HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-04-11LANNITIG BOApD MFETTNG April 11, 1960 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the office of the Board, Town Office Building, on Monday, April 11, 1960 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Burnell, Members Grindle, Mabee, Meyer and Soule, and Planning; Direc- tor Snow. The Bo^rd annroved the minutes of March 22 MINUTES and 29, 1960 meetings. Approved also were the following bills which had been --)resented for payment: 73xchange Biblio- BILLS ranhies--8.00; Andrew TJohnson, man printing-- 17.70; Granhic Renroductions Inc., white prints-- 2.40 Considered next by the Board were the follow- in7 Form A annlications for determination of Plan- FORMS A ning Board jurisdiction: 460-21i submitted April 7, 1960 by Edward G. Barker; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexinr;ton, mass.", dated April 2, 1960, Scale: 1" = 401, Arnold B. Davis, Edward G. Barker, C.E.'s & Surveyors. ff60-25, submitted April 8, 1960 by Edith F. Hammond; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Bed- ford, Mass.", dated April 2, 1960, Scale: 1" 401, Joseph 'J. Moore, Inc., Reg. Land Sur- ve7T0r . X60-26, submitted April 83 1960 by Edward I. and Yaomi Gray, Gerald L. and. Miriam S. Landau; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lex- ington, Niass.", dated March 10, 1060, Scale: l" = 40', Josenh V. Moore, Inc., Reg. Land Surveyor. Tt was decided to postpone action on application =60-2h until the plan accomn_anving said application could be discussed with the Town Counsel. There- unon, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTIT :that the clans accompanvi.ng Form A anplica- ' tions �`60-25 and '�60-26 do not require approval under the Subdivision Control Lew, and that the plans be so endorsed. q.-11-60 -2- Before leaving; the meeting Mr. Stevens discussed GARDEN several matters currentl7r before the Planning, Board, APARTMENT particularly the site plans for the '^laltham and Mahle DISTRICT Streets '^arden apartment districts. In regard to the SITE latter matter, Mr. Stevens and each member of the Board PLAYS was given for his information copies of letters to Mr. Burnell, the first being: from Mr. Charles TT. Cole and dated Anril 6, and the second from 'ir. Roland B. Greeley, , and dated April 9, 1960. From 7:45 to 8:00 p.m. Mr. Douglas J. Wacome of OAK HTLL T,IPrnwood Associates met with the Board to discuss in- , FSTATFS formal l7r the nronosed Oak Hill estates, Sec. 3 defini-tive subdivision -plan which he showed the Board. Since V,7,,TO 0D there had not been obtained from the Sunerintendent of ASSOC. Public 'storks required acceptances and ani rovals as set forth in the Suubdivi Sion T�ules and. Regulations, the a-pplication which he wished to submit for annroval of said -plan was not deemed to have been submitted. The -plan was returned to Por. T°dacome. With reference to the petitions to be heard by BOASD OF the Board of Appeals on Anril 12, 1960: there was pre- APPFALS sented for the Boards consideration information in - regard to the Black and. Giusti petitions and also a GIUSTI draft of a suggested letter in regard to said Black petition. It was decided to make no official renort to the Board of Arpeals in regard to the Giusti petition but that P!r. Burnell would discuss informally with the Chairman of the Board of Appeals said petition point- ing out that it was possible to design a residence for the Giusti lot within the zoning by-law requirements with regard. to card regulations, and presenting; to said Chairman a sketch showing how this could be done. The Board approved the draft of the letter in regard to the Black petition, the Chairman signing* said draft and be- ' ing requested to -present the same to the Board of Appeals at the Anril 12 hearing,-. (See addendum.) From 8:35 to 9:20 n.m. Town Counsel Stevens net FORM A with. the Board. At 8:35 Mr. Barker came to the meet - Ing also to discuss the plan accompan-ring his Form A BARKFP application referred to above. The Town Counsel pointed out that the proposed. lotting as shown on said plan did not conform to the deed wherein the Town conveyed lots 221 to 227 inclusive fronting; on Freemont Street. The Town Counsel also explained to Mr. Barker the procedure in regard to submittinrr the plan to the Land Court for the purpose of obtaining a clear title to said lots. On the basis of the information Given to Mr. Barker he withdrew his application stating that he would submit a new one after correctin Psaid elan. Before leaving; the meeting Mr. Stevens discussed GARDEN several matters currentl7r before the Planning, Board, APARTMENT particularly the site plans for the '^laltham and Mahle DISTRICT Streets '^arden apartment districts. In regard to the SITE latter matter, Mr. Stevens and each member of the Board PLAYS was given for his information copies of letters to Mr. Burnell, the first being: from Mr. Charles TT. Cole and dated Anril 6, and the second from 'ir. Roland B. Greeley, , and dated April 9, 1960. 1, .-11-60 -3- As requested by the Board at its previous meet- ing Mr. Snow presented to the Board the draft of a ITEK CORP. letter to the Itek Corporation setting; forth recommen- SITE PLAN dations in regard to driveway entrances to the proposed Itek Corporation's development to be located on "iamuire Road in Lexinmton's light manufacturing district. The Board approved said draft which was si_rned by the Chair- man. (See addendum.) The attention of the Board was called to the HAWTHORNE letter of April 61 1960 from the office of Sleeper & ACRES Sleeper. (See addendum.) Mr. Snow was asked to draft LAND FOR for the Board's consideration a renly to said letter. nECREATI0N ESCO BLDRS. The remainder of the meeting was devoted to a study and discussion of the Waltham and Maple Street garden apartment district site plans, the meeting be- ing, adjourned at 10:30 p.m. 9 Irving N. Mabee, ,- .. ,. ., Clerk ADDENDA April 12, 1960 Board of Appeals Town Office Build's¢_ Lexington 73, Mass. Re: Ualter G. Black petition nesubdivi. s ion, Minola Road Gentlemen: Reference is made to Mr. Walter G. Black's petition to be heard by the Board of Appeals on April 123 1960. A view of the situation on the ground indicates that the common boundary line between the Minola M. Black lot fronting on Highland Avenue and lot 1 fronting on Minola Road passes through the "garage structure" referred to in the petition so that about 13 feet of said structure its entire length is located on lot 1. From the appear- ance of' this structure it seems apparent that it has been in existence for a number of ,years and certainly was in existence, although it was not shown on lot 1, ' when the Board of Appeals granted to Minola M. Black a subdivision variance on June 2L!_, 1958 and the Planning Board approved on June 301 1958 the definitive sub- +-11-60 division plan entitled "Pheasant Gardens Lexington, Mass.', dated Feb. 17, 1958. It is the Planning Board's view that the situation as it now exists should not be nerpetuated by the granting of a variance to subdivide the properties involved as proposed by the petition. The granting of a variance would reduce even further the area of lot 1, already the smallest lot in the subdivision. It is the opinion of the Planning Board that in doing so public conven- ience and welfare would not be served. It is the Board's opinion also that the creation of lot lA and the location of the proposed dwelling would impair the status of the neighborhood. It is recommended therefore, that the variance not be granted. 5incerel7,* yours, LEXINC'TON PLAPI^?INs BOARD /s/ Levi G. Burnell, Chairman April 12, 1960 Mr. C. T. Morris Itek Corporation Waltham rte, Mass. Dear Mr. Morris: Reference is made to the conference which the Planning Board held with you and Mr. Rowe on February 202 1060 in regard to the workng drawing nrogress prints, dated February 25, 1960, of the site nlan for the nronosed Itek Corporation develop- ment to be located on Maguire Road in Lexington's light manu- facturing district. After careful consideration of the cornoration's pronosal as shown on said plan, the Board makes the following recommenda- tions in regard to driveway entrances. The graphic repre- sentation of these recommendations is set forth on the en- closed set of prints which you kindly left with the Board at the time of the conference. 1. The entrance to Maguire Road from the roadway on the south- easterly side of the office building is acceptable. 2. The entrance to Maguire Road from the narking area on the northwesterly side of the office building is relocated approximately 16 feet to the southeast to take advantage , of a recommended location for a. roadway to serve said parking. area. -i1-60 -5- 3. No access to so-called Mellex Road is recommended. The ' Board understands that the cornorati_on plans no connection to said road in the first starre of development of the site. The Board's recojmendation contemplates no approval of any future connection to said road, it being recommended that access to the nark'ng area be provided as set forth in paragraph 2. L.L. The southeasterly entrance to Maguire Poad from the park- ing area on the northeasterly side of said road is re- located to a position directly onnosite to the roadway entrance recommended under paragraph 1. 5. The northwesterly entrance to Maguire road from the barking area on the northeasterly side of said road is relocated to a position directly opposite the roadway entrance recom- mended under naragraph 2. 6. The middle entrance to Maguire Road from the parking area on the northeasterly side of said road is acceptable. It is su7Fested, however, that the corporation may wish to relocate said entrance in the nosi,tion equidistant from the other two entrances from said narking, area. The Board believes that if the above changes are made on the site plan teat the traffic pattern will be a satisfactory one for all concerned. If there are any questions -rou may have in regard to these recommendations the Board will be pleased to discuss them with. you at an -Nr time. It Is suggested that after the changes are made on the plan, it be submitted to the Board for final anproval. After approval by the Planning Board it is understood that the Corporation will then have to apply to the State Department of Public Works for entrance permits to Maguire 'Road, said road being a state highway. Sincerely yours, LEYIITGTOPT PLANNING BOARD Is/ Levi G. Burnell, Chairman April 6,1960 Planning Board Town Office Build,ns7 Lexin.xton, T?assachusetts sentlemen: Please be advised that this office represents Esco Builders ' Cornorat.on of Waltham. In the summer of 1957, this Corporation submitted to ,you a _-1 1_ (�0 definitive elan for annroval of a development to be known as Hawthorne Acres. At that time, because of your plans , for a town road crossing in the vicinity of my client's location, you had requested it to drop from its definitive nlan two roads known as Newnort Road and nart of Brentwood Road encompassing Lots 20 through 211_ and h_0 through 4L It is my understanding that there have been some negotiations commenced by 7,rour Board with my client for the purchase of that land. I would appreciate being^ advised on or before Monday, April 253 1960 as to whether or not you are desir- ous of purchasing same at the price asked by my client. This information is necessary in order that we may deter- mine what is to be the disposition of this land. I think that you will agree that there ha.s been a rather extended period of time, almost three nears, since this situation first came vp. I would appreciate your consideration and would be very happy to discuss the matter with you in detail. Very truly yours, Is/ Donald N. Sleeper,Jr. P,