HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-02-06PLANTTNG BOARD MEETING
February 6, 1961
A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning
Board was held on Mondav, Febri.zary 63 1961 at 7:110
p.m, in the Board's office, Town Office Building.
Present were Chairman Burnell, members Grindle,
Mabee, Meyer and Eoule, and planning Director Snow.
The Board annroved the minutes of its Jan-
uary 16, 161 meeting.
Annroved for nayment were the following
bills which had beennresented: U.S. Government
Printing Office, land subdivision regulations --
P 1.00: Atwell Service Co., service on Audograph--
¢8.116; Donald C. Richardson, professional services,
January 23 through February 3, 1961.--P223.96.
!'ith reference to the nroposal to extend.
'�uckmar Drive (see minutes of January 23, 1961
2lann.in7 Board meeting), Mr. Snow presented a
statement of aepraised values of lots 10, 11, 12,
and 13 front,*ng on Moreland Avenue, the existing
street betterments assessed agairst said lots and
the nronosed betterments which would be assessed
against the remai_ni rg n ortions of lots 11 and 12
i_f the extension of Suck man Drive were laid out
as a town Taa,;T under the Betterment Act, as shown
on tre plan entitles t°Plan of Proposed 'basement
for ?rater Main from Bus =man Drive to Moreland Ave.
Lexington Mass.", dated Oct. 6, 1.9117, recorded in
the Middlesex South. District pegistry of Deeds as
Plan 16911 of 1047. The Board discussed this
statement to determine the alternate costs of ac-
qui_ri ng lots 10 and 11 or parts t^ereof.
The matter was discussed later with the
mown Counsel when he came to the meet1n7,. He ad-
v9_sed against insert;np, an article in the !,,Tarrant
for the Annual Town Meeting to take the land neces-
sar17 for the extension of Buckman Drive. He re-
viewed the recommendation :ahich he made nt the
"lannin7 Board meeting on January 23, pointing out
that; it woulc to?,�e a two-thirds vote of the Town
Meetinv to acquire the land necessary for the exten-
sion as the town way* as laid out b -,r the Selectmen.
It was decided therefore to recommend to the Board
of Selectmen that it have prepared for the next town
meeting to act upon a layout for the Buckman Drive
extension and also for the extension of Summit Road
to Fern Street.
The attention of the Board was called to '
WALTHAM ST. a letter, Gated February 2, 1061, from the Boar C., of
GARDFN Anneals submitting together with an apnli_cation from
APARTMENT Vine Brook 7ealt7T Trust a set of site and building
DTSTRICT plans of the nronosed Waltham Street Garden Apartment
development for consideration and final report of
VT1TE BROOK recommendations thereon. Mr. Snow was asked to review
RrALTY TrTTST said elan and make a recommendation for action by the
Planning Board at its next meeting.
VOTED: to accent the proposal offered by 79r. Richard
F. FTerzog in his letter of 7eb . 6, 1961 to the
Board of Selectmen, said proposal reading as
"I donate free of char 7e, with no strings
attached, the whole land around Whinnle Hill to
the Town of-Lexinvton with the only exception
of a narrow stria, 70' wide parallel to the
borderline of my house lot, if T am permitted
to keep thi.s strip permanently. T will not make
any claims against the Tov.n for protective
fencing and planting and wi_11 bear these ex-
penses myself."
(See addendum.)
Read to the Board was Mr. May's letter of
January 31, 1961 to the Planning Director in reference
to the recommended future location of person Road
across Eldred Street and land of Ri_charc Soule. (See
addendum. See also minutes of January 301 1961 Plan-
ning Board meeting.) Mr. Snow reported that Mr. Harry
G. Berglund had read Mr. May's letter and made an
appraisal of land damages which would be i.r.volved in
the proposer'. lotting and the ob to ning of easements for
the _future road. Mr. Snow also reported thr.t Mr.
3erglund had_ informed him that the proposal as outlined
in Mr. Mn -a T's letter was "eminentlTi fair." Thereunon,
the Board decided to ask the Town Counsel to nrepare an
enti_on to acq,ai_re said easements for the consi.derations
outlined in said letter.
'he attention of the Board was called to a
letter, dated Janunry 31, 1961, from the Board of
Selectmen informing the Planning poard that In renly to
-its letter of Januar7,i 23 the Selectmen had voted on
January _'�0 to instruct the Town Counsel to prenare a
taking ,order for the acquisition of the Herzog and
Benklev land as outlinedin the P1anr.inf* Tloard's letter.
Read to the Board was a communic=)tion, dated February 6,
10,61, from rchard F. Herzog to the Board of Selectmen
with reference to said order. (See addendum.) Later
duri.n7 the meeting the Planning Board discussed the
Herzog letter. Pfter consideration thereof and upon
motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously
VOTED: to accent the proposal offered by 79r. Richard
F. FTerzog in his letter of 7eb . 6, 1961 to the
Board of Selectmen, said proposal reading as
"I donate free of char 7e, with no strings
attached, the whole land around Whinnle Hill to
the Town of-Lexinvton with the only exception
of a narrow stria, 70' wide parallel to the
borderline of my house lot, if T am permitted
to keep thi.s strip permanently. T will not make
any claims against the Tov.n for protective
fencing and planting and wi_11 bear these ex-
penses myself."
(See addendum.)
L -6 -0, -
Town Counsel Stevens came to the meeting
at n:1i_ n.m, and discussed with the ;bard until
9:30 n.m. several matters currently before the
After <r. Stevens left the meeting, the
Board considered the notices of petitions to be
heard bTr the board of Appeals on February 28,
1961. Tt was decided to take no action on the
netitions with the exception of those of Louis
Bianchi, Vernon A. Lane, and John TT. Millican.
Mr. Snow was asl�:ed. to obtain additional informa-
tion concerning the three named petitions in
order that the nlenninT? Board might consider said
petitions further.
The attention of tie Board was called to
the submission by James A. Carrie; on Februar-., 11
1961 of an apnlic^tion for tentative approval of
a rreliminary subdi_visi_on elan, said plan having
been discussed at the Board ' s meeting* held on
Januar;? 9, 1061. Mr. Snow was asked to make a
study of said plan ^.nd to recommend to the Board
action in re -,a --d to said annlicoti_on.
The '_?oard's attention was also called to
the submission by Fred Corrazini. on Februar,
y 1
1961 of an annlicati.on for tentative approval of
a nrelim4.nar17 subddvi.sion Man entitled "Drelim-
.nary P]_an Showin7 T'ronosed Sul>divi si on of Land
in Lexin7tor-Mass.°P, ^nc. dated January 13, 1961.
Mr. Snow was also asked to make a stud7T of the
rlan and to recommend to the Board action in
re7prd to said apnlicati.on.
'he remainder of the Board's meeting was
devoted to the discussion of a draft of a pro-
posal to amend I -J e Lexin�ton Zoning, R ---law with
reference to providing more adequate automobile
narki.n7 facilities in local business districts.
Mr. Snow was asked to siibmi.t a draft of the nro-
nosal to the Town Crninsel for inclusion in an
article in tike warrant for the Annual Town Meet-
The meeti_n,T; was adjourned at 10:)!� ->.m.
Trvin7 TT, Mabee, Clerk
Mr. Samuel 1. Snow
planning Bord
Town Office Building
Lexinaton, Massachusetts
Dear Samuel:
January 311 1Q61
T talked with Dick Soule toda7 in relation to his land
on Eldred Street. TTe.feels he woul6 be willing to grant to
the town the easements shown on the latest elan revision,
subject to a. r7ua.rantee that no betterments would_ be assessed
on him or subsequent abutting owners for the construction of
Emerson Foad as shown on the olan, and reserving the right
to himself or his successors in title to construct the road
in accordance with Plannin7 Board snecificati.ons into his
remaining back land, if the road has not been constructed
by the town. T will not try to sketch the details of the
agreement because T think erre are in complete accord.
in essence, he wishes to be able to ru,rantee to a
purchaser of any of the four lots abutting on proposed
Emerson Road that the land will not be subject to another
assessment for betterments and he wishes to fuarantee his own
right to construct the road into his back land if the town
does not construct the road.
We have considered the diminution in value of the four
lots because of their reduced size. One lot Is ver'T substan-
ti_a117r affected. Ne has comnuted the amount of engineering
and legal costs which have been incurred or will be incurred
and feels that a fair price for lost value and cash disburse-
ments is `{'1500.
Very truly vours,
/s/ 'dorman T. Mn<r
cc: Harold `?. Stevens, Esq.
February 6, 10/61
34 Wh i-pple Road
Le,:ington 73 Mass., T'. S.A.
To: The F onorable Board of Selectmen
T have learned from the LoxinrTtor NewsnaPer that Mr. Stevens
Is preparing a takl nc, order for the land i.n back of my home.
T doubt that the Board of •selectmen b^s obt^fined all informa-
tion from th- Planning ;3oard, Txrh ich are necessar'T to come to
an obi•ective and unb, -,sed decision. it is the nurnose of
this etter to provide these informations and to make a last
L -6-j1
proposal which goes bevond the concessions I have made so
.far-. I still hone, that the Board of Selectmen will con-
sider favor.ar hr this Generous proposal and not siren the
takinE, order.
Review of the ne7otiations:
At the Town Meetinm last springy, i rrorosed in public to
donate free of ch.�rrie two acres of mtr land to the Town of
Lexin7ton, if T could keen one acre permanently. I did
this,'because T realized that these two acres, which con-
tain the whole area around the hilltop, will be the main
attraction of the future recreation around. T left the
determi_n�tion of the accurate borderline oven for later
ne7otiations, i.n order to nermit a rood solution which com-
bines the recu cements for the nark w th the torogranhic
features of the area. The land., which i requested to keep,
is of no value for the users of the nark, but of extreme im-
oortance for the protection of my remai_ninm nropert, Pian-�r
unbiased Town F''eetin�r Members, 4ilc}, cisi_ted the area last
snr!ng,, agreed_ with me that the land to be donated, is com-
rletel.�- sufficient to fulfill the nurnose of the nark. After
it became evident at the Town Meeting, that the majority of
the Town Meetir7 Tiembers are in favor of m7l fair and generous
proposal, the docision was taken out of the hands of the Town
' Meetinq- Members and turned into a vote of confidence for the
Men-:- 7innths later, Mr. Mabee raid me a visit to finalize the
location of the borderline of the -.ark. He pushed this
borderline further down, to include really all the land he
considered to be necessary for the nark, leaving for me on17
a narrow strip, 70 feet wide, na_rallel to the backli_ne of my
h -use lot. S`nce, based on this location of the borderline,
the land falli_n * to the Town would be much more than T
promised to donate, an n7reement was made to compensate me
with a sum of about. $900. Mr. Mabee agreed further, that
the Town will nrovide full protection of my remaining; prop-
ert,r bT a fence and protective planting.
Last fall.. r^Ir. ?Mabee notified me that the Town is not will-
to nrovli e any protection for me, since other neighbors
of the park misrht ask for the same protection. I do not think
this is a justified reason, because the other owners of
property around the future parlc do not cortribute an';thin7 to
the nark, whereas _T am ready to sacrifice most of the land,
which T bor.ght ovirr_,nally maIrl7. as a protective area at the
backside of my house. T considered this protective area to be
so important that T m^de Its purchase the prime condition for
■ bu-vTi m7 77 holzso. Yevertheless, T finally agreed to Mr. Mabee
that T would bear m, -self the cost of fence and plantings.
About a month ae^o, T had a last visit from Mr. Burnell and
P4abee during which they notified me, that all previous
ner;oti_ations are not acceptable for. the "'o?rn and the Town
plans to tape the whole land by eminent domain. They offered
me the use of a nart of the land for a limited time. This
offer is even worse than the one which they made me one
gear ago, before the Town Meeting, since at this time protec-
tive plantings and a wide buffer area., not accessible for
the nubli_c, was promised. T exnlai_ned again, why T have to
reject anIT temnorary solution. The erection of a fence and
of a screen nlanting became a real necessit* since the land
around Whipple Fill has obtained so much publicity. Hikers
are already passim; through my front- and ba.ckvard and this
situation will become worse after the development of the
park. The cost for the fence and planting is abnormally
high, nrobnbl�r several thousand dollars, because the 701
line crosses bare ledge. T cannot make this high investment
on a land which does not belong to me because later my in-
vestment will be a complete loss. The house will then loose
its protection and will largely depreciate.
Now T would like to submit the following new proposal.
"T donate free of charge, with no strings attached,
the whole land around 'Whipple Hill to the Town of
Lexin7ton with the only exception of a narrow stria,
70' wide, parallel to the borderline of my house
lot, if T am permitted to keep this strip permanently.
T wi-11 not make any claims against the Town for pro-
tective fencing* and planting and will bear these ex-
penses myself.
The acceptance of my proposal, as outlined above, would
provide for the Town all the land necessary for the park,
without any expense whatsoever for the taxnnyers of Lexing-
ton. The money- allocated for this purpose could therefore
be used to come to an agreement with Mr. F.enklev, thus avoid-
ing the application of the eminent domain procedure. The
70' stri_n of land, which T nronose to keen, is of no r eal
value for the park. Tt is the lowest Hart of the land and
crossed by a steep ledge. The only inconvenience for the
Town *�Yo»ld be that Mr. Snow has to adapt his sketches to the
new situation. This stria of land is of value only for me,
because it nrovid.es some protection for my home. The land
is very steer, and no screen -planting in front of this strip
can be h7F,enough to prevent insight in my housF+ and back-
vard from public land. This can only be accomplished if this
planting is at the 701 borderline.
Tf my nronosal should be rejected, then the Town would have
to pay the actual value of the whole land as it will be de-
termined by the court. The unique location of the land
at a h_illton, which offers scenic view over hundreds of
miles, will probably justify a price far above the P,1000
allocate( for this rurpose. This whole price has to be
Y for the 70' str;r alone, since I have offered to
donate all the other land free of charge. As a citizen
and taxpeyer of this `Down, I would object against such a
waste of public funds for a worthless strip of land and
I -m sure to find many other citizens who will agree with
me in this matter.
T realize that takinn,s by eminent domain are sometimes not
avoi_d.able, but in ani.T democratic system they should be re-
stricted for projects of real vital i..mnortance for the
public. This is certainly not the case in regard to the
70' strip. T'ne tak_nF of this strip would be only an act
of cower, similar. to those which Americans condemn in other
countries, rot even fulfilling; an-�r public need.
Respectfully submitted
Isl n ichnrd F. Herzog
February 71 1961
Foard of Selectmen
Tonin Office Bui_ldi nm
Lexinr*tor. 7"', 7nssacht1,setts
Dear Madam nna entlemen-
At the reoLi lar meeti= of the Rlanningr; Board held at the
Town Office pudding* on Monda- , February 6, 1961, a motion
was unanimousl- passed to accent the oronosal offered by Mr.
Richard F. Fcrzor- and contained in pis letter of February 61
1861, to the 3oard of Selectmen reading; as follows:
But T am still confident, that the Board of Selectmen will
use wisel-r the power Friven to him by the Town Meeting, Mem-
bers and will finally come to a decision which really
serves the public. The Town Meeting Members have given
the vote of confidence under the nssumnton that the Select-
men w ll make a sincere effort to come to an agreement with
me. But so far, T was the only one who made concessions,
whereas the Planning( Roard increased its demands at each
meeti_nf-. Now is the last opportunity for the Board of
Selectmen to demonstrate an anoronch toward my standpoint
and to justify the confidence of the Town Meeting Members.
The acceptance of my proposal wi.]_1 provide all the land
which i.s important for the recreation ?rounds without any
cost for the taxne--ers.
Respectfully submitted
Isl n ichnrd F. Herzog
February 71 1961
Foard of Selectmen
Tonin Office Bui_ldi nm
Lexinr*tor. 7"', 7nssacht1,setts
Dear Madam nna entlemen-
At the reoLi lar meeti= of the Rlanningr; Board held at the
Town Office pudding* on Monda- , February 6, 1961, a motion
was unanimousl- passed to accent the oronosal offered by Mr.
Richard F. Fcrzor- and contained in pis letter of February 61
1861, to the 3oard of Selectmen reading; as follows:
"I donate free of char.,e, with no strings attached, '
the whole land around '�hipple Hill to the Town of
Lexington wits- the only except nn of a narrow stria,
701 wide, parallel to the borderline of my house
lot, if I am permitted to keep this strin -permanently.
I will not make any claims against the Town for pro-
tective fencinr- and nlanting and will bear these ex-
nenses m1rseIf.
Very truly tours,
/sl Levi i. Burnell, Chairman