HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-05-22PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' May 22, 1961 A regular meeting of the Lexington Plan- ning Board was held on Monday, May 2 2, , 1961 at 7:35 p.m. in the Planning Board office, Town Office Building. Present were Chairman Soule, members Bryson, Grindle and Mabee, and. Planning Director Snow. adding a C 3 Special commercial district bounded Mr. Donald N. Sleeper, Jr. met with the Board from 7:35 to 7:55 tl discuss, as he had KINGSTON at the Planning Board meeting of May 15, 1961s HOMES, INC. the general situation in regard to the devel- opment of the former Higgins property on Maple Street. He requested that the Planning Board grant his client, Kingston Homes, Inc., a var- lance from the subdivision rules and regula- tions in order that he might construct a dead- end street in the subdivision longer than 500 feet. Mr. Sleeper showed on a study plan Mr. Snow had prepared of the area that it would be necessary to construct a road at least 2750 feet in length In order to lay a sewer in that, road and at the same time connect to a town trunk line sewer already located within the boundaries of the property to be subdivided. He indicated that his client would be willing to enter into an agreement wherein if the main road in the sub- division were not connected within a period of time to a road in the adjacent Simeone land and thence from the oronosed location of Emerson Road to Maple Street, an alternate road would be con- structed within the Kingston Homes development to Maple Street, said alternate road to be located between the Wathen-'Dunn and Gaffey lots. Members of the Board indicated that they thought some arrangement of this nature could be made. Later during the meeting it was decided to discuss the problem with Mr. Stevens and then to write a letter to Mr. Sleeper setting forth exactly what the Board felt it could do in this particular Instance. Mr. Norman T. Mav, attorney for Lexington Investment Trust, next met with the Board brief- REZONING ly to state that he had filed with the Town PROPOSAL Clerk a petition requesting; the Selectmen to call a special town meeting and to insert as an LEXINGTON ' article in the warrant therefor to see if the INVESTMENT town would vote to amend the Zoning By-law by TRUST adding a C 3 Special commercial district bounded 5-22-61 -2- by Routes 2 and 128, the Waltham city line and Spring Street. He said that the Town Clerk had certified over 100 signatures on the petition and that other signatures would be submitted to the Town Clerk if necessary. He said that he had ascertained that the special town meeting scheduled for June 19 was to be held and that the Selectmen would insert an article in the warrant as set forth in the petition. He said that he realized that the Planning Board was not compelled to hold a public hearing on the petition but asked that it do so on the basis of the information he had presented. Mr. May agreed that his clients would pay for all the costs of the hearing and the advertising for the same if the Planning Board would have an advertisement inserted in the Lex- ington Minute -man for Thursday, May 25. The Board agreed to do so. #61-25, submitted for Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology by Henry D. Winslow, Atty.; plan entitled "Plan of hand in Lex- ington, Mass., scale: In = 40 ft., dated May 16, 19611 Raymond D. Pressey, Inc., Registered Land Surveyors. 1 L i From 8:10 to 8:30 p.m. Dr. Leonard. V. Short REZONING and his architect, Mr. Jack Gensemer of Cambridge, PROPOSAL met with the Board to discuss the study plan which - Mr. Gensemer had prepared, the plan showing a pro - SHORT posal for an apartment district on the westerly side of Waltham Street at the Lexington town line. After a general explanation of the site and other study plans (see minutes of January 16, 1961 Planning Board meeting) Dr. Short asked the Planning Board's Informal opinion of the proposal. The plans were left with the Board for further consideration. MINUTES The Board approved the minutes of its May 3, and 15, 1961 meetings. The Board also approved for payment a bill BILLS for $2.04 from Graphic Reproductions for white prints and confirmed Mr. Snow's action in approving for payment a voucher dated May 19 for A56.56 for special census data from the U.S. Department of Commerce. Considered next were the following Form A FORMS A applications for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #61-25, submitted for Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology by Henry D. Winslow, Atty.; plan entitled "Plan of hand in Lex- ington, Mass., scale: In = 40 ft., dated May 16, 19611 Raymond D. Pressey, Inc., Registered Land Surveyors. 1 L i 5-22-61 1161-26, submitted May 18, 1961 for Stanley Buchanan by his attorney, Wm. J. Walsh, Jr.; plan entitled "Land -Court Plan of Land in Bedford, Mass. (Being a Sub -Div, of Parcel "A") (as shown on Land Court 4386A)", dated May 3, 1961, Joseph W. Moore, Inc., Reg. Land Surveyor. #61-27, submitted May 18, 1961 by Howard W. Foley; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lex- ington, Mass." Owned by: Rayco Realty Trust," Scale: 1" = 60', dated April 18, 1061, Joseph W. Moore, Inc., Reg. Land Surveyors. #61-28, submitted May 19, 1961 by Joseph W. Moore, Agent; plan entitled "Land Court Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass. Owned by: "O'Connor", Scale: 1" = 50', dated Jan. 25, 1961, Josenh W. Moore, Inc., Reg. Land Sur- veyor* ur- veyor. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plans accompanying Form A applica- tions #61-25, #.61-26, #61-27 and #61- � do not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law,.and that said plans be so en- dorsed. —3— Notices of hearings to be heard by the His- HISTORIC toric Districts Commission on May 23, 1961 were read. DISTRICT It was decided to take no action on the applications COMMISSION to be heard on said date. Mr. Snow ren_orted that there had been re- LORING HILL ceived from Outhet Realty Trust duly executed grants ESTATES of easements in the Loring Hill Estates, Section 4 SEC. 4 subdivision. Thereupon the Board endorsed the de- finitive subdivision plan. OUTiTTT REALTY Considered next was the application of Todd Tealty, Inc. for arra roval of the Bowser Estates BOWSER nreliminery subdivision plan. Upon motion duly made ESTATES and seconded, it was unanimously TODD T?EALTY, VOTED: that the preliminary subdivision plan en- INC. titled "Bowser Estates," dated March 18, 1961s which was submitted to the Poard.by Mark Moore Jr., Pres., for Todd Realty, Inc., on March 2.1, 1961, accompanied by an applica- tion for approval of preliminary plan, Form B, dated March 21, 1961, be and hereby is approved. 5-22-61 Mr. Snow and Mr.Soule next discussed COPYING with the Board what they felt were the basic MACHINE office needs for a copying machine similar to that manufactured by the American Photocopy Equipment Co. Mr. Snow was authorized to pur- chase such type of machine which in his judg- ment he felt was best suited to the Board's needs. Discussed next was the reprinting of the ZONING BY-LAW Zoning By-law. All present copies being ex - REPRINTING hausted, Mr. Snow was authorized to proceed with the Spaulding -Moss Company for reprinting the re- vised edition of the By-law. Considered likewise was the problem of POPULATION revising the so-called Population Map by adding MAP thereto all roads, public properties and resi- dences that had been constructed in the last two years. It was decided not to undertake the revision of the population map at this time. The attention of the Board was called to PROPOSED a copy of Mr. William Roger GreelWs letter of RFCPFATION May ll, 1961 to the Chairman of the Board of AREA Selectmen recommending that the town acquire as a playground area the Bowser estate property. GRFELEY Mr. Snow stated he did not feel it was necessary to acquire this property because of the nearness of the North Street -Vine Brook recreation area and proposed elementary_ school site to be located between Laconia street and the proposed location for Emerson Road. The Planning Board adjourned its meeting BUCKMAN at 9:55 to meet with the Board of Selectmen to DRIVE discuss the public hearing to be held on May 25 with reference to the proposed layout of the ex- tension of Buckman Drive and Summit Road, Richard H. Soule, Chairman 1