HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-02-13PLA.,:NT,?G BOA -PD MEFTT7G ' February 13, lg61 regulnr meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held on Monday-, February 13, 11'61 at 7:30 n.m. in the Planning; Board office, Town Office Bui.ld- in�. rrdsent were Chairman Burnell, members Grin dle, Meyer and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. Town Counsel Stevens net with the Board from 9:15 until 10:00 p.m. to discuss several matters being currently cons_dered by the Board. The Board read with great pleasure the announcement of the marriage of the Planning Board's secretary, ',irs. Louise T11. Bakes, to Mr. Kenneth F. Macomber on February 10, 1961. Members of the Board asked Mr. Snow to extend to Mrs. Macomber the Board's congratulations and best wishes. The Board a.pnroved the minutes of its January 23, 1961 meeting. Considered next was the following Form A annlication for determination of Planning 'hoard ' jurisdiction: X61-3, submitted February 10, 1.961 by Mary S. Cond_inho, William Condinho, Anent; plan en- titled_ "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.f4, Scale: 1" = 401, dated Feb. 1, 1961, Miller 8- Nvlander, C.F.'s ?- Surveyors. Unon motion duly made and secorded, it was unanimously IIOTFD: that the Lexi_n�ton Planning Board determines that the plan accomnan74n7 Form A applica- tion 1"61-3 roes not require approval under the SuY-�d vieion Control Law, and that said elan be so endorsed. The attention of the Board was called to a copv of the To,, -in Counsel's letter, dated February 10, 1961, to the Selectmen informing them that the trustees of Tufts College had released to the Town all conditions, prescriptions and limitations as to the use of the nareels of land that were conveyed to the Town by Augustus F. Scott i_n 191LL and 19151 the instrument settint* forth said release being dated February 1, 10')1 and recorded February 10 in the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds. MTNTTTFS FORM A CF?\TTRAL SCHOOL AND PECRFATION ARBA -2- Tn connection with said release Mr. Snow gave H.856 a report of the ubli.c hearing held in the State House n ' by the Committee on Towns of the Massachusetts Legis- lature on House Bill No. 856, said bill authorizing a town to use for school, nalS-ground or recreational pur- noses and for all purposes incidental thereto the parcels of land in Lexin?ton given to the Town b<r said Scott by two deeds. Mr. Snow said he had been informed that after the exec,uti_ve session the Committee had reported favor- abh* on the bill. Distributed to the Board were conies of Articles ARTTCLFS FOR 48, 402 50 and 51 - ich had been inserted in the warrant WARRANT of the Annual Town Meeting, Art. 48 at the request of the Board of .Anneals, and. Articles 405 50 and 51 at the TO'.dAT request of the Planning? Board. Tt was decided to hold MKIETING on March °, 1061 pt, 7;30 n.m. in Fstabrook FIall a nub- lir- hearing on the nronosals to amend the Zoning By-law as set forth in said articles. Mr. Snow exhibited for the Planning Board's BOARD OF information nlans accompanying the Bianchi, Lange and APP"ALS Millican neti.tions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on February 28. The Board took no action in regard to the Milli -can petition. Later in the meeting the Board discussed the ' Bianchi and Lane petitions which sours t Board of Anneals permits for apartments for housekeepers in the Bianchi. and Lange residences presentl7 under construction on Tufts Road. Mr. Stevens expressed the onini_on that both proposals were obviou.slz* violations of the intent of th.e zoning by-law. He stated. that preservation of single fami.17T residential districts was so basic to the veru concept of zoning that if apart- ments were a7_lowed in residences as nronosed, zoning b7 -- laws might as well be abolished. The Board decided to oppose vi_Torously the granting of the BSar_chi. and Lange reti.ti_ons. Mr. Soule was asked to appear at the hear- ing in regard to said nett --ons and to express the Plan - n nm Board's views. "lead to the Board was a letter, dated February WP.LTHAM ST. 10, 1461, from the Chairman of the Board of Anneals in GAFDFI? remard to the Vine Brook Fealty, Trust site and bui.ldi.n APA77TMT71' plans which had been submitted to the llanni_ng Board DISTRICT for consideration on February 2, 1961. -Mr. Snow re- ported that his examination of the buildi.ng and site plans indicated that they were not in form for construc- tion purposes althou7*h obvicuslir they met the Planning Board's recommendations as to exterior building designs and the locations of buildings, parking: areas, etc. He stated that there were minor grading problems which would 2-13-61 ' be created if t}e plans Caere followed as drawn and pointed out the lack of sufficient spot elevations to cnsble a contractor to set I?rades for all walks and paved areas. we also noted the lack of drain data and relationship of drains to the plan and rro- file of ''merson Road as shown on the V'ne Brook t,_eadows Section 2 definitive subdivision elan annroved by the Plannin7 Board on January 235 1061. These matters were discussed with Town Counsel Stevens later in the meetin^ with sneci_al reference to the nlanni_ng Board's letter of June 20, 1060 to Mr. Arthur G. Manaseli_an, architect. (See mim.ltes of nlanning Board meetinm of June 20, 1060.) It was narticularly noted that there was not included in the set of building and: site plans as submitted a buildi.nf- location plan. It was decided t'ierefore not to write a final report on said plans until the follox,inm meeting* of the Planning Board. Mr. Snow i-ia s asked in the meantime to confer with the building inspector and the Superintendent of Public '.<iorks and inform Mr. Manaselian of all the i.nfo.rmat .or which had to be added to the set of -dans before being; acted upon by the T'lanninF Board. ' The attention of the Board was called to a letter, dated lebrzzary 10, 1061, from the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen to tiie Chairman of the "Planning Board w1th reference to a joint discussion held on i'ebru:ar7T 1 between the two boards in regard to the formulation of a -joint co-mittee of four to screen rezon;nn nronosals before the nlannin�^ Board was asked to stud7T the same. (See addendum.) The Chairman as'_.ed 'Sr, t'rindle and Mr. Soule to serve on said corm'ttee. After Pr. Stevens left the meeti.nr, the Board *ave final consideration to the application for tentative annroval of the Minute Man Highlands Sec. It preliminary subdivision clan. Attention was called to a letter dated February 7, 10611 notify- ing the Planni.n 'hoard that the Board of Health did not annrove of said subd'.vision at this time. Unon motion du lv made and seconded, it was unanimously NOTED: that the nr^liminary subdivision plan en- t'_tled 't ,,elimi_nary Plan Minute Man High- lands, Section 4 i.n Lexin^ton, Mass.", dated January 6, 161, which was submitted to the Board by James A. Carrig on February 1, 1061, accompanied by an annlication for tentative an nroval of preliminary elan, Form B, dated Jarnza ry 31, 1061, be and r_ereby is d i sanproved for the reason tr^t said subdivision has only one means of access, RFZONTvG PROPOSALS Cr)PJIMTTTFE MINUTE MAN HIGHLANDS SEC. 4 CARRIG It was decided to write Mr. Carrig a letter informing him the Planning» Board's action in regard ' of to his nlan and also noi_nting out that a sewer would have to be installed in the whole subdivision, access for water and sewer nrovided, a trunk sewer installed along the general location of Clematis Brook and a street arrangement developed which would avoid exces- sive excavation as in the case of "C" Street shown on the plan. Mr. Snow suggested that after he completed his studies for the development of the areas adjacent to the nronosed location of Emerson Road from Lawthorne Road to Adams Street and from East to Woburn Streets, he undertake a detailed study of the area adjacent to the nronosed location of 'srortren Road from � a.rrett Road to the Cambridge -Concord Highway, He suggested that this information be included in the letter to Mr, Carrig. The meeting adiourned at 10:115 p.m. Levi C. Burnell Chairman ' AD'_DB'NTDTTM February 101 1961 Mr. Levi G. Burnell, Chairman Lexin-ton Planning Board Lexington 73, Mgssachusetts Dear Mr. Burnell: 3s a result of the joint discussion of the Planning Board and the Board of Selectmen last week (Feb. 1) Alan Adams and I have been arroi_nted the two Selectmen to serve with two members of the Planning Board on the screening commit- tee which was agreed anon at that time. Are we in agreement that the nurpose of the committee is to encourage or discoura-e new business enterprises for Lexinrrton. ^11 inquiries, whether to the Manning Board., i Selectmen or individual members, requiring rezoning for suggested use, are to be: referred to and screened by the committee before the Manning Board is asked to f*iv them , further time and study. The cor-inIttee Is also to review as soon as possible the 2-1j-61 -5- I proposals which have been received recently enough to b e . cons.derea 'ac+„lve,.n The pur.nose of this screenin7* committee Is not to encourage exploitation of Leamington but to encourage desirable enter- prises to ap-oroach us with reasonable plans. Many town have set un special committees to search out "customers" but this is not our idea. We have all been aooroached individually concerning one project or another. If all projects can have their initial nresentation to this screening; committee much time shall be saved for every*one, and Lexington should benefit. RM:m 1 i Very trul-�r ,yours, Isl ?uth Morey Chairman