HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-10-06PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' October 6, 1958 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held on October 61V 1958 at 7:30 p.m. In the Planning Board Room, Town Office Building. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Abbott, Jaquith and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. The Board approved the minutes of its May 8, MINUTES 14, 19, and 21, 1958 meetings. Approved also were the following bills which BILLS had been presented for payment: Samuel P. Snow, car allowance for September, 1958--$20.00; Terrence J. Boyle, professional services, Sept. 29 thru Oct. 3, 1958--$32.50. Taken under consideration were the following FORMS A Form A applications for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #58-65, submitted on Oct. 3, 1958 by William F. Caterino, trustee, Oakmount Realty Trust; ' plan entitled "A Subdivision of L.C.C. No. 26325 Land in Lexington, Mass.tt, Scale: 1" 401, dated Sept. 26, 19581 Miller & Nylander, C.E.ts & Surveyors. #58-66, submitted on Oct. 3, 1958 by George M. Forten, agent for Barbara J. Rose; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 40', dated Sept. 15, 1958, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. Upon motion duly made and secondeds it w as unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plans accompanying Form A applica- tions #58-65 and #58-66 do not require approval and that said plans be signed bearing the en- dorsement "Lexington Planning Board approval under the Subdivision Control Law not required." The Board discussed a proposed lotting of the DEVINE Devine property on Slocum Road, Mr. John H. Devine having left with the Board a plan concerning which ' he desired an informal opinion. (See minutes of the Planning Board's August 25, 1958 meeting.) After due consideration it was decided to write Mr. Devine 10-6-58 .2- BURNHAM Mr. Jaquith gave a report of the meeting he FARMS and Mr. Grindle had with Mark Moores Jr. on Septem- SEC. 3 ber 30s said meeting having to do with Mr. Moore's preliminary plan for Section Three of the Burnham Farms development and the possible acquisition by the Town of part of Lot 8 of the Reginald W. Ellis property on North and Lowell Streets. It was under— stood there was discussed a proposal for a dead-end ' street off Thoreau Roads said street being located so that part of Lots 8s 9s and 10 could be used to create two additional lots which could be included In the Section Three subdivision. It was further understood that before making any final decision in regard to the above matters a plan would be prepared incorporating Mr. Snow's study for said proposal in a modified preliminary plan for Section 3. Mr. Snow was asked to prepare a plan indi- cating all the land in the Vine Brook -North Street gravel pit area it was proposed to obtain from Mr. Moore for recreation purposes. It was understood that the plan was to be of sufficient detail to be used in obtaining an option to purchase said land from Mr. Moore. McCORMACK The Board next held a detailed review of the BRUN situation in regard to the preliminary subdivision SUBDIVISION plan previously submitted by Messrs. McCormack and Brun for the development of their property adjacent PROPOSED to the Harrington Schools study plans for a proposed HARRINGTON major town recreation areas and related studies for SCHOOL the development of the entire area between Maple and RECREATION Woburn Streets from Lowell Street to the proposed ' AREA location of Emerson Road. (See minutes of the Plan- ning Board's October 3s 1957 meeting and correspond- a letter stating that his proposals in the Planning Board's opinions was a subdivision. (See addendum.) ' BOARD OF Considered next were the notices of petitions APPEALS to be heard by the Board of Appeals on October 14s 1958. It was decided to take no action on the pe- titions to be heard on said date. GENERAL The attention of the Board was called to a EXPENSES statement of the funds expended from the Board's general expense account as of October 1s 1958. It was particularly noted that expenses in connection with zoning proposals had been much greater than anticipated, the same being true for office equip- ment which had to be purchased when the Planning Board was moved to its new quarters in the Town Office Building. BURNHAM Mr. Jaquith gave a report of the meeting he FARMS and Mr. Grindle had with Mark Moores Jr. on Septem- SEC. 3 ber 30s said meeting having to do with Mr. Moore's preliminary plan for Section Three of the Burnham Farms development and the possible acquisition by the Town of part of Lot 8 of the Reginald W. Ellis property on North and Lowell Streets. It was under— stood there was discussed a proposal for a dead-end ' street off Thoreau Roads said street being located so that part of Lots 8s 9s and 10 could be used to create two additional lots which could be included In the Section Three subdivision. It was further understood that before making any final decision in regard to the above matters a plan would be prepared incorporating Mr. Snow's study for said proposal in a modified preliminary plan for Section 3. Mr. Snow was asked to prepare a plan indi- cating all the land in the Vine Brook -North Street gravel pit area it was proposed to obtain from Mr. Moore for recreation purposes. It was understood that the plan was to be of sufficient detail to be used in obtaining an option to purchase said land from Mr. Moore. McCORMACK The Board next held a detailed review of the BRUN situation in regard to the preliminary subdivision SUBDIVISION plan previously submitted by Messrs. McCormack and Brun for the development of their property adjacent PROPOSED to the Harrington Schools study plans for a proposed HARRINGTON major town recreation areas and related studies for SCHOOL the development of the entire area between Maple and RECREATION Woburn Streets from Lowell Street to the proposed ' AREA location of Emerson Road. (See minutes of the Plan- ning Board's October 3s 1957 meeting and correspond- io-6-58 -3- ence in the McCormack -Brun subdivision file.) It was decided that Mr. Abbott would try to arrange a conference on October 141 1958 at which time two or three members of the Board and Mr. Snow would meet with Messrs. McCormack and Brun to discuss matters relative to their preliminary plan and said proposed Harrington School recreation area. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. and H. Soule Clerk Addendum October 8, 1958 Mr. John H. Devine 19 Slocum Road Lexington 73s Mass. Dear Mr. Devine: Reference is made to the "Plan Showing Part of Lewis Hunt Estate in Lexington Mass. to be conveyed to Richard Engstrom," said plan being dated Sept. 1911.E and prepared by Rowland H. Barness C.E. Reference is also made to the proposed plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexingtons Mass. owned by: John H. Devines" said plan being dated Aug. 7, 1958 and prepared by Joseph W. Moores Reg. Land Surveyor. The photostatic negative of the first plan and the white print of the seconds bothof which you left with the Planning Boards are being returned herewith. In order for the Planning Board to take official action on the Augusta 1958 plan it will be necessary to submit said plan under the subdivision control law and the rules and regulations of the board. Howevers the board informally discussed this plan. It is the opinion of the Board that said plan consists of a subdivision as defined by Sec. 816, Chap. 41s G.L.s as amended by Chapter 262 of the Acts of 1956. The proposed subdi- vision would leave Lot 3 without the necessary frontage ,0_,')-58 on Slocum Road. The Planning Board believes that this ' requirementEhould not be waived in this instance. Sincerely yours, LIENGTON PLATINTNG BOARD Thomas S. Grindle, Chairman 1