HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-02-01PLAN'S 1NG BOARD MEET TNG ' February 1, 1960 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Boards office, Town Office Building, on Monday, February 1, 1960 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Abbott, Members Burnell, Grindle, Mabee and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. The Board apnoved for payment the follow- ing bills which had -been presented for payment: BILLS American Society of Planning Officials, Planning Advisor -NT Service reports --20.00; Spaulding -Moss Co., drafting supplies --,2.25. Considered next were the following Form a applications for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: X60-7, submitted February 1, 1960 by Richard D. Thompson, agent for Salvatore J. Ciccariello; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington Mass.'t, scale: 1 in = 30 ft, dated Nov. 7, 1959, Everett M. Brooks Co. #60-91 submitted January 29, 1960 by C. Lawrence Bond, agent for Charles A. Linehan; plan entitled "Property on West- view St. Lexington Mass. Surveyed for Charles A. Linehan," dated Aug. 31, 1959, Scale: 1 in = 50 ft, C. Lawrence Bond, Reg1d Surv. '60-10, submitted Feb. 1, 1960 by Joseph C. Shaw, agent for Wynwood Associates, Inc.j plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington and Woburn, Mass.", scale: 1 in. = 80 ft., dated Feb. 1, 1960, Fred A. Joyce -Surveyor. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unani- mously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plans accompanying Form A applica- tions #60-7, #60-91 and #60-10 do not require apnroval under the Subdivision Control Law, ani that said plans be so endorsed. The Board then reviewed the site plan for the FORMS A 2-1-6o Itek Corporation's proposed building to be located in M-1 DISTRICT Lexington's M 1 district and considered the draft of a letter to said corporation in regard to said ITEK CORP. plan. (See minutes of January 25, 1960 Planning Board meeting). The approved draft of said letter was signed by the Chairman. (See addendum.) -2- Mr. May, representing Dianne Fstates, Inc., stated that as could be noted on the displayed plan that the proposed subdivision consisted of five lots, one fronting on Cedar Street and four lots fronting on an unnamed dead-end street about 300 feet long. ' He noted that all lots conformed to Lexington's Zoning By-law and that on one there was an existing house. Several persons commented about the size and shape of some of the lots. In response to the question of who would maintain Parcel A shown on the plan, it was pointed out that the maintenance of said parcel was the responsibility of the sub- divider. Mr. Louis F. Hallowell of 38 Greenwood Street discussed the drainage problem of the low land in the rear of and adjacent to his lot and related difficulties with septic tanks and leaching fields. He pointed out that in the Phelan lot, numbered 42 Greenwood Street, there was an underground drain from the low land to said street and thence to Paul '?evere Road. He said that in his opinion the drain was not adequate, especially for any additional drainage from the proposed subdivision. Mrs. Joseph S. Coletta of 86 Cedar Street also referred to the drainage problems in the area stating that in the construction of the Coletta house underground ledge was encountered. Mrs. Coletta and Mr. Hallowell were informed that the Board ' would refer these matters to the Superintendent of At 8:00 p.m. the Board held a public hearing CEDAR GLEN relatitive to the application of Dianne Estates, Inc. - for ar-proval of a definitive subdivision plan en- DIANNE titled 'Cedar Glen Lexington, Mass.", dated Dec. 17, ESTATES 1959. Eleven persons attended the hearing including INC. Mr. Gerard P. Friel, President of said corporation and Mr. 'rTorman T. Mair, his attorney. The Chairman read the notice of the hearing as it had been Pub- lished in the January 14, 1960 issue of the Lexington Minute -man and as it had been sent to all abutting property owners of proposed subdivision. He then explained the procedure in conducting the hearing and called upon the subdivider to present the plan. -2- Mr. May, representing Dianne Fstates, Inc., stated that as could be noted on the displayed plan that the proposed subdivision consisted of five lots, one fronting on Cedar Street and four lots fronting on an unnamed dead-end street about 300 feet long. ' He noted that all lots conformed to Lexington's Zoning By-law and that on one there was an existing house. Several persons commented about the size and shape of some of the lots. In response to the question of who would maintain Parcel A shown on the plan, it was pointed out that the maintenance of said parcel was the responsibility of the sub- divider. Mr. Louis F. Hallowell of 38 Greenwood Street discussed the drainage problem of the low land in the rear of and adjacent to his lot and related difficulties with septic tanks and leaching fields. He pointed out that in the Phelan lot, numbered 42 Greenwood Street, there was an underground drain from the low land to said street and thence to Paul '?evere Road. He said that in his opinion the drain was not adequate, especially for any additional drainage from the proposed subdivision. Mrs. Joseph S. Coletta of 86 Cedar Street also referred to the drainage problems in the area stating that in the construction of the Coletta house underground ledge was encountered. Mrs. Coletta and Mr. Hallowell were informed that the Board ' would refer these matters to the Superintendent of 2-1-60 -2- Public 1orks and to the Executive Health Officer. There being no further questions or comments, the Chairman asked for an expression of opinion In regard to approval of the plan. Four persons indi- cated that they were in favor of the plan's approval, four indicated that they were not. The Chairman stated that the plan would be taken under advisement and declared the hearing closed at 8:25 p.m. The Board was informed of the submission that day of the application of George Avadanian for GLEN FSTATES approval of a definitive subdivision plan entitled - "Glen Estates Lexinpton, Mass.", dated November 4, SCHAFFER- 1959. It was decided to hold a hearing on said plan AVADANIAN on February 233 1960 at 8:00 p.m. Three members of the Board reported on their meeting during the past week in the office of Hayden, Harding & Buchanan, Inc., engineering consultants, ROUTE 3 relative to said firm's proposals for the location PROPOSALS of an extension of Route 3 from Route 128 to Boston. It was decided to nrenare with the Selectmen a joint memorandum to said firm and to the Chief Engineer, State Department of Public Works, in regard to said p-oposals, 71r. Snow being requested to draft a memo- randum for consideration of both boards. At 8:45 p.m. Mr. Stevens came to the meeting delivering an option executed by the trustees of the FOLLEN HILL Tower Estate on January 22, 1960, to purchase for ESTATES $15,000 most of the remaining undeveloped land of LAND FOR the Follen Hill Estates subdivision, anproximately RFCRFATION 46 acres, for nublic recreational purposes. (See PURPOSES minutes of January 4 and. 18, 1960 Planning Board - Meetin7s.) OPTION Before leaving the meeting? at 9:00 p.m., he discussed with the Board various articles in which the Board were particularly interested and which had been incorporated in the warrant for the March town meeting. The Board then considered a draft of its AATNUAL annual report for 1959. Except for a few minor REPORT - changes the draft was approved for final typing 1959 and Incorporation in the Planning Board's records. To the pronosal which the Board had drafted at its planning session held on January 26, 1960s LOT there were considered further additions to the pro- STUDY posal for modifying the existing Zoning B7 -law in 2-1-60 -3- regard to the shape of lots. These additions were anproved, Mr. Abbott hei.ng asked to deliver the same to Mr.Stevens for inclusion in a proposed article for the Town Warrant. There being; no further business to transact, the Board adjourned its meeting at 9:30 p.m. ichard F. Soule Clerk JC ADDENDUM Mr.C.T.Morris Itek Corporation ?Waltham 54, Mass. Dear Mr. Morris: February 1, 1960 In reply to your letter of January 21, the Planning Board would be pleased to meet with .you and Mr.Bowers on either February 23 or 29 to discuss the site plan for the proposed Itek Corporation building in this town's M 1 district. The Board has viewed the plans which were filed with Mr. Irwin and sees no need of additional material being supplied for the conference. One major topic uhich the Board will want to discuss is that concerning the status of so-called Mellex Road. This is not a town way and in the Board's view does not appear to be a private way. It probably is a right-of-way over which certain property owners have rights of access. If this Is so, t'.ne so-called road does not appear to be adequate for the purposes for wb.ich the corporation intends to use it. Perhaps you have some information which will serve as a basis for discussing; tris matter further. Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLAN7TNG BOARD /s/ Charles T. Abbott Chairman 1 1 1