HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-08-07PLANNING BOAPD MEETTNTG ' August 7, 1961 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Board's office, Town Office Building, on August 7, 1961 at 7:30 n.m. Present were Vice Chairman Grindle, Members Bryson, Mabee and Meyer, and Planning Director Snow. The Board approved the minutes of its July 10 and 1961 meetings. MINUTES Approved for payment were the following bills which had been presented- Spauldng-Moss Co., drafting suuplies--%8.35; H.B.McArdle, office supplies --$7.50. The Board also ratified the action of the Planning Director in approving for payment during the previous week the following bills which had. been presented:Waltham Paper Products, Drafting supplies=413.80; James J. Carroll, 1961 Poll Book ---11.00; Rotolite of New England, Duplicating machine --263.00; Charles' Store, rubber stamp-- ' $3.30; Gra-hic Reproductions, white prints --$3.02; Wallace B. Mitchell Co.,drafting supplies -43-79; 7,1esley J. Fwell, drafting services, week ending July 28, 1961-456.10; Supt.of Documents -41.00. Considered next was the following Form A application which had been submitted for determina- tion of Planning Board. jurisdiction - #61 -37j- submitted July 3 L 1961 by Norman C. May for Gerald Holton; plan entitled "n Compiled. plan of Land in Lexington: Mass."p Scale 1" = 40',, dat ed ' June 29P 1961, Miller & Nylander, C.F.'s & Surveyors. Unon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexinr,ton Planning Board d"eter- mines'that the`nlan accompanying Form A anpl cation #61-37 does not require approval under -the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plan be so endorsed. Considered next was a draft of a memorandum which Mr. `'Snow had been requested to prepare in reply to the letter of July 29 from Mr.Carroll, Supt. of BILLS FORM A 8-7-61 Public Works, to the Planning Board with reference SUBDIVISION to the administration of certain phases of the Sub - CONTROL division Control Law. Rather than send Mr. Carroll LAW said draft it was decided to hold an informal meet - Ing for a general discussion of all phases of said law just as soon as a convenient date could be ar- ranted when Mr. Carroll, Town Counsel, and Mr. Snow could all be present. -2- At 8:05 p.m, the Board held a public hearing CARY ACRES relative to the application for approval of the de - SEC. 3 finitive subdivision plan entitled "Cary Acres Sec- tion Three Lexington, Mass.", dated April 7, 1961. CARY REALTY Eight persons attended the hearing. TRUST Mr. Snow exhibited a set of prints entitled "Cary Acres Section Three Lexington, Mass." and dated August 3, 1961 on which was shown- a pronosed street located for the most part approximately north- westerly of and parallel to Tufts Road.. beginning at point on said road, passing between lots 9 and 10 on Tufts Road and connecting to Fairbanks Road. Mr. Snow said that he understood the trust wished to defer the Construction of the street between the highest elevation on said street and Fairbanks Road.until the Town constructed a proposed sewer in Shade Street and the southeasterly end of Fairbanks , Road. He pointed out on the plan submitted with the application, (both -the set of prints, noted above and the plan submitted having the same title but bearing different dates), that all lots would be connected'to an existing sewer in Tufts Road. In response to questions in regard to the plan sub- mitted, he noted that the proposed street would be about 750 feet in length, would have a temporary turn- arounds and would have 9 lots fronting on said street. Mr; Alton T. Jones of 16 Tufts Road stated that he spoke for a group of residents on his street who believed that approval of the p ronosed subdivi- sion should be deferred until such time as"the pre- vious two sections oftheCary Acres development had been approved and bonds released. He pointed out that drains had sunk in Tufts Road and that there was a depression in the road causing a drainage problem in front of his residence. He called the Board's attention also to the sewer problem in Tufts Road, there oftentimes being a"very objec- tionable -sewer odor present. Mr. Jones said that his group felt it had no protection in regard to the type of residences to be built in the area. He asked about orotection in regard to location of , electric utility lines, stating that the location 8-7-61 -3- of easements for such lines was mentioned in some of the deeds property owners had of their property. In regard to the road and sewer conditions, It was stated that these matters would be referred to the Superintendent of Public Works and the Board of Health. Tn regard to residential building, how- ever, it was pointed out that as long as a builder conformed to the LexinE-ton Building By-law, the Town had no jurisdiction as to the type of houses built in the area. The group was informed also that the inclusion of easements for electric lines in deeds to lots in the subdivision was a matter between the individual property owner and the subdivider. Mr. Grindle read the notice as it had been sent to abuttors shown on the subdivision elan and as it had been published in the July 13, 1 061 issue of the Lexington Minute -man. He then explained the procedure to be followed in conducting the hearing and called upon the subdivider to present his plan. Mr. Wood pointed out that the subdivision consisted of 21 lots fronting on two proposed streets, one which Mr. Wood wished to name Carriage Drive, running approximately parallel with the Bed- ford town line from Grove street to the land of Gennaro and the second, w hick he W shed to name Coach Road, connecting Carriage Drive with Winter There being no further questions or comments, Mr. Grindle asked for an indication of those who were in favor of or onnosed to the approval of the plan as submitted. Noone indicated favoring the approval; five wished to be recorded as being opposed to its approval. Thereupon, the plan was taken under advisement and the hearing declared closed at 8:30 P.M. At 8:35 p.m. the Board held a public hearing relative to the application for approval of a sub- CARRIAGE division of the nronerty of Reginald A. Wood to be GROVE known as "Carriage Grove Estates Lexington, Mass.', ESTATES situated northerly of Winter Street and westerly of - Grove Street and bounded in part by said streets, WOOD the rear or side lines of lots fronting on said streets, the Bedford town line and land of David L. and Doris R. Gennaro. There were 27 persons present at th e hearing including Mr. Wood, his lawyer John E Dick of Bedford, and Mr. Joseph W. Moore who nre- nared the subdivision plan, Mr. Grindle read the notice as it had been sent to abuttors shown on the subdivision elan and as it had been published in the July 13, 1 061 issue of the Lexington Minute -man. He then explained the procedure to be followed in conducting the hearing and called upon the subdivider to present his plan. Mr. Wood pointed out that the subdivision consisted of 21 lots fronting on two proposed streets, one which Mr. Wood wished to name Carriage Drive, running approximately parallel with the Bed- ford town line from Grove street to the land of Gennaro and the second, w hick he W shed to name Coach Road, connecting Carriage Drive with Winter 8-7-61 -4- Street at a point about opposite Rangeway. Speaking for the Board Mr. Snow asked Mr. Wood about the location of a town drain easement mentioned in the application and the location of a residence on the property to be subdivided, neither shown on the plan. Mr. Dick stated that these would be shown in any way the Board wished to have this information placed on the plan. Mr. Dick also indi- cated that the existing easement was located over the land of Donald A. Moore, 152 Winter Street, the ,proposed lots 7 and 8 as shown on the subdivision plan. Mr. Moore spoke in favor of moving the ease- ment so that he would be i:n a position to add to his present residence. Mr. Lick stated that a plan and deed showing an exchange of land between Reginald A. Wood and Donald A. Moore was being held in escrow pending approval of the subdivision plan. Mr. Snow also questioned the location of the northerly side line of Winter Street as shown on the subdivision plan, pointing out that the line varied with the plan of the accepted street as laid out by the Town. Mr. Joseph W. Moore who prepared the sub- division plan stated that he would discuss this matter with the Town Engineer. The right to cast water upon the Town of Lex- , ington through the proposed drain easement shown on lots 16 and 17 on the plan was discussed. It was in- dicated that there was a drainage problem in Grove Street at the town line and that the town of Bedford wished to construct a drain in said street which in turn would connect to a drainage system in Carriage Drive and thence to the proposed drain'in lots 16 and 17. Mr. Dick, attorney for Mr. Wood and also Chairman of the Board of Selectmen of Bedford, indi- cated that said. Board would be willing to grant rights both to Mr. Wood and to the Town of Lexington to cast water on Town of Bedford property in exchange for the right of Bedford to enter the drain to be con- structed in Grove Street. In reply to a question from Mr. Thomas O'Keefe, Jr. of 250 Grove Street, it was pointed out that there would be no betterments assessed against either the O'Keefe or Day lots for the drains constructed in front of said lots on Grove Street. Mr. Walter S. Harrington of Somerville, owner of abutting -land on Winter Street, stated that he was Very much opposed to the portion of the subdivision plan showing part of lot 13 in the form of a narrow strip between his property and a proposed street in the subdivision." He asked that the narrow portion of the lot be eliminated. 8-7-61 ' Mr. David Gennaro of 108 Winter Street asked about the extension of Carriage Drive which abutted his land. It was pointed out to him that the devel- opment of his land was dependent on his plans, that Carriage Drive w ould be a private way, and that he could obtain rights in the portion Mr. Wood wished to construct either through the subdivider or when the street was laid out as a town way. Mrs. Carleton H. Day of 248 Grove Street asked about grades, easements and retaining walls in that portion of the proposed street between the Day and Allen lots on Grove Street. The sections of the proposed street as shown on the plan were ex- plainedtto her. Mr. Daniel Slishi, 158 Winter Street, asked about plans for sewage disposal in the proposed sub- division. Mr. Wood said that it was proposed to build septic tanks in all of the house lots upon approval by the Board of Health. There being no further comments or questions Mr. Grindle asked for an indication of those who were In favor of the approval of the proposed subdivision plan. Twelve persons indicated thev were in favor of ' anproval, four indicated they were opposed to such approval. Thereupon, the plan was taken under advise- ment and the hearing* declared closed at 9:05 p.m. At 9:15 p.m. Mr. Jack P. Gensemer of Cambridge came to the meeting to present to the Board a pre- liminary design entitled "Lexinrrton Industrial Park," to be located between Bedford and Wood Streets west- erly of Route 129. After he and Mr. Snow discussed with the Board said design, the Planning Board met with the Selectmen to exhibit said design and to pre- sent a report of progress on the Planning Board's study for the proposed redevelopment of the area involved. At the conclusion of its meeting with the Board of Selectmen the ?Tanning Board adjourned its meeting, the time being 11:08 p.m. Robert 13. Meyer, Clerk 1 -5- LEXINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK I 2uor