HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-04-10PLANNING BOARD MEETING I April 102 1961 A regular meeting of the Lexington Plan- ning Board was held on Monday, April 10, 1961 at 7:40 p.m. in the Planning Board office, Town Office Building. Present were Chairman Soule, members Bryson, Mabee cnd Meyer, and Planning Director Snow. The Board approved the minutes of its March 28 and Anril 3, 1 961 meetings. Read to the Board was Town Counsel Stevens' letter of April 71 1961 to the Planning Director enclosing an option, dated March 31, 1961, signed by Richard H. Soule and Phoebe H. Soule under which the Town might acquire ease- ments for public travel, and for all other pur- poses for which ways are intended in Lexington, in two parcels of land abutting on Fldred Street at the nrIce of X1500.00. Mr. Snow reported that he had transmitted the option instrument to the Town Clerk for safekeeping. There was then read. to the Board and approved by it the draft of a letter to the Selectmen recommending that they exercise the option (see addendum). Considered next was a communication, dated March 10, 1961, from Fdward A. Poskus, Chairman of the By-laws Committee of the Mass. Federation of "lanning Boards setting forth for the consider- ation of the members certain recommended changes In the Federation's constitution to be acted upon at the annual meeting of said Federation to be held May 12, 1961. It was decided that if these recommended changes, particularly the increase in dues, were acted upon favorably by the Federation at its annual meeting; that the Planning? Board would not renew its membership in the Federation 4n 1962. Read to the Board and considered by it was a letter, dated April 6, 1961, from Mr. F. D. A. King, Jr. of Whitman & Howard, Inc., Engineers, with reference to the traffic study which said corporation is making for the Mass. Dent. of Pub- lic Works and in conjunction therewith the pro- posal to make a direct connection from the Hanscom Field Air Base to Route 128 as shown on prints en- closed with. said letter. It was decided to have MINUTES OPTION ELDRED STREET MASS. FEDERATION OF PLANNING BOARDS HANSCOM FIFLD - ROUTE 128 ACCESS ROAD -2- Considered next was an undated communication HARRINGTON from Mrs. Katherine A. Waterman, Chairman of the SCTTOOL PTA Safety Committee of the Harrington School PTA and a SAFETY letter, dated March. 232 1961s from the Selectmen in COMMTTTEE regard to said communication. The Planning Board approved a letter to Mrs. Waterman and a draft of a letter to the Selectmen in regard to the existing con- ditions at the Woburn -Lowell Street intersection (see addenda). From 9:30 to 9:40 p.m. Mr. Robert 74. Carrig MINUTE MAN met with the Board to discuss further a second means TTTGHLANDS of access which he proposed for the land which his SEC. 4 father owned and planned to develop as Minute Man Highlands, Section 4 subdivision (see minutes of the CARRIG March 28, 1961 Planning Board meeting). The Board advised T.,1r Carrig that it would give the problem of ' a means of second access further consideration. Earlier during the meeting the Board had discussed copies of this letter and Its accompanying prints sent to the Board of Selectmen and to discuss said proposal with the Selectmen when the Planning Board meets with them on April 17. From 8:15 to 9:00 p.m. Town Counsel Stevens FOLLEN HILL met with the Board to discuss several problems ESTATES currently before the Board. Mr. Stevens discussed LAND FOR in particular the pending acquisition from the RFCR FATION Tower Estate of its remaining undeveloped land - westerly of the Follen Hill Estates subdivision, OPTION said acquisition having been authorized under Article 42 of 1960 Annual Town Meeting. (See min- utes of February 10 1960 Planning Board Meeting.) He pointed out that the owner of lot 89 fronting on Lantern Lane did not wish to acquire for P300 lot 165 to be added to and become a part of said lot 89. Mr. Stevens said, however, that the owner of lot 88 wished to acquire lot 161 in the rear of said lot 88 plus lot 165. In view of the fact that it was under- stood that lot 165 was to be sold for only $300 the Board asked Mr. Stevens to attempt to negotiate for the acquisition of said lot to be included in and to become a part of the entire tract which the Town was acquiring from the Tower Estate. Discussed next were the notices of petitions ' BOApD OF to be heard by the Board of Appeals on April 11. It APPEALS was decided to take no action on said petitions. Mr. Snow, however, was asked to discuss with the Chair- man of the Board of Anneals the James P. Cassim peti- tion and to furnish the Board of Appeals with a map showing the Cassim tract and the adjacent properties. Considered next was an undated communication HARRINGTON from Mrs. Katherine A. Waterman, Chairman of the SCTTOOL PTA Safety Committee of the Harrington School PTA and a SAFETY letter, dated March. 232 1961s from the Selectmen in COMMTTTEE regard to said communication. The Planning Board approved a letter to Mrs. Waterman and a draft of a letter to the Selectmen in regard to the existing con- ditions at the Woburn -Lowell Street intersection (see addenda). From 9:30 to 9:40 p.m. Mr. Robert 74. Carrig MINUTE MAN met with the Board to discuss further a second means TTTGHLANDS of access which he proposed for the land which his SEC. 4 father owned and planned to develop as Minute Man Highlands, Section 4 subdivision (see minutes of the CARRIG March 28, 1961 Planning Board meeting). The Board advised T.,1r Carrig that it would give the problem of ' a means of second access further consideration. Earlier during the meeting the Board had discussed 4-10-61 ' the matter with the Town Counsel who pointed out that the Ca.r.rig land was not granted rights in Rockville Avenue to which Mr.Carrig proposed to connect. ws a practical matter, however, it was decided to determine if the proposed second means of access was adequate. Mr. Snow was asked to confer with Mr. Carroll, Supt, of Public Works and Town Fngineer to determine if a second means of access were satisfactory from the standpoint of street grades, utilities and construction. The attention of the Board was called to a notice of a hearing to be held on Tuesday, April HISTORIC 11 by the Historic Districts Commission. It was DISTRICTS decided to take no action in regard to the applica- COMMISSION tion for a certificate of appropriateness to be considered at said rearing. The Board veld a discussion next in regard to Mr. Snow's letter of April 10 to the Board of GREAT Selectmen with reference to the Landscape Fxchange MEAD019S Problem involving the Great Meadows (see adden- dum.} Mr. Snow presented next studies which he ' had made for the proposed residential subdivision McDEVITT of the former McDevitt property at t;he corner of PROPERTY Grove and Burlington Streets. The Board approved the studies as nresented and asked Mr. Snow to give copies of them to the firm of Miller & Ny- lander which had been employed to prepare a defini- tive subdivision plan for the property. After a general discussion of other current problems before the Board, it adjourned its meet- ing at 10:15 p.m. Robert F. Meyer Clerk ADDENDUM April 11,1961 Board of Selectmen Town Office Building Lexirgton 73, Mass. Dear Madam and Gentlemen: The Planning Board has obtained an option dated March 311 1961, signed by ''!chard H. Soule and Phoebe H. Soule under which the Town may acquire easements for public travel, and for all other purposes for which streets are now or hereafter may be commonly used in Lexington, in two parcels of land abutting on Fldred Street at a price of 11500.00. The Planning Board recommends that the Selectmen exercise said option. If this is done easements will have been acquired for the construction of Emerson Road (or a street under some other name) on either side of Fldred Street as shown on the attached sketch and print. It is understood that Bart of the proposed Justin Street trunk line sewer is to be located within this easement. Enc: 2 Board of Selectmen Town Office Building_ Lexington 73, Mass. Dear Madam and Gentlemen: Sincerely .yours, LFXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /sl Robert F. Meyer, Clerk April 110 1961 In reply to your letter of March 23, 1961 the Planning Board believes that a detailed study should be made of the existing conditions at the Woburn and Lowell Street intersection. It is believed, h owever, that before any such study is made that there should be prepared by the Engineering Department a detailed map showing the loca- tion of all existing buildings, curbs, sidewalks, signs, etc. in the immediate vicinitV. Such a man would serve as a basis for preparing a detailed recommendati8n for the location of additional sidewalks, curbs, and points of access to the local business districts located at this intersection. Sincerely yours, LFXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Richard H. Soule, Chairman cc: Mrs. Katherine Waterman April 11,1961 Mrs. Katherine A. Waterman LL Rumford Road Lexington 73, Massachusetts Dear Mrs. Waterman: 1 1 i 4-10-61 -5- ' '.nye acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 14. The Planning Board is concerned with the traffic conditions and safety of pedestrians at the Lowell -Woburn Street intersection as well as other similar intersections in various narts of Lexington. The Planning Board can take no corrective measures directly, but we have made and will continuallT make recommendations to the Town Meeting regarding the re- zoning of land abutting such intersections. We note that a copy of your letter to us was forwarded to the Board of Selectmen who are empowered to take Immediate and direct steps to improve the situation. A copy of our letter to the Board of Selectmen is attached for your information. Very truly ,yours, LFXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Pichard H. Soule, Chairman cc: Board of Selectmen April 101 1961 ' Mrs. Ruth. More -r, Chairman Board of Selectmen Lexington 73, Massachusetts Dear Mrs. Morey - You will recall that about a month ago I showed you a program which I had written for the Landscape Fxchange Problems, the program being entitled "A Natural Science Park." The Landscape Fxchange is an informal organiza- tion comprised of the teaching staffs in departments of landscene architecture In various colleges and univer- sities in the United States. I wrote the nroblem at the request of the executive secretary of the Landscape Fx- change based upon the Great Meadows site in East Lexing- ton, but for the purposes of the problem made certain assumptions in the urogram which are contrary to the existing situation. This program was accompanied by (1) a photograph of a topographical model of the area, (2) a print of a portion of the July 1903 edition of the "Boston, Mass." U.S.G.S. quadrangle sheet showing survey conditions of 1898-1900 when the Great Meadows site was flooded and used as a reservoir, (3) a print of the 1956 edition of the "Lex- ington, Hass.". TI.S.G.S. quadrangle sheet, ([�) a print at 200 scale of the Meadows showing the plant associations; topography, adjacent nronerties, and the proposed loca- U-10-61 -6- tion of Fmerson Road around the Meadows, (K) a print at I 100 scale showing in more detail topogra.nhy and boundary line data. Attached herewith is a copy of this program together with my memorandum of April 3 to the Planning Board for the purpose of informing the members of my observations of the area involved and of setting forth also some of my thoughts regarding the way I believe the Great Meadows should be utilized. After discussing the program with the Planning Board, I was asked to send it to ,you and have ,you refer it to the Selectmen to see if they were willing to have a copy of the program sent to Mr.Richard.son, who I understand is chairman of the Town of Arlington committee interested in the development of the Meadows. If such a program were sent it would be with the understanding that a letter accompany the program explaining fully the assumptions made and the purpose of the problem. Enc : 2 Sincerely yours, /s/ Samuel P. Snow Planning Director 1 1