HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-01-18PLANNING BOARD MEETING
January 18, 1960
A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning
Board was held in the Board's office, Town Office
Building, on Monday, January 18, 1960 at 7:30 p.m.
Present were Chairman Abbott, Members Burnell,
Grindle, Mabee and Soule, and Planning Director
Snow. Town Counsel Stevens was also present from
9:145 to 10:00 p.m.
The Board approved the minutes of its
January 4, 1960 meeting.
The Board also approved for payment the
following bills which had been presented: Minute-
man Publications, Inc., advertising -43.6 ; Samuel
P. Snow, reimbursement for publications-- 3.7;
Service Reports
A.S.P.O., Planning Advisory -415-00.
Considered next was the following Form A
application for determination of Planning Board
#60-61 submitted January 18, 1960 by Hugh
J. Mulligan, Jr., attorneT for Alexander
'Plan Land
MacMillan; plan entitled of
Lexington Mass.", Scale: 1" = 201, dated
Dec. 1959s Joseph J. Sullivan, C.E.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was
VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board deter-
mines that the plan accompanying Form A
application #60-6 does not require approval '
under the Subdivision Control Law, and that
said plan be so endorsed.
Mr. Snow reported that there had been re-
ceived evidence that the required work to be done
in the Colonial Acres, Sec. 4 subdivision had
been completed satisfactorily and that the Colonial
Development Corp. had granted to the Town all
necessary easements and utilities it said sub-
division. All matters appearing to be in order,
upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unani-
VOTFD - to release the performance bond, dated
March 19, 195°, filed by Colonial Develop-
ment Corp. as Principal, and Mass. Bonding and '
Insurance Company, as Surety, in the sum of
Three Thousand and no/100 Dollars--($3,000.00)--
to secure the performance by the subdivider of
his agreement in the farm of an application
for approval of a definitive plan, Form C,
dated February 12, 1959s to complete the work
to be performed by the subdivider as shown on
the subdivision plan entitled "Colonial Acres
Section Four Lexington, Mass." and dated
January 27, 1959.
The Board's attention was called to Mr. Paul
McCORMACK- J. McCormack's letter of January 13, 1960 in regard
BRUN LAND to that portion of the McCormack -Brun land which the
FOR PUBLIC Board believed should be acquired by the Town for
RECREATION public recreational purposes. A reply to Mr.
PURPOSES McCormack's letter was agreed upon and prepared.
(See addendum.)
Considered next was Mr. Antonio Busa's Jan-
GREEN- uary 18, 1960 letter requesting an extension to and
VALLEY including February 23, 1960 of the time within which
SEC. 5 the Planning Board should act upon his application
for approval of the Green Valley Sec. 5 definitive
BUSA subdivision plan. Un_on motion duly made and seconded,
it was unanimously
VOTED: that pursuant to the written request from the
applicant the time of approval of the defini-
tive subdivision plan entitled "'Green Valley
Section Five Lexington, Mass.", dated August
6, 1959, be and hereby is extended to and in-
cluding February 23, 1960.
There was next reviewed by the Board study ,
plans which had been filed by the Vine Brook Realty
The Board then discussed Mr. David Kidd's
letter of January 8, 1960 requesting that a repre-
sentative of the Planning Board meet with the East
Lexington Men's Club at its annual Civic Night meet -
ing to be held on February 291 1960 to review articles
which the Planning Board would have had inserted in '
the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting in March.
It was decided to inform Mr. Kidd that because of
an especially heavy schedule prior to the Town Meet-
ing it would not be possible for a member of the
Board to be present as requested. It was also de-
cided to suggest that the club consider holding its
annual Civic Night meeting on some day of the week
other than Monday.
Considered next was Mr. Antonio Busa's Jan-
GREEN- uary 18, 1960 letter requesting an extension to and
VALLEY including February 23, 1960 of the time within which
SEC. 5 the Planning Board should act upon his application
for approval of the Green Valley Sec. 5 definitive
BUSA subdivision plan. Un_on motion duly made and seconded,
it was unanimously
VOTED: that pursuant to the written request from the
applicant the time of approval of the defini-
tive subdivision plan entitled "'Green Valley
Section Five Lexington, Mass.", dated August
6, 1959, be and hereby is extended to and in-
cluding February 23, 1960.
There was next reviewed by the Board study ,
plans which had been filed by the Vine Brook Realty
' Trust for the Garden Apartment development on Waltham
Street, said plans consisting of two preliminary site
plans dated December 28, 1959, and a set of front ele-
vations, dated January 6 and 7, 19602 of each of five
types of buildings which it was proposed to erect in
said district. After due consideration it was decided
that of the two preliminary site plans the one indi-
cating that there were to be a total of 96 apartment
units in the buildings to be shown on said plan was
acceptable to the Board with the exception of some of
the road and parking details. Mr. Snow was asked to
study the site plan and the building elevations in
detail and submit to the BonT d at its next meeting his
recommendations in regard to said studies.
A 1
Mr. Stevens came to the meeting for the pur-
pose of discussing with the Board its memorandum of ANNUAL
January 12, 1960 to the Selectmen in regard to articles TOWN
said board has recommended for insertion in the warwant MEETING
for the March town meeting. (See Minutes of January
11, 1960 Planning Board meeting.) After discussing the
various items set forth in the memorandum it was de-
cided that those articles listed under items 6, 7, 10,
11, 12, and 13 should not be inserted in the warrant.
It was also decided that under item 15 an article should
be written giving the Selectmen "authority to release
the easement" to which reference was made in said item.
There was some question as to whether or not an article
under item 9 should be included in said warrant.
Mr. Stevens recommended that there be an article
authorizing the town to acquire a parcel of land for
the future extension of 'Pherson Road across the
Kenrick property. (See minutes of November 9, 1959
Mr. Stevens next discussed the option instru-
ment which he was drafting in regard to the Tower
Estate land which it was proposed that the town ac-
quire for public recreation purposes. Discussed in
detail was the plan referred to in the minutes of the
May I1, 1959 Planning Board meeting. On said plan
there was outlined the revised area which the Trustees
of the Tower Estate suggested be conveyed to the town.
The Board indicated to Mr. Stevens that it would not
approve the deletion of a triangular parcel in the
northeasterly corner of the tract the town wished to
acquire for the reason that the acquisition of said
parcel would prevent the town from obtaining at a
later date adequate access from the tract to Follen
Road along the rear of lots 43, 149A, and 150 shown
on said plan. The Board agreed, however, to the de-
letion from the tract of the parcel in the rear of
Mr. Paul J. McCormack
1779 Massachusetts Avenue
Lexington 73 Mass.
Dear Mr. McCormack:
Reference is made to your letter of January 13, 1960
In regard to that portion of land owned by you and
Mr. Brun which the Town desires to acquire for public
recreational purposes.
January 4j 1960 was the closing date for insertion of
articles for the warrant for the annual town meeting
to be held in March 30 that it is too late for the
acquisition of said land to be considered at said
The Board has made one written offer to you and Mr.
Brun and sees no need at this time to make a second
offer. If ,you still believe this offer is unsatisfactory '
the Board will be glad to discuss the matter with you fur-
ther sometime after the March town meeting.
Yours very truly,
Is/ Charles T. Abbott, Chairman
lots 87, 88, and 89 provided however that said parcel
was not acquired by the owners of said lots prior to
the March town meeting.
From 10:15 to 10:30 the Board met with the
Selectmen to discuss an item in the January 14s 1960
issue of the Arlington Advocate in regard to Arling-
ton Selectmen's position concerning the possible
location of Route 3 across the Great Meadows. It
was decided that the Planning Director and repre-
sentatives of the Planning Board and Selectmen should
visit the office of Hayden, Harding & Buchanan, con-
sultants to the State Dept. of Public Works, for the
purpose of viewing that firm's proposals for the ex-
tension of Route 3 from Route 128 to the proposed
inner belt Barkway.
Upon leaving the Selectmen's meeting the
Planning Board adjourned its own meeting, the time
being 10:30 p.m.
Richard H. Soule,
January 19,9 1960
Mr. Paul J. McCormack
1779 Massachusetts Avenue
Lexington 73 Mass.
Dear Mr. McCormack:
Reference is made to your letter of January 13, 1960
In regard to that portion of land owned by you and
Mr. Brun which the Town desires to acquire for public
recreational purposes.
January 4j 1960 was the closing date for insertion of
articles for the warrant for the annual town meeting
to be held in March 30 that it is too late for the
acquisition of said land to be considered at said
The Board has made one written offer to you and Mr.
Brun and sees no need at this time to make a second
offer. If ,you still believe this offer is unsatisfactory '
the Board will be glad to discuss the matter with you fur-
ther sometime after the March town meeting.
Yours very truly,
Is/ Charles T. Abbott, Chairman