HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-03-13PLANNING BOARD MEETING 1 March 132 1961 A regular meeting of the Planning Board. was held on Monday, March 13, 1061 at 7:30 p.m. in the planning Board Office, Town Office Building. Pres- ent were Chairman Soule, members Brvson, Grindle, Mabee and Meyer, and Planning Director Snow. The Board approved for payment the following bills which had been submitted: Minute -man Publica- BILLS tions, Inc., advertising --$3.67; Louise M. Macomber, secretarial service -45.00; Graphic Reproductions, Inc., white prints --$17.28. Taken under consideration next were the fol- lowing Form A applications for determination of Plan- FORMS A ning Board jurisdiction: With reference to the Board's discussion at its meeting on March 60 1961 in regard to street STREET acceptances, there was read to the Board and ACCEPTANCES approved by it a letter, dated March 131 1961, to the Selectmen informing them that at this time the Planning Board was not in favor of accepting as town ways Demar, Fairbanks, Gould, Grimes, Tufts and Turning Mill Roads. (See addendum.) The Board approved the draft of a letter, 1961 BUDGET dated March 13, 1961, to the Appropriations Com- mittee requesting that the sum of $3000 be appro- priated for options under Article 40 of the h/arrant #61-10, submitted March 13, 1961 by R. L. Higgins for Town of Lexington; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington., Mass.") Scale: 1" = 1001, dated Feb. 8, 1961, John J. Carroll, -Town Engineer. #61-11, submitted March 13, 1961 by R. L. Higgins for Town of Lexington; plan entitled "Plan of Slone Easements Lowell Street Lex- ington. Mass.", Scale: 1" = 40', dated Sept. 28, 1960, John J. Carroll, Town Engineer. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the plans accompanying Form A applica- tions #61-10 and #61-11 do not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plans be so endorsed. With reference to the Board's discussion at its meeting on March 60 1961 in regard to street STREET acceptances, there was read to the Board and ACCEPTANCES approved by it a letter, dated March 131 1961, to the Selectmen informing them that at this time the Planning Board was not in favor of accepting as town ways Demar, Fairbanks, Gould, Grimes, Tufts and Turning Mill Roads. (See addendum.) The Board approved the draft of a letter, 1961 BUDGET dated March 13, 1961, to the Appropriations Com- mittee requesting that the sum of $3000 be appro- priated for options under Article 40 of the h/arrant 3-13-61 - 2 -- for the Annual Town Meeting. (See addendum; see also minutes of March 9, 1961 Planning Board meet- ing.) Also approved by the Board was the draft of SOIL & GRAVEL a letter, dated March 13, 1961s to State Senator RFMOVAL Long and State Representatives Bocko and Brox in H.1584 regard to H.1584, proposed legislation in regard to soil and gravel removal. (See addendum; see also minutes of March 6, 1961 Planning Board Meeting.) The remainder of the meeting was devoted to REZONING a general discussion of the rezoning nrouosals pre - PROPOSALS sented by the Planning Board at a public hearing held on March 9, 1961. The principal matter dis- cussed was the Boards recommendation that the existing M 1 district be rezoned for C 3 use. Town Counsel Stevens discussed several aspects of this matter when he met with the Board during the even- ing. The Board also discussed the proposal and several other matters with the Selectmen later in the evening. (See minutes of the Selectmen's March 13, 1961 meeting.) The planning Board decided to proceed with the presentation of the C 3 and other proposals at the Annual Town Meeting and not to recommend in- definite postponement on Article 50 as opponents of said proposal had recommended at the public hearing. Mr. Soule was asked to notify representatives of Cabot, Cabot & Forbes to this effect. The meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m. Board of Selectmen Town Office Building Lexington 73, Mass. L Robert E. Meyer, Clerk ADDENDUM 13 March 1961 Re: Street Acceptance Dear Madam and Gentlemen: Reference is made to ,your letter of February 21, 1961 In regard to a list of streets being presented for acceptance at the Annual Town Meeting in March. This is to advise ,you that at this time the Planning 1 i u 3 -1? -61 I Board intends to recommend all the streets listed with lowing - the acceptance as town ways the exception of the fol - 1. Fairbanks and Tufts Roads 2. Turning_ Mill and Demar Roads 3. Grimes and Gould Roads The nrivate ways under item 1 are located in Sections 1 and 2 of the Cary Acres development. The Planning Board has not received from the Superintendent of Public Works a letter stating that the work to be completed 4.n these subdivisions has been completed to his satisfaction. There has not been granted to the Town easements and utilities in Fairbanks and Tufts Roads and certain lots in said development. In view of this situation the Board has not released the bonds it is holding as performance guarantees. It is understood that the Town Counsel is working on the Cary Acres and Middle Ridge, section 2 cases. If these can be completed prior to the time the Town Meeting acts on these matters, the Planning Board plans to remove its present objections the acceptance of streets under items 1, 2 and 3. Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD Isl Richard H. Soule, Chairman 13 March 1961 Appropriations Committee Town Office Building Re: 1961 Budget Lexington 73, Mass, Ontlon Account Gentlemen: In view of the negotiations which have been completed In the case of Turning Mill and Demar Roads in the Middle Ridge Section 2 subdivision there has not been granted to the Town all the easements and utilities i.n said roads and easements in certain lots in said subdivision. In this case also the Board has not re- leased the bond being held as a performance guarantee. Drains in Gould and Grimes Roads are casting w ater into drains in Turning Mill Road in the above-named subdivision. Until such time as Turning Mill and Demar Roads are accented as town ways, Gould and Grimes Roads should not be accepted. It is understood that the Town Counsel is working on the Cary Acres and Middle Ridge, section 2 cases. If these can be completed prior to the time the Town Meeting acts on these matters, the Planning Board plans to remove its present objections the acceptance of streets under items 1, 2 and 3. Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD Isl Richard H. Soule, Chairman 13 March 1961 Appropriations Committee Town Office Building Re: 1961 Budget Lexington 73, Mass, Ontlon Account Gentlemen: In view of the negotiations which have been completed 3-13-61 -4- for options for easements for future the Planning Board requests that the street locations, sum of $3000 be ' anpropriated under Article 40 of the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting instead of the sum of $2500 pre- viously requested. Sincerely ,yours, LEXINGTON PLANNTNG BOARD /s/ Richard H. Soule, cc: Bd. of Selectmen Chairman Hon. John Brox, Representative 13 March 1961 19th Middlesex District House Lobby, State House Boston$ Massachusetts Re: H.1584 Dear Mr. Brox: The Lexington Planning Board wishes to be placed on record as being opaosed to House Bill No. 1584 to be heard March 11., 1961 by the Judiciary Committee. The Board believes that Lexington$ as well as any other , municipality, should be able to continue through its general and zoning by-laws to prohibit the removal of sand and gravel within its borders without this juris- diction being removed in the case of certain projects which are to be paid for by funds of the Federal Gov- ernment or the Commonwealth and its political subdivi- sions. It will be greatly annreciated if you will so inform the Committee. Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Richard H. Soule$ Chairman (Sent also to Hon. Stanley J. Bocko, Representative Hon. James J. Long, Senator)