of Arlington, Lex -
EMERSON ington Development Company, Lex -wood Poultry Farms,
GARNERS Inc., and Paul R. and Gertrude Welch. Six persons
REALTY attended the hearing including Mr. Edward T. Martin,
CORP. attorney for said corporation.
The Chairman opened the hearing by reading a
notice of the same as it had been sent to all abut-
ting property owners and as it had been published in
the August 17, 1961 issue of the Lexington Minute-
man. He then explained the procedure to be followed
in conducting the hearing and called upon Mr. Martin
to present the plan.
Mr. Martin said that for the sake of brevity
he would only point out the main elements of the
plan, then answer any questions members of the Plan-
ning Board might have.. He noted that the plan con-
sisted of a section of Emerson Road which was con-
nected to -the Lowell Estates subdivision with a short
section of Bryant Road as previously requested by the
Planning Board. (See minutes of February 27, 1961 '
Planning Board meeting.) He also noted that there
was an A 1 district on the westerly side of 1herson
Road and 9 lots on the easterly side of said road
between Maple Street and Bryant Road.
Mr. Meyer inquired about Bryant Road,'side
lines being shown on the plan as dash lines. It was
pointed out that said side lines should be shown as
solid continuous lines and would be corrected.
There being no further questions or comments,
the chairman asked those attending the hearing for an
indication of whether or not they were in favor of
approval of the plan. Five indicated they were in
favor of the plan being approved; no one indicated
opposition to approval. Thereupon, the chairman de-
clared the hearing closed at 8;10 p.m, stating that
the plan would be taken under advisement.
Mr. Snow called attention to a letter of
LOWELL August 14, 1961 to the Planning Board from Mr.Carroll,
ESTATES Supt. of.Public Yorks, setting forth evidence of
satisfactory performance of a portion of the work
WESTCHESTER to be completed in the Lowell Estates subdivision.
ESTATES, (See addendum.) Mr. Snow reported that after fol- ,
INC. lowing the procedure outlines by the Town Counsel he
had prepared for the Board's consideration votes for
At 8:30 p.m. the Board held a public hear-
ing relative to the application of The Whiter & THE GROVE,
The Greener Trust for aonroval of a definitive SEC. 1
subdivision plan entitled "The Grove Section One
Lexington, Mass.", said subdivision to be located METTER &
on the former McDevitt farm situated between Bur- GREENER
lington Street, Grove Street, and the northern TRUST
circumferential nignway (Route 128). Approxi-
mately 36 persons attended the hearing.
After discussing the procedure to be fol-
lowed in conducting the hearings the chairman
read the notice of the hearing as it had been
mailed to each abutting property owner as shown
' on the subdivision plan and as the notice had
been published in the August 17, 1961 issue of
the Lexington Minute -man. He then called upon
releasing certified checks held as security for com-
pletion of certain work in a subdivision. All
matters appearing to be in order, upon motior being
duly made and seconded, it was unanimously
VOTED: to return to Westchester Estates Inc. its
check for 13250.00 that secured the perform-
ance by said corporation of its agreement
with the Town, dated July 25, 1 960, to com-
plete the installation and construction of
the ways and services to serve lots numbered
1, 2s 5s 6s 15, 34. 43s 441 45, 46, 46s 48s
4.9, 50, 51 and 52 in the subdivision en-
titled "Lowell Estates Lexington, Mass.",
dated December 90 1958•
VOTED: to return to Westchester Estates, Inc. its
check for $2600.00 that secured the perform-
ance by said corporation of its agreement
with the Towns dated April 3s 1961, to com-
plete the installation and construction of
the ways and services to serve lots numbered
7, 16 and 31 in the subdivision entitled
"Lowell Estates Lexington, Mass.", dated
December 91 1958.
Mr. Snow also called to the Board's atten-
tion a memorandum, dated August 25s 1961 and ad-
dressed to him, from the Supt. of Public Works
and Mr. Snow's letter of reply of September 5 in
regard to access to the new refuse disposal area
southeasterly of Hartwell Avenue and southwesterly
of the Boston x, Maine Railroad tracks. (See adden-
At 8:30 p.m. the Board held a public hear-
ing relative to the application of The Whiter & THE GROVE,
The Greener Trust for aonroval of a definitive SEC. 1
subdivision plan entitled "The Grove Section One
Lexington, Mass.", said subdivision to be located METTER &
on the former McDevitt farm situated between Bur- GREENER
lington Street, Grove Street, and the northern TRUST
circumferential nignway (Route 128). Approxi-
mately 36 persons attended the hearing.
After discussing the procedure to be fol-
lowed in conducting the hearings the chairman
read the notice of the hearing as it had been
mailed to each abutting property owner as shown
' on the subdivision plan and as the notice had
been published in the August 17, 1961 issue of
the Lexington Minute -man. He then called upon
Mr. Stephen T. Russian, attorney for the appli-
oant, to present and discuss said plan.
Mr. Russian pointed out that the proposed sub-
division consisted of 27 lots fronting on four roads,
all at present unnamed. He stated that the first
would begin at Grove Street and be oriented in a
northeasterly and then northerly direction. He noted
that the second road consisted of a short cul-de-sac
located northerly of lots 11 and 12 as shown on the
plan. Mr. Russian also noted that the third proposed
street um uld begin at Burlington Street and would be
oriented in a northerly direction. He then pointed
out that the first and third streets would connect to
a proposed section of anintra-town road, namely,
Enerson Road, Mr. Russian concluded his presentation
by stating that the over-all plan followed one pre-
viously studied by the Planning Board.
Numerous and oftentimes similar questions were
asked by those attending the hearing. Typical ques-
tions and replies ars-summarized as follows:
Mr. Walter G. Hatch of 33 Grove Street and
Mr. James M. gest of 135 Simonds Road asked about
sewers in the subdivision. They were told that '
there would be a sewer in each street and that the
proposed town trunk line sewer would be located in
part in Emerson Road. Mr.Benjamin Keith of 138
Burlington Street asked about the trunk sewer loca-
tion in relationship to Burlington Street. The Board
having only general knowledge of this matter referred
him to the Lexington Superintendent of Public Works.
Mr. Earl M. Cleaves of 19 Grove Street spoke
about a drainage problem caused by surface runoff
onto his lot from a culvert under Grove Street creat-
ing a continual wet spot located in the southeasterly
corner of said lot. He wished to know if the grading
of the road adjacent to his lot would increase the
drainage problem on the lot and if drains in the pro-
posed road would eliminate said wet spot. Tt was
stated that this matter would be called to the atten-
tion of the Supt. of Public Works when the subdivision
plan was referred to him for approval.
Mr. Arthur A. Therrian of 22 Grove Street
asked what could be done to take care of surface
runoff which flowed through his property from
Kineen Park to Mr. Cleaves' clot. Mr. Donald G.
Winters of 10 Grove Street wanted to be assured '
that there would not be more surface water accumu-
lating in his front lard each spring. Both indi-
vidttals were told that the drainage problems they
discussed should be referred to the Supt. of Public
Works since Grove Street was a public way and out-
side the proposed subdivision.
Mr. Charles A. Butte and Mrs. Richard S.
Beal of 116 and 130 Burlington Street respectively#
wished to know about the extension points of Peter-
son Road and its nroposed location. The chairman
stated that Fbierson Road would extend from Grove
Street over the proposed location shown on the sub-
division plan to Hawthorne Road and then to Adams
Street, connecting to the Oxisting section of Ener -
soft Road between Adams and East Streets and from
there continuing across Woburn and Maple Streets
and Massachusetts Avenue.
Mr. Merrill F. Norlin of 118 Burlington
Street called attention to hazardous conditions
existing on Burlington Street, particularly during
the winter months, and what he considered would be
an increase in hazards created by the intersection
of a proposed subdivision street and a curved sec-
tion of Burlington Street.
' A number of objections were made to the name
of the subdivision, the architecture of the rest-
dences the subdivider had already constructed at
the corner of Grove and Burlington Streets# to the
lack of landscape planting around some residences,
and to the removal of trees now screening Route 128
from Burlington street. To the remarks made in re-
gard to these matters, it was pointed out that the
only jurisdiction the Planning Board had over a
proposed subdivision was the location and design of
the streets within the subdivision.
Mr. Robert H. Moulton of 146 Burlington Street
asked about possible access to his landfrom Emerson
Road. It was suggested that he discuss this matter
with the subdivider.
Mr. Leonard M. Lansky of 112 Burlington Street
Lhquired about the length of time it would take to
complete the work in the subdivision. Mr. Viite of
the Trust estimated that the development would take
two and one-half or three years to complete.
At the close of the hearing the chairman
asked those present for an expression of opinion in
regard to approving the plan as presented. Six per-
sons indicated they were in favor of approving said
plan; twenty-five persons indicated they were opposed '
to approval. Thereupon, the chairman closed the hear-
ing at 9:30 p.m. stating that the plan would be taken
under advisement.
The Board considered next the application of
BURNS ROAD George Derderian for tentative approval of a prelimi-
EXTENSION nary subdivision lan consisting of an extension of
Burns Road. Mr. now reported that he had referred
DERDERIAN the plan to Mr. Carroll, Lexington's Supt. of Public
Works, for an opinion. Mr. Snow then read a letter,
dated August 23, 1961, which he had received from Mr.
Carroll. Upon consideration of Mr. Carroll's letters
it was moved, seconded, and unanimously
VOTED: that the preliminary subdivision plan entitled
"Preliminary Plan of Subdivision Burns Road
Extension Lexington, Massachusetts," dated
August 3s 1961s submitted on August 18, 1961
to the Board by George Derderian, be and here-
by is disapproved for the following reasons:
(a) No water main is shown on the plan. (A
water main must be connected to the existing
main in Marlboro Road.)
(b) The drainage system is inadequate. (The
system shown on the plan must be extended back
to station 1+32.11 in order to adequately drain
the street. The Superintendent of Public Works
can find no brook sufficient to carry the run-
off from the street at the point where the
drain outlet is shown on the plan.)
(c) No existing or proposed profile is shown
for the turnaround. (The profile of the exist-
ing ground should be continued beyond station
4+70 to a point at least 200 feet beyond the
temporary turnaround as shown on the plan. The
proposed grade of the turnaround should also be
(d) No cross sections of the road and adjacent
land and necessary slope easements are shown
on the plan. (It will be necessary to indicate
on the plan slope easements which will be
needed on all the lots because of the fact that
the cuts and fills to construct the road are
extremely severe. Unless the Town is granted
these slope easements prior to construction of I
the road, it is possible that a lot could be
sold by the developer to a person who might
9-5-61 .7 -
prevent the developer from constructing a
'. slope adequate to protect the road.
Mr. Snow exhibited two plans which he had
Rrepared for the Board, the plans being entitled GREEN VALLEY
Study of Layout for Green Valley, Section 7 Sub- SEC. 7
division - Scheme One," and "Studs of Layout for -
Green Valley, Section 7 Subdivision - Scheme Two," BUSA
both plans dated August 31, 1961. (See minutes
of August 21, 1061 Planning Board meeting.) Mr.
Snow reported that he had given a print of each
plan to Air. Antonio Busa.
Scheme One showed a subdivision of Mr.
Busats land into eight lots fronting on an exten-
sion -of Circle Road in the form of a compound
curve connecting to Lillian Road. Scheme Two
showed a subdivision of the same land into nine
lots fronting_ on two streets, one beginning at
Lillian Road and oriented in a northerly direction
to the Town of Arlington land and planned to con-
nect ultimately to the proposed location of Emerson
Road; the second being an extension of Circle Road
to connect with the first street.
' Mr. Snow said that after studying the prob-
lem of a connection between Lillian Road and the
proposed location of Emerson Road, he believed that
the best location for such a connection would be
the extension of Anthony Road in a northerly direc-
tion to the Christian High School land and thence
to Bartlett Avenue. He said he had so informed Mr.
Busa when he discussed the studies with him. Mr.
Snow suggested discussing his proposal with Mr.
Leeland McConchie, one of the sponsors of said High
School. The.Board asked Mr. Snow to do this.
Considered next was the following Form a
application for determination of Planning Board FORM A
x`61-44, submitted August 22, 1961 by E.
Lester Goodrich, Schofield Brothers, Agt.;
plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington,
Mass.", Scale: l" = 50', dated August 14.9
1961, Schofield Brothers, Reg. Land Sur-
In viewing the plan accompanying said
application it was noted that the subdivision of
' Lot 1 on Land Court Plan #23315A into Lots 5 and
6.1eft Lot 6 with no frontage. Thereupon it was
moved, seconded and unanimously '
VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines
that the plan accompanying Form A applica-
tion #61-44 does require approval under the
Subdivision Control Law.
Considered next was the application of Reginald
CARRIAGE A. mood for approval of the Carriage Grove Estates
GROVE definitive plan. Mr. Snow gave a report of his confer -
ESTATES ence with Mr. Carroll., Supt. of Public Works, with ref -
WOOD erence to the plan and exhibited a marked set of prints
of the plan.showing the corrections which Mr. Carroll '
felt were needed before he could approve the plan.
Other matters In regard to the plan were also discussed
Read to the.Board was a letter, dated August
31, 1961, from the Town Clerk transmitting a certi-
fied petition requesting the Planning Board to hold
a public hearing on a proposed amendment to Section
4 (e) 22 of the Lexington Zoning B)r-law. The amend-
ment would add an additional parcel of land to the
so-called Countryside local business district. Mr.
Snow was asked to prepare for the Board a recommend-
ation setting forth the area deemed to be affected
by the proposed amendment and the fee to be charged
for holding such a hearing.
Mr. Snow called to the Board's attention Mr.
Harry G. Berglund's written appraisal of August 244
1961 of lots 11 and 12 on Moreland Avenue, said lots
being the ones it was desired to purchase from Mr.
Pasquale Luongo for the purpose of extending Buck-
man Drive. Mr. Grindle was asked to discuss the
matter of acquisition of these lots with Mr. Luongo.
There was discussed next the matter of acquir-
ing the Hennessy land at the end of Robinson Road for
an addition to town land to be used for public recrea-
tional purposes. Mr. Snow reported that Mr. Berglund
had appraised the 10 -acre parcel of Hennessy land as
having a fair market value of $1500 per acre and the
stable on said land as having a value of $1200 if it
had to be moved and $3000 if it didn't. Mr. Snow said
that this appraisal took into consideration such fac-
tors as the cost of moving the stable because of its
particular construction and the usability of the strue-
tura after moving because of its narrow :width. The
Board then considered an offer to be made to Mrs.
Hennessy and dictated notes which Mr. Snow was asked to
prepare in the form of a proposal for the Board's fur-
ther consideration.
Considered next was the application of Reginald
CARRIAGE A. mood for approval of the Carriage Grove Estates
GROVE definitive plan. Mr. Snow gave a report of his confer -
ESTATES ence with Mr. Carroll., Supt. of Public Works, with ref -
WOOD erence to the plan and exhibited a marked set of prints
of the plan.showing the corrections which Mr. Carroll '
felt were needed before he could approve the plan.
Other matters In regard to the plan were also discussed
after which it was moved, seconded, and unanimously
VOTED: that the definitive subdivision plan entitled
"Carriage Grove Estates, Lexington, Mass.",
dated April 15, 1961s which was submitted to
the Board by Reginald A. Wood on June 30, 1961,
accompanied by an application for approval of
definitive plan, Form C, dated June 30, 19611
be and hereby is disapproved for the following
a) Carriage Drive does not conform to the study
plan adopted by the Planning Board;
b) No leveling area is provided on Carriage
Drive at the intersection of Grove Street;
c) The centerline of Coach Road is not a pro-
jection of the centerline of Rangeway;
d) Part of lot 13 is laid out in the form of
a reserve strip;
e) An existing house and drain easement are
not shown on the plan;
f) The definitive plan has not been submitted
to the Board of Health for approval.
The remainder of the meeting was devoted to a
discussion of a rezoning proposal for the M 1 - C 3 dis-
tricts in Lexington. Tt was decided to meet informally
on Saturday morning next to consider and complete a draft
of all the Board's rezoning proposals. Thereupon the
meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m.
** The Board also confirmed the action by the
Planning Director in approving for payment since the
previous meeting of the Board the following bills:
A.S.P.0., Information Reports --$20.75; Charles' Store,
rubber stamp..$2.50; Wesley J. Ewell, drafting services
and reimbursement for use of automobile for period
ending August 23, 1961-4100.75; Lawrence Hdwe. Co.,
glue --1. 2.
Ro ert E. Meyer, Clerk
Planning Board
Lexington 73, Massachusetts
August l4, 1961
Reference is made to the request to me by the Lexington
Development Corporation for evidence of satisfactory
performance for the section of Lowell Estates (plan
dated December 9, 1958 entitled "Lowell Estates,
Lexington, Mass.tt, Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, recorded
in Middlesex South Registry of Deeds as plan No. 533 of
1959s Book 9358s Page 204) described as follows:
Bryant Road:
From station 0 - 155 to 17+61.02 and including lots #3,
4, 35, 14, 36, 26, 37, 25, 38, 39, 24, 23, 311 32, 33,
40, 411 42, 52, and parcels A, B and F.
Page Road
From station 0+0 to 8+94.72 and including lots #43, 44,
45, 46, 47, 48s 49, Sas 51..
Sanderson Road:
From station 10+23.26 to 21+R7.36 and including lots
#1, 2, 5, 6, 7, l6, 15, 34.
Please be advised that the required work in the part
of the subdivision referred to above has been completed
to my satisfaction.
However, in stating that the work in part of the sub-
division has been completed to my satisfaction, I
reserve the right to require the Lexington Development
Corporation at any time, prior to the completion of
the entire Lowell Estates subdivision, to repair any
defects which might arise in the section referred to
This letter supersedes all previous letters written by
the Supt, of Public Works pertainl.ng to the completion
of work in this subdivision.
Very truly yours,
/s/ John J. Carroll
Supt. of Public Works
& Town Engineer
cc: Lea. Development Corp.
5 September 1c)61Mr. John J. Carroll, Jr.
Superintendent of Public Works
Town Office Building
Lexington 73, Massachusetts
Dear John:
Reference is made to your memorandum of August 25 to me
and your letter of July 251, 1961 to the Board of Select-
men in regard to access to the new refuse disposal areas.
Preliminary studies of the land southeasterly of Hart-
well Avenue and southwesterly of the Boston and Maine
Railroad right of way would be the projection of the cen-
terline of Maguire Road for a distance of 1600 feet. If
this recommended location crosses over the culvert under
the Tennessee Gas Transmission Company pipe line as indi-
cated on the sketch accompanying your letter to the
Selectmen, it is suggested that the culvert be extended
the necessary distance under the fill for the proposed
road into the refuse disposal area.
It is suggested also that the brook be relocated parallel
to the B & M right of way and the T G T easement so as to
make as much land available as possible for a future in-
dustrial site at this location. In making this last sug-
gestion it is assumed that the velocity of the brook at
all times is as slow as observed this year so that there
would be no erosion at the sharp turns indicated on the
attached sketch.
/s/ Samuel P.Snow
Planning Director
Enc .
cc: Board of Selectmen
Sentember 9, 1951
From 10:00 a.m, to 12:30 p.m, on Saturdav, Sep-
tember 9, 1961, the Lexington Planning Board held an
Informal meeting in its office in the Town Office
Building. Present were Chairman Soule, members Bryson,
Grindle, Mabee and Mever. The nurnose of the meeting
was to consider further the Board's oronosals for amend-
ing the Lexington Zoninn By-law with particular refer-
ence to LexinFton's C 3 and M 1 districts.
Tn addition to the abofe matter, Mr. Grindle re-
norted that he had visited Mr. Pasquale, Luongo of Pleas-
ant Street and discussed with him the -possible acquisi-
tion of lots 11 and 12 on Moreland Avenue for the pur-
pose of extending Buckman Drive over the Town's water
easement located In said lots. Mr. Grindle stated that
Mr. Luono was of the opinion th-t lots 11 and 12 were
worth X11500 each but that he did not wish to sell them
at this time. Mr.Grindle said he believed, after talk-
ing with ?sir. Luongo, that if the Town wished to acquire
said lots t world have to do so by eminent domain.
4robert F. Fle-yer