HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-06-20' PLAN-"TIIQG BOARD MEETING June 20, 1960 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held on Monday, June 20, 1960 at 7:45 p.m. in the Board's office, Town Office Building, Present were Chairman Burnell, Members Grindle and Meyer, and Planning Director Snow. The Board approved the minutes of its May MINUTES 16 and 23, 1960 meetings. The Board approved for payment a bill of 14.25 from Mrs. G. Buttaro for mimeographing, and BILLS confirmed Mr. Snow's action in approving for pay- ment a voucher, dated June 16, 1960s for 121.00 for special preliminary census data from the U. S. Dept. of Commerce. The following Form A applications were taken under consideration for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: '60-44, submitted June 17, 1960 for Town of Lexington by R. L. Higgins, Engr.; plan en- titled "Plan of Drain Easement on Lot 5 Waltham Street Lexington, Mass.", scale: 1" = 40', dated Jan. 7, 1060, John J. Carroll, Town Engineer. #60-45, submitted June 20, 1960 for Stephen & Paraska Hotz by Mark Moore, Jr.; plan en- titled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 40', dated June 10, 1960s Miller R Nylander, C.E.'s &. Surveyors. Lnon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Bo �r d determines that the plans accompanying Form A applica- tions #60-1}4 end #60-45 do not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plans be so endorsed. FORMS A Read to the Board and discussed by it was a letter dated June 131 1960 from Mr.C.T.Morris to the ITEK CORP. Planning Director in regard to the Itek Corporation's site plan for its proposed development in Lexington's M 1 district. Mr. Snow was asked to draft for the 6-20-60 -2- Upon return to the Planning Board meeting Mr. LOWELL Stevens discussed with the Board the situation in ESTATES regard to the Lowell Estates subdivision. He pointed out that the Lexington Development Company had con - LEXINGTON veyed land shown on the Lowell Estates definitive DEVELOPMENT plan to Westchester Fstates, Inc. He called atten- COMPANY tion to Mr. John J. Carroll's letter of June 2, 1960 to the Planning Board advising it that ways and ser- WESTCHESTER vices to serve lots A, B, 3, 4s 14 and 35 had been ESTATES, TVC. completed to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Public Works. All matters appearing to be in orders upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: to return to George J. DeVries and John S. DeVries d/b/a Lexington Development Co. their check for X1,000.00 that secured the perform- ance by them of their agreement with the Town, dated November 2, 1959s to complete the in- stallation and construction of the ways and services to serve lots numbered 3s 4P 14 and 35 in the subdivision entitled "Lowell Fstates Lexington, Mass." Mr. Stevens likewise called attention to the letter, dated June 31 1960s from the Superintendent of Public Works stating that he understood the Lex- , ington Development Company wished to post a bond as surety for the construction of a sidewalk and shoulders in the section of Bryant Road from Sta.0+00 Chairman's signature a letter to Mr. Morris in regard ' to revising said site plan. (See addendum.) VINE BROOK Read to the Board and approved by it was the REALTY TPU 3T draft of a letter to Mr. Manaselian in regard to his preliminary site plans dated June 13s 1960s for the WALTHAM z1T. Waltham Street A 1 district. (See addendum.) A 1 DTSTRTCT From 8:25 until 10:10 p.m. Town Counsel McCORMACK- Stevens met with the Board to discuss various matters BRUN LAND currently being considered by it. Discussed first FOR PUBLIC was Mr. T.H.Reenstierna's report in regard to his RFCREATION appraisal of that portion of the McCormack -Brun land PURPOSES which the Board was recommending the Town acquire for public recreational purposes. From 9:00 until 9:35 p.m. the Boards in company with Mr. Stevens, met with the Selectmen to discuss the possible acquisition of said portion. (See Selectmen's minutes in regard to this matter.) The Planning Board requested from the Selectmen a written statement in regard to their opinion of the recommended acquisition. Upon return to the Planning Board meeting Mr. LOWELL Stevens discussed with the Board the situation in ESTATES regard to the Lowell Estates subdivision. He pointed out that the Lexington Development Company had con - LEXINGTON veyed land shown on the Lowell Estates definitive DEVELOPMENT plan to Westchester Fstates, Inc. He called atten- COMPANY tion to Mr. John J. Carroll's letter of June 2, 1960 to the Planning Board advising it that ways and ser- WESTCHESTER vices to serve lots A, B, 3, 4s 14 and 35 had been ESTATES, TVC. completed to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Public Works. All matters appearing to be in orders upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: to return to George J. DeVries and John S. DeVries d/b/a Lexington Development Co. their check for X1,000.00 that secured the perform- ance by them of their agreement with the Town, dated November 2, 1959s to complete the in- stallation and construction of the ways and services to serve lots numbered 3s 4P 14 and 35 in the subdivision entitled "Lowell Fstates Lexington, Mass." Mr. Stevens likewise called attention to the letter, dated June 31 1960s from the Superintendent of Public Works stating that he understood the Lex- , ington Development Company wished to post a bond as surety for the construction of a sidewalk and shoulders in the section of Bryant Road from Sta.0+00 6 -2o -6o —3— to 12+42.68. Mr. Carroll ' suggested in his letter that said bond be in the sum of $2,500.00. Mr. Stevens then exhibited a certified check in said amount and an executed agreement, dated June 20, 1960, wherein Westchester Estates, Inc., successor to said companv, agreed to complete the installa- tion and construction of the wags and services in said section by June 20, 1961. These were given to Mr. Snow for filing with the Town Clerk. All matters an_oearing to be in order, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board sign a partial release of covenant for required work referred to in the covenant executed by George J. DeVries and John S. DeVries, dated Feb. 131 1959s and release lots numbered 23, 24, 25, 26, 32.9 33.- 36j, 37j, 38s 392 40, 41 and 42 and Parcel F shown on the subdivision plan entitled 'Lowell Estates Lexington, Mass.",* dated December 9, 1958, from the provisions as to sale and building specified in said cove- nant. Thereupon the Board executed an instrument entitled ' 1/Partial Release of Covenant's which was notarized by Mr. Stevens. Mr. Snow was asked to give the original of said partial release to Mr. George J. DeVries for recording in the Registry of Deeds. After Mr. Stevens left the meeting the Board continued Its discussion of current matters and pro- jects, adjourning its meeting at 11:15 p.m. Levi G. Burnell, Chairman ADDENDUM June 24, 1960 Mr, C.T.Morris Itek Corpor^tion Waltham 54, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Morris: I Your letter of June 13, addressed to Mr. Snow together with a set of prints numbered 1j. M1, and lA, dated 5/12/60 and issued May 31, 1960, was referred to the Planning Board at 6-20-60 -4- its meeting on June 20, for the reason that it was Mr. , Snow's opinion that under the Lexington Zoning By-law only the Board itself has authority to approve in an Ml district the entrance of all driveways to a street. The Board concurs in this opinion. Tt is believed that the best procedure to follow in ob- taining final approval of plans showing driveway en- trances is for the Itek Corporation to furnish the Plan- ning Board with three sets of prints incorporating the recommendations set forth below. The Board will then be in a position to endorse each set, keeping one for its files, returning one to you and furnishing a third to the Building Inspector, the endorsed sets to be accom- panied by a letter of approval from the Planning Board. In regard to the three points set forth in your letter, the Board is in agreement with point 1. The Board is also in agreement with point 2 that access No. 2 and access No. 5 be directly opposite each other but not approximately so as shown on the architect's print. As to the third point the Board believes it should be modi- fied to read that "No access to so-called Mellex Road is required or planned," the Board emphasizing that it contemplates no approval of any future connection to said road. The set of prints which ,7ou left with Mr. Snow have been marked to conform with the Board's recommendations and the set is being returned herewith. Tt is suggested that if you are in agreement with these recommendations that you incorporate them in your revised set of prints, furnishing sets to the Board for final approval as out- lined above. Sincerely yours, LEXTh?GTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Levi G. Burnell, Chairman June 20, 1960 Mr. Arthur G. Manaselian 30 Huntington Avenue Boston, Massachusetts Re: Vine Brook Realty Trust "Waltham St. A 1 District Dear Mr. Manaselian: In reply to ,your letter of June 13, 1960s the Planning Board finds your preliminary plan of the same date acceptable. The Board suggests, however, that the "A" ' building fronting on Worthen Road be shifted a few feet 6-20-6o ' northward as indicated on being returned herewith. marked on the print, that the "B" Building opnosite more direct access to the 1 1 the marked print which is The Board also suggests, as the arrangement of walks to said "A" building would give "B" building. Tt now appears that the next step for the Trust is to -prepare plans for submission to the Board of Appeals, all site plans to date being In insufficient detail to support final approval. As outlined by the Town Counsel on May 23 when representatives of the Trust met with the Planning Board and Mr. Nickerson, such details as the relationship between roads, between buildings and roads, and between buildings themselves should be shown by road stations, radii, dimensions, etc., in addition to such data as -proposed and existing contours, spot elevations, and the like. We -presume you will want to work with Mr. Snow in this regard. He will be available to confer with ,you on the step by step process so that plans may take final form as rapidly as possible. me . cc: Harold 7. Stevens Board of Appeals Sincerely yours, LEXPTGTON PLA",T%TTNG BOARD /s/ Levi G. Burnell, Chairman