HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-02-23Planning Board Meeting February 23, 1960 A regular meeting of the Lexington Plan- ning Board was held in the Board's office, Town Office Building, on Tuesday, February 23s 1960 at 7:55 p.m. Present were Vice Chairman GrIndle, Members Burnell, Mabee and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. The Board approved the minutes of its Feb- MINUTES ruary 15, 1960 meeting. Also approved were the following bills which had been presented for payment : Mrs. G. BILLS Buttaro, mimeographing --$2.75; The Atwell Co., Audograph bracket for typewriter, andnstalla- tion--7.60- Minute -man Publications, Inc., ad- vertising --49.19. the notice of the hearing as it had been sent to all abutting property owners of the proposed sub- division and as had been published in the Febru- ary 4, 1960 issue of the Lexington Minute -man. In connection with the Middle Ridge Sec- tion Four definitive subdivision plan, it was MIDDLE noted that Town Counsel Stevens had not received, RIDGE although he expected to within a few days, an SEC. 4 executed instrument wherein Mr. Roberts, the sub- divider, granted to the Town the easements shown ROBERTS on said plan. The Board endorsed said plan, how- ever, no appeal having been taken within 21 days after the Board's approval of said plan having been recorded with the Town Clerk. Mr. Snow was asked to deliver the endorsed plan to Mr.Stevens with the understanding that it be held until he received the easement grant so that both the plan and the grant could be recorded at the same time. At 8:00 o.m. the Board held a public hear- ing relative to the application of George GLEN ESTATES Avadanian for approval of a definitive subdivi- sion plan entitled "Glen Estates Lexington, Mass.", SHAFFER- dated November 4, 1950, the proposed subdivision AVADANIAN to be situated northwesterly of Woburn Street. Five people attended the hearing including Mr. Benjamin Shaffer of the Southgate Park Corpora- tion, proposed developer of said subdivision, and Mr. John J. Regan of the Fverett M. Brooks Co. which prepared said plan. Mr. Grindle read the notice of the hearing as it had been sent to all abutting property owners of the proposed sub- division and as had been published in the Febru- ary 4, 1960 issue of the Lexington Minute -man. 2-23-60 He then explained the procedure in conducting the hearing and called upon the developer to present the proposal. Mr. Regan, spealking for the developer, pointed out that the proposed subdivision consisted of 29 lots a1.1 complying with the Zoning By-law and fronting on four un -named streets, the one approxi- mately parallel to Lowell Street being designed to connect with Rolfe Road through the property present- ly owned by Potter, the street approximately parallel to the Woburn city line terminating with a permanent turn -around because of topographical conditions along the common property line b etween Avadanian and Potter. He also explained in detail the proposed drainage system for the subdivision. Mr. Daniel J. Griffin of 384 Woburn Street asked how it was proposed to take care of the sewerage within the subdivision. Mr. Shaffer ex- plained that each house was to have a septic tank and disposal field in front of the house so that when a town sewer became available in the subdivi- sion the houses could be connected to the sewer with the minimum of difficulty. Mrs. Charlton M. Walter of 445 Lowell Street asked what influence proposed plans for the location of State Route 3 would have on the proposed subdivi- aion plan. It was pointed out that .the proposed locations discussed in the newspapers were only study lines being considered by consultants to the State Department of Public Works and because they were only study lines would not influence the Board in its con- sideration of the subdivision plan. There being no further questions or comments, Mr. Grindle asked those nresent for an expression of opinion in regard to the olan. Two persons indicated that they were in favor of the plans approval, no one Indicated disapproval of the plan. Those present were informed that the plans would be taken under advise- ment. The hearing was declared closed at 8:08 p.m. -2- Mr. Mabee reported that Messrs. Fernberger, LOT STUDY Gray, Lambie and May had expressed willingness to serve as a T.M.M.A. committee to assist the Board by T.M.M.A. studying the problem of lot sizes and shapes, (see COMMITTEE minutes of February 23, 1960 Planning Board meeting). Mr. Snow was asked to assemble reference material for the Committee, and to prepare a memorandum setting forth the problem to be studied and the Board's appreciation of the committee's acceptance of -the task. 2-23-60 From 8:25 to 8:40 p.m. Messrs. Fulton and Wacome of Wynwood Associates, Inc. met with the ' Board to discuss and present for its informal opinion a print entitled "Proposed "evision of a Part of Section Three, Oak Hill Estates Lexington and Woburn, Mass."s dated Feb. 16, 1960s the prin- cipal requests of said Associates being that the Corporation not be required to construct Fulton Road from Douglas Road to Anna Road in Woburn and to construct Douglas Road from its proposed terminus to the common property line between the Associates' land and that now or formerly of John and Elizabeth Porter. The Board took the proposal under advise- ment. Considered next were the petitions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on March 151 1960. It was decided that the Board should take action on the Millicans Mitre, Raytheon, Wood and Zirnolo petitions, members of the Board to prepare for its further consideration drafts of letters to the Board of Appeals setting forth the Planning Board's position and recommendations concerning said peti- tions. Mr. Snow discussed with the Board three sketches of studies which he had made in regard to the development of the land of and adjacent to that owned by the Meryl Robert and Lucky Penny Trusts anc located on the westerly side of Grove Street. He recommended the adoption and develop- ment of Study A into a preliminary plan for final consideration, stating that he believed some of the details in regard to the development of such plan should be discussed with the Supt. of Public ,corks and Pyr. Harmon S. B. '^mite, representative of said Trusts. The Board gave tentative approval of Study A and asked Mr. Snow to discuss the study -3- OAK HILL ESTATES SEC. 3 WYNWOOD ASSOCIATES BOARD OF APPEALS PROPOSED LEGISLA- TION 1960 LUCKY PENNY - MFRYL ROBERT TRUSTS GROVE ST. Also considered were communications from Massachusetts Roadside Council and the Massachu- ' setts Dept. of Commerce in regard to bills --H-1375., H-1648, H-24232 S -281 --before the 1960 State legis- lature in regard to billboard and sign locations along Massachusetts limited access highways, mini- mum lot frontages and sizes, and a State Board of Appeals. In like manner to that set forth above, It was decided that various members of the Board would prepare drafts of letters in regard to said billss said letters to be addressed to the General Court's Committee on Mercantile Affairss and to Lexington's representatives in the legislature. Mr. Snow discussed with the Board three sketches of studies which he had made in regard to the development of the land of and adjacent to that owned by the Meryl Robert and Lucky Penny Trusts anc located on the westerly side of Grove Street. He recommended the adoption and develop- ment of Study A into a preliminary plan for final consideration, stating that he believed some of the details in regard to the development of such plan should be discussed with the Supt. of Public ,corks and Pyr. Harmon S. B. '^mite, representative of said Trusts. The Board gave tentative approval of Study A and asked Mr. Snow to discuss the study -3- OAK HILL ESTATES SEC. 3 WYNWOOD ASSOCIATES BOARD OF APPEALS PROPOSED LEGISLA- TION 1960 LUCKY PENNY - MFRYL ROBERT TRUSTS GROVE ST. 2-23-60 -1!- as recommended. ' The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. t <-�5Richard H. Soule, Clerk i