HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-11-09I PLAN-"TTNG BOA-RDMINGG November 9, 1959 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Planning Board office, Town Office Building, on Monda7j November 9, 1959 at 7:45 p.m. Present were Chairman Abbott, Members Burnell, Grin dle, Mabee, and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. Town Counsel Stevens was also present from 8:10 to 8:50 p.m. The Board approved the minutes of its October MINUTES 26 and November 2, 1959 meetings. Also approved by the Board were the follow- ing bills with had been presented for payment: David R. BILLS Cooper, professional services Oct. 29 and Nov. 3, 19591 $38.75. reimbursement for photostats, $1.50-449.90; Hobbs & Warren, sheets for Record Book--X9-65- Considered next were the following Form A appli- cations for determination of Planning Board jurisd1c- FORMS A tion: #59-74, submitted November 0, 1959 by J. Arthur St.Onge, Atty. for J. Andrew and Mildred C. Ferry; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexing- ton, Mass. Property of John A. and Mildred C. Ferry," dated May 7, 1956, Scale: 1" = 40', A. C. Peters, Engineer. #59-75, submitted November 9, 1059 by Waymint Realty Trust, by Roland S. Mintz, Atty.; plan entitled 'Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", owned by: Waymint Realty Trust"; dated Novem- ber 5, 1959, Scale: 1" = 401, Joseph W. Moore, Inc., Reg. Land Surveyor. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexinf-ton Planning Board determines that the plans accompanying Form A applica- tions #59-74 and #59-75 do not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plans be so endorsed. From 8:10 to 8:50 n.m. Mr. Stevens came to the ' meeting to discuss with the Board a number of town planning problems currently being considered, espec- ially the situation in re Lard to obtaining an option 11-9-59 -2- to purchase from tie Kenrick estate a parcel of land KENRICK for the extension of Emerson Road and the North Street - LAND FOR Vine Brook recreation area. He reported that Mr. Smith, PFCRFATION attorney for said estate, had stated that negotiations PURPOSES for the entire Kenrick property were so far advanced that at this time it was not wished to give the town said option and so upset the status of said negotia- tions. Mr. Stevens stated that it was his opinion that the Town probably could obtain an option and make just as good an acquisition arrangement from whoever pur- chased the Kenrick property as it could from the ad- ministrator of the Kenrick estate. Considered next was the application of Eugene MIDDLE C. Roberts III for approval of a definitive subdivision RIDGE plan entitled "Middle Ridge Section Four Lexington, SEC. 4 Mass.", and dated August 28, 1959. It was decided to hold -a public hearing relative to said application on ROBE'PTS November 30, 1959 at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Paul J. McCormack's November 3, 1959 letter MC CORNIACK to the Planning Board was read and placed on file, AND BRUN his letter acknowledging the Board's September 163 1959 letter and giving a report of progress. (See minutes of the Planning Board's September 14, 1959 meeting.) Also read to the Board was the Selectmen's TRAFFIC November 3s 1959 letter in regard to Mr. Snow serving COMMITTEE on the Selectmen's informal traffic committee. A reply to said letter was dictated by the Board. (See addendum.) WALTHAM ST. The Board reviewed the preliminary site plan A-1 APT. studies which had been prepared as a result of con - DISTRICT ferences Mr. Snow had been holding with Mr. Manaselian in regard to the 14altham Street garden apartment dis- VINE BROOK trict. The Board selected those studies which it con- ' REALTY TRUST sidered the most desirable and asked that Messrs. Snow and Manaselian combine these into an over-all plan for Mr. Snow gave a report of his conference with HAWTTHORNE the Superintendent of Public Works in regard to the ACRES LAND estimated costs of constructing Frnerson Road through FOR RE- Esco Builders, Inc. land which said corporation pro - CREATION posed to develop as a second section of the Hawthorne PURPOSES Acres development. Also reported upon was a real - estate appraiser's examination and estimated value of ESCO said land. After due consideration of this informa- BjILDERS tion it was decided to offer Esco Builders $800 per acre for the nine -acre parcel the Board was consider- ing for street location purposes and as an addition to the Willard Woods area. WALTHAM ST. The Board reviewed the preliminary site plan A-1 APT. studies which had been prepared as a result of con - DISTRICT ferences Mr. Snow had been holding with Mr. Manaselian in regard to the 14altham Street garden apartment dis- VINE BROOK trict. The Board selected those studies which it con- ' REALTY TRUST sidered the most desirable and asked that Messrs. Snow and Manaselian combine these into an over-all plan for 11-9-59 further consideration. There was then held a general discussion of current problems before the Board after which the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. R' and H. Soule, Clerk * ., ADDENDUM 't ,. ., November 16, 1959 Mr. William E. Maloney, Chairman Board of Selectmen Lexington ?3, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Maloney: In reply to your letter of November 3, 1059, the Planning Boarc has no objection to Mr. Snow's occasional ' attendance at meetings of the Selectmen's informal com- mittee on traffic provided the matters to be considered are directly connected with the planning process and not those concerned with traffic regulations administration and similar matters. The Planning Board understands Mr. Snow's willingness to assist the committee in any way. The Board is concerned., however, about the increasing de- mands on Mr. Snow's time and wants to be assured that as much of it as possible is devoted to planning. It is sug- gested, therefore, that unless there is some particular matter concerning which you wish Mr. Snow to give his im- mediate attention, ,you arrange to have all traffic prob- lems related to planning discussed at meetings held every three or four months. Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD Is/ Charles T. Abbott, Chairman J