HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-06-05PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' June 5, 1961 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Planning Board's Office, Town Office Building, on Monday, June 5, 1961 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Soule, members Grindle, Mabee and Meyer, and Planning Director Snow. The Board approved the minutes of its May 29, MINUTES 1961 meeting. Approved for payment were the following bills which had+been presented: Minute -man Publications, BILIS Inc., advertising --$5.52; Spaulding -Moss Co., draft- ing supplies --92.16; Donald C. Richardson, profes- sional services May 26 to June 2 inclusive --$88.00. Considered next were the following Form A applications for determination of Planning Board FORMS A jurisdiction: #61-30, submitted May 29, 1961 by John Castoldl; plan entitled "Plan of Revised ' Lots in Adams Estates - Section Two Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 40t., dated Aug. 6, 195q, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #61-31, submitted June 5, 1961 by Harold E. Stevens for Town of Lexington; plan entitled "Plan of Lots 188A and 188B off Whipple Road, Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = kOls dated March 3, 1961, John J. Carroll, Town Engineer. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plans accompanying Form A applica- tions #61-30 and ##61-31 do not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plans be so endorsed. A letter, dated May 29, 1961s, from Eugene C. Roberts III to the Planning Board was read re- MIDDLE RIDGE questing an extension of the time within which the SEC. 6 Board must act on the Middle Ridge, Section 6 sub- TURNING MILL d vision plan. Upon motion duly made and seconded, ASSOCIATES MI It was unanimously VOTED: that pursuant to the written request from 6-5-61 -2- the applicant the time of approval of the , definitive subdivision plan entitled "Middle Ridge Section 6 Lexington, Mass." and dated January 25, 1961, be and hereby is extended to and including June 12, 1961. Later during the meeting there was discussed the Planning Board views which Mr. Soule was to present at the hearings to be heard June 6 by the Board of Appeals in regard to the Schwartz, McGee, Millican and Cassim petitions (see minutes of May 29, 1961 Planning Board meeting). In regard to the Schwartz petition which in effect was seeking per- mission for two apartments, one on each floor in a single family residence, it was decided to express a similar view to that presented on February 28 with reference to the Bianchi and Lange petitions (see minutes of Feb. 131, 1961 Planning Board meeting). In regard to the McGee petition it was thought best to express the Planning Board's concern in re- gard to the further conversion of local business districts into general business districts and to indicate that adjacent residential values would be ' kept as high as possible by maintaining minimum side yards as required by the Zoning By-law. It was de- From 7:50 to 8:30 p.m. Town Counsel Stevens WHIPPLE HILL met with the Boar d. He stated that he had obtained RECREATTONAL from Mr. Richard F. Herzog's attorney a deed grant - AREA ing the Town title to Lot 188B shown on the plan - accompanying Form A application #61-31. The Board HERZOG then reviewed with him conditions previously agreed BENKLEY upon wherein Mr. Fred G. Benkley would convey to the Town a parcel of land adjacent to Lot 187 in the Sun Vallev, Section 15 subdivision (see Planning Board minutes of its November 71 1961 meeting.) Mr. Stevens was asked to draft a deed incorporating these conditions and send to Mr. Benkley said deed for execution. The Board then discussed with Dar. Stevens BOARD OF various aspects of the Millican and Cassim p eti- APPEALS tions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on June - 6, 1961. In connection with the Millican petition MILLICAN Mr. Stevens explained various uses in the single CASSIM family residential district, a plant nursery being SCHWARTZ ' a permitted use, a greenhouse being a use subject to Mc GEE permission from the Board of Appeals and a garden shop which is not permitted. In regard to the Cassim petition, Mr. Stevens explained that Mr. Cassim's land abuts but does not bound, fronts but has not frontage on so-called Brooks Street. Later during the meeting there was discussed the Planning Board views which Mr. Soule was to present at the hearings to be heard June 6 by the Board of Appeals in regard to the Schwartz, McGee, Millican and Cassim petitions (see minutes of May 29, 1961 Planning Board meeting). In regard to the Schwartz petition which in effect was seeking per- mission for two apartments, one on each floor in a single family residence, it was decided to express a similar view to that presented on February 28 with reference to the Bianchi and Lange petitions (see minutes of Feb. 131, 1961 Planning Board meeting). In regard to the McGee petition it was thought best to express the Planning Board's concern in re- gard to the further conversion of local business districts into general business districts and to indicate that adjacent residential values would be ' kept as high as possible by maintaining minimum side yards as required by the Zoning By-law. It was de- 6-5-61 -3- aided also to point out that the proposed first and second floor additions together with the existing building would require a minimum of 16 parking spaces and that it was only possible to place on the lot at the very most 9 spaces and still leave room for neces- sary access and driveway. It was also decided to point out that while the applicant wanted to use the building for his own business that at a later date it could easily be converted into one having retail stores and offices. With reference to the Millican petition, the Board decided it was opposed to the granting of a permit for an enlarged building to be used as a garden shop but would not object to' the continuance of the . nursery and greenhouse business under proper permits. Read to the hoard was a letter, dated May 31, from the Board of Selectmen to the Planning Board notifyingp, it that at the Selectmen's meeting on May 29 a motion to lay out Buckman Drive and Summit Road was defeated. A letter to the Selectmen was drafted, the Board requesting them to place an article on the Warrant for the next town meeting to see if the Town will vote to extend said roads as town ways. (See ' addendum.) In connection with the application of Reginald A. Wood for tentative approval of the Carriage Grove Fistates preliminary subdivision plan, Mr. Snow exhibited a series of staff studies of the area between Winter Street and the Bedford town line from Grove Street to Cushing Street. He recommended the adoption of the study plan entitled "Suggested Residential Subdivision of Wright, Gennaro and Adja- cent Land," dated June 5, 1961. Based on the studies which the staff had prepared he recommended. that Carriage Drive shown on the preliminary subdivision plan be realigned and extended through land of Gennaro and that owned by the Town to connect to Marvin Street, a so-called paper street. He also recommended that Coach Road as shown on said Are- lminary subdivision plan become a dead-end street and not be extended to 'Minter Street to a point opposite Rangeway. In regard to the proposed location of Carriage Road, Mr. Snow pointed out on said study plan that the proposed extension of Carriage Road through town -owned land would utilize only that portion of the future playground which was unsuit- able for play field purposes. It was decided that if Mr. Wood could acquire the Gennaro property to BUCKMAN DRIVE - SUMMITE ROAD CARRIAGE GROVE ESTATES WOOD 6-5-61 -� - carry out the proposal shown on the study plan that the Board would be willing to recommend the sale of a portion of town -owned land necessary for tb e extension of Carriage Road and for house lots on the easterly side of said road. The Board sug- gested that Mr. Snow examine the feasibility of acquiring lots R to V inclusive shown on the Lex- ington Park subdivision plan to add to the pro - nosed town recreation area. Thereupon the Plan- ning Board voted to adopt the study plan referred to above. Considered next was an untitled plan con - ADAMS ESTATES si.sting of a marked print, dated May 3, 1961s and prepared by Miller R^ Nylander, said print showing CASTOLDI a proposed lotting of the former Verity property and a suggested location for Emerson Road across EMERSON ROAD said -property from Adams Street to Hawthorne Road. Mr. Snow exhibited a recommended revision of the Miller & Nylander proposal, the revised study being one entitled "Study of Emerson Road and Suzanne Road Lotting," dated June 1, 1961 and pre- pared by the planning staff. Mr. Snow pointed out that among other features the revised study would utilize to better advantage the town -owned land purchased from Kingston Homes, Inc. leaving a minimum amount of area for lotting on the south- , westerly side of Pmerson Road and saving the bluff and woods it was desired to add to the former Willard property. He also noted that the revised study would involve an exchange of land located at tre southerly corner of said former Willard prop- erty, the exchange being between the Town and Mr. John W. Castoldi, owner of the former Verity prop- ertg. The Board voted to approve the study plan and requested Mr. Snow to discuss it with Mr. Castoldi, the subdivider. Mr. Snow reported that Mr. Donald L. Sleeper KINGSTON Jr. had come to the office earlier in the day with HOMES, INC. reference to the latter's conference with the Board on May 22 in regard to the Kingston Homes, Inc. development of the former Higgins land on Maple St. Mr. Snow said that he had given Mr. Sleeper two prints of the study plan entitled "Suggested Resi- dential subdivision of Kingston Homes Inc. and Ad- jacent Lands," dated May 22, 1961, said plan having been prepared by Mr. Snow. The Board then con- sidered Mr. Sleeper's request for a variance for a dead-end street longer than 500 feet without a second means of access to the subdivision. After due consideration there was drafted a letter to Mr. ' Sleeper setting forth the Boardts decision in regard 6-5-61 1 to said request. (See addendum.) The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. 1 obert E. Meyer, Cle ADDENDUM Board of Selectmen Town Office Building Lexington 73s Mass. Dear Madam and Gentlemen: —5— June 5, 1961 The Planning Board was surprised to learn from Mr. Adams' letter of May 31 that the Board of Selectmen voted not to place on the warrant for the June 19 special town meeting an article to see if the Town would vote to establish as town ways and to accept the layout of as town ways exten- sions of Buckman Drive and Summit Road. The Planning Board believes that the town meeting ought to have the opportunity to vote on this matter. It is re- quested therefore that If the Board of Selectmen do not receive before the next town meeting a petition from Lex- ington registered voters to place such an article on the warrant that the Selectmen do so at the request of the Planning Board. Tn the meantime the Board would appre- ciate receiving at vour earliest convenience a copy of the minutes of the public hearing held on May 25 in re- gard to said proposed layout. Yours very truly, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Richard H. Soule, Chairman 6 June 1961 Mr. Donald N. Sleeper, Jr. Re: Kingston Homes 356 Boston AvenueexL xington subdivision Medford 55, Massachusetts 5/22/61 Dear Mr. Sleeper: Reference is made to the plan entitled "Suggested Residen- 6-5-61 -6- tial Subdivision of Kingston Homes, Inc, and Adjacent Lands," dated.May 22, 1961 and prepared by Mr. Snow, Lexi.ngtonts Planning Director. Mr. Snow informed the Planning Board that he had given you on June 5 two prints of this plan which you discussed with the Board at its meetings on May 15 and 22. The Board at its meeting on June 5,1961 approved this plana The Board also consid- ered your request for a variance for a dead-end street longer than 500 feet without a second means of access to the subdivision. In view of the large capital outlay necessary to con- struct the main road in the subdivision and to connect to a trunkline sewer, the Board decided to waive in this case only strict ompliance with its Subdivision Rules and Regulations and allow Kingston Homes, Inc. to construct said road with the restriction that the corporation can- not erect or place any building on any lot on said road beyond lots 6 and 30 on said plan until a second means of access to the subdivision has been obtained by said eor- ,Doration. This restriction which can be set forth in detail at the time of the definitive subdivision plan approval will allow the corporation to construct the dead-end streets which would serve lots 34 to 40 inclu- sive and, if Kingston Homes so desires, lots 42 to 44 in- clusive, a total of 21 lots. The Board is of the opi.nion that while this construction is taking place and resi- dences built on said lots, there ought to be ample time to arrive at a settlement in regard to a second recognized means of access to the subdivision. Sincerely, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Richard H. Soule, Chairman