HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-11-07PLAN^T.ING BOARD MEETING
November 7, 1960
A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning
Board was held on Monday, November 7, 1960 at ?:30
n.m. in the Board's office, Town Office Building.
'resent were Chairman Burnell, members Mabee and
Soule, and Planning T,irector Snow.
Approved by the Board were the minutes of
its October 24, 1960 meeting.
Also annroved for pavment were the follow-
ing bills which had been presented: Minute -man Pub-
licstions, advert1s1nrr---3.67; Hatfield's Color
Shop, drafting supplies --A1.75. The Board also
confirmed the action of Mr. Snow in apnroving the
following bills during the previous week: Harry W.
Porter, Jr., reimbursement for prints, x'3.50, pro-
fessional services Oct. 31, 1060, $12.50; Donald
C. Richardson, n.rofessional services Oct. 31, 1960--
Mr. Snow nave a report of his conference
with "Ar. Donald TT. Sleeper, Jr., attorney for
Kinston Homes, Inc. �it which time he discussed
studies which he had made in regard to subdividing
land formerl,r o, -rued by Higgins and located north-
westerly of Hanle Street, said land now being owned
by said corporation. `?r. Snow exhibited these
studies to the Board and indicated th^t he would
complete the studies and after doinc* so would hold
a conference again with Tyr. Sleeper.
At !� :00 p ,m . the " os rd --eld a public hear-
ing relative to the annlication for arproval of a
subdivision of land of 'Fugene C. Poberts ITT situa-
ted in the northerl-�j part of Lexington and to be
known as "Middle Ridge, Section Five, Lexington,
Mass." Only two nersons includi.np- Mr. Roberts, the
subdivider, attended the hearing.
Pyr. Roberts presented the subdivision nro-
SEC. 5
Read to
the Board
and annroved
by it was
the draft of a
letter to
Mr.May with
reference to
the conference
which the
Board held
on October 24
relative to the
of Country -wide
Tnc, to rezone
a portion
of the land
located at the
intersection of Routes
2 and 128. (See
Mr. Snow nave a report of his conference
with "Ar. Donald TT. Sleeper, Jr., attorney for
Kinston Homes, Inc. �it which time he discussed
studies which he had made in regard to subdividing
land formerl,r o, -rued by Higgins and located north-
westerly of Hanle Street, said land now being owned
by said corporation. `?r. Snow exhibited these
studies to the Board and indicated th^t he would
complete the studies and after doinc* so would hold
a conference again with Tyr. Sleeper.
At !� :00 p ,m . the " os rd --eld a public hear-
ing relative to the annlication for arproval of a
subdivision of land of 'Fugene C. Poberts ITT situa-
ted in the northerl-�j part of Lexington and to be
known as "Middle Ridge, Section Five, Lexington,
Mass." Only two nersons includi.np- Mr. Roberts, the
subdivider, attended the hearing.
Pyr. Roberts presented the subdivision nro-
SEC. 5
posal which consisted of three lots fronting on an
unnamed dead-end street extending; from Demar Road
easterly for about 353 feet. Mr. Roberts inquired if
the Board had decided lm on a name for said street. ?t
was indicated that. the Board had not and would welcome
suggestions from Mr. Roberts.
Mr. Richard H. Braun of Demar Road spoke for
himself and his neighbor, Mr. Thomas K. Dyer, asking
that snecial care be made in grading the proposed road
and saving as manor trees as possible i n the process.
Mr. Roberts said that he was very much in sympathy
with this point of view and intended to make a special
effort to retain as many trees as possible for screen
The Board indicated to Mr. Roberts that he had
not filed with the Board of Health an application for
approval of said subdivision and suggested that he take
care of the matter as soon as possible so that the Plan-
ning t -'pard mippit act upon his subdivision plan within
the nrescri.bed period of time.
"'here being no further questions or matters to
discuss in regard to the elan and application the hear-
ing was adjourned at 8:18 pm. '
From 8:20 to 9:00 p.m. Town Counsel Stevens met
with the Board. He called the Board's attention to a
con,- of his letter dated November 7, 1960 to the Board
of Selectmen in which it was stated that pursuant to
the authority= granted in tine vote adopted under Article
3 of the warrant for the snecial town meeting he18 on
September 261 1960, title had been acquired by the Town
to the former Kingston Homes, Tnc. land of annroximately,
nine acres situated on and off Hathaway Road in Lexing-
ton. Mr. Stevens pointed out that in order to clear un
a small matter concernin- the title of Kingston Homes,
Tne. the Selectmen made a taking of the property by
eminent domain and then obtained from said corporation
a confirmatory deed and a release of damages from the
taking. The instrument deeding land and releasing
damages was dated October 28, 1960 and recorded in the
Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds on November
3, 1960 as instrument No. 9.
Mr. Stevens also called the Board's attention
to a cony of his letter of November 7 to ^'_r. Carroll,
Sunt. of Public Works, indicating that the Commonwealth
had recorded the orCer of taking and relocation of
Route 128 in Lexinrton, the order being, dated August
30, 1960 and recorded as instrument No. 203 of '`Tovember
3, 1960. The Plan accom anying the order was recorded
at the same time as plan Yo. 1673 of 1960.
The Board next discussed with Mr. Stevens
the situation to date in regard to the pronosed
acquisition from Messrs. Herzog and Benkley of
land on "hinnle Hill. Messrs. Burnell and Mabee
nave a report of their meeting with Mr. Benkley on
the afternoon of Tdovember 6 and Mr. Snow of his
meeting with Mr. Herzog on October 30. After dis-
cussing the general situation with reference to the
nronosed acquisition of the Herzog and Benkley land,
the Board drafted a letter to Mr. Benkley (see adden-
dum). Mr. Snow was asked to nrepare for the Board a
renort'with reference to the acquisition of the Her-
zoc, 1^nd.
Mr. Stevens gave a report of his conference
with the attorney for Messrs. McCormack and Brun
stating that.they had now received an appraisal of
that nortion of their land which the town voted to
acquire under Article 4 of the warrant for the spec-
ial town meeting held on September 26, 1960. In
view of the differences of the values placed upon
said land by 14r. Reenstierna, the appraiser who
worked for the Planning Board, and by the appraiser
for Messrs. "cCormack and Brun, Mr. Stevens was
authorized to discuss the matter first with Mr.
Reenstierna. If after his discussion with Mr.
Reenstierna it was Mr. Stevens' judgment to do so he
was authorized also to hold a conference between
himself and the attorney for Messrs. McCormack and
?run and the anpraisers involved in an effort to ar-
rive at a settlement in regard to the matter.
The Board adjourned its meeting at 0,:00 n.m.
and at the request of the Selectmen met with that
Board from 9:05 to 9:35 p.m, to discuss the layout
of Worthen Road concerning which there was to be a
public hearing on November 10, and the general de-
velopment plan for the central school and recrea-
tional nroject to be presented by Mr. Snow at the
Town Meetinr, Members Association informational
meeting to be held on the same date.
Irving H. Mabee, Clerk
Mr. Norman T. 14av
1776 Massachusetts Avenue
Lexington 73, 7assachusetts
Dear Mr. Mas,,*:
7 November 1960 I
After the conference which you and Messrs. Kenny,
Lovell, Roberts and Tregalis held with the Board
on October 24.9 the planning Board gave further
consideration to the nronosal of rezoning the land
of the Roberts Brothers and Mr. Benjamin A. Greene
for C 3 use. This is to advise you that after
careful consideration of this proposal the Board
was not in favor of it and is still of the opinion
that the best was' the entire tract of land can b e -
developed. properly is as a unit.
Sincerely yours,
Levi G. Burnell, Chairman
November 8, 1960
Mr. Fred G. Benkle-7*, Jr.
35 '^lhipnle Road
Lexington 73, p• -'ass.
Dear Mr. Benklev:
The plan -ng Board discussed at its meeting last
night your request that you retain permanentl7 the
major nortion of your land outside Lot 187. After
its consideration it was found the Board was of the
same opinion as that before the annual town meeting
In March, namely, that the town needs on a permanent
basis all the land on Whipple Hill which you now own
outside of Lot 187.
`ours very truly,
Is/ Levi G. Burnell, Chairman