HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-09-07I PLANNING BOARD MFFTING September 7, 1960 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Board's office, Town Office Building on ',^Iednesday, September 71 1960 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Burnell, Members Grindle, Mabee, Meyer and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. Four persons residing on Alcott Road, includ- ing Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Sanford and Henry J. Roth, met with the Board with reference to the petition which they and others had signed in regard to their understanding that there was to be a renumbering of Alcott Road in the Burnham Farms, Section 2 subdivi- sion. Said petition, dated August 26, 1960, and Mr. Snow's reply to Mr. Sanford, dated August 30, were discussed with the citizens. (See addenda.) It was pointed out that any street renumbering is actually the town engineering; department's responsibility which is delegated to it by the Selectmen under Art. VI, Sec. 2 of the General By-laws. It was further pointed out, however, that the Planning Director and Supt. of ' Public Works would meet with the Town Counsel later on in the week to explore means of changing the name Alcott Road on the registered Burnham Farms, Section 5 definitive subdivision elan in order to avoid the possibility of renumbering the existing Alcott Road. It was suggested that one of the citizens present com- municate with the Sunt. of Public Works during the following week to find out what decision had been reached in regard to the matter. The Board then approved the minutes of its August 22, 1960 meeting. The Board approved for payment the following bills which had been presented: Hatfield's Color Shop, Inc., drafting supplies --$14.04; Chandler - Davis Publishing Co., book --$5.29; Spaulding -Moss Co., drafting supplies --$29.44; Donald C. Richard- son, professional services August 22 through Sept. 2, 1960--$200.00; Harry W. Porter Jr., professional services August 22 through Sept. 2, 1960-4180.00. The Board also confirmed the Planning Director's action in approving for payment Chester A. Little Co.'s bill of August 30s, 1960, for printing -462.00. Considered next were the following Form A applications for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: BURNHAM FARMS SECS. 2 and 5 ALCOTT ROAD MINUTES BILLS 9-7-6o -2- Read to the Board and considered by it were HISTORIC notices of hearings to be held by the Historic Dis- DISTRTCTS tricts Commission on -September 8, 1960. It was de - COMMISSION tided to take no action on the applications to be con- sidered at said hearings. Also read to the Board and considered by it BOAPD OF were notices of petitions to be heard by the Board of ' APPEALS Appeals on September 20.. 1960.• It was decided to take no action on the petitions to be heard. However, in #60-63.. submitted August 6, 1960 by George J. FORMS A ' DeVries for Westchester Estates.. Inc.; plan entitled "Plan of hand in Lexingtons Mass."s Scale: 1 in = 40 ft., dated Sept. is 1960. Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor. #60-64s submitted Sept. 7, 1960 by Michael J. McCormack; plan entitled "A Compiled Plan of Land in Lexingtons Mass.", Scale: 1" = 4011.. dated Jan. 27.. 1960.. Miller & Nylanders C,E.'s & Surveyors. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexinmton Planning Board determines that the plans accompanying applications #60-63 and #60-64 do not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plans be so endorsed. With reference to the plan accompanying Form A ITEK CORP application #60-61.. Mr. Snow reported that while he FORM A AND was out of the office the original of said nlan en - SITE PLAN dorsed by the Board had been given to Mr. Moore, Sur- veyors by the student assistants working in the office, and that said plan had been registered in the Middle- sex South District Land Registration office. Mr. Snow reported further that he had discussed the matter with the Town Counsel with particular reference to so-called Mellex Road shown on said plans and the site tilan which the Itek Corp. had submitted for approval (see minutes of Aug. 22, 1960 Planning Board meeting). Mr. Snow said he understood it was the Town Counselts opinion that the Board should take no further action on the status of the road for the reason that the Planning Board was in a better position under Sec. 8 (e) l.f. of the Zoning By-law to disapprove a driveway entrance to Mellex goad if it were claimed to be a street than if its status were classified otherwise. Accordingly it was decided to approve the site plan and to so inform the Itek Corp. in writ ing ( see Addendum) . Read to the Board and considered by it were HISTORIC notices of hearings to be held by the Historic Dis- DISTRTCTS tricts Commission on -September 8, 1960. It was de - COMMISSION tided to take no action on the applications to be con- sidered at said hearings. Also read to the Board and considered by it BOAPD OF were notices of petitions to be heard by the Board of ' APPEALS Appeals on September 20.. 1960.• It was decided to take no action on the petitions to be heard. However, in 1 1 9-7-6o regard to the petition of the Jewish Community Center, Mr. Snow displayed a plan showing the very irregular lot on which it was understood it was proposed to erect a sign showing the future site of a synagogue. He pointed out the location of the residence on said lot and noted the possibility of a future variance being requested for either two buildings on one lot or a subdivision in which a residence would be on a lot having no frontage on a way. It was decided to have Mr. Burnell call the attention of this matter to the chairman of the Board of Appeals. In regard to the petitions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on Sept. 27, 1960s Mr. Snow was asked to obtain additional information concerning those of Quick, Maloney and Condinho. It was decided to take no action on the remaining petitions to be heard on said dat e. From 9:20 until 10:35 n.m. the Appropriation Committee met with the Planning Board to discuss the articles on the warrant for the Special Town Meeting to be held on Sept. 26, 1960. Special attention was given to Article 23, having to do with the layout and con- struction of Emerson Road from the present terminus of said road to Fast Street, the acquisition of McCormack and Brun land adjacent to the Harrington School grounds for recreation and playground purposes (see Planning Board minutes of July 11, 1960), and Article 3, the acquisition of Esco Builders, Inc. land for street, recreation and playground purposes, adjacent to the former Willard property (see minutes of July 25, 1960 Planning Board meeting), and Article 14., the acquisition of Crandall and Frissore land for school, recreation and playground purposes between Middleby Road and town - owned land being used for the town dump (see minutes of August 22, 1960 Planning Board meeting). In regard to the acquisition of land, the Planning Board emphasized the urgency of such acquisition for the reason that the owners either proposed to subdivide the parcel for residential purposes, or, in the latter case set forth above, to sell a parcel already subdivided for the erection of a house. After the Committee left the meeting each mem- ber of the Board discussed in detail his views in regard to Country -wide Offices, Inc. proposal to have the Roberts Brothers' property between Routes 2, 128'and Spring Street rezoned for C-3 use. A summary of these views was then drafted and approved by the Board for the purpose of sending a letter to Mr.. Norman T. May, who represented the Roberts Brothers. -3- APPROPRIA- TION COMMITTEE COUNTRY -WIDE OFFICES, INC. 9-7-60 -4- (See addendum.) The Board adjourned its meeting at 11:15 p.m. Irving H. Mabee, Clerk ADDENDUM Mr.C.T.Morris Itek Corporation Waltham 54 Massachusetts Dear Mr. Morris: 8 September 1960 In reply to your letter of August 9s 1960 the Lexington Planning Board had considered carefully the set of three prints which you left with the Board, said prints being of Itek's Lexington facility, being dated 5-12-60 and issued July 28, 1960s the first print being marked Draw- ing No. Ml and entitled "Master Plan," the second Drawing No. l and entitled "Site Plan," and the third Drawing No. lA and entitled "North Parking Area." The Lexington Plan- ning Board approves these plans as drawn showing no access to so-called Mellex Road. Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD cc: Donald R. Irwin /s/ Levi G. Burnells Chairman Building Inspector 8 September 1960 Mr. Norman T. May 1776 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington 73, Massachusetts Dear Mr. May: Reference is made to your letter of August 11, 1960 addressed to Mr. Snow, the material accompanying your 1 1 p -7-6n ' letter, and the discussion the Board held with Mr. Cole, Mr. Kenny and you at the Planning Board meeting of August 22. After careful consideration of the Country -wide Offices, Inc. and Roberts Brothers proposal for rezoning the latter's land for C 3 Special commercial district use, it is the unanimous decision of the members of the Board that the plan as presented is not satisfactory to the Board and that there is not adequate access to the land for its proposed use. However, it was the consensus that without committing itself in any way the Board would entertain a proposal wherein the entire tract of land bounded by Spring Street, Routes 2 and 128, and the Lexington -Waltham line might be developed as a unit. Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD Isl Levi G. Burnell, Chairman 1