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November 21, 1960
A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning
Board was held on Monday, November 211 1960 at 7:00
p.m. in the Board's office, Town Office Building.
Present were Chairman Burnell, members Mabee, Meyer,
Grindle and Soule, and Planning Director Snow.
The Board approved for payment the following
bills which had been presented: Boston Blue Print BILLS
Co., chart --$1.50; Minute -man Publications, adver-
tising -415.02; Wallace B. Mitchell Co., drafting
Considered next by the Board were the follow-
ing applications for determination of Planning Board
#60-871 submitted November 18, 1960 by Moore
Realty Trust; plan entitled "Plan of Revised
Lots Land in Lexington Mass.", scale: 1" =
40'2 dated Nov. 1, 1960, Miller & Nylander,
C.E.'s & Surveyors.
#60-88, submitted November 21, 1960 by Harold
E. Stevens, Agent, for Roger B. Tyler and
Albert B. Wolfe, Trustees; plan entitled "Plan
.of Land in Lexington -Mass., Scale: 1 inch =
100 feet, Everett M. Brooks Co., Civil Engi-
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was
VOTED: that the Board determines that the plans ac-
companying Forms A applications #60-87 and
#60-88 do not require approval under the Sub-
division Control Law and that said plans be
so endorsed.
Mr. Snow read to the Board a notice uhich he
and the Town Counsel had prepared for publication in
the November 17 and 24 issue of the Lexington Min-
ute Man with reference to the M.I.T. proposal to re-
zone for C 3 use the Maguire land abutting the pres-
ent Lincoln Laboratory facilities. (see minutes of
November 14, 1960 Planning Board and Board of Select-
men meetings.) The Board then determined what
properties it deemed to be affected by the proposed
change and asked Mr. Snow to have copies of the notice
M.I.T. RE-
mailed to the owners of said properties. Tt was also '
determined that the expenses in connection with said
hearing would amount to $30.00. Accordingly the
application fee for the hearing was set for said
amount. In view of the fact that there had to be
prepared before the special town meeting to be held on
December 12 a Planning Board report and r ecommendationss
it was decided to schedule on December 8 a special
meeting of the Board directly after the public hear-
ing of the rezoning proposal.
From 8:05 to 8:25 p.m. the Board held a pub -
GREEN lic hearing relative to the application of Mr.
VALLEY Antonio Busa for approval of a subdivision of a nor -
SEC. 6 tion of his property to be known as "Green Valley
Section Six Lexington, Mass.", the definitive plan
BUSA with said title being dated Sept. 29, 1960. The
Chairman read the notice of the hearing as it had been
sent to all property owners deemed to be affected and
as it had been published in the November 3, 1960 issue
of the Lexington Minute -man. Mr. Busa was the only
person attending the hearing and was called upon to
present his plan.
It was pointed out that the subdivision con-
sisted of an extension of Lillian Road to a permanent ,
turnaround, the extension being in a westerly direc-
tion and being about 232 feet in length. The subdi-
vision consisted of four lots fronting on said way
with a parcel remaining of sufficient proportions to
extend in a northerly direction on a road to connect to
another portion of Mr. Busa's land. Although the
Board had no jurisdiction over said matters, it was
suggested that the shape of lots 20 and 21 could be
greatly improved and therefore be more useful if the
common boundary line of said lots were pivoted in a
westerly direction on the southerly end of said line.
Mr. Busa agreed with the suggestion and said he would
revise the lot line.
The Board's letter of May 10, 1960 to Mr. Busa
was reviewed. Mr. Busa stated that he would like to
have the Section Six plan considered to be final. He
and Mr. Snow said they had talked to members of the
Russo family, who stated they were not interested in
having Lillian Road extended through their land to
Circle Road. On the basis of this information it was
agreed not to consider further the possible extension
of Lillian Road.
The attention of the Board was called to Mr. '
Nickerson's letter of November 151 1960 to the Plan-
ning Director requesting that if the Planning Board
' proposes to submit to
.in regard to petitions
Board that it do so a
the Board of Appeals letters
to be heard by said latter
week before scheduled hear -
Considered next by the Board was Lexington
Inn's petition for a large directional sign over-
looking Route 128. In view of the information lack-
ing in regard to said sign, it was decided to send a
representative to the hearing on November 29 to ob-
tain data upon which the Planning Board could make a
final decision'with reference to said petition.
From 8:50 to 9:25 p.m. Town Counsel Stevens
met with the Board to discuss among other matters
articles on the warrant for the special town meet-
ing to be held on November 21, 1960. The Board
considered particularly Article 2 having to do with
the proposed laying out as a"town way Worthen Road
from Lincoln to Waltham Streets. Upon motion being
duly made and seconded, it was
VOTED: that the laying out of Worthen Road as set
forth in Article 2 be and hereby is approved
by the Lexington Planning Board, and that the
' Board recommends the acceptance by the Town
Meeting of the layout of the way.
Mr. Stevens gave a report of the conference
which he had requested be held'in regard to the Town
acquiring for recreational purposes a portion of
land previously owned by Messrs. McCormack and Brun.
(See minutes of November 71 1960 Planning Board meet-
ing.) He said that in addition to himself the fol-
lowing persons attended the hearing: Mr. Soule of the
Planning Board, Mr. Reenstierna who appraised said
land for the Board, Messrs. -McCormack and Brun, Mr.
Coleman who appraised the McCormack and Brun land
for them, and Mr. Gallagher, attorney for Messrs.
McCormack and Brun.
Mr. Stevens said that in order to determine
the value of the land the town had voted to acquire,
there were only two questions which had to be de-
termined: what is the fair market value of the 41
acres of McCormack and Brun land at the time of the
acquisition of the 8 -acre parcel by the town? (2)
What at the time of said acquisition is the value
of the 33 acres of land left? Mr. Stevens reported
that it was obvious from the discussion held that
Mr. Coleman in his appraisal was preserving for the
owners profits to be expected from the development
of the land. Mr. Stevens said that since this was
not the true market value of the land it was decided ,
that Mr. Coleman would reexamine his appraisal and that
after he had done so the attorneys would take up the
matter of the value of the land to be acquired.
Mr. Stevens likewise reported that Messrs.
McCormack and Brun wished to take gravel off the
land as part of the consideration of the value
which was to be determined. Mr. Snow said that
there was insufficient gravel on the land now for
the reason that some of it had been excavated pre-
viously by the former owners of the land. The
Board informed Mr. Stevens that it would not con-
sider any further gravel removal as a consideration
in determining the value of the land. Mr. Stevens
said he would so inform Mr. Gallagher.
There was discussed next the proposal to
SCHOOL discharge the School Sites Committee and to have
SITES the Planning Board take over said committee's re -
COMMITTEE maining work. It was pointed out that this would
involve a transfer of committee funds to the Plan-
ning Board option account and the expansion of the
Board's authority as presently granted in Article
30 of the 1960 annual town meetinp,. It was agreed
that the Board in connection with other work which '
it was necessary to oerform was willing to"under-
take School site selection and acquisition. Mr.
Burnell was asked to so notify the chairman of the
Board of Selectmen and the School Sites Committee.
The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Irving H. Mabee, Clerk