HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-04-03PLANNING BOARD MEMI TNG April 3, 1961 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held on Monday, April 321961 at 7:40 p.m. Present were Chairman Soule, members Grindle, Mabee and Meyer, and ?Tanning Director Snow. The Board approved the minutes of its March 20, 21 and 27 Planning Board meetings. The Board approved for t)17.75 for stationery Lexington Press, Inc. Considered next was letter of March 30 to the reference to the granting; ties and easements in the subdivision. All matters upon motion duly made and mous ly also a bill for payment and printing from the the Town Counsel's Planning Director with to the Town of ut1li- Middle Ridge Section 2 appearing to be in order, seconded it was unani- MINUTES BILL MIDDLE RIDGE SEC. 2 TECHBUILT GREAT MEADOWS VOTED: to release the performance bond, dated September 17, 1956, filed by Edward Diehl, Vice President, Techbuilt, Inc., as Prin- cipal, and The Aetna Casualty and Surety Company, as Suretv, in the sum of eighty seven thousand and no/100--($v871000.00)-- dollars, to secure the performance by the subdivider of his agreement in the form of an application for approval of a definitive plan, Form C, dated June 14, 1956 to com- plete the work to be performed by the sub- divider as shown on the subdivision plan entitled "Middle Ridge Section Two Lexing- ton, Mass." and dated June 141 1956. Mr. Snow discussed with the Board the pro- gram which he had written for the 1960-1961 Land- scape Exchange Problems, the program being en- titled "A Natural 'Science Park." He explained that the Landscane Exchange was an informal organ- ization comprised of the teachingstaffs in de- partments of landscape architecture in various colleges and universities in the United States. He said that at the request of the executive sec- retary of the Landscane Exchange he had written a program based upon the Great Meadows site in East Lexington, but for the purposes of the problem had made certain assumptions set forth in the program MINUTES BILL MIDDLE RIDGE SEC. 2 TECHBUILT GREAT MEADOWS ii-- 3 —61 which were contrary to the existing stivation. He dis- tributed copies of the program to members of the Board for the-)urpose of informing them of his observations of the area involved and of setting forth also some of his thoughts regarding the way he believed the Great Meadows should be utilized. He said that he had shown a copy of the program to Mr.s.Morey, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. It was decided to ask Mrs. Morey if the Selectmen would agree to sending a copy of the program to Mr. Richardson, Chairman of the Town of Arl- ington committee interested in the development of the Meadows provided there was accompanying said program a - letter explaining fully the assumptions made in the pro- gram and the purpose of the problem. -2- F1 [I Considered next was the Town Counsel's letter of LOWELL March 29 to the Planning Director in regard to the pro - ESTATES posed agreement to be executed by Westchester Estates, - Inc. and the release of certain lots in the Lowell Es- WESTCHESTER tates subdivision from the provisions of the covenant ASSOCIATE$ executed by said corporation. Mr. Snow said that there INC. had been filed with the Board a properly executed instru- ment wherein said corporation agreed to complete ser- vices to serve lots 7, 16 and 31 in the Lowell Estates subdivision and that accompanying said executed agreement there was a certified check na.vable to the Town in the amount of 1,,2600.00. Thereupon, upon motion duly made and seconded. it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning 9card sign a nartial release of covenant for required work referred to in the covenant executed by George J. DeVries and John S. i`eVries, dated Feb. 13, 1959, and release lots numbered 7, 16, and 31 in said subdivision nlan entitled "Lowell Es- tates Lexington, Mass.", dated Pecember 9, 1958s from the provisions as to sale and building specified in said covenant. Later during the meeting the Board executed the instru- ment entitled "Partial Release of Covenant" which had been prepared by the Town Counsel and which he notarized. The Board's attention was called to the fact that C 2 DIS- it had not acknowledged Mr..T.ropeano's proposal which he TRICT presented at the January 3Cs 1961 Planning Board Meeting REZONING relative to rezoning the former Catholic Club and adja- PROPOSAL cent properties at daltham Street and Vine Brook Road to general business use. A letter was drafted to Mr. Tropeano in regard to said proposal (see addendum). From 8:25 to 9:15 n.m. Town Counsel Stevens met with the Board to discuss with it several matters and -2- F1 [I 4-3-61 -3- ' problems presently under consideration. He delivered to the Board a letter from the Board of Selectmen re- WORTHEN questing a meeting with the Planning Board at 9:00 p.m, ROAD on Anril 17, 1961 for the nurpose of discussing the proposed 16cation of Worthen Road in the vicinity of Route 2, Mr. Soule called to the Board's attention a letter dated March 28 addressed to him from the RECREATION Recreation Committee requesting a meeting with the COMMITTEE -"Ianning Board. The Board arranged to meet with the Committee on May 8, the Committee's next regu- larly scheduled meeting date. 'Discussed next was the use of a portion of the Board's General Expenses account to employ STUDENT temnorary assistance to uncertake some of the cur- EMPLOYMENT rent staff work. Mr.Snow was authorized to seek the services of two graduate students in landscape architecture to assist hi.m during the summer months in preparing detailed studies of major road loca- tions and related problems so that his time could be spent in the revision of the zoning by-law. After a discussion of other matters and problems currently before the Board it adjourned its meeting at 10:45 p.m. C J1 Robert E, Meyer Clerk ADDENDUM April 4, 1 961 Mr. Alfred P. Tropean( 114 Waltham Street - Lexington 73, Mass. Dear Mr, Tropeano: In checkinm through its records the "llanning Board noticed that it had never acknowledged that it had received at its meeting on January 30, 1.961 a pro- nosal from ,you relative to the rezoning of the so- called Catholic Club nroperty on Waltham Street for ' use for the construction of an office building. As you know, the Board contemplates studying the -4- possibility of further revision of the boundaries ' of the existing central business district. The Board feels that ,your proposal for rezoning should be con- sidered as a part of this study. The Board will give due consideration to your proposal at the time this study is made. Very truly yours, LEXINGTO"T PLANNING BOARD /s/ Richard H. Soule, Chairman 1 1