HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-01-25PLANNING BOARD ME'ETTNG 1 January 25, 1960 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Board's office, Town Office Building_;, on Mondair, January 25, 1960 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Abbott, Members Burnell, rrind.le, Mabee, and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. The Board annroved the m4nutes of its Janu- MINUTES ar7r 11 n.nd 181 1960 minutes. The Board also approved for payment the fol- low!_ng bill which had been presented: Samuel P. BILL Snow, car allowance for January, 1960-1w20.00. Considered next were the following Form A applications for determination of Planning Board FORMS A juri.sdict;on: #60-7, submitted January 29, 1960 by Richard D. Thompson, agent for Salvatore J. Ciccariello; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexinf*ton Mass.", Scale: 1 in = 30 ft., dated Nov. 7, 1959. #60-8, submitted January 21, 1960 by Robert K. Jeremiah; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexi.n-ton, Mass.", Scale: 1' = 30', dated December 23, 1959, Miller & Nylander, C.7.1s €c Surveyors. It was decided to withhold action on the plan accompanvi_ng application #60-7 in order to give the surveyor opportunity during the week to add more data identiftrin� and dimensioning lots shown on said nlan. Unon motion duly_ made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexinr7ton Planning Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A applica- tion #60-d does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plan be so endorsed. The attention of the Board was called to Mr. Lovell's letter of January 19, 1960 requesting an COUTTTRY- WIDE appointment for a meeting on February lst to discuss OFFICES on an informal basis the proposal of Country -wide PROPOSAL 1-2[-60 -2- Offices Corporation to construct a two-story office , building on land at the corner of Routes 2 and 128 in Lexington. (See minutes of January 11, 1960 Planning Board meeting.) The Board decided to ask Mr. Lovell to postpone until after the town meeting any discussion of the material and plans which had been prepared for said office building. The Board next discussed the arrangements which ROUTE 3 had been made for representatives of the town to view PROPOSALS in the offices of Hayden, Harding & Buchanan, Inc. study lines for the proposed locations for Route 3. With refer- ence to said view, the Board's attention was called to copies of letters from the Arlington Selectmen to Hayden, Harding & Buchanan, Inc. and to the Le_>inr*ton Selectmen, dated January 18 and 19, 1960 respectively, and also a cop-- of a letter, dated January 22, 1960, from Dr. Vin- cent A. HcCrossen of Lexin!7ton to Mr. DiNatale, Com- missioner of the State Department of Public Works. Also discussed were the notices of petitions to BOARD OF be heard by the Board of Appeals on January 26, 1960, APPEALS particular attention bein7 given to the Gillis, Sun Oil Co., Wood and Itek Corporation petitions concern- ing which the Planning Board believed there should be certain restrictions if granted. Mr. Soule was asked to represent the Planning Board at the hearings and express, if it was found necessary to do so, the Plan- ning Board's views in regard to the petitions. Notices of petitions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on February 9, 1960 were likewise discussed. It was de- cided to take no action in regard to said petitions. Considered next was Mr. Maloney's January 191 STREET 1960 letter to the Planning Board and a draft of a ACCEPT- reply in regard to the proposed list of streets to be ANCES considered for presentation for acceptance at the annual town meeting. The Board approved said draft which was signed by the chairman. (See addendum.) From 8:10 to 8:30 Mr. Stevens met with the Planning Board to discuss several matters currently before the Board, and to deliver securities and an executed agreement pertaining to the Oak Hill Estates, Sec. 2 subdivision. The Board's attention was called to a letter, M 1 dated January 21, 19602 from Mr. C. T. Morris of the DISTRICT Itek Corporation in regard to meeting; with the Plan- - nine* Board for the purpose of discussing site plans ITFK CORP. for Itek's proposed building to be located in Lexing- ton's M 1 district. (See minutes of the January 11, 1960 Planning Board meeting.) Mr. Snow was requested to review the site plan and to draft for the Board's 1-25-60 consideration a reply to said letter. !^fith reference to the Planning Board's approval of a bonding arrangement in regard to the Middle Ride Sec. 3 subdivision (see minutes of Decem- ber 14, 1959 meeting), Mr. Snow presented an original and. conformed cop7T of an agreement with the Town of Lexington, executed January 203 1960 by Eugene C. Roberts III, obligating him to complete the ways in said subdivision by constructing the sidewalks and loamng and seeding the shoulders of the road by June 1, 1961, and securing the obligation by the deposit of X1,000.00 with the Town. Also presented was Mr. Roberts' check dated January 20, 1960 drawn on the rirst National Bank of Boston and nayable to the Town in the amount of 1,000.00, said check having been certified by said bank. Likewise presented was a conformed cony of the grant of utilities in said sub- divsion. All matters appearing to be in order, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: to accept the agreement executed by Eugene C. Roberts TTI on January 20, 1060 and the secur- ity for the performance of said agreement, and to release the performance bond, dated June 12 ' 1969, filed by Eugene C. Roberts III and Brier A. Roberts in the penal sum of Twelve Thousand Five F.undred Dollars--($122500)--to secure the performance by said Eugene C. Roberts III of the obligations of the subdivider as set forth in the annlication for approval of a definitive plan, Form C, dated March 27, 1959s to complete the work to be performed as shown on the sub- division plan entitled "Middle Didge Section Three Lexington, Mass.", dated February 11,1959. Mr. Snow noted that in releasing the above bond the Town Clerk was being requested not to- eturn the securities or the rowers of attorney which accompanied them as these securities were to be held to secure the obligations set forth in Mr. Roberts' application for approval of the Middle Ridge Sec. h_ definitive sub- division plan. ?^fith reference to Mr. Roberts' application for approval of said Middle Ridge Sec. 4 plan, there was presented an original and conformed copy of a. perform- ance bond secured by negotiable securities in the penal sum of 519,000.00, said bond having been exe- cuted by Eugene C. Roberts III and his wife on Janu- ' ary 20, 1960, the bond securing the performance of the subdivider's obligations in said subdivision. It was noted from the bond form that the securities were the -3- MIDDLE RIDGE SEC. 3 ROBERTS MIDDLE RTDGE SEC - 4 ROBFRTS 1-25)-60 same as those being held by the Town Treasurer as security for the bond which was furnished in connec- tion with the Middle Ridge, Sec. 3 subdivision. Noted also was a letter, dated Jan. 25, 1960, from -the Board of Health in regard to its approval of the Middle Ridge Sec. 4 subdivision. All matters appearing to be in order, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: thdt the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Middle Ridge Section Four Lexington, Mass.'f, dated August 28, 1959, which was submitted to the Board by Eugene C. Roberts III on November 93 1959s accompanied by an application for approval of definitive plan, Form C, dated November 3, 1c'59, be and hereby is approved subject to the condition that no building or structure shall be built or placed upon lots 48� 49, 50, and 54 without prior consent of the Lexington Board of Health. As in the case of the Middle Ridge Sec. 3 sub - OAK HILL division, the Board agreed to a similar bonding ESTATES arrangement with reference to the Oak Hill ?'states, SEC. 2 Sec. 2 subdivision. There was then presented an agreement executed by llynwood Associates, Inc. on WYNWOOD January 21-,', 1960 obligating it to construct the side - ASSOCIATES walks and loam and seed the shoulders of the roads in said subdivision by June 1, 1961. Presented also was a deposit of 1,000.00 securi.nF the performance of said agreement, the deposit being represented by Savings Acct. Book #14019 in the Lexin�ton 7ederal Savings & Loan Association, saidd book standing in the name of and owned by Wynwood Associates, Inc. Mr. Snow called the Board's attention to the fact that there had been granted to the Town, utilities in the subdivision and that Mr. Stevens was writing the Lexington Federal Savint*s 8- Loan Association and the 'vatertown Federal Savings F,: Loan Association re- leasing the accounts in those banks that had been pledged with the Town as security for the performance of an earlier agreement, also writing the Lexington Federal Savings & Loan Association notifying them that the account #'14019 in the name of said '.dynwood Associates was beim* pledged with the Town as security for the performance of said Associates new agreement. Thereupon, upon motion being duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: to accept the agreement executed by John W. Fulton, Treasurer of Wynwood Associates, Inc. on January 25, 1960 and the securit7r for the performance of said agreement, and to release t- 1 1-2`'-60 said corporation from its agreement, dated ' August 10, 1959s and its deposit in the sum of Fifteen Thousand Two Hundred Sixty -One and 90/100 Dollars--($15,261.90)--to secure the performance by said corporation of the obli- 7ations of the subdivider as set forth in the application for approval of a definitive plan, Form C, dated March 18, 1959s to complete the work to be performed as shown on the subdivi- sion plan entitled "Oak HillEstates Section Two Lexin"ton, Mass.", dated March 41 1959. There beim; no further business to transact, the Planning Board adjourned its meeting, the time being 10:15 p.m. ichard 11. Soule Clerk ADDT7TD IT14 January 26, 1960 Board of Selectmen Town Office Building Lexin7,ton 735 Mass. Gentlemen: T'eference is made to Mr. Malone7ls letter of January 19, 1960 in regard to the list of streets for presentation for acceptance at the annual town meeting. At its meetinm last ni7ht the Planning Board approved the acceptance of the streets as set forth in said letter with the exception of a portion of Tyler Road. In this instance the Board believes that there should be accepted only that portion of Tyler Road which lies within Sections 10 and 11 of the Sun Valley subdivision. This matter was discussed with the Sunt. of Public Works and it is understood that he is preparing^ plans only showing this portio -of Tyler Road for acceptance without betterments. The Board_ has not re- leased the bonds on the sectionof Tyler Road as shown on the Sun Valley Section 8 definitive subdivision plan. Very truly ,yours, LEXITiGTON PL�NT_�?ING BOARD /s/ Charles T. Abbott, Ch^:firman