HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-05-25I PLANNING BOARD MEETING May 25j 1959 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Planning Board Office, Town Office Building, on Mon day, May 25, 1959 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Vice Chairman Grindle, Members Mabee and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. Town Counsel Stevens was also present from 8:40 to 9:30 p.m. The Board arproved the minutes of its March MINUTES 2, 1959 meeting. Approved also were the following bills which had been presented for payment: Minute -man Publica- BILLS tions, advertising --$x,90; Samuel P. Snow, car mileage for May, 1959--$20.00. Considered next by the Board were the follow- ing Form A applications for determination of Plan- FORMS A ning Board jurisdiction: ' #59-39 (See minutes of May 18, 1959) #59-41, submitted May 22, 1959 by Lex -Wood Poultry Farms, Inc., Gail W. Smith; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: l" = 50', dated May 19, 1959, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #59-42, submitted May 25, 1959 by Bob Higgins for Town of Lexington; plan entitled "Plan of Parcel A Marrett Rd. Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 40', dated May 1 , 1959P John J. Carroll.Town Engineer. #59-43s submitted May 25, 1959 by Bob Higgins for Town of Lexington; plan entitled "Plan of Lots Middleby Rd., Lexington, Mass.', scale: 1" = 40', dated May 201 1059, John J. Carroll Town Engineer. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that plans accompanying Form A aplications ' #59-39, #59-41, #59-42* and #59-&3 do not require approval under the Subdivision Con- trol Law and that said plans be so endorsed. 5-25-59 The Board reviewed Mr. David R. C ooper's STUDENT application for temporary staff employment. Mr. EMPLOYMENT Snow reported that after having interviewed Mr. Cooper and seeing examples of his work that he ' recommended his employment full time during the summer months and part time, a maximum of two days a week, during the fall months at the rate of $2.50 per hour. Mr. Snow indicated that he would have Mr. Cooper assist him in the preparation of a pre- liminary report on the long range plan for Lexing- ton or assign him such other work as would give Mr. Snow more time for the preparation of portions of said report. After further discussion of the matter, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: to employ Mr. Cooper as a student assistant to Mr. Snow in his planning work at the rate of $2.50 per hour on a five-day a week basis during the summer months and two days a week during the fall months of 1959. Mr. Stevens came to the meeting and dis- MIDDLE cussed with the Board progress in the preparation RIDGE of a draft of a bond which Mr. Roberts wished to SEC. 3 submit as a performance guarantee for the work to be done in the Middle Ridge Section Three sub- ROBERTS division, said bond to be secured by negotiable securities which had previously been approved by ' the Board as an acceptable deposit. The Board's From 8:00 to 8:20 p.m. Mr. Shaw of the firm BESSETTE ' of Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, and Mr. Bessette met PROPOSED with the Board to discuss the latter's revised PRFLIMINARY proposal for subdividing land fronting on Burnham SUBDIVISION Road and adjacent to Vine Brook (see May 11, 1959 PLAN Planning Board minutes). It was noted that the location of the 176 contour had been drawn on the print of Mr. Bessette's revised scheme, it appear- ing that said contour did not interfere with the use of the proposed lot 3 for building purposes. Mr. Snow discussed three studies which he had made modifying Mr. Bessette's proposed revised scheme. On each of said studies Mr. Snow had reduced the length of the proposed dead-end street while still main- taining the necessary frontage and area for six building lots. It was agreed by all concerned that the third study showing the shortest length of the road and the larger radii in its alignment would be acceptable. Mr. Shaw took this study for the pur- pose of preparing a preliminary plan for submission to the Board. The Board reviewed Mr. David R. C ooper's STUDENT application for temporary staff employment. Mr. EMPLOYMENT Snow reported that after having interviewed Mr. Cooper and seeing examples of his work that he ' recommended his employment full time during the summer months and part time, a maximum of two days a week, during the fall months at the rate of $2.50 per hour. Mr. Snow indicated that he would have Mr. Cooper assist him in the preparation of a pre- liminary report on the long range plan for Lexing- ton or assign him such other work as would give Mr. Snow more time for the preparation of portions of said report. After further discussion of the matter, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: to employ Mr. Cooper as a student assistant to Mr. Snow in his planning work at the rate of $2.50 per hour on a five-day a week basis during the summer months and two days a week during the fall months of 1959. Mr. Stevens came to the meeting and dis- MIDDLE cussed with the Board progress in the preparation RIDGE of a draft of a bond which Mr. Roberts wished to SEC. 3 submit as a performance guarantee for the work to be done in the Middle Ridge Section Three sub- ROBERTS division, said bond to be secured by negotiable securities which had previously been approved by ' the Board as an acceptable deposit. The Board's 5-25-59 .2 - attention was called to Mr. Robertst May 25, 1959 letter requesting extension of the period in which the Planning Board must act relative to the said definitive subdivision plan. Thereupon, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that pursuant to the written request of Eugene G. Roberts III the time of approval of the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Middle Ridge Section Threes Lexingtons Mass." and dated February Its 1959, be and hereby is extended to and including June is 1959. Taken under consideration next was a pre- liminary subdivision plan of land on Maple Streets MAPLE ST. said land being owned by Edward H. and Martha S. SUBDIVISION Higgins of Arlington, and said plan having been PLAN filed by Mr. Emilio Spagnuola of Esco Builders, - Inc. After a detailed review of the plans upon HIGGINS motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED: that the preliminary subdivision plan en- titled "Preliminary Subdivision of Land ' Lexington Mass. Plan by MacCarthy Eng. Ser. Natick, Mass.", dated April 6, 1959, which was submitted to the Board on May 25s 1959 be and hereby is disapproved for the reasons that the road layout as set forth does not take into consideration the exist- ing topography, would necessitate excessive cutting and filling of the lands and would not lend itself to the proper development of the area. The Board's attention was called to Mr. McCormackts May 212 1959 letter in reply to the McCORMACB- Board's letter of May 19, 1959. The Board read BRUN LAND and discussed said letter but decided to with- FOR hold action in regard to same until the Town RECREATIONAL Counsel had a report from the Supt. of Public PURPOSES Works in regard to Mr. McCormack's claim that the Town was casting surface water from Lowell Street onto the McCormack -Brun land. Mr. Stevens and Mr. Snow discussed with the Board problems in connection with the df- LORING HILL ferences between the Loring Hill Estates See. 2 ESTATES definitive subdivision plan as approved by the SEC. 2 Board and the Land Court plan #27302D showing the extension of Baskin Road the full length of L.C. PLAN Lot 29 on said plan. It was reported that the NO. 27302D 5-25-59 Land Court had requested Mr. Nylander to change his plan entitled "A Subdivision of Land Court Case No. 27302 Land in Lexington -Mass.", dated April lls 1959s but that Mr. Nylander did not consider it proper to make said change without written authorization from the Planning Board. Mr. Stevens stated that he had reviewed the sit- uation with the Land Court engineer wherein the Land Court had extended Baskin Road on the assumption that the incomplete side line of said road as shown on the approved lotting plan was Intended to be drawn beyond the intersection of Loring Road. In order to avoid the cost and large amount of detail necessary to change the Land Court plans it was considered advisable to amend Mr. Nylander's plan with the understand- ing that the subdivider would construct the ex- tension of Baskin Road b eginning at the end of said road as shown on plan and profile of Baskin Road as approved by the Planning Board. There upons upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board authorizes Wilbur C. Nylander to extend Baskin Road on the plan entitled "A Sub- division of Land Court Case No. 27302 Land , in Lexington, Masa.", dated April lls 19596 the full length of Lot 29 in the manner shown on Land Court Plan #27302D. Mr. Snow was asked to notify Mr. Nylander of the Board's action in regard to modifying his plan. Mr. Stevens then left the meeting. Mr.Snow reported that he had discussed WILKINS LAND with Mr. Irwin various problems in connection FOR RECREA_ with the latter's proposal to subdivide the TIONAL former Wilkins property on Grove Street. (See PURPOSES May 4: 1959 Planning 'Joard minutes.) Mr. Snow - then showed the Board his plan based on said IRWIN discussions the plan showing lots fronting on Grove Street with reference to locating within the Boston Edison Co. easement a road to the proposed recreation area between Grove Street and Turning Mill Road. The Board approved Mr. Snow's scheme and decided to use the plan as a basis for a discussion with Mr. Irwin in regard to acquiring the remainder of the Wilkins property for a recreational area. Mr. Snow also reported that at the request of the Selectmen he was assisting them in re- �-25-59 ' viewing tax title property for possible sale. In making such a review he stated that he had noticed that the town owned lots on Rindge Avenue adjacent to the Arlington Reservoir property which he had included in his recom- mended Park and Recreation plan for Lexington. He then showed the Board a sketch plan and draft of accompanying letter to the Selectmen recom- mending that the Board not sell town -owned lots on Rindge Ave. The Board approved said letter. (See addendum.) The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. -3- PROPOSED LAND FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES RINDGE AVE. I hard H. Soule — Clerk ADDENDUM 'Board of Selectmen May 2$, 1959 Town Office Building Lexington 73s Mass. Re: Tax Title Lots 207-210sincl. Bl , 17 Rindge Avenue. Gentlemen: It is understood that you have an offer of 6100 for lots 207s 208 and 209 fronting on Rindge Avenue. The Planning Board requests that you do not sell these lots nor those numbered 210, 216 and 217 also fronting on Rindge Avenue. As will be noted on the attached plan, parts of these lots are located under a small pond adjacent to the Town of Arlington reservoir. A view of these lots on the ground indicates that some of the pondhas been filled in. The Board believes that the lots numbered above should be retained for the purposes of gaining access to the reservoir land with the idea in mind that the Town of Lexington may be able to obtain rights to Llse the land between the rear property lines of said lots and the shore line of the reservoir itself for development as a recreational area. Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Thomas S. Grindle, V.Chairman