HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-03-28PLANNING BOARD MEETING March 283 1961 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held on Tuesday, March 281 1961, at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Soule, members Bryson, Grindle and Meyer, and Planning Director Snow. The Board approved the minutes of its March MINUTES 6, 9 and 131 1961 Planning Board meetings. Considered next was the following Form a application for determination of Planning Board FORM A jurisdiction: #61-13P submitted March 281 1961 by John F. and Catherine V. O'Connell; plan entitled "Subdivision Plan of Land in Lexington, iiass.", scale: 1 in = 100 ft, dated March 13, 1961, Henry F. Bryant & Son, Inc., En- 71neers. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was ' unanimously VOTED: that, the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A applica- BOARD OF tion -#61-13 does not require approval under APPEALS the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plan be so endorsed. Mr. Snow reported on what information he had been able to obtain in regard to the Currier peti- tion to be heard by the Board of Appeals later on during the evening. The Planning Board then gave consideration to and approved the draft of a letter dated March 28, 19610 to the Board of Appeals in re- gard to said petition. (See addendum.) The letter was delivered to the Chairman of the Board of Appeals by Mr. Soule who explained more fully the Planning Board's position in regard to said petition. At 8:00 p.m, the Board held a public hear - Ing relative to the application for approval of a LORING HILL subdivision of property of Outhet Realty Trust to ESTATES be known as "Loring Hill Estates Section Four Lex- ington, Mass."p situated between the existing ends OUTHET of Baskin Road and Section One and Three of Loring Hill Fstates. Present were Messrs. Ernest E. . Outhet representing the !?uthet Realty Trust and Mr, and Mrs. Homer Hagedorn of 379 Woburn Street. 3-2F-61 The Chairman read the notice of the hearing as it had been sent to all the property owners abutting the proposed subdivision and as it had been published in the March 16 issue of the Lexin - ton Minute -man. He then explained the procedure to be followed in conducting the hearing and called upon Mr. Outhet to present his plan. Mr. Outhet pointed out that the subdivision consisted of an extension of Baskin Road for a dis- tance of about 2100 feet in such a manner that it would make a loop road connecting previously con- structed sections of the Loring Hill Estates devel- opment. He noted that there would be 21 lots front- ing on said road. He also nointed out that the definitive plan as presented conformed to the pre- liminary subdivision plan of the entire Loring Hill development, said plan having been previously approved by the Planning Board. Mr. Outhet was asked by members of the Board if he would object to increasing the radius of the northeasterly corner of Lot 79 so that there would be a greater distance between Lots 78 and 79 along the common boundary between the northwesterly side line of Baskin Road. and town -owned land. It was stated that this greater distance would provide room on the town of Lexington land for both a ser- vice road and an adequate screen planting for Lot 78 should it be found necessary and desirable to nrovide for such planting. Mr. Outhet indicated that he had no objection to the suggested change desired by the Board. There being no further ques- tions or matters to discuss in regard to said plan, the hearing was declared closed at 8:05 p.m. From 8:05 to 8:15 p.m. Mr. John W. Castoldi EMERSON ROAD of Newton met with the Board for the purpose of dis- cussing the proposed location of Emerson Road across CASTOLDI his land, said land being the former Veritv property situated northwesterli- of the Adams Estates Section 2 subdivision. With reference to the Boards letter of January 312 1961 to Mr.Castoldi (see Planning Board minutes of January 302 1961), it was suggested that Mr. Castold.i have Miller & Nylander, the firm which was to prepare the nreli.minary subdivision plan for the development of the Verity property, make a detailed plan at 100 scale showing all the properties across which Fmerson Road would be lo- cated from a point on Adams Street opposite the present terminus of Emerson Road to the southeast- erly terminus of Hawthorne and Longfellow Roads. Later when Mr. Nylander was nresent at the meeting of the Board it was suggested to him that he prepare -2- 3-28-61 ' for Mr. Castoldi a location for the road over the annroximate location outlined by the Board and sub- mit said location for the Board's consideration in conjunction with the proposed development of the former Verity land. Taken under consideration next was the appli- cation of Fred Corazzin for approval or the pre- limi_nary plan for a portion of the Corazzini nroperty located on Blossom Street. Mr. Snow discussed with the Board the Town Engineer's recommendations in re- rrard to said plan. Thereupon, upon motion being: duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED: that the nreliminary subdivision plan entitled "Preliminary Plan Showing; proposed Subdivision of Land in Lexinf?ton-Mass.", dated Jan. 13, io61, which was submitted to the Board for Fred Corazzini by Richard R. Corazzini, attorney, accompanied by an application for approval of preliminary plan, Form B, dated January 313 1961) be and hereby is anproved subject to the condi- tions that (1) the brook shown across lots 1 and 9 be piped, (2) the drain in Blossom Street be connected to drain system in subdivision and (3) a dry sewer be laid in subdivision to boundaries of said subdivision for connection to trunk sewer. -3- head to the Board was Town Counsel Stevens' letter of March 17 to the Planning Director with ref- ROBINSON erence to the grant of easements and utilities to the HILL, SEC - town within the first and second sections of the Rob- TIONS 1 inson Hill development. (See Planning Board minutes AND 2 of February 271 1961.) Attention was called to a letter from the Board of Selectmen advis-i.nrr, the Planning Board that BUCKMAN the Selectmen had voted {.:o take the necessary steps DRTVE- to lay out the extension of Buckman Drive and the SUMMIT extension of Summit Road to Fern Street to nresent ROAD at a special town meeting. (See addendum; see also minutes of March h, 1961 Planning Board meeting.) The Board's attention was also called toa letter, dated March 23, 19612 from the Selectmen in REZONING regard to the nurpose of a joint committee to hear PpOPOSALS rezoning proposals. (See addendum; see also min- COMMTTTFF utes of the March 91 1961 Planning; Board meeting.) Likewise called to the Board's attention C 1 DISTRICT were letters, dated March 23 and 24, between the Board of Selectmen and the Building; Inspector with MANEY reference to the Planning Board's inquiry of March 22 -h- The next matter considered was a letter, HARRINGTON dated March 23, 1961, from the Board of Selectmen SCHOOL calling to the Planning Board's attention another PTA letter from Mrs.Katherine A. Waterman, said ' letter accompanying copies of a petition to the Board of Selectmen with reference to a proposed operation of a lumber business on Lowell. Street and particularly with reference to the concern of the Harrington School PTA Safety Committee for the safety of children walking to and from school via the intersection of Woburn and Lowell Streets. Mr. Snow was asked to draft for the Poard's considera- tion a ren_ly to the Selectmen's request for a re- snonse to the Waterman letter. Considered also was a revised proposal for BOARD OF a subdivision of the Finney property numbered 52 APPFALS Fottler Avenue. Called to the Board's attention were two plans which were left with the "lanning FINNEY Board for consideration in connection with a pe- tition of Mrs. Louise Finney to be heard before the Board of Anpeals on May 2. This matter was referred to Mr. Snow for recommendation of Plan- ning Board action. The attention of the Board was next called CRANDALL to a letter, dated. March 16, from the Town Counsel LAND FOR to the Board of Selectmen advising that on said , F.ECREAT T07AL date there was completed the acquisition of Lot B PURPOSES on Middleby Road by deed, dated February 28, 1961, from Newton B. and Josephine P. Crandall to the (see addenda] also see minutes of the March 21, 1961 (see Planning Board meeting). From 8:35 to 9:00 p.m. Mr. Robert Carrig MINUTE MAN and Mr. N-�-lander met with the Board to discuss the HIGHLANDS preliminary subdivision nlan of Minute Man High - SEC. 4 lands, Section 4 (see minutes of Feb. 13, 1961 - Planning Board Meeting). Mr.Carri.g presented to CARRIG the Board a modified subdivision plan showing the nronosed extension of "B" Street in a northwester- ly direct'on and thence at right angles to connect to the end of Rockville Avenue, said r,ronosed ex- tension being across lots 112 to 11l_ inclusive shown on the East Lexington Farms subdivision plat of November 10, 1913. Mr. Carrig asked for the Planning Board's approval of said extension of "B" Street to Rockville Avenue as a second recognized means of access to the Minute Man Highlands subdi- vision. Members of the Planning Board questioned the legal status of the way as a second means of access but informed Mr. Carrig that they would re- fer the matter to the Town Counsel for his opinion. The next matter considered was a letter, HARRINGTON dated March 23, 1961, from the Board of Selectmen SCHOOL calling to the Planning Board's attention another PTA letter from Mrs.Katherine A. Waterman, said ' letter accompanying copies of a petition to the Board of Selectmen with reference to a proposed operation of a lumber business on Lowell. Street and particularly with reference to the concern of the Harrington School PTA Safety Committee for the safety of children walking to and from school via the intersection of Woburn and Lowell Streets. Mr. Snow was asked to draft for the Poard's considera- tion a ren_ly to the Selectmen's request for a re- snonse to the Waterman letter. Considered also was a revised proposal for BOARD OF a subdivision of the Finney property numbered 52 APPFALS Fottler Avenue. Called to the Board's attention were two plans which were left with the "lanning FINNEY Board for consideration in connection with a pe- tition of Mrs. Louise Finney to be heard before the Board of Anpeals on May 2. This matter was referred to Mr. Snow for recommendation of Plan- ning Board action. The attention of the Board was next called CRANDALL to a letter, dated. March 16, from the Town Counsel LAND FOR to the Board of Selectmen advising that on said , F.ECREAT T07AL date there was completed the acquisition of Lot B PURPOSES on Middleby Road by deed, dated February 28, 1961, from Newton B. and Josephine P. Crandall to the 3-2d-61 Town, said deed being recorded on March 16 in the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds as instru- ment No. 184. It was noted that the plan referred to in the deed was recorded at the same time as plan Nom. 312 of 1961. It was pointed out that the acquisition of this property was authorized by vote under Article 5 of the Warrant for the special town meeting held on September 26, 10/61. The Planning Board adjourned its meeting at 9:30 n.m. F Robert E. Meyer, Clerk ADDENDUM 28 March 1961 Board of Anneals Town Office Building Lexington 73 Mass. Re: Petition of Harold C. Currier, Jr. Sincerely ?Tours, LEXTNGTON PLAN7\?T7\?G BOARD /s/ Richard N. 'Soule, Chairman March 23, 1961 Mr, Richard H. Soule, Chairman Lexi_n7ton Dlanning Board Lexington 73, Massachusetts Re: Buckman Drive Gentlemen: It is the Planning: Board's opinion that the purpose of a local or neighborhood business district is to provide goods and services with emphasis on daily necessities for the convenience of the surrounding; residential area. The Board does not believe that a business to be known as "Richard's Lumber Co." hardly fulfills this stated purpose Leven though it is recognized that under the Zoning By-law the Board of Appeals may grant a special hermit for a lumber and structural materials business. In this narticular location it is believed a lumber company would decrease adiacent residential property values and substantially increase the traffic in the immediate area where it is already a serious problem. For these reasons the Planning Board recommends that the netition of Harold C. Currier, Jr. not be granted. Sincerely ?Tours, LEXTNGTON PLAN7\?T7\?G BOARD /s/ Richard N. 'Soule, Chairman March 23, 1961 Mr, Richard H. Soule, Chairman Lexi_n7ton Dlanning Board Lexington 73, Massachusetts Re: Buckman Drive -6- 3-24-61 Dear Mr. Soule: In reply to the Planning Boards letter of March 7, 1961, please be advised that the Board of Selectmen voted last evening to take the necessary stens to lay out the ex- tension of Buckman Drive and the extension of Summit Road to Fern Street for presentation at a Special Town Meeting. No request will be made for funds to construct the ways at this time. Very truly yours, /s/ Hazel J. Murray Executive Clerk, Selectmen March 233 1961 Lexi.naton Planning Board Town Office Building Lexin ton 73, Massachusetts Gentler en: Your letter of March 9, 1961s signed by Mr.Thomas S. Grindle with reference to the Screening Committee, was discussed at our meeting last evening. It does not seem that we are too far apart in our conceptions of this ' committee, and as it progresses we will find out what its best uses are. We do feel it should be used for informa- tion for both Boards. Very truly yours, /s/ Ruth Morey Chairman March 23, 1961 Mr.Donald K. Irwin, Building Inspector 1575 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington 73, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Irwin: The Board of Selectmen has been advised of the possible sale of Mane7ls, known as the Metropolitan Equipment and Service Co. The company, as the Board understands the situation, now owns property on which three plants are located. Will you please check and advise the Board what businesses are now being operated in the area and what, if any, per- mits have been granted by the Board of Appeals. Ve truly yours, /s7Hazel J. Murray Executive Clerk, Selectmen cc: Planning Board 3_2,J 61 -7- March 24, 1961 Board of Selectmen Town of Lexington, Mass. Attn. Mrs. Ruth Morey, Chairman Dear Mrs. Morey: Re: The Metropolitan Eauinment and Service Co. In contacting the office manager of the above company the following information was obtained: 1. The Metronolitan Equipment and Service Company and Maney's occupy the same building. They are essentially one and the same company. 2. The Assessors' records show and this was verified by the manager that the company owns 2.77 acres of land and one building, the building being occupied by the Metropolitan Equipment and Service Company. The building is the former Middlesex and Boston Street Railway barn. 3. Adjacent to the Metropolitan Equipment and Service Company is the Crowell Tube Company, Inc., located at 177 Bedford Street. They are located in the former power station of the Middlesex and Boston Street Railway Co. They have 2.23 ' acres of land. 4. The only structure in this area other than the Town barn and the residences is the building used by the Larchmont Farms in connection with their irrigation business. A Board of Appeals nermit was granted to the Metropolitan Equinment and Service Company to permit the premises at 169 to 173 Bedford Street to be used for a business of a eneral con- tractor. This permit was granted. February 6, 1953.- The Board of Appeals' .records show that on February 10, 19551 a hermit was granted for the continuance of the manufacturing of small metal tubing at 177 Bedford St., the address of the Crowell Tube Comnanv. I found no reference under the Board of Appeals permit of 1955 for a former nermi.ssion, although there is a petition for a hermit dated July 26,1951, but this was in reference to a Building By Law petition by the Crowell Tube Company. Sincerely yours, /s/ Donald K. Irwin