HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-05-15PLAT?rTTNG BOARD MEETTNG May 151 1961 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held on Monda7,*,May 15, 1961 at 7:30 n -m. in the P lannin7 Board office, Town Office Building. Present were Chairman Soule, members Bryson, Grindle, Mabee and Mever, and Planning Director Snow. The Board annroved the minutes of its May 8, MTNZ?TES 1961 meeting. Also approved for rayment were the following bills which had been presented: Spauld;ng-Moss Co., BILLS drafting sunnlies--,,'27.50; General Binding; Corn., Zoning by-law binders --X70.13; Graphic penroduc- tions, Tnc., white pri.nts--'83.44. Considered next were the following Form A applications for determination of Planning Board p FORMS A jurisdiction: 'T61-23, submitted May 12, 1961 by Todd Tzealty, Tne., Mark Moore Jr., President; elan entitled "Plan of Lots in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 40', dated Mav 12, 1961, Miller & 77lander, C.E.'s & Sur- veyors. %61-211_, submitted May 15, 1961, by Ernest E. Outhet; elan entitled "A Subdivision of Land Court Case No. 9475 in Lexinnton, Mass.", Scaler 1" = 50', dated Anril 3, 1961, Miller €c Nylander, C F.'s &. Surveyors. Upon motion dul,,7 made and seconded, it was unanimously VOT_FD: that the Lexinrpton Planning Board determines that the plans accompanying Form A anplica- t ons X61-23 and #61-21! do not require anoroval under the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plans be so endorsed. Read to the Board was a letter, dated May PUBLIC 93 10612 from the Selectmen informing the Plan- FFARTNG ning Board of a nubli_c hearing to be held. on May SUMMIT T?O.AD- 25, 1961 in Estabrook Hall relative to the nro- BUCKMAN -posed la7Tout of Summit pond from nFar Pinewood DPIVE Street to Fern Street and the proposed layout of an extension of Buckman Drive southerly to More- -2 - land avenue. In the letter it was stated that the Board of Selectmen would anpreciate having the Plannnfr Board present at the hearing. Also read_ to the Board was a tory of a C 1 DISTRICT letter, dated May 5, 1961, from attorney John 1:'EZONTNG Christoforo transmitting to the Town Clerk a oeti- PROPOSAL tion requesting; the Planning Board to hold a public hearing on a proposal to amend Section 4 (c) 22 of COUNTRYSIDE the Zoning; By-law. The Town Clerk's letter cf May 9 transmitting said petition to the Planning Board and certi.f-�ring that the petition had 64 signatures of registered voters In the Town was duly noted. On the basis of this information the Board approved a draft of a letter with a nost- script notifying Mr. Christoforo that the Board could not accent the neti_tion for a public hear- ing. (See addendum.) The attention of the Board was called to a M 1 DISTRICT letter, dated May 8, 1961, from Messrs. Nylander REZONING and Tropeano. The Board aunroved a draft of a PROPOSAL letter acknowledging receipt of the Tropeano and Nylander communication. (See addenda; see also minutes of "lanni.ng Board's info -mal meeting of May 3, 1961.) The notices of petitions to be heard by the BOA?D OF Board of Appeals on May 23, 1 961 were considered. APPEALS It was decided to take no action upon said peti- tions. Mr. Soule reported that a member of the LTONS CLUB Lexington Lions Club had telephoned to him re- SPEA KFR. questing; that a representative of the planning Board address the Club at Its "-day 23, 1961 meetin-. Mr. Soule volunteered to represent the Board at said. meeting. From 8:15 to 8:50 n.m, the Board met with HARRINGTON PTA the following; Town Meeting members of'Precinct'l: SAFETY Robert H. Grav, Homer J. Hagedorn, Mr. and Mrs. COTINITTTFE Franklin C. Hudson, Philip Marshall, and Sumner E. Perlman." The group sought information In re - Bard to what could and could not be done in the way of public action to improve the traffic con- �I F, V-1th reference to said informal meetingi. REFUSE the Board draftee a letter to the Board of COLLECTION Selectmen seeking information as to what they AND DIS-- pronosed to do i.n regard to the pefuse Collection POSAL STUDY and Dis-iosal Study which bad been nrepared by Fav, Snofford and TI^orndike. (See addendum.) The notices of petitions to be heard by the BOA?D OF Board of Appeals on May 23, 1 961 were considered. APPEALS It was decided to take no action upon said peti- tions. Mr. Soule reported that a member of the LTONS CLUB Lexington Lions Club had telephoned to him re- SPEA KFR. questing; that a representative of the planning Board address the Club at Its "-day 23, 1961 meetin-. Mr. Soule volunteered to represent the Board at said. meeting. From 8:15 to 8:50 n.m, the Board met with HARRINGTON PTA the following; Town Meeting members of'Precinct'l: SAFETY Robert H. Grav, Homer J. Hagedorn, Mr. and Mrs. COTINITTTFE Franklin C. Hudson, Philip Marshall, and Sumner E. Perlman." The group sought information In re - Bard to what could and could not be done in the way of public action to improve the traffic con- �I F, 5-15-61 From 8:50 to x:15 r.m. Attorney Norman T. May met with the Board to discuss the proposal of Countrywide Offices, Inc, and the Lexington Investment Trust for a rezoning of land at the southeasterly intersection of ?routes 2 and 129. Mr. May presented the Board with a letter, dated Mai} 15, 1961, transmitting a cony of an- other plan affecting the proposed subdivision of land which was either owned by said Trust or which the Trust had contracted to buy. The plan was numbered X 1, dated April 17, 1961 and re- vised May 12, 1c61. In his letter ?"Ir. Mav stated that as of May 12 contracts between the Lexington Investment Trust and the homeowners on SDr-n,c, Street were signed and exchan7ed and that said contracts were not options to buy but firm agreements conditioned onlv on rezoning of the land. In view of the fact that the buildings pro- posed to be erected on the land would be of such a hih assessment value, Mr. Ma7r asked that the Board on its own initiative hold a rublic hearing and place an article in the warrant for the -3- LEXINGTON INVESTMF7T TRUST - C OUNTRYIi IDE OFFICES, INC , d;ti_ons and safety of nedestri.ans st the Lowell and Woburn Streets intersection, commonly re- ferred to as Countryside. Speaking~ for the group Mr. Hagedorn stated that a ,?roup of Town Meeting members took upon themselves the problem of studying the Countryside situation after a petition to the Board of Selectmen had been prepared by the Har- rington P.T.A. Safety Committee. He said that the group would like to be of some use to the Planning Board i.n the preparation of any recom- mendations which the Board might wish to make to the Selectmen, Mr. FFagedorn referred to the material which had been supplied to him by 11r. Snow for the purpose of making traffic counts in the area to compare with those which had been completed in October, 1956, Questions were raised in regard to counting the number of auto- mobiles rarked on the store lots and adjacent streets and the feasibility of locating a park- ing lot at the northwesterly corner of the inter- section of Lowell and '.4oburn Streets. Questions were likewise raised in regard to the location of numbs nt the gas service stations and other structures. The was referred to the records ' group of the Board of Anneals who have jurisdiction over these matters. From 8:50 to x:15 r.m. Attorney Norman T. May met with the Board to discuss the proposal of Countrywide Offices, Inc, and the Lexington Investment Trust for a rezoning of land at the southeasterly intersection of ?routes 2 and 129. Mr. May presented the Board with a letter, dated Mai} 15, 1961, transmitting a cony of an- other plan affecting the proposed subdivision of land which was either owned by said Trust or which the Trust had contracted to buy. The plan was numbered X 1, dated April 17, 1961 and re- vised May 12, 1c61. In his letter ?"Ir. Mav stated that as of May 12 contracts between the Lexington Investment Trust and the homeowners on SDr-n,c, Street were signed and exchan7ed and that said contracts were not options to buy but firm agreements conditioned onlv on rezoning of the land. In view of the fact that the buildings pro- posed to be erected on the land would be of such a hih assessment value, Mr. Ma7r asked that the Board on its own initiative hold a rublic hearing and place an article in the warrant for the -3- LEXINGTON INVESTMF7T TRUST - C OUNTRYIi IDE OFFICES, INC , special town meeting scheduled for June 19. Members of the Board expressed the opinion that in so doing it might be interpretated by some citizens that the Board was in favor of the pro- posal. This point was discussed at some length. Later during the meeting the Planning Board de- cided that it dial not wish to nitiate the peti- tion and requested Mr. Soule to so notify "4r. May. The Board's attention was called to a copy LOPING HILL of a letter, dated May 10,1961, from the Town ESTATES Counsel to Mr. Outhet stating that a nrint of the SEC, 4 definitive subdivision plan entitled "Loring Hill Fstates, Section Four" had been shown at the Land OUTHFT Court Engineer's office and informing Mr.Outhet RFnLTY that among other requirements the Er,)71neer was TRUST request.n.n additional information to be shown on said clan. Mr. Snow reported that he had sent a portion of the Town Counsel's letter and returned the tracing cloth drawi.nps of the plan to Miller and Nvlander who had nrepared said plan. Called. to the Board's attention next was a LEGISLATURE letter, dated May 11, 1061, from the Town Counsel to the ?Manning Bo^•rd enclosing for the informa- CHAPTFR 276 tion of the members a copv of Chanter 276 of the ACTS OF 1061 Acts of 1.061 which nroh.bits any member of the Board from representing any party of interest in any matter before the Planning Board. It was noted that the Act was approved on March 23, 1961 and becomes effective 90 days thereafter. Considered also by the Board was a letter, ZONING dated Marr 12, from the Building Inspector to the BY-LAW Planning Board in regard to additions to non- AMENDM'NT conforming buildings under Section 10 of the Lex- , ington Zoning B -r -law. The Board discussed said letter and requested Mr. Snow to transmit it to Considered next by the Board was the re- DFRDERTAN guest of George Perde.rian of Lexington for an in- PRFLTMTNARY formal opinion in regard to a plan entitled. 77)UBDIVTSTON "Preliminary Subdivision of Part of Plan of Land PLAN Lexington, Mass.", nrepared by Dominic Capone of ' Winchester and dated February 25, 1961. Mr. Snow gave a report of his recommendations in regard to the elan and stated that he had discussed it with Mr. Carroll, Town Fn ineer and Sunt. of Public Works. Mr. Snow then presented for consideration by the Board the draft of a letter addressed to Mr. Derderi_an setting forth an opinion in regard to said plan. The Board annroved said draft which was signed by the Chairman. (See addendum.) Called. to the Board's attention next was a LEGISLATURE letter, dated May 11, 1061, from the Town Counsel to the ?Manning Bo^•rd enclosing for the informa- CHAPTFR 276 tion of the members a copv of Chanter 276 of the ACTS OF 1061 Acts of 1.061 which nroh.bits any member of the Board from representing any party of interest in any matter before the Planning Board. It was noted that the Act was approved on March 23, 1961 and becomes effective 90 days thereafter. Considered also by the Board was a letter, ZONING dated Marr 12, from the Building Inspector to the BY-LAW Planning Board in regard to additions to non- AMENDM'NT conforming buildings under Section 10 of the Lex- , ington Zoning B -r -law. The Board discussed said letter and requested Mr. Snow to transmit it to 5-15-61 NONCONFORM- ING BUILDINGS WOR THEN ROAD SUMMER EMPLOYMENT KINGSTON HOMES INC. the Town Counsel for an opinion in regard to the amend-ent to the Zon;ng BIT -law suggested by the Building inspector. The Board's attention was called to a letter, dated Ma -r 11, 1061, from Mr.Carroll, Town Engineer and Sunt, of Public Works, to the Commissioner o" the Mass. Dent, of Public Works, requesting a meeting in which Mr. Carroll and Mr. Snow could discuss with the Commissioner the importance of the Worthen Road project to the Town of Lexington and how the construction of said road is beinr, delayed because of t' -e lack of Information in regard to the future plans for the Route 2 -Pleasant St. intersection. Mr. Snow next discussed with the Board the unavailability of student assistants to help with planning projects scheduled for the summer months. He gave a report of his i_ntervi.ew with the onlv anplicant to tate, John M. 'deed of Auburndale, "Mass., a graduate student in land- scape architecture at Harvard University. Before making any recommendations In regard to this annlicant Mr. Snow said that he wol:ld wish to consult with members of the faculty of the Har- vard Crraduai e School of Design. The Board adjourned Its meeting at 10:15 p.m. From 10:30 to 10:15 n.m. Messrs. Grindle, Meyer and. Soule and Planning Director Snow met informally with. Mr. Donald '?. Sleeper, Jr., attorney for Kingston Homes, Inc. Mr. Sleeper discussed with the Board the, rossibility of It grant.nv a variance for a dead-end street longer than 500 feet so thst his client might proceed with the development of the former Higgins nronerty on Ha -le Street in accordance wllth a study plan %-'r. Snow had prepared of Ki_n�-stop Homes and adjacent lands. Mr. Snow exhibited a sketch plan entitled 'Proposed Location of rmerson Road between i-ianle and Lowell Streets (showing relation to suggested subdivision of Kingston Homes, Inc, land and portions of adja- cent lands.)" He reported that a preliminary copy of said plan had been discussed on May 4 at a conference be had veld with Pyr. S. P. Simeone of ',Trentham, Yass., Mr. r'milio Soagnuola of Kingston Homes and Attorney Sleeper. Members of the Board took Mr. Sleeper's request under advisement and Informed _ him thev would discuss it wits the re- NONCONFORM- ING BUILDINGS WOR THEN ROAD SUMMER EMPLOYMENT KINGSTON HOMES INC. r-1' -61 mnining members of the Board at its following meeting. %be4rt F. Meyer, Clerk ADDENDA Mr. John Chri.stoforo Hale & Dorr 60 State Street Boston, Mass. Dear Sir: May 15, 1961 Reference is made to your letter of May 5 to the Town Clerk, The Board has received from the Town Clerk a letter, dated Mav 0, 19613 transmitting to the Planning Board a :petition to amend Section 4 (c) 22. of the Zon- ing By-law. As sou will note the copy of letter enclosed the Town Clerk has only certified that the heti-tion con- tains 64 signatures of registered voters in the Town of Lexin7ton. The Board remrets to inform you that under these circumstances it cannot accent ,your petition to hold a public hearing. Yours very truly, LFXTNTGTO�' PLA.'\T'TING BOARD Fnc. /s/ Richard N. Soule, Chairman r.S. As soon as a new and acceptable netition is re- ceived the Planning Board will make a determination of the area deemed to be affected by the nronosed amend- ment, estimate the costs of holdinc, the hearing^ includ- ing such items as advertising and mailing, and notipr youu of the tee which has been set to defer these costs. It is recommended in circularizing another netiti_on it not be marked "Lexi.nmton Citizens Only" but marked "Lex- ington Registered Voters Only." 1 1 C-1[-61 -7- Mav 16, 1961 ' Board of Selectmen Town Office Building Lexington 73, "'?ass. Gentlemen: On May 3, 1961 the Planning Board met with the principal owners of land fronting on Hartwell Avenue In the light manufacturing district and discussed with them its gen- eral nronosa.ls for the area bounded by Bedford and Wood Streets, Route 129 and the Bedford town line. At that time the owners were informed that the Planning Board has scheduled for the summer months a studv of this entire area, the study to include a general subdivision plan and specific rezoning nronosals and regulations, the possible relocation of a section of the Boston Edison Company trans- mission lines and a rezoning nronosal for a large motel on Bedford Street. Before nroceeding with this study the 'Planning Board would_ apnreciate receivin? information as to what decisions the Board of Selectmen have mace and what it Is oronosinr to do in regard to the Anvil 1961 Refuse Collection and Dis- nosal Studv prepared by Fav, Spofford and Thorndike. Sincerely yours, LFXTNGTnN PrAn77NG BOARD /s/ Richard H. Soule, Chairman Ma 8, 1061 Lexir�ton Planri_n7 Boa -d Town Office Buildirg Lexinp,ton 73, TMassachusetts Re: Land adjoining Hartwell Road Gentlemen: We, Wilbur C. Nylander and Alfred P. Tropeano, agree to refrain from constructing or allowing any construction on the M-1 and the R-1 zone land situated on both sides of Hartwell Road that we own. This agreement to do so is to expire on the same date as the similar agreement from Cabot. Cabot and Forbes, which we understand to be September of 1961. Very trultr yours, /sl Alfred. P. Troneano /s/ Wilbur C. Nylander -P- May 16 , 1961 Mr. Wilbur C. Nvlander Mr. Alfred P. Troneano 114 Waltram Street Lexington 73, Mass. Gentlemen: The Board acknowledges receipt of your communication, dated May 81 1961, in regard to your agreement to re- frain from allowing any construction on the M 1 and R 1 zone land which you own and which is situated on both sides of Hartwell Road. Yours very truly, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD Is/ Richard H. Soule, Chairman May 12, 1961 Mr. George Derderian Concord Turnnike, Lexington 73, Mass. Dear Mr. rerderian: Reference is made to vour request for an informal oninion in regard to the plan entitled "Preliminary Subdivision of Part of Plan of Land Lexington, Mass.", nrepared. by Dominic Carone of WIticreste.r, and dated February 25, 1960. A set of mints of tris clan together with the original of the "Profile Along Burns Road" is being returned to you herewith. Before the Planning_ Board would arnrove a subdivision elan such as you filed, you would be requested to show evidence that -7rou have obtained and can in turn grant to the Town easements for a water main and rublic travel in a private way, Burns Road. The Puhli.c Works Department records show that there is no water main in Burns Road. you would like- wise be required to obtain and be able to grant to the Town a drain easement in Lot 4 and adjacent land and the right to cast drain water unon the parcel numbered 284. In regard to the design requirements set forth in Lexing- ton's Subdivision Rules and Regulations, it is noted that there is not shown on the plan any temporary turnaround at the end of the nronosed extension of Burns Road. The proposed nrof_le of the Burns Road extension shows no . leveling area at the end of said extension. The Board Is i- recei.nt of a copy of Permit No. J-2982, 5-15-61 -c- ' dated May 3, 10612 from the Mass. Dept. of Public ',Torks granting? you nermi.sson to enter upon Route 2 for the nurpose of constructing a street to the nronerty on the north side of said Route 2. Tt cannot be determined readily from the permit requested by you just where the entrance onto Route 2 will be located. As soon as this location is shown on an overall plan of how you intend to subdivide a parcel of land, the Board will inform -.Tou of the minimum width it will require for a right of way. Enc. 3 1 1 Yours very truly, LEXINGTON PLA7NTNG BOARD Isl Pichard H. Soule, Chairman