HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-04-25PLAN"TING BOAP.D 2i7ETIn?G April 25, 1960. A regular meeting* of the Lexington Planning Board was held on Mondays April 25, 1960 at 7:30 p.m, in the Planning Board's office, Town Office Building. Present were Chairman Burnell, members Grindle, Mabee, Meurer and Soule, and Planning; Director Snow. The Board apnroved the following bills which had been presented for -payment: Samuel P. Snow, car allowance for April --$20.00; George Smith, drafting su plies --$,7.16; Graphic peproductions, white prints -3.86; Colonial Paner Co., onionskin -47.50; Min- ute Tian Typewriter Service, cleaninc* office type- writer --X3.50; pegional Plan Assn., Inc., book -- $3.50. Likewise approved by the Board was a bill from Chester A. Little, maps for existing land use, said maps to be included in Planning Board's report and to be paid for from unexpended 1950 funds -- S282.00. '.-lith reference to the application for approv- al of the Loring Hill Estates, Section 3 definitive subdivision Plan, all matters appearing to be in order, upon motion duh,* made and seconded, it was unanimously 710TED: that the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Loring; Hill Estates Section Three, Lexing- ton, Mass.", dated Oct. 10, 1050, which was submitted to the Board by Kenneth E. Blodgett and Frnest E. Outhet on Febrrary 8, 1960, accompanied by an application for approval of definitive plan, Form C, dated February 5, 1960, be and hereby is approved. From 7:4.5 to 8:15 p.m, all members of the Board and the Planning Director met with the Board of Selectmen to hear representatives of the Mass. 7at-ional Guard present a proposal for an armory they would like to hive located in Lexin7ton. (For the details in regard to said proposal see the min- utes of the Selectmen's meeting of Anril 25, 1960.) 'lith reference to the presentation for a pro- posal for an armory, the Planning Board when it re- turned to its meeting decided to make a study of the ' mattes and to present to the Board of Selectmen a report in regard to the nroposal and the nossibili- ties for a site for said armory. BILLS LORTNG HILL ESTATES SEC. 3 OUTHET RR^LTY TRUST NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY y-25-60 -2- From 8:15 to 9:55 p.m. Mr, i.abee left the meet- ing to hold a conference with Mr. J. Harper Blaisdell, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee, in regard to , reorganization of the staff work of the Planning Board and the necessity for employing additional help. The Board considered the request of Mr. Antonio GREEN Busa for an informal opinion in regard to extending VALLEY Lillian Road as a proposed subdivision to be named SEC. 6 Green Valley, Sec. 6. (See minutes of March 7, 1960 _ Planning Board meeting.) In connection with said re- BUSA quest Mr. Snow presented and discussed with the Board his studies of the area involved including the future location of Emerson Road. From notes dictated by the Board, Mr. Snow was asked to prepare for the Board's further consideration a draft of a letter together with accompanying material, setting forth the deci- sions reached in regard to Mr.Busa's request. From 9:20 to 9:50 n.m. Town Counsel Stevens LAND FOR met with the Board to discuss various matters cur- PFCRFATTON rently being considered. He called attention to an - option he had obtained at the Board's request (see HOLTON ROAD minutes of July 27, 1959 planning Board meeting) and to the draft of a letter which he had prepared for consideration, said draft stating that said option has been acquired and requesting, the Selectmen to exercise the option and acquire the land. The draft , was approved by the Board and signed br the Chairman. (See addendum.) Mr. Stevens also discussed with the Board the GLEnt FSTATFS Glen Estates definitive subdivision plan, which had - been approved and endorsed and which had been given AVADANIAN to him to record, it having been brought to his atten- tion that the subdivider did not own, as shown on said *elan, the land included within the rounded cor- ners of lots fronting on ?•Woburn Street and bounded by Marshall and Rolfe Roads. Mr. Stevens returned the plan to the Board which decided not to deliver it to the subdivider but to consider taking action to re- scind its approval of said plan. It was also decided that before considering such action further, Mr. Stevens was to see if a party it was understood had entered into a purchase and sale agreement to pur- chase the land included within the aforesaid subdivi- sion was willing to enter into an arlreement obligat- ing said narty to indemnif-r and save Lexington Harm- less from damages when the Town established Marshall and Rolfe Poads as town ways. After Mr. Stevens had left the meeting, the ' Chairman gave a report of the conference he and Mr. Snow had held the previous Friday with T•"r. Cole, 11 1 !}-2r-60 architect for the proposed Maple Street garden apart - Tr. -crit district, C -rd th t Ps a result of the confer- ence Mr. Cole was going to recommend to the developers of the said district that they withdraw their applica- tion for approval of the site and building plans for the district until such time as the location for Emer- son Road was definiteltT established and Mr. Snow, and Mr. Cole could develop together a satisfactory site elan for the district. The Board then discussed in detail the site and building plans which had been submitted b7 the Vine Brook Realty Trust for approval. It was decided to consider the plans further and to prepare the draft of a ren_ ort thereon at a special study session to be held on Thursda,r, April 28, 1960 at 7:30 p.m. and also to hold on Friday, April 29 at 3:00 p -m- a special meeting to consider the final draft of said report and to take action thereon. There being no further business to transact at the time, the Board adjourned its meeting at 10:30 p.m. Irving H. Mabee, Clerk ADDENDUM Board of Selectmen Town Office Building Lexington 73, Mass. Dear Sirs: -3- MAPLE ST. GARDEN APARTMENT DISTRICT WALTHAM ST. GARDEN APARTMEIJT DISTRICT VINE BROOK REALTY TRUST April 252 1960 The Planning Board has obtained and encloses an in- strument from Lexin7tor. Construction Co.,Inc., dated rnril 20, 1960, granting* to the Town an option to ac- quire a certain parcel of land situated on Holton Road in Lexington, being; lot 11 as shown on plan en- titled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass. owned by Lex- ington Construction Co., Inc.," dated April 12, 19521 Albert P.. Miller, Wilbur C. N71ander, C.F.'s & Survey- ors, recorded in Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 1402 of 1952j. Book 7948, nage 168. The price of the land under the option is X112.20. The Planning Board recommends that this land be ac- i. -z5-60 -U- quired for playground requests the Selectmen acquire the land. and recreational purposes and to exercise the option and Very truly yours, LEUNCTTO'T PLANATING BOARD /sl Levi G. Burnell, Chairman 1 1