HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-01-031 LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD 1961 Throl.igh March 6 Levi G. Burnell, Chairman Thomas S. rr; ndle, Vice Chairman Irving H. Mabee, Clerk P.obert F. Meyer Pichard F. Soule From March 9 Arthur F. Bryson Thomas S. Grindle, Vice Chairman Irvin g u. Mabee Robert E. Meyer, Clerk Richard u. Soule, Chairman 1 KING BOARD MEETING I January 3, 1961 A regular meeting of the Lexington Plannin Board was held on Tuesday, January 3, 1961 at 7:4.9 p.m. Present were Chairman Burnell, members Mabee, Meyer and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. Approved by the Board were the minutes of its MINUTES December 5, 8, 13, and 19, 1960 meetings. The Board confirmed the action of Mr. Snow in anproving for payment the following bills: Samuel P. BILLS Snow, car allowance, September and December, 1960-- $45.00; Hobbs & Warren, Inc., 3 Record Books --82.50; Spaulding -Moss Co., drafting supplies --$21.05. Considered next by the Board were the follow- ing applications for determination of Planning Board FORMS A jurisdiction: #60-92, submitted December 20, 1960 by Jack Green, Atty. for Ernest Reiss and Alfred M. Reiss; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexing- ton, Mass.", Scale: l" = 80', dated Dec. 16, 19601 Miller & Nylan der, C.F.'s & Surveyors. #60-93, submitted December 28,1960 by Harold E. Stevens for Town of Lexington; elan en- titled "Plan of Lcnd Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 40', dated Dec. 192 1960s John J. Carroll, Town Engineer. #60-94, submitted December 28, 1960 by Nora Ford, Attorney for Raytheon Company; plan en- titled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale l" = 1001, dated Nov. 30, 19601 Miller & Nylander, C.F.'s & Surveyors. #60-95, submitted December 29, 1960 by William F. Cowles; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lex- ington, class.", Scale: 1" = 80', dated Sept. 26, 1960, Miller & Nylander, C,F.'s & Surveyors. Upon motions duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexinmton planning Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A application e #60-92 does not require approval under the Sub- division Control Law, and that said plan be so endorsed and with the additional notation -2- that parcels 11 93 and 25 do not comply with the minimum requirements of the Lexington ' Zoning By-law. VOTED: that the Board determines that the plan accom- panying Form A application #60-93 does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plan be so endorsed. In regard to the plan accompanying application #60-941 this was discussed with the Town Counsel and Mr. Resnick, attorney for the Raytheon Company, when they came to the meeting later in the evening. Mr. ,4 Resnick took the plan for modification and submission to the Board at its next meeting. It was decided to withhold action on applica- tion #60-95 until the next meeting of the Board re- questing in the meantime that the applicant have added to the plan the location of the buildings existing on the parcel being created. The Board discussed the problems of the acqui- SPECIAL sition of parcels of land nn Whipple Hill from Messrs. MEETING Herzog and Benkley, the provision of a second means of access for the Moon Hill Road -Fern Street area, and the laying out as town ways an extension of Valley ' goad to Center Street and thence along said street and across Brook Road to provide a means of access to the remaining portion of the Cassim land not taken for highway purposes by the Mass. Dept.of Public Works. It was decided to hold a special meeting at 10:00 a.m. Saturdan, January 7, to discuss these matters and the Planning Board's 1961 personal services bud- get. Distributed to members of the Board were copies SHORT of Mr. Gensemer's December 27, 1960 letter to the REZONING Planning Director relative to Dr. Short's proposal to PROPOSAL rezone for use as an office park the Short land located on the southeasterly side of Waltham Street at the Lexington town line. It was decided that after meet- ing with the Selectmen on January 7 that the Planning Board would meet with Dr. Short, Mr. Lynch, attorney, and Mr. Gensemer, architect, to enable the former to present his proposal. Town Counsel Stevens met with the Board from 8.10 to 9:10 p.m. to discuss current planning matters. The Board discussed a draft of its annual re - ANNUAL REPORT port for 1960 and asked Mr. Snow to prepare a final draft for consideration. 1-3-61 Mr. T. H. Reenstierna's letter of January 3, 1961 was read to the Board requesting an extension of time within which the Board was required to act upon the application of the Vine Brook Fealty Trust for approval of the Vine Brook Meadows, Sec. 2 definitive subdivision plan. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED: that pursuant to the written request from the applicant the time of approval of the defini- tive subdivision plan entitled "Vine Brook Meadows, Section Two Lexington, Mass.", dated June 123 1960, be and hereby is extended to and. including January 23, 1961. Considered next were the notices of petitions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on January 17, 1961. It was decided to take no formal action in regard to said petitions but that Mr. Burnell would discuss the Cruwys,T_tek Corporation, Lemmler and Favtheon Companmr petitions with the Chairman of the Board of Appeals and indicate to him the Planning Board's opposition to their being granted. The proposal to resubdivide the Finney parcel numbered 52 Fottler Avenue was discussed. From dic- tated notes 14r, Snow was asked to prepare for con- sideration a draft of a letter to the Board of Appeals setting: forth the Planning Boord's informal opinion in regard to the rroposal. With reference to the Board's i-^di_cation that after the Annual Town Meeting it would assume the duties of acquiring sites for schools as well as sites for future street locations and for playground and recreational areas, the following options account budget was approved for 1961: Street and Recreational Areas 437.80: School, Street and Recreational Areas 2500.00:: Carr�r-over from 1960 Options Account Transfer from E & D Account The Board adjourned its meeting at 11:00 p.m. Irving H. Mabee, Clerk 1 -3- VINE BROOK MEADOWS SEC. 2 VINE BROOK REALTY TRUST BOARD OF APPEALS FINNEY 1961 OPTIONS BUDGET I PLANNING BOARD MEETING January 7, 1961 The Lexington Planning Board held a special meeting on Saturday, January 7, 1961 at 10:00 a.m. in the Selectmer's Room and later in the Planning Board office, Town Office Building. Present were Chairman Burnell and members Mabee, Meyer and Soule: Planning Director Snow was present from 11:00 a.m. to the end of the meeting. Discussed with the Selectmen was the Planning Board's need for additional assistance in the em- ployment of both a full-time senior planner and a secretary and a proposed salary schedule for these positions as well as for that of a planning director. 1961 PERSONAL SERVIC ES BUDGET Discussed also with the Selectmen was the LAND FOR .ituation in regard to the acquisition for public RECREATION recreational purposes of land on Whipple Hill from PURPOSES - Messrs. Herzog and Benkley. HERZOG-BENKLEY At 11:00 a.m. Mr. Snow came to the meeting ' to discuss with the Boards the situation in regard BUCKMAN DRIVE to providing a second means of vehicular access for residents in the Moon Hill Road -Fern Street area. SUMMIT ROAD In this regard the Planning Board was asked to dis- cuss the possible extension of Buckman Drive and Summit Road with representatives of the residents of Follen Hill before any action is taken on the possible extension of said ways to Moreland Avenue. Mr. 'Snow also discussed the situation in re- gard to the Cassim and Johnson properties, all or CASSIM- part of which the State Department of Public Works JOHNSON had taken for the Routes 4-128 intersection, and the possibility of laying out town ways to lands of Cassim and Johnson in order to subdivide said lands and to redevelop the Meagherville subdivision land abutting on said ways. (For detailed minutes in regard to the above matters see minutes of the Board of Selectmen meeting of January 7, 1961.) At noon the Planning Board returned to its office to meet with Dr. Leonard V. Short of Lex- REZONING ington, Mr. Daniel A. Lynch, attorney, of Lexing- PROPOSAL ton, and Mr. Jack P. Gensemer, architect, to dis- WALTHAM ST. cuss the former's proposal to rezone the Short land - on Waltham Street. (See minutes of January 3, 1961 SHORT Planning Board meeting.) There was presented for the Board's consideration a set of two plans, dated 1 -7 -Fl -2- October 2- October l3., 19601 drawn by J. P. Gensemer and Asso- ciates., Architects, Cambridge, Mass. and entitled "Site Plan`T and `Site Statistics`. Mr. Gensemer gave a resume of his letter of December 27, 1960 to the Planning Director (see addendum). Mr. Lynch said that his client, Dr. Short, wished to have his tract of 5.56 acres rezoned for C 2 - general business use. It was understood from Dr. Short that the owner of the corner parcel having an area of about 40,000 sq. ft., fronting on Waltham Street and abutting the Wal- tham city lire was willing to lease said parcel to Dr. Short or cooperate with him in developing it for business use. Dr. Lynch added that if the Board did not wish to recommend the rezoning of the land for such use based on Dr. Short's oral committment to construct a group of buildings in accordance with the architect's plan under discussion then he would like to submit -a rezoning proposal based on the site and building plans being presented. The Board took the matter under advisement. The Board adjourned its meeting at 12:45 p.m. Irving H. Mabee, ' Clerk ADDENDUM Mr. Samuel P. Snow Planning Director Town of Lexington Massachusetts Dear Mr. Snow: 50 Follen Street Cambridge 38 Mass. Dec. 27, 1960 The office nark on Waltham Street in Lexington as proposed by Dr. Leonard V. Short would consist of medical and office buildings. As planned, it would contain two office build- ings and a third building combining medical facilities with offices for doctors or general use. ' These buildings would be three full stories in height with all mechanical and boiler rooms on the 1 1 1-7-61 roof. However, Building A (see plan) would have in addition a one-story element as shown on contain doctors' or general offices. The building would be designed for the use of movable partitions with all utilities and fenestration laid out on a modular basis to permit maximum flexi- bility in office arrangements. Each would be equipped with one hydraulic type elevator. Each building contains approximately 36,000 :gross square feet, or a total of 108,000 gross square feet for the entire project. From this total it is estimated there would be approximately 90,000 square feet of rentable office space. Anproximately 200 of the site is covered by buildings and the balance is used for landscaping and narking. The present plan indicates parking for 250. cars, This could be increased to about 300. Anything in excess of that would require some sort of two-level parking structure if the landscaped area between the buildings adjacent to Waltham Street is to be maintained and is not to be used. for parking. The attached plan titled "Site Statistics" indi- cates the approximate set -backs of the proposed build- ings from the existing street and lot lines. Since the buildings are three stories in height, with mechanical and boiler rooms on top, and since it may be desirable and economically feasible to get a clear span without intermediate columns for the width of the buildings, the floor height might be 13 feet to 15 feet floor to floor denending on the depth of the struc- tural floor and the necessity for a hung ceiling to con- tain air conditioring ducts. The roof -top mechanical room may be 12 to 15 feet in height. I trust the above brief description is adequate, but if you desire more general information, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely yours, /s/ Jack P. Gensemer JPG/hs cc: Dr, Short, Mr. Lynch -3-