HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-05-161 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING May 16, 196o A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held on Monday, May 16, 1960 at 7:30 p.m. in the Board's office, Town Office Building. Pres- ent were Chairman Burnell, Members Grindle, Mabee, Meyer and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. The Board approved the following bills which had been presented for payment: Louise M. Bakers extra BILLS secretarial service May 9--5.60; Graphic Reproduc- tions, Inc., white prints-- 3.87; Minute -man Publi- cationss a dvertising--$3.67. Considered next were the following Form A applications for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #60-312 submitted May 11, 1960 for Town of Lexington by R. L. Higgins, Engr.; plan en- titled "Plan of Land on East Street Lexing- ton, Mass.", scale: 1" = 401, dated May 9s 1960, John J. Carroll, Town Engineer. #60-32, submitted May 13, 1,960 for Boston & Maine Railroad by John T. Collins, Its Attor- ney; plan entitled "Land in Lexington, Mass.", scale: 1" = 50', dated January, 19609 J. F. Kerwin, Asst. Chief Engr. #60-33s submitted MaX 13, 1960 by Antonio Busn; plan entitled Subdivision Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass.", scale: 1" = 40', dated May 2, 1960, John J. Sullivan, C.E. #60-34M submitted May 13, 1960 by Antonio Busa; plan entitled "Subdivision Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass.", Scale: 1" = 401, dated May 2, 1960, John J. Sullivan, C.E.- #60-35, submitted May 16, 1960 for Alexander Palladino by Atty. Sherman Davison; plan en- titled "Plan of Land in Lexingtons Mass.", dated May 12, 1960, scale: 1 in = 20 ft, Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor. It was decided to withhold action tions #60-32, #60-332 #60-34 and #60-35, ' following week, Mr. Snow being asked to ther information in regard to the plans said applications. on applica- until the obtain fur - accompanying FORMS A 5-16-60 -2- Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously , VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A applica- tion #60-31 does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plan be so endorsed. Mr. Snow reported that he had reviewed in EMERSON detail the Emerson Gardens preliminary subdivision GARDENS plan including the layout of that portion of Emer- son Road which would be within said subdivision. LONGO- He exhibited a set of prints of said plan which he IPPOLITO said followed, with one minor exception, the one et al entitled "Suggested Subdivision of DeVries and Adja- cent Lands in Lexington, Mass.", dated June 300 1958 and adopted by the Board on said date. Mr. Snow re- commended that the preliminary subdivision plan be approved with a minor change in the layout of Sander- son Road. Thereupon, after due consideration, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the preliminary subdivision plan entitled "Emerson Gardens Lexington, Mass.', dated March 7, 1960, which was submitted to the ' Board on April 18, 1960s, be and hereby is tentatively approved subject to the condition that Sanderson Road be laid out with two simple curves and a connecting tangent as marked on print of said plan. From 7:50 to 8:50 p.m. Town Counsel Stevens met with the Board to discuss several matters cur- rently before it. Among these was the matter of the location of Worthen Road. Mr. Stevens reported that sometime ago he VINE BROOK had been requested to prepare an instrument where - REALTY in the Vine Brook Realty Trust agreed to construct TRUST to Town specifications Worthen Road across land of said Trust in accordance with a plan which had WORTHEN ROAD been approved informally by the Board of Selectmen. - He stated that until it had been called to his atten- VINE BROOK tion the previous week he was unaware of the exist - MEADOWS ence of proposed subdivision plans prepared by SFC. 2 Miller 8- Nylander showing lotting along the proposed location of `fort�)en Road. He exhibited two prints; one, dated June 12, 1959) showing the lot layout plan, of the proposed second section of the Vine Brook ' Meadows development, and the second, dated Oct. 24, 1959s showing the proposed plan and profile of Worthen 5-16-60 ' Road across land of said Trust. Mr. Stevens said that the proposed development along Worthen Road was a subdivision and that the layout of Worthen Road definitely came under the jurisdiction of the Plan- ning Board. 1 -3- Mr. Stevens asked that the Board study said prints and render an informal opinion as to whether or not it would approve them if submitted as part of a definitive plan for the second section of Vine Brook Meadows development. He said that if the Board approves said plan, the Trust would be in a much better position than by any other method to obtain from the Town compensation for construction and im- provements in Wortren Road having a capacity substan- tially greater than is necessary to serve the sub- division alone. Mr. Stevens was informed that the Board would consider the prints in relation to the proposed site plans for Waltham Street A 1 district and a preliminary lotting plan, dated Feb. 6, 1958., of the Vine Brook Meadows development. (See minutes of February 27, 1958 Planning Board meeting.) After Mr. Stevens left the meeting the Board considered next the Board of Appeals letter of April 29, 1960 in regard to the Vine Brook Realty Trustts fourth site plan for the Waltham Street A 1 district. In regard to this and other site plans of the Trust as well as studies prepared for the Board it was de- cided to hold a conference on May 23 with representa- tives of said Trust, the Board of Appeals and the Board of Selectmen and to ask Town Counsel Stevens to be present. It was also decided to hold a special planninrr session in regard to the Board's studies after the Board's conference with the School Sites Committee on May 19. Thereupon$ there was drafted and anproved by the Board a final report and recommenda- tions in regard to said fourth site plan. (See adden- dum.) Mr. Snow reported on his efforts to obtain a graduate student in landscape architecture to assist him during the summer months in preparing plans for the central school park project from Waltham Street to Marrett Rond. He recommended that the Board em- ploy Mr. Donald C. Richardson full time during the summer months and part-time as Mr. Richardson and funds were available, during the school year at the rate of $2.50 per hour. The Board approved said recommendation and authori?ed Mr. Snow to employ Mr. Richardson. The Board considered notices of petitions to WALTHAM STREET A 1 DISTRICT STUDENT EMPLOYMENT 5-16-60 We be heard by the Board of Appeals on May 24, 1960. Mr. ' BOARD OF Snow reported that he had been informed that the APPEALS Jackson petition had been withdrawn. It was decided to take no action in regard to the remainder of the petitions. With regard to the triangular portion of the JACKSON C.Henry Jackson land between the existing green - LAND FOR houses on said land, town land and Clarke Street, it RECREATION was thought it would be most desirable to add this to PURPOSES the center playground particularly because it would make the playground rroperty more usable. Mr. Snow was asked to look into this matter and obtain from an appraiser a general idea of the value of said portion. At 10:00 p.m. the Board adjourned its meeting and attended the Board of Selectmen's meeting to dis- cuss the public hearing to be held the following afternoon on the proposed relocation of and widening of Route 129. (For a record of said discussion see the minutes of the Selectmen's meeting.) Irvine H. Mabee, Clerk The attention of the Board was next called to the letter of May 14, 1960 from Mr. Sidney Lipton en- closing two booklets: "The Liquor Control Act' compiled by the State Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission and "Regulations Made by the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission and Imnortant Excerpts from the Provisions of the Liquor Control Act and Related Statutes" prepared by said Commission. Mr. Snow was asked to acknowledge for the Board the recein_t of Mr. Lipton's letter and enclosures. Read to the Board was the Town Counselts letter , CA.RY ACRES of May 10, 1960 to the Peerless Insurance Company mak- SEC. 2 Ing demand on behalf of the Town of Lexington to complete - promptly the unfinished work in the Cary Acres Section CARY REALTY Two subdivision and giving notice that if said work is TRUST not fully completed by June 15, 1960 the Town will pro- ceed under the bond to collect the penal sum as liquidated damage in accordance with the provisions of the bond. It was noted that Mr. Arthur E. Bjorklund of said company acknowledged on May 11 the Town Counsel's letter. At 10:00 p.m. the Board adjourned its meeting and attended the Board of Selectmen's meeting to dis- cuss the public hearing to be held the following afternoon on the proposed relocation of and widening of Route 129. (For a record of said discussion see the minutes of the Selectmen's meeting.) Irvine H. Mabee, Clerk 1 1 5-16-60 Board of Anpeals Tnwn Office Building Lexington 73, Mass. Gentlemen: ADDENDUM May 20, 1960 -5- Re: Vine Brook Realty Trust The Planning Board herewith submits its final report and recommendations in accordance with Sec. 5 (g) 5. of the Lexington Zoning By-law in reply to your April 29, 1960 letter, its attached copy of a letter, dated April 28 from Mr. Alfred A. Trineano to Mr. Nickerson, and an accompanying colored nhotostat of a site plan, numbered SP -1, and dated 2-29-60. Said elan is returned herewith. It is the Planning Board's opinion that the site plan is unacceptable for a number of the same reasons set forth In the Planning Boards April 29, 1960 letter to you in regard to previously submitted plans. It appears that except for the elimination of one narking area and the change in another, the proposed layout of the apartment site is no different than one previously submitted. The Board emphasizes that it is in no position to approve the plan as presented because it is only a schematic drawing showing no detail such as dimensions and the like. Therefore the Planning Board recommends that the plan be disapproved. It is hoped that these and other points about the plans ma -7 be discussed thoroughly when representatives of the Trust, this Board and vours meet on May 23. Sincerely yours, L7=TGTON PLANNING BOARD Levi G. Burnell, Chairman