HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-08-22PLAMTING BOARD MEETING ' August 22, 1960 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Board's offices Town Office Building on Monday, August 22, 1960 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Burnell, Members Grindles Mabee and Meyer, and Planning Director Snow. The Planning Board reviewed the data prepared by the Planning Director in regard to the proposal to MIDDLEBY ROAD acquire land for an adequate access from Middleby - Road to town land now used for a dump. (See minutes CRANDALL of August 8, 1960 Planning Board meeting.) It was PROPERTY FOR agreed that every effort should be made to acquire RECRFATIONAL land for said access. The Board then approved the PURPOSES draft of a letter, dated August 221 1960s and addressed to the Selectmen requesting that an article in regard to this acquisition proposal be placed in the warrant for the special town meeting to be held in September. The chairman signed the letter which was then delivered personally to the Selectmen who were holding a meeting. (See addendum.) Considered next by the Board was a letter dated August 9s 1960 from Mr. Charles Kenny of C. W. COUNTRY -WIDE Whittier & Bro., the letter accompanying another dated OFFICES August lip 1960 from Mr. Norman T. May in regard to the REZONING Country -wide Offices, Inc. proposal to erect an office PROPOSAL building on the Roberts Bros. land at the intersection of Routes 2 and 128. Following the reading of the two ROBERTS BROS. letters Messrs. Kennys Cole and May met with the Board from 8:00 to 8:25 p.m. for a discussion of said pro- posal. The visitors had very little information to add to that which was presented when they met with the Board on July 11, 1960. They did, however, provide a revised print of the site olan for the office building, said plan being dated August 15, 1960 and showing a revision of the sewage disposal system, parking areas, and cross section of the proposed site. Mr. Kenny pointed out that 356 automobiles could be accommodated if a 90 -degree parking ss*stem were adopted, and a total of 580 cars if L;5 -degree angular parking were used. It was the Planning Board's opinions however, that the primary consideration of this proposed build- ing project depended upon whether or not the access to Spring Street was satisfactory in all respects. The Board postponed further action in regard to the pro- posal until its next meeting to be held on September 7. The Planning Board approved the minutes of its MINUTES July 25, August 8 and August 15, 1960 meetings. 8 -2? -6o -2- The Board approved for payment the following bills which had been presented: Samuel P. Snows car ' allowance for Augusts 1960--120.00; Donald C. Richardsons rofessional services Aug. 8 through Aug. 19, 1960-- 200,00, car mileages 70�--$200.70; Harry W. Porters pro- fessional services, Aug. 8 through Aug. 19, 1960-4100.00; Chandler -Davis Publishing Co., zoning primers -45.94. SEPTEMBER With reference to its schedule for September the SCHEDULE Planning Board decided to meet on the 7th, 12th, 19th, and 27th days of the month. The following Form A applications for deter- mination of Planning Board jurisdiction were considered: #60-58 (See minutes of August 8, 1960) #60-60, submitted August 19, 1960 by Joseph W. Moore for Estate of N. Blanche Hayden; plan entitled "Ld. Ct. Plan of Land in Lincoln - Lexington Mass.% Scale: 1" = 1001, dated August 4s 1960s Joseph W. Moore, Inc., Reg. Land Surveyor. #60-61, submitted August 19, 1960 by Itek Corp. by Joseph W. Moore; plan entitled "Ld. Ct. Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" _ 401, dated August 2, 1960; Joseph W. Moore, Inc., Reg. Land Surveyor. #60-621 submitted August 19, 1960 by George E. Mahoney and Ernest J. DeVincent by Joseph W. Moore, Inc.; plan entitled "Ld. Ct. Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", being a subdivision of Lot Cl as shown on Ld. Ct. #13923F", Scale: 1" = 40', dated August 4s 1960s Joseph W. Moore, Inc., Reg. Land Surveyor. It appeared that no plan required approval under the Subdivision Control Law. It was noted, however, that so-called "Mellex Road" shown on the plan accom- panying application #60-61 was in the Board's view neither a rublic nor a private way in fact. The Board decided to endorse the plan but to hold it until it could be brought to the attention of the Town Counsel with the purpose of receiving his counsel on how to phrase a notation to be added to the Board's endorse- ment in regard to said Mellex Road. Thereupon,motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously ' VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board deter- 8-22-60 —3— mines that the plans accompanying applications ' #60-58s #60-60, #60-61 and #60-62 do not re- quire approval under the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plans be so endorsed. A letter was read from the Superintendent of Public Works, Mr. Carroll, with reference to the Country COUNTRY Club Manor subdivision which was discussed with him at CLUB MANOR the Planning Board's meeting on August 8, 1960. In his SEC. 1 letter Mr. Carroll stated essentially that the water in - Tophet Swamp would not rise as a practical matter above POND Its present levels although theoretically it might appear REALTY that the water level within the swamp would rise due to TRUST the construction of Country Club Manor. On.the basis of Mr. Carroll's opinion that there was little cause for any concern fordrainageproblems caused by the construction of the Country Club Manor subdivision. Mr. Carroll's letter was placed on file and no action taken by the Planning Board. The Board next considered the original of a plan and profile of Lillian Road, said plan being dated July GREEN 21, 1960 and indicating the manner in which Mr. Antonio VALLEY Busa wished to subdivide another portion of hispproperty SIC. 6 which he proposed to entitle "Green Valley Sec. 6.^ Mr. Busa had left the plan at the Board's office and re- BUSA ' quested that the Board give its informal opinion of said plan. The Board decided that it would approve such a plan if presented in a definitive form with the condition that there be obtained in a form which can be conveyed to the Town an easement for all the purposes for which a public road is required in the southwesterly corner of lot 3 as shown on said plan. It was decided also to send a written statement of the Planning Board's opinion in regard to this plan to Mr. Busa calling to his attention Sec. IV.A.l.j. of the subdivision Rules and Regulations in regard to the requirements that there be rounded cor- ners of streets at all intersections. (See addendum.) Mr. Snow called to the Board's attention and discussed with it the latest print.. dated August 12, WALTHAM ST. 1960, submitted by Mr. Manaselian, said print being a A 1 DISTRICT copy of the site plan which Mr. Manaselian was prepar- SITE PLAN ing for the Waltham Street Garden Apartment district. - Mr. Snow gave a report of the minor revisions suggested VINE BROOK by him and the conference held with Mr. Manaselian on REALTY August 17, stating that Mr. Manaselian had agreed to in- TRUST corporate said minor revisions into a final plan which was being prepared for submission to the Board. ' The attention of the Board was called to the Selectmen's letter of August 22, 1960 to the Board enclosing a copy of a petition from the residents of d-22-60 the Fern Street area in regard to extending Buckman BUCKMAN DRIVE Drive to Moreland Avenue. With reference to the Select- STREFT OPTION men's request that the Planning Board discuss the matter again and make recommendations in regard to the LUONGO problem, a digest of the Planning Board and Selectmen's minutes in regard to the case was reviewed. Mr. Snow called the Board's attention to plan number 1694 of 1947 recorded in the Middlesex Regis- try of Deeds, South District, said plan being en- titled "Plan of Proposed Easement for Water Main from Buckman Drive to Moreland Avenue Lexington, Mass.", dated Oct. 6, 1947, and prepared by John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer. Mr. Snow suggested that the land owned by Mr. Luongo as shown on said plan could be divided in such.a manner that part of Lot 11 easterly of the existing water main easement could be combined with Lot 10 to make a very satisfactory house lot, and that part of Lot 12 westerly of said easement could be combined with Lot 13, owned by James E. Collins of Arlington, Mass., into a second fine house lot. Mr. Snow was requested to discuss the matter with Mr. Luongo to see if arrangements could be made to com- bine the parcels as suggested and to acquire the ease- ment for public travel for the extension of Buckman Drive. The Board reviewed next studies which Mr. Snow REDEVELOPMENT and the staff had made relative to the redevelopment OF HILLSIDE of the Hillside Avenue area. (See minutes of July 25, AVENUE 1960 Planning Board meeting.) Mr. Snow then read to the Board a draft of his memorandum to the Board setting forth his recommendations for the development of the area. Also read to the Board was a suggested draft of a letter transmitting said studies and recom- mendations to the Board of Selectmen. The Board approved said draft for the letter of transmittal. (See addendum.) A letter dated August 8, 1960 from Mr.C. T. ITEK Morris of the Itek Corporation was read to the Board CORPORATION with reference to the site plans which Mr. Morris left with the Board on August 8, 1960. The Board decided it would approve the site plans as submitted but would withhold such approval pending a discussion with the Town Counsel regarding the status of so- called Mellex Road and Mr. Morris' request that no permanent ruling on the future use and access into Mellex Road be made by the Board. The matter was held over, therefore, until the Board's next meet- ing with the Town Counsel. Mr. Burnell was asked to discuss with the -4- C 8-22-6o ' Chairman of the Board of Appeals to the Planning Board's views in rsaard to the Black and Zirpolo petitions. (See minutes of August 8, 1960 Plan- ning Board meeting.) Mr. Burnell was also asked to request that if any variance is granted with reference to the McMillan petition that the Boafd of Appeals take into consideration any restric- tions which the Selectmen mal have placed upon the tax title lots involved when they were sold to Mr. McMillan. Mr. Snow reported that he had been informed by the Town Counsel of the request of the Waymint Realty Trust for an additional partial release of the covenant executed by the former subdivider of the Glen Estates subdivision, George Avadanian. In connection with said request there was read to the Board a letter, dated August 18, 19601 from Mr. Carroll, Superintendent of Pubiic 'forks estab- lishing the amount of additional bond that would be required to construct certain additional streets and an open channel in said subdivision. There was exhibited an instrument executed by the trustees of said trust on August 19, 1960 agreeing with the Town tb install and construct ways. and services to serve certain lots and to perform work in a specified drain easement in said subdivision. Likewise exhibited was an amendment to bond se- curing said agreement and executed as above. All matters appearing to be in order, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: in consideration of the agreement and its accompanying amended bond, both dated August 192 1960 and executed by Trustees of 'Vaymint Realty Trust, the Lexington Planning Board hereby releases lots numbered 10, ll, 12, 131 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 as shown on the sub- di.v, si.on nlan entitled '`Glen Estates Lexing- ton, Mass.", dated "November 4,s 1959, from the provisions of a covenant dated March 21, 1960. BOARD OF APPEALS GLEN ESTATES WAYMINT REALTY TRUST After the Board signed the release it was given to the Chairman to be notarized and delivered to Mr. Harmon S. B. Whites representative of said trust, for recording in the Registry of Deeds. The Planninn Director gave a report of his conference with Mrs. John W. White of Lincoln, Mass. M.F.P.B. ' Director of Region 5 B of the Massachusetts Federa- REGION 5B tion of Planning Boards, about a proposed annual ANNUAL meeting of the Boards of said region to be held on MEETING 3-22-60 -5- September 22 at the DeCordovea and Dana Museum in Lincoln. In response to Mrs.White's request, the Board , agreed to serve along with the Weston and Lincoln Plan- ning Boards as one of the host boards for this regional meeting. The Planning Director exhibited a letter he had received from the publisher of Home Builder News notifying him that he had been given a one year's subscription to the publication through the courtesy of Mr. Mark Moore, Jr. Even though members of the Board agreed that they could see no reason why Mr. Snow should not accept the gift, he stated that as a town employee he did not believe it proper to accept any gift no matter in what form or how graciously it was offered. He said that he intended to write to Mr. Moore and the nublisher in regard to the matter thanking them for their consideration. (See adden- dum.) The Board indicated that it would be inter- ested in receiving the subscription if Mr. Snow 'did not wish to do so. There being no further business to transact at the time, the Board adjourned its meeting at 11:00 P.M. a 1 Irving H. Mabee, Clerk ADDENDUM August 26, 1960 Mr. Antonio Busa, 48 Lowell Street Lexington 73, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Busa: The Planning Board is returning herewith the original of a plan and profile of Lillian Road, dated July 21, 1960s concerning which you asked for the Board's in- formal opinion. At its meeting on August 22, 1960 the Planning Board approved said plan with a condition that there be obtained in a form which can be conveyed to the Town an easement for all of the purposes for a , public road is required at the southwesterly corner of Lot 3 as shown on said plan. As lou know, under the subdivision rules and regula- 1 1 0-2;_--6o .6 - tions of the Town of Lexington it is required that street linea at all intersections shall be rounded with a curve at each corner having a radius of not less than 25 feet. (See Sec. IV.A.l.j. of said regulations.) Sincerely, Is/ Levi G. Burnell, Chairman Enc. Mrs. Ruth Morey, Chairman August 22, 1960 Board of Selectmen Town Office Building Lexington, Massachusetts Dear Mrs. Morey: Reference is made to Mr. Snowts letter of August 4, 1960 to you in regard to articles which the Planning Board wishes to place in the warrant for the special town meeting to be held in September. In addition to the three articles Previously requested, the Planning Board wishes to add another; namely, that of acquiring for playground, recreational and school purposes a portion of the Newton B. Crandall parcel numbered 40 Middleby Road. It is understood that Mr. Snow has worked with the Town Counsel in the preparation of a draft for such an article, and that it is included in the warrant now be- ing considered by you. In connection with the plan which the Planning staff is prepar- ing for the central school park project, preliminary studies indicate that the present easement for public travel through the Crandall lot does not meet the needs for adequate access. The filing on Aug. 8, 1960 with the Board by Mr. Crandall of a plan subdividing his parcel into two lots has brought about a need for immediate action to eliminate the possibility of a house being erected where it is believed it is in the best in- terest of the town to provide a better access from Middleby Road to the land now being used as a dump. Sincerely, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD cc: Mr.Harold E. Stevens /s/ Levi G. Burnell, Chairman Town Counsel 8-22-60 August 30, 1960 Mr. Mark Moore, Jr. 3 Diehl Road Lexington 73, Mass. Dear Mark: It was most thoughtful of you to give me a gift in the form of a subscription to Home Builder News. This I appreciate very much. As I have indicated to you once before, however, as a town employee I do not believe I should accept any gratuities whatsoever, no matter in uhat form or no matter how graciously they may be offered. I believe very strongly In this principle and I trust you will appreciate my posi- tion. I hope, therefore, that you will understand my .action in not accepting ,your subscription and that my non-acceptance will in no way offend you or impair our friendship. Sincerely, /s/ Samuel P. Snow Planning Director August 30, 1960 Mr. James F. Walsh, Publisher Home Builder News 181 Friend Street Boston Ili, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Walsh: -7- Thank you very much for ,your very fine letter of August 17. In regard to your letter, enclosed herewith please find a copy of mine of August 30 to Mr. Moore in which you will note that it is against my principle to accept, as a town employee, any gift whatsoever. I know Mark Moore well and I know that he has only the best of intentions in giving me a subscription. I trust, however, that rou will abide by my wishes and cancel the subscription so garciously given. With all good wishes for the success of your publication, I am Sincerely, /s/ Samuel P. Snow Planning Director Enc . cc: Mark Moore 1 u 1 B-22-60 23 August 1960 Board of Selectmen Town Office Building Lexington 73, Mass. Dear Madam and Gentlemen: Attached herewith for your consideration is a copy of Mr. Snow's August 22, 1960 memorandum and accompanying plans to the Planning Board setting forth his recom- mendations for the development of the Hillside Avenue area in Lexington. The Board has considered and approved the proposals set forth in the memorandum and recommends that the Selectmen take favorable action in regard to them. Should you wish to have him do so, Mr. Snow will be available at your convenience to discuss with you these proposals in detail. Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Levi G. Burnell, Chairman G 1