HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-05-291 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING May 29, 1961 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held on Monday, May 29, 1961 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Soule, members Bryson, Grindle, Mabee and Meyer, and Planning Director Snow. The Board approved the minutes of its March 9, 1961 Public Hearing and its May 22, 1961 meet- MINUTES ing. Approved for payment by the Board were the following bills which had been presented: Minute- BILLS man Publications, Inc., advertising --$11.02; Samuel P. Snow, car allowance for Mav, 1961--$20.00; Spaulding -Moss Co., drafting supplies --$37.05. Considered next was the following Form A application for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #61-292 submitted May 26, 19.61 by Richard D. Hamilton; plan entitled "A. Subdivision of Land Court Case No. 30,354 in Lexington Mass.", Scale: 1" = 201, dated May 26, 1961, Miller & Nylander, C.E.ts & Sur- veyors. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A applica- tion #61-29 does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plan be so endorsed. A letter, dated May 24, 1961, from the Supt. of Public Works to the Planning Board was read. In his letter Mr. Carroll stated that the work in the Middle Ridge, Section 4 subdivision had been completed to his satisfaction with the exception of the sidewalk and the loaming and seeding of the shoulders; also that the subdivider, Mr. Eugene C. Roberts, wished to secure the construction of the sidewalk and shoulders separately from the rest of the work. It was decided to secure the construc- tion of said sidewalkand shoulders by a separate bond in the amount of *,2,000 upon the condition that the work be completed in a one-year period and upon receiving said bond to release to the sub- divider the original bond securing all the work to FORM A MIDDLE RIDGE SEC. 4 ROBERTS c�—'Q-61 LY,a be done in said subdivision. When the Town Counsel ' met with the Board later in the evening this matter was referred to him. He was asked to draft an in- strument setting forth the arrangement which the Planning Board had agreed to make. Prior to meeting with the Selectmen the LAND FOR Board reviewed two items it wished to discuss RECREATION further with them, these being the acquisition AND STREET of a parcel of the C. Henry Jackson land on PURPOSES Clarke Street for public recreational purposes and for a recommended extension of Parker Street JACKSON across the property of said Mr. Jackson; also the proposal for a location of Worthen Road from Marrett Road to the Cambridge -Concord highway and the design of a connection thereto. Considered next by the Board was a letter, COLONIAL dated May 25, 1961, from the president of the Colon - ACRES ial Development Corp. requesting that the Bond in SEC. 3 the amount of $120,000 securing the work to be done - in the Colonial Acres Section 3 subdivision be re - COLONIAL turned and that the Corporation be allowed to sub - DEVELOPMENT stitute therefor a bond in the amount of 924,000. CORP. Two letters, both dated May 29, 19611 from Mr. Carroll to said Corporation were duly noted, the first letter stating that approximately 8016' of the work had been completed in said subdivision, the second letter setting forth a list of work to be repaired or yet to be done in said subdivision. Be- fore giving the matter further considerat'on it was decided to ask the Town Counsel to review the situ- ation and to advise the Board in regard to what action it should take with reference to the subdi- vider s request for a reduction in bond. In addition to the foregoing matters there KINGSTON was discussed with Mr. Stevens when he met with ' HOMES, INC. the Board from 8:40 to 9:00 p.m. the possible - arrangement which might be entered into with King - PROPOSED ston Homes, Inc. in regard to the proposed sub- SUBDIVISTON division of said corporation's land on Maple Street (see Planning Board minutes of May 22, 1961). Among matters discussed were the possi- bilities of limiting the number of houses and the length of street constructed in case the proposed subdivision was not extended through the Simeone land to the proposed location of Emerson Road. Mr. Stevens suggested that the Board prepare a state- ment setting forth exactly what arrangements it might wish to enter into so that he might advise the Board as to its feasibility. Prior to meeting with the Selectmen the LAND FOR Board reviewed two items it wished to discuss RECREATION further with them, these being the acquisition AND STREET of a parcel of the C. Henry Jackson land on PURPOSES Clarke Street for public recreational purposes and for a recommended extension of Parker Street JACKSON across the property of said Mr. Jackson; also the proposal for a location of Worthen Road from Marrett Road to the Cambridge -Concord highway and the design of a connection thereto. 1 1 5-29-61 -�- The Board then adjourned from 9:15 to meet with the Selectmen for a discussion of said matters, particularly the presentation which members of the Boards together with the Town Engi- neer and the Planning Director were to make to the Chief Engineer of the Massachusetts Dept. of Public Works at a meeting to be held with him on May 31. (For details of the discussion see minutes of the Board of Selectmen meeting of May 29, 1961.) Discussed next were the notices of petitions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on June 6, 1961. Of the petitions to be heard on said date, it was decided to take action only on the Schwartz, McGee, Millican and Cassim petitions. The Board's objections to the granting of the four named peti- tions were discussed. Mr. Meyer objected to the Planning Board's position in regard to the Millican petition and stated that he would write a letter of his own favoring said petition. In regard to the Cassim petition it was decided that the Board would not object to the granting of a permit for a house and stable on the remaining parcel of land at 342 Bedford Street but would object to granting a peti- tion wherein the house and stable would have front- age on so-called Brook Street. Considered next was the determination of the area deemed to be affected as far as notifying owners of property was concerned in regard to the scheduled public hear3_ng to be held June 15, 1961 on the petition to rezone to C 3 use the land bounded by Spring Street, Waltham city line, Routes 2 and 128. It was decided to notify all property owners within the bounds so described, those on the southeasterly side of Spring Street between Route 2 and the Waltham city line and the property owners on the northeasterly side of Route 2 at the Spring Street intersection. The Board adjourned its meeting at 10:45 p.m. 6 Robert E. Mey r, Cie k BOARD OF SELECTMEN BOARD OF APPEALS COUNTRYWIDE OFFICES, INC. REZONING PROPOSAL